Mariah Carey on her feud with Nicki Minaj: ‘I don’t see you; you don’t exist to me’

The new season of American Idol, with a new panel of judges (except Randy, dawg is still there!) comes out next week. As part of the ramp-up to that, we have to endure interviews with Mariah Carey discussing her feud with Nicki Minaj. It sounds like things are far from settled between these two, given what Mariah told ET Online and Barbara Walters recently. First, to recap, Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj had an argument during their first week together on the judging panel, back in October. There was video (now unavailable) of Nicki bitching out Mariah for being a diva, basically, while Mariah groaned and tried to ignore her. Some accused American Idol of faking the argument for hype, but it seemed very real. Then Barbara Walters claimed, on The View, that she had spoken to Mariah and that Mariah told her that Nicki issued a half-assed (my words) death threat to Mariah by saying “If I had a gun I would shoot her.” Idol producers denied this took place, and Nicki went off about it on Twitter. Mariah allegedly hired extra security at the time, because she was so threatened by Nicki’s big mouth.

Well in this new ET interview, Mariah confirms that she hired extra security, and she sort-of confirmed her beef with Nicki, without directly addressing it. Mariah basically said that anyone who dares question her gets ignored, which sounds just about right. Mariah also did an interview with Barbara Walters, which aired on Nightline last night. AND there are new interviews with Nicki and Mariah from a press conference for the show. I’m putting those quotes from the different interviews together below, to give a better idea of how these two are handling the feud. Nicki is trying to take the high road in interviews, but she’s still bitching and moaning on Twitter.

Mariah on how she deals with “messy moments” on Idol
“Here’s what I meant by messy moments: You just have to adapt. And I think my thing is I have to be myself, and if that means that in that moment I don’t hear you; I don’t see you; you don’t exist to me at this moment — that’s what it is.” – [ET]

Nicki plays nice
“I actually say nice things about Mariah all the time. She is one who really has shaped a generation of singers. … They aspire to be a Mariah Carey in terms of their talent and career and to be given a chance to sing in front of her.” – [via People]

Mariah on hiring more security
“It felt like an unsafe work environment. Anytime anybody’s reeling threats at somebody, it’s not appropriate. I’ve got two babies, I’m not gonna take any chances. So, yeah, I did hire more security. I just felt it was the appropriate thing to do,” Carey tells Walters. Sitting there on the road with two babies, I’m not going to take any chances.” – [Nightline via Huffpo]

Mariah on her feud with Nicki
But when it came to talking about where things currently stand on a personal level for the two stars, Carey played a bit coy.

“The whole thing is convoluted,” she said. “It’s a distraction from the show. It’s a distraction to the contestants. It should be about the contestants.”

Carey, who added that “time heals all wounds,” went on to tell Minaj that their dramatic saga “was sort of one-sided” – a claim Minaj denied on the spot.

But remaining upbeat, Carey replied with, “At least we can agree on my shoes.” – [via People]

Mariah on her twins
Regarding Monroe, Carey says, “I call her Miss Monroe, and that kind of dictated her personality. “She’s a total diva. She’s into jewelry. She’s fascinated by jewelry.”

Moroccan, who goes by the nickname “Roc,” is “more chill.”

“He’s my pal,” Carey says. “He’ll just watch movies with me. We’ve watched ‘Shrek’ I don’t know how many times. We watch movies all the time together, relax.” – [Nightline via Huffpo]

[From Huffington Post, People and ET Online]

Oh Mariah, she’s never capable of not being a diva and that’s got to annoy Nicki Minaj to no end. They seem to have reached a tentative truce for now though, and I’m sure producers don’t mind how much press their feud continues to get. As far as ratings,o I bet that Idol will do just about as well as it did in the past couple of years. It gets a ton of viewers compared to other shows, but I think its days of astronomical ratings are over.

Also, Mariah recently posed in a bikini in Australia. I think she gave this photo to the press to use, but it’s hard to tell where it originated. She looks great, but I’m just going to come out and say that I think this was photoshopped. I’m sure she looks fab without any digital manipulation, but I see some jagged lines along the left side of her torso. Enlarge the photo below and see what I mean.

