John Travolta and Kelly Preston show baldness, post-baby bodies on vacation

This photo is from 2008. You can see the photos we’re referring to here

John Travolta and Kelly Preston were photographed out together in Hawaii on vacation with their daughter, Ella. (You can see the pictures here.) These photos are notable because John’s natural balding hairline is seen, as opposed to the weave and Ronco spray-on hair he usually sports, and because Kelly looks very much like a woman who just gave birth three months ago.

Now, I didn’t have a big post-baby tummy like that three months afterwards but when I had my son I was 31, not 48. You bounce back quicker from childbirth I’m sure when you’re talking about that much of an age difference. For all of the people who will inevitably bring up the conspiracy theories that Kelly used a surrogate and faked her pregnancy and is just using the “five month” bump for these bathing suit photo ops – that’s possible but look at her boobs. Those are big heavy real-looking new mom boobs, they’re not surgically enhanced. She just has relatively thin-looking arms and a thin-looking face and that’s why she didn’t look pregnant to a lot of us who got heavy with our pregnancies. (Like me, I will cop to it.) We all carry differently and I buy her story that she carried her last one. That doesn’t make her husband straight or make her even slightly more sane, though.

I also have to say that if Travolta would ditch that weird tuft thing that’s growing in the middle of his scalp and just shave his damn head he’d look so much better. Still not even remotely hittable, but better. We know he looks decent bald, and he should just embrace the look. Maybe it’s just not his style. Jonathan Rhys Meyers thinks it’s hot though.

Header photo credit: Bauergriffinonline. Other photos from 1/22/11. Credit:




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49 Responses to “John Travolta and Kelly Preston show baldness, post-baby bodies on vacation”

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  1. Debra says:

    They are real people, real family.
    Love them.

  2. tuscan sun says:

    I just saw the beach photos at the Daily Mail. Travolta looks so much better without the weave!

  3. Zelda says:

    You know Mr Travolta, not wearing a foppish, floppy wig of an unnatural hue makes you look infinitely less like an
    aging homosexual circa 1992. Just saying.

  4. Matt says:

    The pillow baby conspiracy theories crack me up.

    He does look better without the stupid weave- maybe he just left a Hawaiian spa so was airing out his scalp?

  5. Dana M says:

    I bet he’d get more boys without the weave thing.

  6. Raven Sparrow says:

    She definately carried and gave birth to her baby. I don’t see why she would bother wearing ” a bump” now three months later when she could have played it diet & exercise à la Jessica Alba. Anyway, you can’t fake those breasts – been there done that.

    Also when looking again at those photos taken when she was pregnant, you can tell her face has a pregnant “puffiness” to it. Angelina Jolie was not that much thicker in the arms even when pregnant with the twins. Each woman is different.

  7. Dr_Venkman says:

    Damn you, women of Celebitchy and damn you, Paparazzi, for destroying one of my favourite conspiracy theories!

  8. devilgirl says:

    Gee, it really looks like she faked that pregnancy.


    Oh wait, I guess to perpetuate the “fraud” she gained a ton of weight!LOL!

  9. Rita says:

    Yup, pillow baby theory shot to hell so why is CB writing this thread instead of a certain author whose name begins with “K” who put forth the pillow theory in the first place, and which some of us swallowed and shamelessly promoted?

    On another note: Those mammies look like she intends to feed the entire west coast chapter of the Church of Scientology.

  10. hairball says:

    That is definitely a post-pregnancy body. And Travolta should really stop with the wigs. So ridiculous and everyone knows already anyway.

    I saw a close-up pic of him – maybe on here – where you could see the mesh glued to his head. How do people up close talking to him not keep focusing on that? Embarrassing.

    At some point, you have to just realize things you do to make yourself look younger just makes you look foolish.

  11. crab says:

    I think he looks the best with no hair (top picture)!!

  12. launicaangelina says:

    I confess! I thought she faked it but you can’t fake that post-baby bod. I finally believe she gave birth.

    Travolta looks so much better bald – completely bald.

  13. Reality says:

    Yup, that officially puts the ‘pillow baby conspiracy’ to rest for me now too….

