Angelina’s doctor announces that they’ll give a press conference this afternoon

Brad outside the hospital earlier today
Angelina Jolie arrived by helicopter last night to Lenval hospital on the French Riviera. She is said to be staying in the best room in their maternity ward to await the birth of her twins, thought to be boy and girl fraternal twins. Earlier reports had Angelina at the hospital for a scheduled rest period before the birth, but her doctor has announced a press conference for later this afternoon and outlets are buzzing that the babies may have already arrived. Angelina’s partner Brad Pitt was seen leaving the hospital earlier today with one of their children, perhaps for a quick visit to the nearby town for supplies:

Angelina Jolie’s obstetrician, Dr. Michel Sussmann, who is watching over the 33-year-old actress at a French Riviera hospital where she is expected to give birth, called a news conference for later Wednesday afternoon.

Would he announce that her twins had been born? That remained a mystery; the hospital wouldn’t say.

Jolie’s partner, Brad Pitt, was seen leaving the seafront Lenval hospital Wednesday morning with one of their four young children.

The hospital announced Tuesday that Jolie had checked into its Santa Maria maternity clinic to be kept under doctors’ watch and rest before she gives birth.

A hospital spokeswoman said the births were “not for right away,” but spokeswoman Nadine Bauer said Jolie would almost certainly stay in the clinic until then.

Nice Matin, the local newspaper, reported that Jolie has the best room in the hospital, on the fifth floor, with an “unobstructed view” over the Bay of Angels. It said she arrived by helicopter, landing Sunday afternoon on the hospital’s roof. The newspaper said the actress reserved four rooms on the maternity ward, with a bodyguard keeping watch.

[From AP via Huffington Post]

We’ll have to wait and see what Angelina’s doctor says, but why else would he hold a press conference – to ask for privacy? Giving birth is one situation where I definitely wouldn’t be ashamed to take advantage of preferential treatment if I was rich and famous. You have enough stress to go through having to give birth or get major surgery if you’re having a c-section, every woman should be pampered and attended to while they’re in labor. It sound like things are all set up for Angelina at the hospital and maybe we’ll soon hear that her babies have arrived.

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63 Responses to “Angelina’s doctor announces that they’ll give a press conference this afternoon”

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  1. daisy42465 says:

    Tick tock, tick tock…….

  2. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    So if the babies are already out, that means they were probably born on July 2, right? What’s special about July 2? Sad face.

    I’m crossing my fingers that she gives birth on July 4 – The Brange Independence Day.

  3. SeVen says:

    good lawd. birth is a private intimate matter, who gets a freakin press event when they give birth? I love me some angelina jolie but give the woman some rest for a few days


  4. Bodhi says:

    😆 Folks are gonna go wild with this one! I bet the doctor is doing this to clear up all the rumors all at once & to tell reporters to leave him alone! I bet he is getting pestered like crazy

  5. Brandon says:

    It’s just to announce she’s getting another tattoo while giving birth, to celebrate the occasion.

  6. Syko says:

    I’m with Bodhi, there’s a lot of speculation about what’s wrong with her, so they could be just saying she’s doing fine and resting.

    Sheesh, Kaiser, it was originally announced she was due August 19 and I was excited because that’s MY birthday. Looks like I’m getting snubbed entirely. 😥

    Anyway, it’s exciting. New babies make me smile a lot.

  7. geronimo says:

    Gawd, this reverential reporting on her is hilarious – the best room, unobstructed view over the Bay of Angels (no less), personal bodyguards, personal docs and nursing staff, press releases ….a world hushed in expectancy….it really is completely OTT!!

    I’m imagining the street outside the hospital filled with black-clad French people blessing themselves, clutching their rosary beads and mumbling prayers like they’re at Lourdes or something.

  8. Bodhi says:

    😆 crawling on their knees to the hospital…

  9. xiaoecho says:

    The doctor announces that hes going to make an announcement—-puhleeeeeze

    It reminds me of all the other birth of messiah crap that surrounded Shilohs birth 🙄

  10. jennifer says:

    😆 Folks are gonna go wild with this one! I bet the doctor is doing this to clear up all the rumors all at once & to tell reporters to leave him alone! I bet he is getting pestered like crazy
    i saw on tv a lot of paps,reporters and regulars people outside the hospital 😯

  11. Kolby says:

    July 2nd IS special! It’s Mr. Kolby’s 30th birthday!

  12. someone says:

    Crap like this is why people have no respect for angelina or brad. Neither one of them has to allow a press conference.

  13. jinx says:

    Well it’s not like they want it to be a press event – they left their own country to give birth, just as they had to before. I think it’s sad really, you make movies and you no longer can live a normal life.

    The air gets very rarefied up there.

