Sarah Jessica Parker calls ‘Unsexiest Woman’ title ‘insane’

Sarah Jessica Parker has finally hit back at Maxim for voting her the unsexiest woman alive. If someone had labeled me that, I would be rabid.

She had addressed the issues before saying “My instinct was that it felt personal. It was really about: ‘We don’t like her’. Who were the judges and critics? I would like to ask them: ‘What exactly is it that you personally find not sexy about me? Is it my figure? Is it my brain that bothers you?… That’s the beauty of this country – we can have different opinions and coexist and be amused by each other and hurt and offended.”

That comment was fairly mild, but now she’s really letting out what she felt, which is that she was hurt by the title. Wouldn’t you be?

Parker told Grazia: “Do I have big fake boobs, Botox and big lips? No.

“Do I fit some ideals and standards of some men writing in a men’s magazine? Maybe not.

“Am I really the unsexiest women in the world? Wow! It’s kind of shocking when men…

“It’s so brutal in a way, so filled with rage and anger.

“It upset him (Broderick), because it has to do with his judgment too. It’s condemnation, it’s insane. What can I do?

“I guess you can’t please all people.”

Daily Mail

I think that Sarah Jessica Parker appeals more to women than men, who see that she makes the best of her features. She is not a classic beauty, but she is still stylish and incredible looking for a 43 year old. I often wonder why actresses are judged so harshly on their appearance – after all, isn’t what they do a skill, and it should be above their looks? They aren’t models.

In the end, SJP gets the last laugh – she’s dated Johnny Depp, John Kennedy Jnr, and now she’s married to Matthew Broderick. If those guys find you sexy, you probably shouldn’t care what the staff at Maxim think.

Sarah Jessica Parker is shown on 3/13/08 at ShoWest, thanks to PRPhotos.

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38 Responses to “Sarah Jessica Parker calls ‘Unsexiest Woman’ title ‘insane’”

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  1. Syko says:

    I’d be angry too – sexy has nothing to do with how you look, it’s an aura. I’ve never thought she was a pretty woman, a little too long in the face for classic beauty, but she seems alive and complete within herself, and like you say, has a pretty cute husband and one of the most adorable little boys I’ve ever seen. What does Maxim know anyway?

  2. Carrie says:

    I agree with Syko. It’s also very unfair to label someone as the “unsexiest”.

    That being said, what is up with this latest trend of wearing light colored shoes with dark stockings??? It’s hideous!

  3. geronimo says:

    Agree with earlier posters. No room for individuality or quirkiness or style or intelligence in Maxim land which is why someone like SJP, who marches to her own beat, will only ever make their negative lists. Maxim are full of shit.

  4. Granger says:

    The problem is that so many actresses are “former models”, so this expectation that all actresses are going to be beautiful, thin and sexy seems to be getting worse. It definitely takes precedence over talent. Of course, most of us buy into it by criticizing the truly talented actors who aren’t “conventionally” pretty, and paying huge amounts of money to watch yet another dime-a-dozen airhead play the romantic interest in some shoot-em-up guy flick. It’s no secret that REALLY good parts for women are few and far between in Hollywood. And it only gets worse the older a woman gets, right?

  5. Megan says:

    I feel so sorry for Sarah Jessica, I think she’s beautiful, and I was so envious of how she looked in SATC, she always had beautiful hair, a beautiful figure, gorgeous makeup, and lovely clothes. She always looked lovely. Just because she doesn’t have a supermodel face doesn’t mean she’s the unsexiest. Do Maxim really think she’s less sexy than say… Rosie O’Donnell?

  6. Rianna says:

    Maxim are full of crap. The only thing they know about is T&A and they should stick with that.
    Id love to see what the guys who work for the magazine look like? Beer bellies, bald heads and glasses??? I think so.

  7. geronimo says:

    “The only thing they know about is T&A”
    Precisely, and they only seem to be interested in women who like to trade on those same T&As.

  8. Rianna says:

    exactly Geronimo. I bet if we looked at their top five they would be women famous either for their T&A.
    Beauty is more than skin deep. I think that a healthy mind is more important. Beauty fades with time, intelligence doesnt.

  9. geronimo says:

    Agree again, rianna. BTW, you omitted one small detail when you listed the likely Maxim journos physical assets – miniscule penises!

  10. Rianna says:

    Haha Geronimo! Definately! They are probably a floor full of sock stuffers.

