Scarlett Johansson’s man, Nate Naylor, did nothing while a guy harrassed her

Scarlett Johansson Nate Naylor

Here’s a reminder of how Scarlett Johansson looked on a Hawaiian vacation in February while she showed off her bikini bod and her new (at the time) man, Nate Naylor (the most beautiful man in the universe), rubbed suntan lotion on his back. Since then and despite a glowing People profile, Nate has failed to win over many fans due to some alleged violent tendencies and possible juvenile behavior, and it turns out he may not be very good at doing much for his girlfriend beyond protecting her from a sunburn. According to a story in this week’s Star, Nate failed to step up for Scarlett when she needed his help fending off advances from some idiot in a nightclub. What a chump:

Nate Naylor

Scarlett Johansson’s new man, Nate Naylor, is no superhero! The Avengers star and her boyfriend recently attempted to enjoy an evening at hip New York nightclub The Electric Room, but an out-of-control male fan upset the A-list actress. “He just kept throwing his body toward her, dancing wildly, trying to talk to her and get her attention,” an onlooker told Star. “He was relentless!”

The 27-year-old actress was “visibly frustrated,” but Nate, 38, “watched like a deer in healights,” the source revealed. Finally, Scarlett, in true Avenger form, “jumped up and alerted security, who built a wall of buff bouncers between the sexy movie actress and the threatening fan.”

[From Star, print edition, June 25, 2012]

It sounds like Nate might not be such a fantastic catch after all, right? I can see why Scarlett would want to date a relative civilian after exclusively being with famous dudes for many years, but she might want to give this guy up and find one who will actually defend her honor instead of sitting there like a lump while some random idiot gets all up in her personal space.

In other ScarJo news, she’s pulling the “deluded actress” card by not only whining about her desire for “anonymity” but also claiming that all that really matters to her is acting, not the other fame-associated stuff that goes along with the profession of appearing in blockbuster movies:

Scarlett Johansson “sometimes” think[s] she is amazing.

The actress has grown tired of being referred to as a sex bomb and wants to be known for her acting rather than her appearance. That said she is proud of the way she looks and hopes to be a role model to other women because of her career success.

“Sometimes yes, sometimes no!” she laughed, when Grazia Italia asked if she ever thinks she is amazing. “I also think there are so many wonderful women out there, and they aren’t even actresses! I don’t like being labelled as ‘the sexiest woman alive’. As an actress I prefer to maintain the anonymity.”

The star is divorced from Ryan Reynolds and is now dating again. Although she understands her love life is of interest to some people, Scarlett longs for the day when all that matters is her job.

“I don’t talk about my private relationships anymore? I often read many things and don’t even recognise myself in what was written. I dream that people stay far away from my private life, but I bet that it will be always a dream?” she said.

The 27-year-old loves everything about her job, explaining there is no better feeling than when she gets a scene just right.

“I can’t imagine having a job that makes me happier than acting. I adore my job, especially when you hear the director shouting, ‘OK! We have the scene!’ This is so satisfying!” she gushed.

[From Belfast Telegraph]

I hear what Scarlett is saying, but she’s not articulating her position very well. It must suck to go through a (necessarily painful) divorce and have the public weigh in on what could have happened within the marriage. Still, it’s kind of annoying when a multi-millionaire repeatedly discusses how she’s just all about the acting when, if that was the case, she could have decided to just do theater for a career instead of showing off her jiggly rack on the big screen.

Scarlett Johansson

Nate Naylor

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN

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67 Responses to “Scarlett Johansson’s man, Nate Naylor, did nothing while a guy harrassed her”

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  1. Mel says:

    Re: the boyfriend. He was kinda in a no-win situation here. If he’d confronted the idiot hassling Scarlett in the club, there would probably be a story about how much of an agressive jerk he was. I have to say, he doesn’t seem much of a catch though? Well if she likes him, more power to them.
    Re: Scarlett being referred to as a sex bomb: simple solution dear, stick to your acting and stop shilling products like D&G and Moet champagne in your underwear. Its really that simple.

    • allons-y alonso says:

      Co- sign all the things! Spot on Mel 🙂

    • busy ramone says:

      If he cared about her he would have done something and not cared what the tabloids said as long as they both knew the truth. He sounds like a loser, she can do better.

      • Choupette says:

        Agreed. My husband isn’t rich, and he isn’t famous. There is no way he’d stand by and watch some creep rub himself over me. Creep would find his ass on the ground.

