Tom Cruise makes Katie Holmes take Scientology voice lessons for stage role

The tabloids were buzzing a couple of weeks ago that Katie Holmes is leaving Tom because she was at their home Telluride, Colorado while Tom Cruise was encamped at Scientology Celebrity Centre in LA. Their massive new mansion is undergoing renovations, and maybe they just decided to take a separate vacation. As much as I would relish a real story that they’re breaking up, no one really seemed to have the details or evidence to back it up.

One tabloid tale that rings true to me claims that Cruise discouraged Katie from taking that stage role in Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons” in New York. She is still said to be negotiating with producers, and Tom supposedly told her she doesn’t have the voice to do stage work. He sent her for voice training to – where else – the Scientology Celebrity Center:

[Tom Cruise] dumped on [Katie Holmes’] dream of starring on Broadway… in “All My Sons” – insisting her voice is far too drail to “project and dominate” in live theater!… Disagreeing angrily… Katie filnally caved and agreed to obey Her Lord and Master’s Looney-Order of the Day: Proceed immediately to Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hollywood, where a church-approved coach will exercise and strengthen your vocal cords!

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, Mike Walker’s column, May 5, 2008]

The full interview with former Scientologist and actor Jason Beghe is currently available on It’s in 8 parts and is long, but incredibly interesting. So far I’ve watched the first four parts, in which Beghe describes how he was sucked into the cult by striving for higher levels of self awareness, in which he says he only became aware of Scientology’s way of looking at the world. He said that Scientologists are often very decent people who believe they’re helping people. He was in Scientology for 12 years and it took him a long time before he realized what a trap it was. At that point he had spent a million dollars.

Beghe’s interview is worth watching to learn more about the way that Scientology tricks parisioners in spending more money on training, auditing and courses. He described how you’re told that you can achieve a state of clear, in which they claim you’ll never get sick and “no longer have a reactive mind.” Given Beghe’s experiences with fellow “clears,” he says that’s of course completely bogus.

Whenever you have a problem or an accident you’re told it’s due to a “Potential Trouble Source.” Everything negative that happens is all because of these Potential Trouble Sources, and he said it’s like the “spiritual flu.” You’re told to get rid of “suppressive persons” in your life, and in his case he was told to drop his best friend since the 9th grade, David Duchovny, who was actually very nice to him about Scientology and did not give him grief about joining the cult. Beghe said that all the courses, auditing, and programs he took through Scientology really damaged him psychologically.

It’s not surprising that Cruise would tell his wife that Scientology has a way to help her project her voice since they seem to have a high-priced course for everything. You only hope she can get out of that relationship and the cult’s influence before it’s too late for her, but she seems to be content with having sold her soul for unlimited designer clothing.

Thanks to WENN for these photos of Tom and Katie outside Cut restaurant on 2/27/08, where they had a double date with Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

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39 Responses to “Tom Cruise makes Katie Holmes take Scientology voice lessons for stage role”

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  1. “she seems to be content with having sold her soul for unlimited designer clothing.”

    Boy, her soul was cheap, wasn’t it?

  2. I choose me says:

    Why is Tom always holding on to her so tightly? I’d actually like to believe they are really in love but I just don’t see that.

    The more I read and hear about Scientology the more dangerous it seems. I actually don’t have a problem with their Xenu beliefs. I think people should be free to worship and or believe what they want as long as observance of their beliefs doesn’t hurt anybody or infringe upon their rights but bilking people of money in order to obtain enlightenment or “clear” or whatever, is just plain wrong. I feel the same way about any christian religion that make you pay for ‘salvation.’ Hope nothing happens to Jason Beghe. $cientology’s tactics for getting even with persons who expose them for the money-grubbing frauds they are make me very nervous for him.

  3. Anna says:

    Jeez, these Scientolofreaks really can’t make their mind up, can they? First they want her to be all quiet for Suri’s birth, now she’s not speaking loudly enough! Ok, sorry, I know the connection here is frail, but really, this is Scientologic we’re dealing with, right, so I have a right to practice it as well. 😉 😀

    I love the “her Lord and Master’s Looney-Order of the Day”. I must say, I didn’t really like Katie while she was still the happy all-American girl on the Creek, but now that she’s turned into Katiebot, she positively creeps me out. She’s always got that lost, waning smile and she looks more like Tom every day. I’d say she was on drugs if I didn’t know better. But what’s really scary? She’s like that without the drugs, Scientology brainwashing is just that powerful. I hope she’ll come to her senses one day and dump Supreme Titan Lunatic Tom, take Suri and make a run for it.

