Is Scarlett Johansson’s boyfriend a violent d-bag and a misogynist?

Does it surprise you that Scarlett Johansson’s non-celebrity boyfriend has gotten a ton of press over the past two weeks? My opinion of Nate “The Most Beautiful Man In the World” Naylor has changed significantly in short time from “yay, she’s dating a non-celebrity” to “OMG, this guy sounds like such a d-bag.” I don’t buy that they’ve been dating for months, either. I think they’ve been together for a month, tops. And I think Nate is the one doing his own “roll out” in the press, complete with happy vacation photos in Hawaii. But with the good comes the bad, and Gawker had this interesting story up a few days ago:

Working the holiday party circuit on a week night in December, a handful of Nate Naylor’s acquaintances (and extended acquaintances) met up at Von, a bar in the East Village. Nate would have been three months into his relationship with Scarlett at the time.

Naylor arrived after midnight, and ran into an ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend. With nary a word exchanged, a witness tells us that Naylor “sucker punched the dude,” bloodying the man’s nose. Amid shouts, Naylor fled to a bar bathroom and locked himself in.

“Security eventually coaxed him out and ejected him,” the witness says.

Though noticeably smaller than ScarJo’s “Morrissey in his prime” boyfriend, the punch victim did not seek medical attention. He merely cleaned himself up and returned to drinking his beer.

[From Gawker]

Does this help or hurt his rep? He’s a bar-fighter, a brawler, but he’s also a coward who sucker-punches his victims and then runs into the bathroom to hide. Ugh. A picture is beginning to form, right? It’s about to get worse although, in my opinion, this next criticism of Nate is slightly off the mark. Anyway, Nate has a Tumblr which is full of NSFW images – go here if you’d like to look. As Gawker points out, Nate seems to have an obsession with boobs, butts and female nudity in general. SHOCK. He’s a dude. Aren’t they all like that? The straight ones, at least, but even some of the gay ones. The Enquirer showed Nate’s Tumblr to the National Organization of Women and to some random therapist, and everybody was just SHOCKED and APPALLED. Because of the boobs.

New York ad man Nate Naylor, 38, has posted dozens of violent and erotic images of women online, and experts say the disturbing photos could mean Naylor hates women!

“I fear for Scarlett’s safety and well-being if these images are any indication of how this man perceives – and treats – women in his personal life,” a staffer for the National Organization for Women told The Enquirer. Calling the images “disgusting and deplorable,” the staffer added: “Even if Nate isn’t violent and degrading toward women, just to come up with the concepts speaks volumes of where his head’s at.”

One expert who reviewed the photos called him a misogynist.

“He hates women,” Dr. Lillian Glass, whose beverly Hills practice includes relationship counseling, told The Enquirer. “If a picture is worth a thousand words, he definitely comes across as a bad-boy.”

A friend of Scarlett’s tells the Enquirer: “Nate’s a nice guy despite his fetish for posting crazy art photos online,” a friend of Scarlett’s told The Enquirer. “Scarlett likes him a lot. Hopefully, he’ll be Mr. Right.”

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

Look, the images Nate has chosen for his Tumblr aren’t my cup of tea either, but I’m not looking at them thinking, “Of course he’s a violent misogynist because he posted that photo of a bear.” There’s feminism and then there’s knee-jerk reactionary “let’s judge a man on what photos he likes” BS. He likes striking, arresting images and he likes photos with a slightly pr0n-y bent. Taken with the whole “sucker-punching a dude and then hiding in the bathroom” suggests that while he might have some violent tendencies, he’s also a gigantic baby. Basically, ScarJo should just keep her eye on him and one eye on making her exit.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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49 Responses to “Is Scarlett Johansson’s boyfriend a violent d-bag and a misogynist?”

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  1. brin says:

    Welcome to the world of celebrity “dating”.

  2. KWM says:

    Wow. He is handsome. Sounds like an immature douche though.

    • Marjalane says:

      Really? You think so? I thought “creepy mug shot photo”. He looks like a serial killer ala Ted Bundy to me. Maybe Scarjo’s taste for the douchebag is what broke up her and R.R., this guy sounds as big a prick as Sean Penn. A pattern emerges.

      • Dana says:

        All I can see when I look at his photo is Phil on “Modern Family”. Which I don’t mean as an insult.

      • normades says:

        I thought it was a mug shot too. But he actually looks better there than other photos I’ve seen.

      • Esmom says:

        I know. He’s definitely no Morrissey. Prime or past prime.

      • ZenB!tch says:

        I thought it looked like “Mad Men Me” or “fun with Hipstamatic” or “Photoshop 101: Learning Basic Effects” It looks like something I would have done in my first Photoshop class not something a professional ad man would create or sanction.