  2. dahlia noir says:

    Good thing for her she has more balls than her boyfriend.

  3. Lady_Luck says:

    NEVER liked her. I don’t even find her more than above average attractive. She loves to throw things out there like “I don’t like being labelled sexiest woman alive” as though that is even a possibility…

    • cupidityrox! says:

      And agreed on all points. Scarlett isn’t even that pretty. I’ve never gotten the hype

      • Amelia says:

        I always though her eyes were a really lovely shape in the Prestige. I don’t understand the face hate.

    • lafairy says:



      it seems that she always say that in interview maybe it’s in order to actually create this image, by saying “I don’t like people seeing me as the sexiest person alive” she implies that she is, it’s a little trick to actually be seen that way!

      Well she can still dream on it because the best denial of her supposedly being “the sexiest” is….well our eyes!

      She is an average gal who put emphasize her rack, no more!

  4. MollyB says:

    She’s not a very good actress, so she should take what attention she can get. She has this dull, lazy way of talking that, when she was much younger, made her come off as worldly or mature beyond her years. Unfortunately, she’s pretty much a one-trick pony.

  5. marie says:

    she annoys me, if you don’t want to be known for your body stop using it in print ads. also, umm I think she’s the only one labeling herself as “sexiest woman alive”, if I’m not mistaken People gave that title to Beyonce..she’s not a horrible actress, but she’s not a great one either, imo.

    • Cherry says:

      Scarlett was voted “Sexiest Women in the World” by FHM magazine in 2009. People Magazine voted Beyonce ‘Most Beautiful Woman in the World 2012’. I know, it’s incredibly dumb. They just take whatever famous singer/actress/model who’s most en vogue at the moment and name her the sexiest, most beautiful etc. etc. And then proceed with someone else, next year. As a FORMER ‘winner’ (I haven’t seen her topping any of these lists lately), ScarJo should be able to see the relativity of it all. But no, she just keeps on whining that people only like her for her looks.

  6. cupidityrox! says:

    Here’s an idea Scarlett.. If you don’t want to be “The Sexiest Woman Alive” maybe you shouldn’t have your publicist buy it?
    And for jeff’s sake take an acting class!

  7. brin says:

    Agree with all the above comments!

  8. Cherry says:

    Did she really say ‘there are so many wonderful women out there, and they aren’t even actresses!’? You mean it actually surprises her how one can be wonderful whilst NOT being an actress? Um. We must have different opinions about what ‘wonderful’ means, then.

  9. Tiffany27 says:

    I don’t know if I believe this story since it’s from Star magazine, but if the guy is a jerk that explains the attraction. No one loves a douchebag more than Scarjo.
    As for her “Please feel bad for me because I’m so beautiful and it’s all anyone ever talks about” comments. Bitch will get a pass today because I’m still in love with The Avengers.

    • Eve says:

      No one loves a douchebag more than Scarjo.

      Amanda Seyfried begs to differ.

      Bitch will get a pass today because I’m still in love with The Avengers.

      And you’d better stay that way! *saying it like a mom’s threatening voice*

      Hey, have you heard/read about the rumor (just rumor, don’t get too excited, like I am…heee!) that a “director’s cut” of The Avengers may get a theatrical release at the end of (American) summer? It’s 35 minutes longer. Whedon denies it though (boo!).

      • Tiffany27 says:

        That would be awesome!!! If Whedon denies it though it would at least be on the dvd I would hope.

      • Eve says:

        It WILL be on the DVD — that’s a sure thing.

        But if Disney decides to re-release it in theaters, I don’t think there’s much Whedon can do to stop them (though the relantions between them wouldn’t be great afterwards, with the risk of Whedon not directing the sequel).

        But if they did…I’d be so there to watch it again it’s not even funny. At this point I’m like: “Marvel/Disney…here, take my money”.

  10. Eve says:

    Her “most beautiful man you’ll ever see” boyfriend exhales douchebaggery from every pore, doesn’t he?

    Run, ScarJo, run!

  11. Sienna says:

    He is way too old for her and he has an ugly douchebag face.

    • sunmoonstars says:

      That’s the most misshapen head I’ve ever seen, he looks like Mr Potato Head!

      • Rhea says:

        LOL. My son right now is playing with Mr. Potato when I’m reading your post. Naw, I think Mr. Potato is cuter than him. 😉

  12. k says:

    She and Anne Hathaway are in my “can’t stand you” category.

