Suri Cruise turns 4 years old with cupcakes & DIY frosting

Photo by: Jackson Lee/ 2010 Telephone/Fax: (212) 995-1196 4/10/10 Suri Cru

Suri Cruise officially turned four years old yesterday. Can you believe it? I can’t. For many reasons, mostly because the kid has looked about four or five years old for the past few years. Also, the passage of time, how they grow up, et cetera. It seems like it was just yesterday that she was only a gleam in her daddy’s eye. And by “gleam” I mean “the light refracting from the test tube carrying L. Ron Hubbard’s frozen junk.” I JEST! Of course Suri is Tom and Katie’s biological child, and of course she’s only just turned four years old. Why would we think anything different?

Anyway, Us Weekly has a nice story about what Tom and Katie did for Suri’s birthday – it seems amazingly low key for them:

Suri Cruise had a sweet 4th birthday!

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter celebrated her big day on Saturday with a cupcake party at her Beverly Hills home. Her actual birthday was Sunday.

Sprinkles sent over four dozen unfrosted cupcakes plus vanilla and milk chocolate frosting so the tot could decorate them.

Suri loves sweet treats. In March, she ditched a dance class to go on a chocolate run with her mom.

Last year, Suri turned three with a trampoline party in Beverly Hills.

[From Us Weekly]

That sounds like a perfect fourth birthday party. It sounds like a perfect any-year birthday, honestly. I bet Suri was covered in frosting by the end of the party. But I wonder if they had ice cream? If they did, Suri would have made this face.

Sidenote: Tom Cruise has been MIA for about a month now. Where is he? I can’t believe he let his daughter’s birthday pass without some cutesy photo op. Perhaps he’s undergoing some rigorous auditing? ‘Tis the season, you know.

Here are some photos of Suri through the years:

Suri Cruise Lets Mom Katie Holmes Hang Out With her and her Princess Umbrella

Katie Holmes And Daughter Suri Visit "The Nut Cracker"

Suri Cruise Works Mom's Movie Backstage

Katie Holmes And Suri Love The NYC Snow!

Celebrities At The Galaxy vs. Chelsea FC

Katie Holmes took little Suri Cruise to Yawkey Center !

Katie Holmes And Suri Spend Time IWth Grandma Kathleen!

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33 Responses to “Suri Cruise turns 4 years old with cupcakes & DIY frosting”

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  1. Darlene says:

    I swear, I’m STILL waiting to “see” Tom Cruise in Suri’s face. All I see is Katie. And maybe Chris Klein. ???

  2. Constance says:

    I bet he’s vacationing in the Celeb Centre in order to Clear out for a new way to reinvent his skidrow career.

    Poor girl, such a life smashed between two weak minded people.

  3. Chelly says:

    Suri!!!! THIS is what I call a GIRLIE GIRL! Shiloh hang out with her sumtime!

    I’m kidding, Shiloh’s beautiful.

    Seriously though, Tom Cruise needs to stay away from Katie, all he does is bring her down.

    Lovin the pix!

  4. Anna says:

    What you meant to say was: Katie and Chris Klein’s daughter turned a million and four years old yesterday.

  5. Just a Poster says:

    Look how pretty Katie looks in the 3rd from the bottom picture. Tom is really sucking the life out of her.

    Is it me gang, or does Suri have that ‘little girl lost’ look in her eyes now? Something haunting about them. 🙁

  6. Ana says:

    Just a Poster- No it’s not just you. I see it too.

    She looks the same age in several of the pictures. Some you can tell she is younger in them, but she has looked four for a while now.

  7. Katie & Chris Klein’s daughter that is…after all, Tom couldn’t knock up Nicole.

    Not assumption, but fact!

    Come on fokes.

    *waits for backlash*

  8. Stephy2485 says:

    If it weren’t for the really deepset, almost recessed eyes (which will make for beautiful womanly eyes later) I would jump on the Chris Klein baby-daddy wagon, buuut, nope. That’s too much like ScienTomogist, sorry….
    Also, the nose. It’s the perfect combo of his and Katies..

  9. Jeri says:

    Tom’s probably getting prettied up but bad timing to miss Suri’s BD – usually he never missed a photo op.

  10. RobN says:

    I hope she had some actual friends at her party and not just a bunch of adults and family.

  11. Cath says:

    Does the article mention if any other kids were invited? Because if not, that’s a lot of cupcakes for one kid. And kind of lonely, too.

