Ryan O’Neal and son arrested for meth possession

Before writing this story, I consulted with JayBird to see if she knew some background on Ryan O’Neal so I could save 5 minutes of Wiki research. It turns out we were both kind of hazy about O’Neal’s family drama because it’s complicated. To explain it simply, Ryan has four children by three different women and 3/4 of his children have been arrested for drug-related offenses in the past three years. The family also has a long history of fighting and domestic abuse.

2007 domestic assault incident
Ryan was arrested in February, 2007 for assault against his son Griffin, 43, after he fired a gun in the house. It involved an alleged incident in which he claims Griffin tried to attack him with a fireplace poker but ended up jabbing his girlfriend instead, prompting Ryan to fire the gun above Griffin to try and scare him off. The National Enquirer’s version of the events which preceded the strange family dispute involve Griffin tying up his younger half brother, Redmond, 25, (Ryan’s only son with Farrah Fawcett) to a dog run outside the house, enraging Ryan. It is thought that Griffin put Redmond on the leash to try and keep him away from his stash.

To make matters more complicated, Tatum O’Neal, 44, is also Ryan O’Neals progeny. She is the daughter of Ryan O’Neal’s first wife, Joanna Cook Moore, and is Griffin’s full sister. Tatum was famously arrested trying to buy crack and cocaine in July of this year.

Like his other troubled family members, Redmond has some experience on the wrong side of the law. He’s on probation for DUI and possession charges after he was found with crystal meth and heroin last year. Cops were conducting a sweep today of the family home he shares with dad Ryan, 67, in Malibu. They found drugs that looked like meth in both the father and son’s bedrooms.

Actor Ryan O’Neal and his son, Redmond, were arrested Wednesday at the actor’s Malibu, Calif., home for alleged drug possession, a sheriff’s spokesman confirms.

“This morning, deputies were doing a routine sweep to make sure Redmond was adhering to his probation,” sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said. “Upon searching the premises, the younger O’Neal was found in possession of narcotics. Later, a vial of drugs were found in the elder O’Neal’s bedroom. We believe the drugs found were methamphetamines.”

Both Ryan, 67, and Redmond, 23, are being held at a local sheriff’s station in lieu of $10,000 bail each.

Redmond O’Neal’s mother is Farrah Fawcett and his half-sister is Tatum O’Neal, who was arrested July 1 in New York City for trying to buy drugs.

Reps for Ryan O’Neal and Farrah Fawcett weren’t immediately available for comment.

Redmond has a history of drug abuse, having entered rehab in 2004 for heroin abuse. This past June, he pleaded guilty to drug possession and one misdemeanor DUI charge.

[From People]

What is the issue with all these older celebrity addicts getting busted lately? It seems like so many people have drug problems for decades. No wonder Ryan O’Neal has such a bad temper and is fighting with his kids if he’s doing meth with them.

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23 Responses to “Ryan O’Neal and son arrested for meth possession”

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  1. Kaiser says:

    Seriously, meth? Not cocaine? Heroin? Liquor?

    If I was in this family, I would choose a cocktail of martinis and mary jane. That would *really* take the edge off- not meth.

  2. Kaiser says:

    Oh yeah, I forgot. Insert Sarah Palin/Meth-capital Wasilla, Alaska joke here…

  3. Codzilla says:

    Congrats, Ryan, you’ve totally f*ucked up nearly all your children! As a parent, myself, I can only dream of such heights.

  4. Wif says:

    I wonder what’s up with the one that’s not in trouble with the law? Has s/he just written the rest of them off?

  5. Orangejulius says:

    No kidding – meth would be at the bottom of my list of preferred substances… why, oh why? All but one of his kids have addiction problems? What a legacy. Those must some seriously messed up genes.

  6. Celebitchy says:

    The non druggie son is doing surprisingly well:

    Sportscaster at Fox News and has two daughters with his first and only wife, Rebecca De Mornay.

    He’s got a different mother than the other three, though.

  7. Syko says:

    I’m not surprised. But I find it really sad about Redmond – his mother has enough on her plate right now, she didn’t need this added on.

    The other three don’t share the same mother. The first two are the only full siblings. Patrick’s mother is Leigh Taylor Young and Redmond’s is Farrah Fawcett.

  8. Skank Basher says:

    Guys – I agree with you re: meth as drug-of-choice. I’ll bet both father and son are using either alcohol or some kind of opioid to “take the edge off.” Likely, they’re doing a “cocktail” of substances, including at least one pharmaceutical, as meth in and of itself is not a “rich man’s” drug.

  9. Tanille says:

    Syko i was going to say the exact same thing. More stress is the LAST thing she needs right now

  10. Ron says:

    It’s just sad. Drugs are tough. However, they need to throw Redmond in jail. He needs to be treated like any other person who has violated their probabtion, ala Paris Hilton. Maybe it would be a wake up call like it was for Robert Downey Jr.

  11. Prissa says:

    Dang.. initially I read the headline as Ryan O’Neal’s son, but it’s the FATHER AND the son!! Crystal Meth???? GTFOH!!! That is really sad! 🙁

  12. vdantev says:

    *Nelson Muntz laugh*

  13. daisy424 says:

    The family that does drugs together goes to jail together.

  14. Tess says:

    Those are two beastly looking boys.

    Ryan and Farrah were beautiful, talented, successful. Just goes to show.

  15. RAN says:

    Prissa, love your gravatar, it’s cute!

    I can’t think of anything positive to say on this thread about this situation (other than my comment to Prissa). Too sad and what a colossal mess. Moving on now…

  16. Kevin says:

    Don’t look for Lee Majors to come running with bail money, that’s fo sho!

  17. gg says:

    This is really a picture of pathos. Very sad situation from every angle. Ryan just looks beaten down, and he’s only got himself to blame for it all. 🙁 Crazyass addicts.

  18. Nina says:

    Nothing bonds a son and father together like a little shared drug abuse, and then a little shared jail time.

  19. DLR says:

    Oh wow, Redmond looks just like his father. That’s such a disturbing story. Maybe Redmond couldn’t handle what his mother (Farrah) is going through with her cancer. But Ryan? I thought he was doing better? Either way, I hope those two and Tatum really take a second look at their lives and check themselves into rehab. Hey, maybe Dr. Drew could make room for them at his clinic.

  20. Prissa says:

    I’m late, but if RAN comes back, it’s a Maltese puppy. Don’t know if I’m allowed to post this but: goto maltesesnowballs.com my friend breeds.

  21. Jeanne says:

    Ooh Ryan is bugging on that mug shot. Is Tatum going to come to dad’s rescue? Probably not, heard he was a mean ass dad. Reap what you sow buddy!

  22. Elaine Smith says:

    I was a very good friend of Ryan’s first wife, Joanna Moore. She had problems, but most of them were due to the fact that she said Ryan tried his best to systematically destroy her. I believe it. Also, she said Ryan used to play a game at parties, “What ever happened to?” in which he belittled people that were no longer famous. He is a disturbed person.

  23. Hilary says:

    Hey, there are so many inconsistencies in this story. Is Redmond 23 or 25?