  11. Mary Anne says:

    I agree with everything written above. It’s a shame that these ridiculous “writers” make their miniscule penises the judge and jury of a woman’s beauty. Landing JFK, Jr., Robert Downey, Jr., and Johnny Depp is nothing to sneeze at. Perhaps those 3 men weren’t traumatized by a woman’s intellegence.

  12. Mary Ann says:

    SJP is the epitome of jolie-laide. I just finished reading a book called “The Perfect Scent: A Year Inside the Perfume Industry in Paris and New York”; part of the book focuses on her through the development of the Lovely fragrance. She comes off as really down-to-earth and likeable.

    How many of those “writers” at Maxim have ever even kissed a woman as cute as her? If your count out protitutes, probably not many.

  13. headache says:

    I think I would be honored to have the readers of Maxim find me unsexy. Like I need a bunch of hormonal good charlotte fans lusting after me.

  14. Phil McCracken says:

    Well I’m going to break up the love-fest going on here and post a negative comment. It’s a free country.

    Personally I think if any woman is going to voted unsexiest it would be Rosie O’Donnell.

    SJP is an OK actress, but I happen to know that many men find her unattractive…partly due to her resemblance to a horse, and partly due to her shallow, slutty character on Sex With The Entire City.

    Personally, I find her cute, and I have no problem with her talent. I honestly think Maxim readers feel like her SATC character is the real her, which obviously isn’t true.

    Maxim readers are men aged 16-26 or so, so SJP shouldn’t worry too much about them.

  15. Kevin says:

    Well we’ve heard from all the female defenders. Now from a male, Sarah was adorable when she was young in the series SQUARE PEGS,,I mean adorable. Not unlike one Christy Mcnichol to give a comparison.We are talking looks here. Now as she got older she blossomed into a complete woman. By this I’m saying she grew up, got an education and found herself. By all accounts a lovely person. (as long as you dont ask her co-star Kim sluttrell). This is where the comparison with Christy differs as I can remember her going through drugs and mental breakdowns, yada yada (read: blah blah). Sarah is still an awesome peson but she can look pretty good sometimes and kinda unfortunate at others. She could do her looks a favor and leave the cancer sticks alone. Not sure if those were just for the show or not. I can’t take credit for this comparison but she sometimes looks like a female Dee Snider. I do feel on a mental level she would be a great date and even better after sex conversationalist. If you were a guy not on top of your gray matter game she could be intimidating,,enter the dudes from maxim magazine. This was definitley a mean spirited list and may karma bite them on the tushy.

  16. rose says:

    I never thought of her as a great hollywood “beauty” but she does have a a twinkle in her eyes,a great shape, a sense of style and more importantly an air of confidence. The writers at Maxim are idiots because any real man could tell you that beauty and sexiness are not synonimous. We all have seen that one woman who may not be the most beautiful in a room ,but all the men flock to her anyway.

  17. Kate says:

    I don’t think she’s traditionally attractive, but she’s got great confidence and personality. I think she’s a better example of what makes someone appealing than yet another starlet/celebutante/modeltress who is skinny because she doesn’t eat and does coke. What’s sexy about a starving drug addict? SJP, on the other hand, seems like a real person who makes the most of what she’s got and likes herself. Good for her!

  18. Daisy says:

    she is not attractive beauty wise but you know its what your mom would say she has personality and certain sparkel and intelligence that makes her attractive.

  19. KC says:

    She’s considered “unsexy” by Maxim for one reason and one reason alone: she’s far too much woman for any of those jerkoffs to handle.

    Stick to the girls from the Girls Gone Wild videos, boys – you can’t handle a real woman, with an educated brain NOT on drugs. Sarah Jessica Parker needs to realize that by being on Maxim’s unsexy list, she’s received a reverse gift of sorts: she knows none of the staffers at Maxim will be jerking off to pictures of her. I’d thank my lucky stars and call it a day if I were her.

    I had half a mind to go find the Maxim article online and see why they thought she was unsexy…then I realized it really doesn’t matter what they say. They’re a bunch of hacks who wouldn’t know sexy if it fell in their laps.

    Strange coincidence – I just finished watching Miami Rhapsody which was on Bravo this morning…and the whole time I was watching it I was thinking, Sarah Jessica was, and still is, completely gorgeous. I think she has beautiful bone structure and although some of her features can’t be described as delicate, she’s breathtaking just the way she is. Who wants to look just like every other starlet/model anyways?