  14. Karin says:

    He looks great bald, he still is a gorgeous man, but shouldn´t dye his beard though. As for her, it takes courage (and a bit of insanity) to give birth at almost 50, so she looks naturally destroyed… but I wish them luck, specially to John Travolta, my eternal crush!

  15. sickofit says:

    it all started with a BI about a wife being preggers but wearing a pillow and everyone, me too, guessed it was her.
    so if it wasnt her, about whom was the BI then?

  16. Statler says:

    I love those pillow/baby conspiracy theories- so entertaining! I must confess too, I was almost buying into the Katie Holmes one (of course I wanted to believe because it would’ve been so damn hilarious). That was the first time I ever heard of this conspiracy theory, and I was wondering, have there been precedents? I mean, is this an age old Hollywood trope? Are there- possibly- decades of pillow/baby stories I’m missing out on? (fingers crossed for laughter)

  17. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I never thought there was a pillow so for me this is poetic justice to those that believed there was a pillow.


  18. Jackson says:

    He looks soooo much better bald, or super-short shaven. Go with it, JT!

  19. Isabel says:

    Awww, don’t hate on Kaiser because she said what we were all thinking. This guy spends so much time picking up strange man ass, it was hard to believe that Kelly (ESPECIALLY at her age) would actually be pregnant with his kid.

    HOWEVER…omg, she totally did have that baby. Those boobs…Kelly, girl, I know how it is! You can’t fake something like that, you just can’t. Good for her.

    These pictures make them seem like such a real family. Which they are, but…I don’t know. It just makes me hope hope hope hope and pray that the spa stories are false. 🙁

  20. fabgrrl says:

    Wow, that sure is a postpartum, 40-something body! My apologies to the Travoltas, and little Ben.

  21. Zelda says:

    Actually, while I never bought the pillow theory (that I remember) I DO remember a blind item about an actress whose aging husband had been thinking about coming out of the closet after a very dark period in his life. She was horrified that she’d be seen as a fool after so many years, so she took some of his frozen sperm and was inseminated without his permission, knowing that he would never have a nerve to leave a pregnant wife/new baby.

    and THAT blind I’ve always believed to be about these two…

  22. Diane says:

    Anybody up for starting another totally outrageous rumor? Well, I have it on good authority that both KP and KH, as well as other less famous COS women, are being impregnated using frozen sperm from the late great L. Ron Hubbard in the hopes of recreating their Fearless Leader. They’ll recognize the special baby boy by a saucer-shaped birthmark on his scrotum. Just in case that doesn’t happen, COS scientists are also feverishly working on a new cloning technique involving nasal cilia. One way or the other, they hope to have the old fart up and running again before Xenu sends the mothership to bring them all home to Raxicoricofallapotorious, or wherever it is that they come from.

  23. guesty says:

    @well hell. she looks like she really did have a baby. 🙁 she could still be faking it tho. she could!!!

    lol @ rita.

    & he looks like one of the village people with a dash of george michael in that top pic.

  24. LesliPaige says:


  25. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Always thought she carried the baby but, because of her age and John’s preferences, his sperm was harvested during one of his spa excursions (then implanted). 😉

  26. JenJen says:

    @Diane, that sounds like a good rumor, lol. Kelly’s breasts are huge, she did carry the baby, so kudos to her that was brave at her age.

  27. Moreaces says:

    That first photo where he is completely bald looks straight up, S and M Gay guy.

  28. eternalcanadian says:

    I went to that Daily Mail link and whoa, Ella is only 10? From that picture it sure looks like she started puberty awfully early with that rack she has. That’s more than I had when I was 15! 😮

    And yes, those are some bazookas on Kelly. Drat, there goes my Xenu immaculate conception conspiracy that I also had Kate Holmes have. 😛

    But now, that toupe-free John? Quite a nice look on him. Time to put away that spray-on hair and dump those weaves!

  29. Crash2GO2 says:

    “so if it wasnt her, about whom was the BI then?”

    It probably was about her, but that just goes to show you how reliable blind items are. 🙄

    Thank God these pics came out. I honestly couldn’t believe that people didn’t see the weight gain in her face and arms.

  30. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    @moreaces, ITA. LOL

  31. mln76 says:

    I too always thought she just inseminated herself to keep John around.
    As for Blind Items they are just rumours put out there by people who are afraid of getting sued. Sometimes they are incredibly accurate but other times they are plain old crap I read them as entertainment and think anyone who takes them as gospel truth is pretty niave.