  3. kazoo says:

    Scarlett has really great skin. I am surprised that her stomach isn’t flat.

    What is this dude’s occupation?

  4. Jen says:

    I think the Tumblr is impressive. He evidently has very defined aesthetics and an eye for a good picture, as befits an ad-man. The one impression I got from the collection? He likes images of domination.

  5. M3l says:

    Oh, lordy. I would hate to be judged on some of the things I post on my tumblr.

    Tits and all.

    • Tapioca says:

      But do you do your Tumblr for fun, or is it an extension of your work, like it is for this guy?

      Apart from the Michael Bay Muffin and the carved-stone lion it all looked a bit try-hard to me – the photographic equivalent of one of those B&W college films with “FIN” at the end.

      And the big man bravely punched a guy smaller than him? Wow, Scarlett can pick ’em like she picks her movie roles…

      • ZenB!tch says:

        Is that an extension of his work? Is the “dead” woman hanging out of the car truck partially clothed his work? Yuck!

        It looked like a photo-interest blog to me.

  6. Zozo says:

    Why does a grown man have a Tumblr?

    • ZenB!tch says:

      A lot of people have Tumblrs. Mine is boring, it’s my Photoshop class asssignments but some of my friends have pretty cool ones – my friends born between 1965-1980.

      Some are interesting pictures (the less violent versions of Nate’s Tumblr) some have a specific theme of photos – Geek Girl, Dr. Who, Gay Art – mine will be a portfolio when I get good because I don’t want to pay for my domain name 😀

      That last line may be why people have Tumblrs… CHEAP!

  7. gillie says:

    Well, she DID date Sean Penn for a while, so it wouldn’t surprise me to find out this guy was also a violent d-bag.

    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      Hah you’re right. She def has a type. Daddy issues or something.

      • atorontogal says:

        You posted what I was going to. She obviously has a type. She’s gone from one huge dbag (sean penn) to the next.

  8. someone says:

    did they seriously get a specialist to comment on this guy’s TUMBLR?! I can’t even… I don’t know what to say anymore… at one point does one’s career go from credible and professional to analyzing some dude’s blog? sigh…

  9. amanda says:

    Heyy, he likes small boobs. Sounds like a good guy to me! I can’t believe the Enquirer would have done something so lame as to show the Tumblr to NOW. Puh-lease.

    • Zoe says:

      He may say he likes small boobs….and then he dates scarlett.

      • ZenB!tch says:

        His Tumblr has mostly, if not only pics of small boobs. He may be taking one for the famewhoring team by dating ScarJo.

    • janie says:

      haha i know, that made me so happy! i actually like him a lot better now that i’ve seen his tumblr. the women in his photos cover a wide spectrum of what could be considered beautiful. he doesn’t seem to expect perfection, pretty cool.

  10. Roma says:

    I have a big “meh” on his Tumblr. My boyfriend loves graphic images and viewing the eclectic mix on Nate’s, I’m guessing he’s just very visual.

    And I love boobies.

  11. Dee Cee says:

    Yesssssssssssh.. difficult, swarmy and sure to disappoint.. that is who she is attracted by.. gives all her love and devotes her most intimate passions to..

  12. TruthTella says:

    Every time a female celeb starts dating a regular (non famous) guy within like two weeks all these “is he a woman beating sociopathic drug/fame addicted ex meth making asshole” stories seem to come out, It’s her life and if he is any of those things then she’s dumb but i doubt it.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      The problem in this case is she recently ended a relationship with a famous “a woman beating sociopathic drug/fame addicted ex meth making asshole”

      Well, except for the meth… to paraphrase Whitney – “Meth is Death” Worse it makes your teeth look bad. Not in this town (LA/NYC) we’re too vain.

      Sean Penn is well known as a sociopathic woman (and photog) beater and alchie.

  13. Julie says:

    wow, these are moments when im glad im not a celeb or dating one.
    hey, lets just tell people he is violent and hates women.

    why not write he is totally racist and punches blind kittens? (like colin firth does according to ricky gervais 😉 )

    i really have a problem with that. especially because there are problems with violent and misogynist people. you take a whole lot of credibility of real viticms when you write something like that about a guy with a blog.

  14. kristipistol says:

    What does NSFW stand for?

  15. bea says:

    NSFW – not safe for work – hope you didn’t click it if you’re there!

    Violent d-bag – after Sean Penn, it sort of seems like her type. Hope not!

  16. Jolene says:

    Dude likes weird pics. I can’t really fault him on it though. I collect weird pics, also, just not the same sort of ones he does.