  20. Tia C says:

    I am a fan of her work, but – let’s get real here, people – by no means is she easy on the eyes. So, sorry to go against the grain here, but I kinda get how she made the top of the unsexiest list. She is equine in many ways – her face is decidedly horsey and her figure could best (and most kindly) be described as coltish. I always figured that’s why she was a comedienne, because they don’t have to be perfect looking. Was Maxim’s list mean? Maybe, but I still thought it was funny. Until SJP removes the ugly wart on her face, she should not be surprised to be making lists like that.

  21. MSat says:

    If I could keep my face and have her body, I’d be a happy woman.

  22. Mama says:

    That mole is the HUB of her face for God sake! I am not surprised that she made the list.

  23. Daniel says:

    I think most of the men who write at maxim are immature idiots who spent most their time drinking and playing video games. What do they know? I think she’s definitely hot! I’m surprised they didn’t vote for courtney love or amy weinhouse, lol!

  24. Vianne says:

    While you’re removing warts from faces, what about Cindy Crawford’s? Isn’t she considered sexy? I love the differences in women and men. The media seems to push these faces that are so plastic and perfect. Where is the character in those faces? Same goes for bodies. I agree, it’s what’s inside that shines through that is what makes a person sexy or beautiful.

  25. skyblue says:

    I’d like to see what the writers of Maxim look like. I’ll bet none of them could ever match up to the men she’s dated.

    I love seeing a woman with a different type of face in the media. And her body is amazing.

  26. frewt says:

    ^^They’re a bunch of pimply, greasy faced dweebs who would shoot their load if SJP even bothered to glance in their direction.

    Fuck ’em, who are they to sit in judgement? They would have all women looking like Malibu Barbie (with the mental capacity to match) to suit their adolescent, unsophisticated fantasies.

  27. pen says:

    maxim just tries to echo what real men think/say and real men just echo what maxim writes. it’s so silly.

    SJP has got one of the most amazing bodies I’ve ever seen. Her face aint bad either.

    I think Maxim was excluding people like Rosie O donel on purpose and picking peeps known for their sexuality. Hello. S-E-X and the city? She was an open target

  28. headache says:

    Real men? If you mean anatomically, yes. If you mean a genuine sampling of the male population, no.

    Maxim has a target readership and it certainly isn’t the brightest, most education of men.

  29. saintdevil says:

    I think it hasn’t so much to do with her looks but with her role in SATC.

    A forty-year old who behaves like a silly teenager and wears clothes others only do in nightmares is kind of off-putting.

    I’m sure she is quite different in her real life.

  30. journey says:

    maxim writers actually make playboy’s look like deep thinkers. oh that’s right, playboy actually publishes writers like jim harrison and john updike. grow up little maxim boys and maybe someday you’ll have something other than cybersex.

  31. KPC says:

    If she wasn’t somebody famous guys would think she was hot. They just don’t see why girls squeel when you mention S and the C. If she was someone’s mom or neighbor she would be “drop dead gorgeous.”

  32. Lockett says:

    What? “Unsexiest woman alive”? She looks completely average – almost boring, in fact. Have they ever seen Hillary Clinton?

  33. Tito says:

    I completely agree with Maxim. For years this hideous creature has pranced around like she is gods’ gift to men. Sorry, nice clothes and a television show don’t mean you’re hot–you’re disgusting. Her charisma (if you can call it that) has eluded me since the 80’s. I’m glad Maxim called her ugly ass out.

  34. PACORABANE says:

    For years Hollywood has tried to sell SJP as a sex symbol. I never bought into the hype. If you are into horsefaces, she is a beauty. She’s got a bod, I will give her that. On a slow day, I would brown bag her face and do her.

  35. Ginger Anderson says:

    I remember seeing a movie “Somewhere Tomorrow” with Sarah Jessica Parker. She was a delightful teenage girl who missed her father after he died. The film changed my life. I looked for her to do good things with her life and she has done that. Bless her for keeping most of her clothes on in “Striking Distance”. Okay, she isn’t a beauty in their eyes, but she is a beauty in mine. Her husband, Matthew, doesn’t have a thing to worry about. Keep up the good life, Sarah. Enjoy what you have and never look back at those who create problems where there are none. Ginger

  36. keith says:

    she always has been kinda ugly

  37. Jill McDonald says:

    Well, if SJP had more of the “I can’t wait ot give you a blow job” look then she definitely would have got the sexy vote.

  38. Tindy says:

    She is totally unsexy. She is conceited, rail thin and boring. Maxim is right, there is nothing hot, sexy, luscious, interesting or fascinating about SJP. She is a mignon for L’Oreal and other crappy, products.