  14. guest says:

    I think that giving a press conference is a little over the top. Can you imagine if Jennifer Lopez had given a “news” conference when she was in the hospital. I really believe that they are getting a little to big for their own heads. Why don’t they just issue a statement through People magazine and leave it at that. I think that these two people love the attention and work to make things bigger than they would be normally.

  15. laura says:

    July 2nd IS special! It’s Mr. Kolby’s 30th birthday!

    ^^^^Aww, very cute. Hope it’s a special day!

  16. pam ippolito says:

    lots of hugs to you all..if only the outsiders would give it a can’t please report or NOT to report..stay well..

  17. Jody says:

    Happy Birthday Kolby!

  18. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Happy Birthday Mr. Kolby! And happy [early] birthday Syko! What’s aug. 19? Leo? And early July is Cancer, right? Good signs, all around.

    As for people bitching about the spectacle surrounding the births – you realize that WE are doing it right? Not them. The press, the paps, the gossipmongers… the French people with their rosary beads (haha).

  19. WTF says:

    I don’t think angelina and brad want to live normal lives or they would do things that normal people would. Those two are the only celebrities that have press conferences about having a baby. What is huge and ridiculous are their big egos. unfortunately the press doesn’t ignore brangelina and it just adds more fuel to an already raging fire of egotism.

  20. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Also – what do you want to bet that the staff, nurses and doctors at this hospital are a little Brangaloonie too? I’m imagining a line of people waiting outside Angie’s ocean-view room to take pics and get autographs.

  21. Bodhi says:

    As for people bitching about the spectacle surrounding the births – you realize that WE are doing it right? Not them. The press, the paps, the gossipmongers…

    Hear hear!! The doctor wouldn’t be holding a press conference unless people were clamoring for info. The family wouldn’t be such a big damn deal if people weren’t interested in them.

    WE, yes us, the ones who read the gossip about them, are the ones fueling the fire.

  22. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Hey Bodhi… what’s your sign? 🙂

  23. Nikki says:

    I’m nervous – perhaps something is wrong? A press conference does seem a little over the top. I think they do court the exposure to an extent but this seems self-congratulatory and out of character. Again as someone mentioned, it could be the doctor wanting to just end the madness circling the town, ease the pressure and let them be. Hope all is well, and THIS IS WHY THEY NEED A PUBLICIST. It’s absurd that individuals at this level and involved in the projects they take on do not have representation. JOLIE-PITTS …please, email me. Not every publicist is an Elliot Mintz. I’m not even orange …

  24. Bodhi says:

    I’m a Gemini 😀

  25. geronimo says:

    The world press are there clambouring for news. A press release is the only way to go. What else can they do? I wish they’d hurry up.

  26. Gena says:

    Nikki – I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps something has gone wrong? I don’t know. Am curious now, though…

  27. Linda says:

    They are so over the top and will do anything for PR. Yes, even if it means holding a press conference regarding surrounding the birth of your twins…anything to sell yourself and feed the hype, after all, bidding war is going on for the first pictures and may the highest bidder win! These two have become worse then Ben and JLo ever were.

    It’s the Brangeloonies that fuel this – most people are sick of them – just like we got sick of Ben and JLo. People give birth everyday, yet somehow we are supposed to feel this is a blessed and holy event – please people!

  28. Keese my cakes says:

    I love them both, gotta have respect for celebs who use their famous faces for charity. So what if they want to hold a press conference? It’s on their dime and if people want to listen then they can and if not then turn off your ears.

    Angie girl, good luck with your baby girls. I’m sure they will come out healthy and gorgeous. I’m sure their siblings are anxiously waiting for their little human dolls to come home.

    Again, gotta have respect for the people who take time out of their busy schedules (especially with so many kids) to do charity and humanitarian work. Love that! Wish more celebs weren’t so selfish with their time and money…….

  29. ? says:

    ?? a press conference is justified because this is a matter of international importance? Urgh! Love gossip as much as the next person but honestly this belongs on celeb sites and E! Nothing more. Who cares:(

  30. Cory says:


    Their publicist can come and tell us as sh ehas been informing us. WHY would a whole doctor hold a press conference to announce a birth of a child? WHY????? I am flabbergasted. This is ridiculous and over the top. Then they will sell the pictures, run around with the brood and ask for privacy. Ridiculous! 🙁

  31. Cory says:

    Would Angelina have held a press conference if she had BBT’s twins? Would Brad have held a press conference if he was with Jeniffer. Some one tell me WHY their doctor is giving a press conference. Are the twins conjoined?

  32. Syko says:

    Happy birthday to Mr. Kolby!

    And Kaiser, yep, I’m a Leo, but slightly affected by being close to the cusp of Virgo, so one minute I loll on the sofa wearing my tiara and eating bonbons, and the next minute I scrub floors with a toothbrush.