  4. Bodhi says:

    I wonder if he & David are friends again?

    What the hell can $cientology do for vocal training? Seriously?

  5. Roma says:

    According to what I’ve read, Scientology offers a lot of training for the theater / arts. From voice coaching to character projection, it’s apparently what hooks a lot of up and coming actors.

    Just for fun, I took the scientology personality test online to see what it was like. Of course 200 questions later, they tell you that you have to come in to a testing center to get your results. They just sent this email to me:

    “Thank you for sending in your Personality Test online. We have received and marked your test and would like to get the results to you. The usual way we do this is in person… Most people are amazed at the accuracy of the results as it a reflection of what a person thinks about themselves. If it is impossible for you to come in please contact us so that we can make alternate arrangements for you to get the results. This is a free service.”

    If I can come up with a good enough reason as to why I can’t come in, maybe they’ll email it to me!

  6. Syko says:

    Wow, Roma, you are really brave to do that! I don’t want these people even knowing I exist!

  7. wtf says:

    I was tricked to give 10% to Jesus every time I go to Church. In return I have a reserved place in Paradise.

    And you are telling me Scientology is weird.

  8. geronimo says:

    She looks absolutely broken and dead inside in that top pic. I know she made her bed and all the rest of it but I really don’t think she can have had any idea of the scale of lunacy and control freakery she was letting herself in for when she hooked up with Cruise.

  9. KateNonymous says:

    Well, Tom would know, with all of his stage experience.

  10. CrazyRadar says:

    Hey Roma – Maybe you can do remote viewing to see your results!

  11. Larissa says:

    WTF: not all christians fall for that 10% to go to heaven FYI

    true that those who do are just as brainwashed and alienated as scientologiests,polygamists,etc…
    all freaks to me!

  12. Roma says:

    Alright… I’m going to email them and say that I’m traveling but really interested in getting my results. Let’s see what they say!

  13. dixiegirl says:

    Is she wearing an alien face broach on her jacket in the bottom pic? Seriously! Hail Xenu 😈 . Geeze…

  14. Bodhi says:

    Roma- I wonder if they’ll start emailing you like crazy or something

  15. Codzilla says:

    Dixiegirl, you’re right! That is an damn alien head. She’s a goner.

  16. poopie says:

    RIGHT ! i was thinking the same thing; like tiny tom has LOADS of experience on stage. give me a large SCIENTOLOBREAK! i hate him

  17. Roma says:

    Well, I’ve wrote them. I’ll let you all know if I get a response!

  18. The Observer says:

    Poor Katie, I can see her now…wearing all black with Nike shoes with a purple blanket on her head ready for her final journey.

    Meeting Tom “Mental” Cruise was the worst thing that ever happened to her, that and her character Joey of course.

    -Shakira Mebarak owes me money. Please pay me and I will donate 10% of it to “Pies Descalzos” foundation.

  19. ADD says:

    “From voice coaching to character projection, it’s apparently what hooks a lot of up and coming actors.”

    Not even one person in “the industry” went there for that. It’s strictly networking. In the ’80s it was cool by association (not so much anymore, wonder why), and the rest go with a “friend” when they are severely depressed or drugged out and therefore most vulnerable.

  20. Anon says:

    Roma, I doubt that they’ll give them out. The real point of the test is to get you in person, so they can really talk you into believing that you have the problems they say you have, and then sell you their solutions.

    That link shows a poster that’s used internally in CoS. ‘Finding your ruin’ is basically what they do with the stress/personality tests. They give a very negative ‘test result’ about your personality and then talk you into buying their books and courses to remedy your problems. The truth is that the test is completely unscientific and designed to come out very negative. In fact people have done them giving diametrically opposed answers and gotten much the same results!

    Tip: If you do go in to find out the results, be sure to leave your money/cards at home. The people who give the tests have no training in mental healthcare whatsoever, but they are extremely skilled at hard-selling.

    More info on the personality test:

  21. Mandy says:

    Loooooooooooooove Tom Cruise. I know some may not agree with his beliefs but he is a genuinely nice guy.

  22. Mandi says:

    HAHAHAHA a genuinely nice guy? He’s genuinely nuts! Seriously, Katie needs a rescue mission or something to get her out of the situation. He seems very controlling and more then a little neurotic. Sad to think she has a price, but she needs some grace.