    • Amelia says:

      Can we add Amanda seyfreid? She really gets on my wick.

      • Lady_Luck says:

        I couldn’t agree more, K! And man, considering how badly Anne Hath has been hit with the ugly stick, casting directors insult us by putting her in the supposed sexy, va va voom role of catwoman???! Give me strength.

  13. trillian says:

    “Defend her honor”? Excuse me, it’s like 2012 and we sort of agreed that women can speak for themselves. If someone bothers me, I tell him to shove off. I don’t need a man to do that for me.

    • Ruffian9 says:

      ITA. I can defend my own ‘honor’ (whatever that means) quite nicely, thank you. If things get a bit physical, though, it’s nice to have back up. : )

  14. velourazure says:

    lol @ “jiggly rack”

  15. sunmoonstars says:

    Why would another person’s life choices bother you? I grew up with all that feminist talk and realized that it was not for me, so I found my knight and married him, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. It was a HUGE relief to stop pretending to be a “stong, independent woman” and to let a man handle it. I think people should do what makes them happy and if being independent and feminist is your thing, great, go for it. However, it isn’t for everyone and I wish people would realize that.

    • Julie says:

      “I think people should do what makes them happy and if being independent and feminist is your thing, great, go for it. However, it isn’t for everyone and I wish people would realize that. ”

      well said. i dont need and i dont want a knight in shining armor but i like that you dont follow something you wouldnt be happy with. feminism critizes roles for women but also puts them in roles. thats what i never got about it.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I hear ya but Asli just said she’s “kind of annoyed” not that no woman should be ALLOWED to have a knight in shining armour. It was just an observation on her part.
      But I agree with you ladies as far as women chosing what qualities/dynamics they look for in a relationship.
      I am super-independent and I can take care of myself but I appreciate it if a man steps in. I just enjoy old-fashioned chivalry and protectiveness in general (maybe because my dad wasn’t very protective of me?). Ideally, if it was myself in that scenario, I would prefer it if the man let me try to handle things first and then if the a-hole persisted, he could step in as “reinforcement”.
      But yeah-feminism IS about allowing for all of us to choose right? There is no “RIGHT” way imo 🙂

    • Amelia says:

      Wasn’t the original idea of feminism about having the freedom to choose? You could choose to be a ‘strong independent woman’ or you could choose to rely a little more heavily on you bf/husband.
      I hate how feminism has turned into a ‘sisters are doing it for themselves’ thing. I reserve the right to stand up to a bloke and tell him to **** off myself AND go back home and ask my bf what he wants for dinner.
      I think a healthy mix of both attitudes is good 😉

  16. Julie says:

    i also dont get the “defend her honor”. it just comes across as: when equal rights benefit us we demand them and if they dont benefit us or we actually have to do something on our own we want some knight to rescue us. (“I dont cook for a guy but i expect him to repair the computer”)

    the guy just can do wrong. if he doesnt do anything he is a sissy, if he steps in he is some aggressive caveman.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I know, Julie. It’s a double standard but if you’ve ever been seriously harassed by a guy at a club/bar, it can be REALLY hard to get them to back off. I’ve had dudes push me after I’ve mouthed off and I actually got punched in the chin by a dude (Kitten the badass 😉 ) and had to go to the hospital.
      True equality can only happen when it’s a level playing field, meaning women have to have as much brute strength as men (which is not a common scenario). Until then we really only have our words to fight back and truthfully, words are pretty ineffective when it comes to drunk, belligerant guys who are hell-bent on harassing.
      Now that I’m older and wiser, if I’m with a group of girls and guys are giving us a hard time I usually talk to the bouncer and ask him to toss the troublemakers. So even in that scenario, I’m still requesting the assistance of a man. But I guess I put feminism on the backburner when it comes to my personal safety.

      • Eve says:

        Kitten, again, totally agree with you.

        Here where I live many times things become worse (like downright nasty) when we decide to speak for ourselves.

        Recently, I heard from a (male) friend a story about a girl being harrassed by a guy here at a nightclub in my city — after his many attempts at chatting her up and dancing with her (with her politely refusing all of them), she told him off for the last time and tried to leave, he then violently grabbed her arm…to the point of breaking it. I googled the story and yes, it was true.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Holy crap, Eve. That is awful about your friend 🙁

        I have an arsenal of creepy stories just from living in the city for so long and having a big mouth. I’ve just learned over the years, after many close calls, that it’s better to ignore first and if problem persists, get help from an authority figure.