  33. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Everybody does press conferences for the drop of a hat these days. It’s not the press conference, it’s what news/gossip agencies/ sites/ stations pick up the story. is doing breaking news red-banner coverage. The AP will probably do the first mainstream report.

    And if you don’t want to know, why are you here?

  34. geronimo says:

    I don’t make the rules, Cory! This frenzy has been building since the pregnancy was announced. Of course it is completely OTT when you examine it objectively but the media sees, first and foremost, the story’s undeniable ratings value which we, here, are now feeding.

    That’s just the way it is. Nothing anyone feels or thinks will change the reality of that.

  35. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Are you dissing Virgos, Syko? We’re magnificent people. And yes, we love to clean. We also like math. WE’RE FUN DAMN IT.

  36. Cory says:

    Kaiser, I follow celeb gossip so I want to know, I bet you wouldn’t be saying the same if Paris Hilton’s doctor called a press conference when she was having twins. This is ridiculous and over the top. I don’t even regularly comment on Brangelina. But this is OTT and stinks of PR and hype.

    Geronimo, I understand the media. I did not sense any OTT hype this time around like Shiloh. These people are the ones who generate and fan their own frenzy. I bet if it were not twins they would be ahving the baby in Madagascar making a spectacle of themselves.

    That is not the point. The point is, does her doctor need to give a press conference as though they were spearating 35 year old conjoined twins? Brad has a rep who can issue a statement. Why does the doctor have to announce that he will be? To up the tempo and even increase the paps and media around the hospital. Do these people really like privacy?

  37. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    YES! She’s fine, y’all. MSNBC and E! had breaking news coverage! HAHA!

  38. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Cory = Debbie Downer

    After watching the news conference and reading the AP report, I think a lot of French people, specifically a lot of Nice residents are simply proud that Angie’s giving birth there. Why not give the press a little something?

  39. geronimo says:

    Sorry, forgot to say earlier, happy b’day Mr Kolby!

    Kaiser, how come you haven’t even bothered asking me what sign I am? Don’t you even care? 😥

  40. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I’m so sorry, Geronimo. What’s your sign, baby doll?

  41. Cory says: says that there was only one camera crew outside the hospital and a few photogs around. I guess their PR machine so the need to fan the flames.

    I don’t care if Nice is proud or whatever, I am still scratching my head why her doctor has to announce that he will be telling us later her condition, not that she has given birth, uh uh, but that she is doing well. WTF is this? Now every media outlet is running over there. They did not go there when her assitant announced that she was in hospital, so they decided to do this. Totally OTT.

  42. WTF says:

    It is not bitching it is stating an opinion, if it is bitching to some people than so be it.

  43. Bodhi says:

    Please forgive the dumb question, but does OTT stand for “over the top?”

  44. lena says:

    I think the whole thing is ridiculous, a press conference…really??? A statement from their rep is sufficient. She’s doing what millions of women have done before and what millions will do after. Yes it’s special ocassion for them, but this is over the top.

  45. Snowblood says:

    That’s what I was just wondering, too! Don’t worry, Bodhi, I was also trying to figure out that acronym, but “Over the top” for OTT seems to be right, in the context of its use in the above posts anyway.

    Well, I love it! It is not a bit over the top, this is one of the most highly celebrated pair of international superstar people having twin babies, and they’ve got bazillions of fans worldwide who are excitedly waiting for news. What the hell’s wrong with having a press conference?! If it were me in there, I would far rather have my doctor do a little press conference for me rather than have some PR slut feed my baby-birth news to all the major gossip rags. A press conference/announcement is WAY, way classier.

    I can’t wait to see the two new babies, and I have nothing but love for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, as ever I have since many years before the two even ever hooked up. They’re like the perfect celebrity family – fascinating, always something new to read about them doing, new place they’ve moved to, new film they’e made, or child they’ve adopted or given birth to, and all whilst looking absolutely beautiful, with the smilingest, best attitude in the world.

    How can anyone hate on THAT??

  46. jennifer says: says that there was only one camera crew outside the hospital and a few photogs around. I guess their PR machine so the need to fan the flames.
    cory where in people .com?i went there and didnt saw this information

    but they says:
    Angelina Jolie’s obstetrician, Dr. Michel Sussmann, assured the press at a news conference in the South of France Wednesday that all is well with the expectant mom, and that she and Brad Pitt want the world to know that everything’s going as expected regarding the impending delivery.

    “Everything is normal,” the obstetrician said in French, as he also said in English, “She is very well, and she’s okay.”

    “It is simply a visit of surveillance, no birth,” Sussmann said of his patient, who entered the hospital over the weekend. “Brad and Angie want everyone to know that everything is going well.”

    Saying that Jolie’s “very, very nice,” the doctor added, “She will stay in the hospital until the birth. I will stay with her.”