  12. rianic says:

    I don’t like Tommy Girl, but in their defense, my 3-1/2 year old is mistaken for older than 4 all the time. Long, lanky legs and arms, good verbal skills and lots of socialization.

    Maybe he’s getting he’s face tweaked? Last time I saw him he was getting old. Kate-bot needs to gain some weight and go back to Oscar Blandi for her haircuts!

  13. Nanea says:

    I’d like to add Josh Hartnett to the mix. I used to think Christ Klein too, but I’m no longer 100% convinced it was him who…

    Does anyone remember how Katie’s pregnancy belly used to expand and shrink at times, or how she went shoe shopping for hours the day before she supposedly gave birth?

    Oh, and as to Tom’s mysterious absences: last time before he started on his movie promotion rounds, he had a lot of tweaks and tucks done.

  14. Crash2GO2 says:

    Funny, I think she totally looks like Tom.

  15. GatsbyGal says:

    Tom Cruise got beamed up to the mother ship.

    And yeah, no way on earth is he the biological father of that child.

  16. EMV says:

    Suri is so cute and looks nothing like Tom Cruise. She is a mini clone of Katie.

  17. Emily says:

    Oh, I’m jealous of a cupcake party! But I agree with Cath, were there other kids there, too?

  18. DD says:

    She’s a really cute little girl. I love her hair.

  19. MsTriste says:

    She has Chris’ eyes, she appears much older than just-turned-4, Tom never got Mimi Rogers or Nicole Kidman pregnant after being married for a combined total of 14 years…I’m not usually into conspiracy theories but this one I believe.

  20. Kali says:

    I think she looks like Tom too. But why does she look so sad in most pictures? She doesn’t look like a happy child.

  21. Blitz says:

    Oh yeah she looks a lot like Tom, although in some photos she resembles Katie too. But I think Tom more. Always did.

  22. Crash2GO2 says:

    I think her naturally down-turned eyes might make the impression that she is sad, when really that is just her face…

  23. Belle Epoch says:

    Katie just never looked pregnant to me. With other celebrity moms, there is no doubt! The big boobs, the round face, the belly that doesn’t change sizes up and down, plus normal clothes that aren’t meant to cover up weird pillows….

    A sure giveaway is that pregnant women almost always absentmindedly keep a hand on their stomach. Katie never appeared to do that. I remember watching that “shoe shopping” video where she looked bored out of her mind, walked perfectly normally, and never touched her belly. There was nothing convincing about any of it.

    Remember how she supposedly ran the marathon – although no one actually saw her in the middle – and then wore high heels that night? I think this girl is capable of lying, a LOT.

    Suri is cute, but I’m afraid of her already. I predict she will be one ornery teenager. If they let her do whatever she wants now, what will happen when she is 15, has multimillionaire parents, and expects to get her own way? Zoweeee.

  24. Wow, Suri gets cuter and cuter every time I see her.

  25. andrea says:

    she doesn’t *not* look like Tom to me, but who knows, i can believe a lot when it comes to these freaks.

    what’s almost weirder to me is the way shiloh looks sooo much like brad. she’s a baby girl brad with angie’s mouth.

  26. ogechi says:

    Congrats lil baby.

  27. Jazz says:

    I’m sure she turned 4 ages ago.

  28. Sol says:

    She looks like William Mapother (Ethan on Lost) , Tom’s cousin.

    I don’t know how to feel abot Katie now that she sold her soul for fame and money.
    I guess this is what she wished for right?

    Whatever happened to Joey Potter.

  29. Kolby says:

    I hate to say it, but she has Tom’s eyes. Think back on his younger days – those are his eyes, for sure.

  30. Jag says:

    ITA that Tom is getting work done. There was a blind item somewhere about an aging movie star who was worried that he’d have to do some major plastic surgery in order to compete with all the young hotties out there now.

    If he’s having work done, I hope it’s good. His personality looking like Jocelyin W. would cause nightmares.

  31. Stephy2485 says:

    She definitely-efinitely has Tom’s eyes.


  32. mischa says:

    The 3rd picture, with Suri wrapped in a blanket…looks very model-esque. Just they way her expression was captured, as if she was thinking about something deeply or very interested in something. That is a gorgeous picture of Suri.

    She is not a conventionally pretty child, but I think she’ll be stunning when she grows up. Oh, and she’s totally Tom’s daughter. There was a picture of her once and it showed her profile, she looked exactly like Tom.

  33. testtube says:

    she’s 6 at least,the hair growth expressions ,obsession with clothes shoes-by parental imposition,no temper tantrums whilst shopping-definitely 6!