      • Eve says:

        Oh, let me clarify: that didn’t happen to anyone I know personally.

        My friend told me that story (about the girl having her arm broken) — it even made the news here. And I had NO IDEA. My friend talked to me as if I knew, but since I didn’t, he explained the whole thing. Later on, I googled the story and confirmed it.

        The girl pressed charges, but I don’t know what happened to the man (who broke her arm) since he fled the scene — as the cowardly piece of shit that he was.

        By the way, I’m a big mouth too. And male chauvinism is even worse in Brazil — as it is in most (if not all) Latin American countries.

  17. bea says:

    The punctuation in the Grazia Italia quote is insane.

    That guy is a total poser – she seems to have a weakness for them.

    • S_____ says:

      I agree. The whole thing reads fake, as if it was composed by, oh, maybe a speaker of Italian.

  18. Aubra says:

    This has nothing to do with feminsism, and I am sorry, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with being “strong and indipendent” either! HOWEVER, when your man is with you and it’s abundantly clear what the dynamic of your relationship is, it’s not unrealistic to expect him to be your protector in some sense. Every woman, even strong indipendent women love that about a man they are sharing their lives with…

  19. Zigggy says:

    Being a D&G model and spokesperson for Moet, etc., has nothing to do with the acting. F*ck celebrities are dumb.

  20. MixerUpper says:

    As much as Scarlett irritates me, If your boyfriend isn’t standing up for you, then he doesn’t deserve to have you on his arm.

    • iloveretro says:


      Totally agree. If he doesn’t have your back, he shouldn’t get any other part of you, either.

  21. Peter Bryce says:

    “Defend her honour”????Where are we, the 14th century all of a sudden???

  22. Lady_Luck says:

    I once broke up with boyfriend for refusing to defend me against the cruel jibes and outright physicality of a yob in a club. He told me to ignore him but it was just impossible. This has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with honour. Chivalry shouldn’t be dead, and nor should the ability of men to protect and WANT to protect a woman from harm.

  23. Remote Control says:

    I guess I’m like you. I gladly handle my own. 🙂

  24. Gayle says:

    Why didn’t Scarjo just ignore him and go back to her bf?

    We expect bf to beat this random guy up for her? I think that’s a dumb female fantasy that mistakes protectiveness for an aggro jerk. Escalation is always risky. I’d rather walk away then see my bf get knocked around, no matter what he might prefer.

  25. yas says:

    Theater isn’t for people who want to act but remain anonymous and dubbing it as such is kind of insulting. Theater is a viable art form in its own right. Just saying.

    • Nakli says:


      Theatre actors are famous too, not like movie stars but good theatre actors and plays always attract a full house.

  26. nancypants says:

    No way. I’m betting he has underwear older than that.
    That guy is closer to 48.

  27. jesstar says:

    This story sounds luke total bs. Actually both of them do, the club story & that ScarJo doesnt want to rely on her attractiveness. That’s her while act!

  28. Rory says:

    “I also think there are so many wonderful women out there, and they aren’t even actresses!
    I need say no more.

  29. Dee Cee says:

    She’s a fantasy scheming, self parody fool.. She intends to seem humble but comes across as fake and untrustworthy.. why she picks losers..? So she seem very pious, naive and kind.. gossip and elite mean nothing to her.. Her latest boyfriend is shallow, cruel, criticizes, analyzes, nit picks so much., her complaints and sighs in unguarded confessed conversations seem so much more interesting.

  30. d says:

    I’m convinced that Scarlett is the subject of a blind item about an actress being hooked on abusive boyfriends, save for one exception who treated her nice.

    As for whether a boyfriend/husband should stick up for you if someone is bothering you, I always ask myself what i’d want a friend to do, and if my partner is acting like a friend would, or if i was my partner’s friend, why wouldn’t i stick up for them.? you’d like to think that your partner is your friend and stick up for you, never mind whether they’re your partner or not.

    that made better sense in my head, but anyway.

  31. Chris says:

    Hmm. She should’ve stayed with Sean Penn. He would’ve glassed the guy.

  32. trh says:

    She was Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive in 2006.

  33. Gustavo says:

    Will you continue this subject?

  34. Meagan says:

    Even though I really like this publish, I think there was an punctuational error close towards the finish of the third paragraph.