  17. Kara Ann says:

    If Scarlett continues these type of boyfriend choices, she will one day look back and regret that she and Ryan Reynolds didn’t work out. Say whatever you will about Ryan, I don’t think that he’s as bad as Sean Penn or, seemingly, this guy. I never can understand why people happily downgrade when choosing a new mate and it happens all of the time.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      I can’t tell the Ryans apart. I admit it, both are bland and boring to me. They are in a way the anti-poseur and the anti-genuine hipster at the same time.

      I never got how those two hooked up, let alone married. OK he seems to like sluts (they both do) but she seems to like more edgy, less handsome men (generically or not) who make her feel cooler and more intelligent than she really is. I’ve yet to see either Ryan scowling, reciting violent nonsensical poetry, beating a woman (Madonna 1985 and maybe Robin) or wearing bad body art.

      Anyone remember her “singing career”?

  18. G. says:

    It’s tumblr. Honestly, if people saw my tumbr, they’d be appalled too. His isn’t even that bad.

  19. Lee says:

    I checked his tumblr from the first post on him a week or so ago and ever since I just can’t stomach him. I actually wrote a huge paragraph on the other post about how I found his tumblr to be pretty misogynistic and off. His images are of women’s bodies, primarily with either their faces out of frame or just close-ups of body parts. Some are even rather violent – like a naked woman’s limp body half hanging out of a car trunk. They deny the identities of the women and serve them up as objects with no self-determination. I’m no prude and understand that nudity can be used effectively for all kinds of reasons in art, but if this man in an ad exec, he should be aware of the messages inherent in images. Ugh, I erased the whole rant last time, but it seems I still needed to get it off my chest. :p

    He strikes me as someone who thinks these photos look cool, artsy and tough and doesn’t put much thought into what they actually signify. I went to school with a lot of douchey commerce studies dudes who were a lot like that. Hipster wannabes who just didn’t even grasp how or why some of their comments could be viewed as offensive. Very little analytic thought.

    Granted, I think the descriptions given by these ‘experts’ are laying it on a little thick. I automatically question the credentials of any ‘professional’ who consults with tabloids about people they have never met or treated. And I realize my post may come off as doing the same thing, but I’m really just trying to explain things from my limited art historical view and personal experience. Sorry this is so long! so many feelings!

    • monette says:

      Thank you for saying exactly what I was feeling.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      He’s a total hipster wanna be and the real ones in Los Feliz or The Village would eat him up and spit him out.

      80s word that women born after 1985ish need to learn if they haven’t already:

      POSEUR: Poseur is a pejorative term, often used in the punk, heavy metal, hip hop and goth subcultures to describe a person who copies the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a group or subculture, generally for attaining acceptability within the group or for popularity among various other groups, yet who is deemed to not share or understand the values or philosophy of the subculture. While this perceived inauthenticity is viewed with scorn and contempt by members of the subculture, the definition of the term and to whom it should be applied is subjective.

      Now it’s the hipster subculture but if the shoe fits… would any self respecting hipster date ScarJo?

  20. Lissa says:

    Does his buddy work at Gawker or something? Who ever wrote the “morrissey in his prime” comment is weird and completely ass-kissy. That comment just looks unnecessary there.

    All this stuff is being put out by him, the most beautiful man comment, the “tough guy” persona. He wants everyone to think he is a bad-ass when he really just sounds like a dumbass

  21. Helen R.S. says:

    Well, she certainly has a type.

  22. ZenB!tch says:

    ^^^^The Enquirer showed Nate’s Tumblr to the National Organization of Women and to some random therapist, and everybody was just SHOCKED and APPALLED. Because of the boobs.^^^^

    LOL I was about to say “HAVE YOU SEEN HIS TUMBLR!?!?!?!”

    It wasn’t the boobs that bugged me – they were refreshingly real.

    I have a board on my Pinterest called “Hotties Past and Present” and there are a lot of topless males on it. Girls like boys, boys like girls.

    What bothered me was the number of bloody, violent photos. Some of it was seriously disturbing. I wasn’t sure if he was one of those weird artsy guys who like to shock, a potential serial killer or worse a poseur pretending to be an artiste who is trying to shock. Um. no thanks.

    Also that photo of him is digitally altered to look like one of Don Draper’s vintage early 60s ads. What does he REALLY look like.

  23. brasileira says:

    Oh my, how dumb is this woman, with all the pretentious behavior?

  24. Jin says:

    Scarlett Johansson is the most overrated woman ever. Never got the fuss about her. Her boyfriend probably is a shallow douchebag.

  25. Kristin says:

    She should dump him and start f-king Jeremy Renner.