    What he was not specific about was the due date. “This is something you can’t program, you never know for sure,” he said.,,20209937,00.html

  47. jennifer says:

    Angelina Jolie has checked into a hospital in the South of France in anticipation of giving birth to twins, the Associated Press reports.

    “There’s no urgency,” hospital representative Nadine Bauer tells the AP. “[Jolie’s admittance has] been planned for a long time.”

    Bauer added, “She’s very well. Everything is fine.”

    Jolie and Brad Pitt are expecting their fifth and sixth children. The clan currently consists of Maddox, 6, Pax, 4, Zahara, 3, and Shiloh, 2.

    In May, Jolie, 33, said on the Today show, “Unlike most women, I love being pregnant. [It makes] you feel more like a woman than you’ve ever felt. You just feel like everything about your body is there for your baby.”

    As for the babies’ first home, Jolie and Pitt recently signed a three-year lease on an estate in the French Riviera.,,20209772,00.html

  48. geronimo says:

    bodhi & snowblood – Over the top it is. Or, in this case, COTT (completely over the top!)

    Far as I’m concerned, those that want can be annoyed and apalled by it all. I’m just going to sit back and enjoy it. If people object so much to it, they can always go the the real news sites and ignore the fuss.

    (Libran, kaiser, seekers of balance and harmony 8) )

  49. xiaoecho says:

    Bodhi…in this case it stands for Oh total tosh! 🙂

    why hasn’t anyone mentioned Aniston and how the evil adulterers are only doing it to get to pooooor Jen…?

    could it be because *shock* Jen now has a man?

  50. devilgirl says:


  51. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Balance and harmony, Geronimo? Unlike us anal retentive, clean-freak, math-loving Virgos? Be gone, Libra.

    Actually, every Libra I’ve ever known has been really sweet (unlike those Piscean weirdos… shh… they’re coming!).

  52. geronimo says:

    I’m completely anal and a clean-freak as well if that helps. 😀

    Doesn’t sound like we’re going to get babies today.

  53. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    🙂 Geronimo!

    Xiaoecho – you should petition CB to put up that story about how (heeheehahaha) Pity Party and Kimberly Stewart got into some kind of altercation over… John “Dark Dick Rot” Meyer.

  54. Elizabeth says:

    This is pathetic.

    People, get a life !

  55. Syko says:

    Love Virgos, Kaiser – everyone should keep lists and fold all their socks the same direction and clean floors on their hands and knees because mops don’t do it well enough.

    How do I know all these things? On the cusp, on the cusp. I’m just like that myself at times, but then the Leo moves in and I become queen. In a way it’s good, a queen needs a tidy castle.

    I like Libras too – used to date a doctor with a huge handlebar mustache who was a Libra. He liked to play the saxophone naked. Privately, of course.

    Geminis? My ex-husband is a Gemini. But then so is Bob Dylan and I adore him.

  56. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Virgos – Beyonce, Hugh Grant, me, John McCain (boo)
    Geminis- Angelina, Bodhi, Shiloh (aw)
    Leos — My mom, Syko & Bill Clinton (sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G)
    Libra – Geronimo… and … uh… some girl I went to college with.

  57. Bodhi says:

    Don’t forget about Johnny Depp! Hes a Gemini too. In fact, we have the same b-day!! 😀

  58. I choose me says:

    Geminis rock! 😀

  59. Naila says:

    She has always wanted fame and is doing anything to get it.

  60. RAN says:

    This is very ott, and this makes those who dislike the couple, dislike them even more. However, what I think we’ve missed is that this doesn’t seem like it’s a good sign. Seriously, they flaunt the moolah like it’s a never ending pool of wealth (helicopters and such), so… why wouldn’t they have round the clock care in their home where she can be most comfortable? I get that the kids may not give her much rest, but that’s what Brad Pitt and the nannies are there for… to run interference.

    I’m not a “hater” but I’m about as far from a Brangeloonie as you can get. Don’t really respect anything about A Jolie. But… I’m about to go on record and say I sincerely hope everything is ok with those kids.

  61. WTF says:

    Being pregnant makes a woman feel like a woman more than anything, now i know for sure angelina is fucked in her head. I have never been pregnant and i have felt like a woman on many different occassions. I think being pregnant is over rated. A woman can be and feel special without being pregnant.

  62. velvet elvis says:

    One minute Brad and Angelina are announcing how they are committed to “Going Green”….the next they are packing up their passel of kids, bodyguards, assistants, nannies and doctors and private jetting halfway around the world just to give birth. Does this not strike you as completely wasteful? Did they not pass a decent hospital on the way to France??

  63. jet says:

    The only thing that strikes me as completely wasteful, is overly strong
    opinions about how other people, celeb,
    or not should… live their life…or care for their children, everyone has
    the right to live in their own space
    without being attacked, because they are not understood, not your dime..
    i call it Tunnel Vision ➡