Here’s Mariah on ET Online:

And clips from her on Nightline, from E! News:

header image from 1-4-13, credit: Mariah Carey is also shown in Aspen on 12-24-12, credit: Pedro Andrade/KVS,, and outside Idol on 12-13-12, credit: Cousart-Rayne/JFXimages/ Nicki Minaj is shown on 1-8-13, credit KM/FameFlynet Pictures

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33 Responses to “Mariah Carey on her feud with Nicki Minaj: ‘I don’t see you; you don’t exist to me’”

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  1. LadyMTL says:

    I haven’t watched AI in years but I think I might just tune in to watch Mimi throwing shade left and right, lol. As for that bikini pic, she looks like she’s sucking in her gut / holding her breath…otherwise why are her shoulders scrunched up near her ears?

  2. Cecada says:

    Moments after that shot of her on the beach in a bikini were taken, I bet she passed out from sucking her tummy in so hard.

  3. hoya_chick says:

    She always looks like she is sucking it in. Just be you Mimi! Breathe! Her boobs look good in that bikini shot. Oh I don’t watch AI and I don’t plan to start.

  4. Naye in VA says:

    “At least we can agree on my shoes”

    The work of a diva is never done Mimi.

  5. chia says:

    Man, what part of Nicki Minaj is still natural? It’s got to be less than 10 percent, right?

  6. fabgrrl says:

    Mariah is getting chubby again. I wouldn’t really care, except that every time she loses weight we are bombarded with stories and booty shorts photos. It’s getting so old! You’d think that a diet company would want their spokesmodel to STAY thin. Losing the weight isn’t as difficult as keeping it off long term.

  7. HotPockets says:

    Well, I LOATHE Nicky Minaj, what a talent-less gimmick, so I don’t blame anyone else for pretending she doesn’t exist, she shouldn’t.

    • Dhavynia says:

      I agree
      I’m not a huge MC fan but the woman can sing
      Nicky Minaj looks like an annoying overly colored cartoon character with no talent.

      • Hakura says:

        @Dhavynia – Nikki just comes across (to me) as the black lady gaga.(Absolutely no racial offense intended). It’s sort of a ‘what came first, the chicken or the egg’ question, but I think Gaga started the trend of looking like they escaped from a mental institution…

    • Relli says:

      Me too. As a professor once told me if you don’t get it or it doesn’t interest you its probably not being marketed to your demographic.

      • HotPockets says:

        Yeah, MC actually has talent and has been in the industry for a long time, so I can tolerate her because she has artistic integrity and credibility. Nicky is completely manufactured, from her fake a$$ to her horrible songs that have no rhythm or rhyme to them. It’s like these corporate labels will sign anyone on as long as their willing to play a specific role. Nicky’s role is to dumb down the masses, while maintaining the most fake exterior possible. Mass produced “artists” like Minaj have been around for a long time, but it is more transparent than ever, you can tell she came straight off the assembly line.

  8. Cam S says:

    I think Mariah is beautiful. If she opted to exercise/tone up more instead of doing the lipo- she’d look even better. I doubt she works out at all, probably can’t be bothered with it, but she does have good skin.

  9. ms.steel says:

    oh my gosh.. my first time to see minaj legs bare… photoshopped or real? how can she balance herself with those? eyesore!

  10. SNFLWR0918 says:

    She looks great regardless of surgery or not. She’s in her 40’s and birthed twins, that’s not an easy task. I speculate she probably had a ‘tummy tuck’ based on the look of her belly button (I had a tummy tuck and my belly button looks like hers). Then again, I’m no doctor, I only play one on TV 🙂

  11. aims says:

    I cant stand Mariah. I hate divas. She wont even change her kids diaper. Ugggg

  12. smartyparty says:

    Mariah is the end-all Diva. I think she actually handled this whole thing with a lot of class. I liked the interview with BW, Mariah is consistently a sweet and good natured Diva!

    • Hakura says:

      @Smartyparty – I agree… It seems to me that she just decided an open ‘catfight’ not only wasn’t worth it, but would reflect badly on her. (Plus she’s much older than Minaj, maybe she gained some wisdom over the years.