  23. VELMA says:


  24. Linda says:

    Tom is a little guy and most little guys tend to be controlling and part of it is because of their size. They have to show more aggression than most tall men. This has always been the case in my life. I really think this is a big part of his problem. Poor Katie, because he cannot be easy to live with.

  25. Melinda says:

    I agree with Velma. It is the truth!

  26. Steve says:

    WTF- You were certainly tricked, if you were told giving 10% would get you to heaven. You probably should have checked your Bible first. Eph 2:8-9
    8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
    Works based religions like Scientology, are always a dead end. It’s really sad to see them controled by such a destructive force. I hope they are happy. Maybe they will wake up before it’s too late.

  27. John Q Public says:

    First off, Scientology can’t help anyone with anything, at all. The sooner Katie Holmes takes her child and runs for her very life, the sooner she will have peace of mind, and her life back. Cruise is a manipulative, possesive, obsessive, controlling, little man. He has also got a power struggle with his height. It’s called the Napoleonic syndrome.

  28. linda says:

    Why did Katie lose her mind and brain?
    She got rid of her friends too ..her REAL friends! Being ordered to do that should have woken her up…this is too sad! Especially for the baby.

  29. KKC friend says:

    Katie, get out while you can. dont audit, dont tell your auditor anything-they will use it against you later when you realize you want out of scientology. You are in a lot of danger, you should listen to your family, read for yourself ALL about miscavige and scientology then decide–dont let them put blinders on you…all you have to do is go on the internet…or has tom blocked what sites you can visit already. let your family research it so tom doesnt know…you are in a lot of danger–you are too close to the top, the very core of corruption of the church-your husband is too far gone already to wake are not. You are a sweet girl, dont ruin yours and beautiful suri’s lives. wake up NOW!

  30. NANALEEN says:

    Are yoe done with your highschool fantasy? Get away from him ASAP!

  31. Sasha says:

    Gonna take Delta Force-style gun, snatch and run to get her back now 🙁

  32. Susie says:

    What a fool. She can’t act, she ain’t no fashion icon (unless she’s heading to a Hadassah luncheon), she faked the marathon, she made a total fool of herself on the NY talks shows for Mad
    Money, and in Mad Money.
    So now Broadway and with singing too?

    Doesn’t it matter that she can’t sing.
    Well, she auditioned for WIFE and got a #4, so why not audition for Broadway.
    What happened to her clothing designer career? What’s happening to Suri?
    What a mess.

  33. happyapple says:

    Ha, I read the title as “Tom Cruise makes Suri take Scientology voice lessons for stage role” and I just could not imagine (a) what stage role there is for a 2 year old that requires voice lessons and (b) Tom Cruise letting Suri audition for a stage role, considering he seems to be pretty controlling of his adult wife’s career choices.

    Anyway, scientology is, at best, extremely strange and as wary as I am of ANY religion, this seems like one of the more scary ones. Especially because you can’t even examine it critically because they’re quick to silence naysayers.

  34. estrela says:


  35. ginny says:

    Tom is so controlling. Katie should dump his sorry …

  36. N says:

    Why do you think he snatched her up so fast when they met? He recognized her vulnerable and pliable nature and moved in for the kill. Doesn’t the “church” of Scientology have any classes for teaching men like him how to stop being controlling narcissistic abusers? If so, he should be the first to sign up for that one! Most likely though, their class would be about how to become just that. Bless her sweet heart – I hope she excapes his clutches some day.

  37. Carol says:

    Katie is stuck forever. She was young, naive, & vulnerable when Tom caught her in his web. Nicole Kidman got out so Tom & his Scientolofreaks will make sure that this won’t happen again. I live in Clearwater, Fl. which is their International HQ. All of our downtown area is owned by them. Cameras are on top of all of the buildings.They walk around with clipboards 24/7 like little drones.Regular citizens don’t go there anymore. It’s put long time merchants out of business. We hate having them here because they don’t pay taxes on prime real estate because they’re a ‘church’!!! I want to start my own church for that reason alone!! Gotta go..I think I see the Mother ship coming in for a landing.

  38. USpace says:

    Scientology is scary stuff, it looks like Katie has submitted..
    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe
    says be a skinny freak

    you can never be too fat
    or too big an idiot


  39. laura says:

    well id like toms roles.

    in all his roles its
    hey im a great fighter pilot I get the girl.
    Im a great barman & I get the girl.
    im a sports car driver but I get the girl…hmmm

    seems to be a pattern in the roles.