  32. Maritza says:

    Nice to know that the ridiculous theory has been destroyed. They seem like a happy family. John Travolta looks handsome as a bald guy.

  33. bored says:

    Yep. Those look like nursing boobs and post-baby tummy. May she wear them proudly! 🙂

  34. ctkat1 says:

    I bought the baby pillow story, I’ll admit it. But that is definitely a post-baby body. She carried thin during her pregnancy, what can I say!!

  35. Praise St. Angie! says:

    I know some men have an issue with losing their hair and I don’t judge them for it nor will I mock them for it. (one exception being a date-rapist who I knew in high school…I will mock him for his hairline FOREVER.)

    what I WILL judge/mock, however, is a bad toupee. and Travolta deserves to be mocked for his bad wigs.

    he (like most men who are losing their hair) looks SO MUCH BETTER with the natural hairline than the wig. especially because you can ALWAYS tell that it’s a wig.

  36. FatJenny LovesTacos says:

    I disagree with many of you. Whether baldness is natural or not, there are guys that look better with hair then without. Travolta is one of them andvlooks better with hair. He made the mistake of wearing too many different styled toupes/wigs and made it too obvious…that is where he went wrong. Poor thing…if it’s not the gay rumors then it’s the balding issue.

  37. Mercy says:

    I wish he’d keep the all-bald look. He looks hot that way. Kelly is all woman and her true beauty hides what could be seen as imperfections.

  38. anti says:

    i’m a believer now too. plus, his natural hair looks fine, it’s a shame he goes through all that silliness.

  39. bagladey says:

    After seeing those breasts I have to concede that Kelly Preston gave birth. What’s with her big belly though? John Travolta has an otherwise full head of hair so wouldn’t a hair transplant work to fill in the area at the front where he’s bald? It’s not such a large area, it’s just an unattractive pattern.

  40. Cha Cha Loca says:

    He needs to loose the bad toupee permanently. He looks much better without it.

  41. RHONYC says:


    why does he look like my dad in that 1st pic.

    bwahahahahahaha! 😆

  42. pinns says:

    Wow, they took William Shatner on holiday with them too?!?
    He’s at the back of the first photo of Kelly!

  43. AmyLynne says:

    Okay, I totally want to like Kelly after seeing these pictures. She looks very similar to what most post-baby new moms look like. And when I think of how she lost her first child, it really makes me WANT to like her. If I could just forget that crazy Scientology stuff! Or, actually, if she could just forget it.

  44. JennJenn says:

    The bald top and goatee suit Travolta well. Hope he keeps the look. Never got the pillow pregnancy conspiracy theory. Obviously there are some very mean-spirited people in Hollywood.

  45. Kiska says:

    She definitely looks post-pregnancy in those pics. No way she could fake those boobies!

  46. lachica says:

    you mean she looks post-pillow. lol

  47. Kloops says:

    That’s definitely a post-partum body. Good on her. It’s not easy being a nursing mama. Can’t remember if I was pro or con the faux pregnancy thing…. Could be either, depends on the story. Mostly, I’m just anti-CoS so beyond that I don’t really care. JT is still gross, hair or no, dong-fest or no. There’s something about him that totally skeeves me out. Can’t put my finger on it. Maybe it’s the underlying duplicity, or the creepy cult thing…. dunno.

  48. serena says:

    Oh god, I didn’t want to see John bald like that .. it crushed my dreams..sigh. Anyway yeah, a good transplant and all would be ok. The baldness is NOT ok, he looks too old and too much like my uncle. And please, I’d love if he’d lose weight.. he would look so much better!

    Anyway I never ever believed the pillow conspiracy, it was too oblivious that Kelly was pregnant. I don’t want to believe John is gay, maybe the scentology men are all strange.. all like this, who knows. *hopes up*

  49. Dani says:

    He looks much better balding. Hey, bald guys can be sexy too. Throwing a little love to all you guys. It should come down to how a guy acts and carries themselves. That’s what really determines the hot factor.

    Kelly looks good too and as she should look like for having just delivered a baby.

    Guess I have sympathy for them for losing a child. I can only imagine that would be a life long heartache.