  13. minime says:

    Isn’t it interesting, the all Minaj’s speech seems so familiar to when she was trying to be known by having a feud with Lil’Kim…I guess she is really good at pissing ppl off and being all ganster. I have no patience for Mariah’s bitchiness but in this feud I’m all the way Mariah! Some insuflated fake that sings like a mix between Aqua/The exorcist…Minaj who??? Longing for her to disappear in the vacuum of her futility. (I know it’s quite a rant but I can’t stop the feeling of disliking her)

  14. Sophia says:

    her belly button looks suspiciously like a tummy tuck to me. and you’re right!there’s definitely some photoshop action going on there! i think Mariah is the one responsible for this feud because nicki has worked with madonna and they got along just fine and i read an interview where she applaud her professionalism

  15. Sweet Dee says:

    LOL. Bitches be cray. I can’t even believe these two…get over yourselves. I hope Mimi closes her eyes starts chanting “I don’t see you, you don’t exist” over and over every time Nicki pops off. They both need to be slapped.

  16. Hahahahaha says:

    Tummy tuck are holding your belly in mommy,while you had twins, doenst mean you look ‘not so wide’.Why punish urself like that..I would be SOOOOO PROUD of ME…

  17. EmmaStoneWannabe says:

    It’s sad when someone in her 40s can’t just embrace her body and be herself while on vacay…like everyone knows you had twins and a tummy tuck, dont be ashamed about it and suck in so much that you’re hunching and then brag about it by sending out the false pic…that is way less attractive than just taking a cute, smiley photo on the beach with a baby on the hip, but then again I guess that wouldnt be “diva” enough for her lol

    • Miss Kiki says:

      That’s the thing though, this is Mariah being herself. The woman is hilariously high maintenance but she enjoys it, I think it’s such a part of her now that she doesn’t know how to be anything else. The chick is cray but I can’t help but love her!

  18. NeoCleo says:

    MC has had so much surgery on her face that she bares no resemblence to herself in her 20s. She looks like a cabbage patch doll with those chipmunk cheeks.

    But there is no denying the vocal chords. I don’t like her or her music but she can sing with the best of them.

  19. tabasco says:

    “at least we can agree on my shoes” – ha! love that. to me, there are certain (few) celebrities that due to some combination of talent, entertaining personality, hotness or whatever, have The Pass, which means you can do whatever the hell you want and i won’t sh*t on you. Mariah has one. Johnny Depp has one. JLo has one. Gosling has one.

  20. bluhare says:

    I admire a good diva, and Mariah’s about as good as they get. Nicki Minaj has no clue; she’s all flash and no substance.

  21. jess says:

    its all FAKE FAKE FAKE. a family friend ran all the lighting for the AI auditions and said even the bad singing/auditioner freakouts are scripted. he sat there and watched them practice and reshoot over and over.

  22. tabasco says:

    also, MC may be (ok, IS) crazy, but she can back it up with her immense talent, she doesn’t pretend to be something she’s not, she fully owns her personality, she’s never been a hollywood drug mess, and it’s an entertaining, not malicious kind of diva-ness. in a weird way, i kind of feel like more women should carry themselves with some of her “dahhhhling, you WILL treat me like a queeeenn” attitude.

  23. KellyinSeattle says:

    If I have to choose sides of the divas, I’ll take Mimi any day. She really is a character. Nicki is obsolete to me. Mariah looks good most of the time, or looks the way she wants to look, but I wonder if she’d once in awhile just like to wear sweats and flip flops. Doubt it…Nick Cannon, God bless you

  24. Ming says:

    Marian Carey needs to slow her role, big time. Yes, she can sing, but her diva attitude and arrogance is UGLY.
    Nicki Minaj is talented and poor mimi will be OLD news soon enough.

    • Diva says:

      Mariah will be old news? The women’s been in the industry for over 20 years and is a legend. Yes, I agree MC is a diva. Let’s see if Nicki will last 10 years let alone 20? The clown wigs and nursery rhyme raps will get old very quickly.

  25. Anna says:

    I think the bikini picture is an old photo.