Jared Leto celebrates Globes win with an Uncle Terry shoot: gross or hot?

Jared Leto

I’ll admit my headline might be a wee bit hyperbolic. Jared Leto probably did not hop on a red-eye flight after winning his Golden Globe for Supporting Actor. He probably didn’t eagerly run into Terry’s studio and rip off his clothes to jump into Terry’s funk-ridden shower. I’m sure Terry took these photos recently and saved them for his own benefit. He posted them the day after Jared took him his coveted Globe. Now we’re all shaking out heads and wondering why respected actors and musicians take it off for Uncle Terry.

With that said, this is not the first time Jared has posed for Terry. These two go way back, and they are great friends. Lots of celebrities that you’d never suspect adore Terry and ignore his misdeeds. They look past the pr0ny shooting styles and the fact that Terry must consume more electricity lighting up his sets than his entire NYC block. Seriously his power bills must be insane.

All joking aside, let’s rate Jared’s appearance in these photos. They’re not nearly as risque as Terry’s shots of the latest hopeful female model who decided to take her chances in his loft. These shots are definitely suggestive and sexual in nature (I spared you the shot of a shirtless Terry joining in the fun). Of course it’s clear that Terry respects Jared. There are no humiliating poses here. Jared is simply dripping wet and flexing his muscles while wearing a towel or using it to hide his “modesty.” I don’t know. If Terry was simply suggestive like this when he photographed women, I might be drawn into this shoot as well. Jared is an extremely good looking guy, but I find these pictures enormously creepy.

Jared Leto

Jared Leto

Photos courtesy of Terry’s Revolting Diary

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62 Responses to “Jared Leto celebrates Globes win with an Uncle Terry shoot: gross or hot?”

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  1. halleygee says:


  2. Socks says:

    Remember when Jared Leto used to be hot?

    • GIRLFACE says:

      Yes, unfortunately. Jordan Catalano will always be hot in my memory. This however, is strictly gross.

    • Ok says:

      It is ….. Lack of a better word ……. Interesting (????) how Jared Leto almost seems to go out of his way to sabotage his good looks. He really seems to purposefully ugly himself up while working in an industry where everyone is trying to be as good looking as he originally was.

  3. Kiddo says:

    Uncle Terry=Gross, there isn’t even a question.

  4. jinni says:

    I don’t find Jared attractive no matter how well preserved he is. His beady, close set eyes are creepy, plus this close relationship with Uncle Terry isn’t helping him.

  5. Grant says:

    How is this man even respected as a photographer? Step one: turn the lights up as bright as they go. Step two: take candid shots. Step three: …

  6. Marianne says:

    I dont get why people like Terry. Not only is he totally gross and pervy..but its not like he takes amazing pictures or anything. They always look so budget. I bet I can take pictures like that. Why are they special?

  7. gaggles says:

    …Jared Leto is disgusting. Terry richardson is VILE.

  8. T.Fanty says:

    Jared Leto is a douche. I found his GG speech horribly self-indulgent, and this photoshoot with his buddy, Uncle Terry, just confirms my assumption of his twat-ness.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Agreed. I’m not saying he had to use it as a social commentary but he had a real chance to say something, send a message to people and he chose to make waxing jokes and thank transgenders for “inspiration” for HIS character.

    • Florc says:

      Having met Leto on a few occasions I can only find him horribly unattractive.
      He treated his band mates, fans, assistants, and surroundings like they should be so thankful for the scum that they are to be in his glory.
      The only people he seemed to get along with were the same kind of self involved, undeserving, pseudo elitist he thinks he is. So, it makes total sense he’s with Terry.

      And I wouldn’t touch him for all the gold in the vatican.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      @T.Fanty – great minds working in sync here.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Just listened to his speech–all the pretty left him the minute he started speaking. He sounds like a preppy frat boy….it’s weird. And I did find his speech self indulgent–like I’m not saying he had to take us through the entire history of gay men/women and AIDS–but he could’ve made it a little more about the character, instead of making a stupid waxing joke.

      • Lindy79 says:

        In total agreement.
        Matthew McConnaughey isnt my favourite actor but the parts of his speech relating to the movie (im ignoring the wife telling “her king” to do the movie) being about living not dying and how hard it was to get funding etc. felt true and honest.

  9. LeLe25 says:

    Why are how subjects always naked?? Why??? Why do people feel like stripping down for this perv? Bad intuition?

  10. Mar says:

    He looks like Jesus.

    I think he’s hot I would tear that up honestly.

  11. T.C. says:

    This is just as gross as the Miley pics.

  12. V4Real says:

    Oh jeez he looks like a representation of Jesus in that first pic.

    I’m not a fan of Terry’s work and I will admit that I don’t know much about him but these pics looks like Leto’s college roommate took pictures of him after he got out of the shower. There is nothing professional about it. I could do this with the camera on an Iphone which Richardson probably used.

    I still find Leto hot just not right now.

  13. Ice Maiden says:

    The pictures are tacky and unattractive, but they’d be much much worse with a female celeb. At least Jared isn’t in any compromising poses or licking his own reflection in a mirror.

  14. Green Eggs and Ham says:

    Being the flavour of the award season: he will win all the upcoming trophies. It will be nice if some of us be spared looking at him. For me personally I will never get the appeal.

  15. Leah says:

    Gross. This is why i can never get on the Jared bandwagon no matter how pretty he is. His best buddy is Uncle Terry and he dated Lindsay Lohan when she was 18 and he was in his 30s plus those Paris Hilton photos. His whole persona just screams douchebag.

  16. twoblues says:

    I keep hearing Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode for some reason.

  17. Sharra55 says:

    He looks like a cult leader/serial killer. Like he might chop you up and put you in a freezer! Ugh. No thanks.

  18. Sayrah says:

    Oh man, I was obsessed with him on My So Called Life. Where did you go Jordan Catalano?!

  19. Happy21 says:

    I never watched him in anything until DBC and think he was wonderful in it. However, I have known who he is since My So Called Life but have never really gotten the appeal. He is really, really pretty. I have a problem with guys that are pretty – I just don’t do pretty. I will admit with the scruff he is somewhat more attractive than without and he does have a nice bod and seeing him nearly naked makes him look manly but when he’s clothed I see nothing but a pretty man.

  20. Dreamyk says:

    The answer to this question is always YES.

  21. Lori says:


  22. sarah says:

    Yeah you know it’s gross when you immediately scroll down so your three-year-old standing behind you won’t see. It just feels like p0rn– but that’s Uncle Terry’s aesthetic isn’t it?

    And also, it seems like the angles are quite different here from the angles with his female-subjects. In the shots with women we see a lot of downward pointing and straight-on shots while in these the camera is lower. Not as degrading, right?

  23. MavenTheFirst says:

    They’re just gross snapshots. Big deal. Certainly not “art”. Anyone could have taken these. I’m guessing lots of drug taking was involved?

  24. HB says:

    There is nothing connected with your creepy uncle terry that is not creepy.

  25. Mairead says:

    As someone who avoided flash as far as is possible for years, I know how difficult it is to get a good effect from these severe spots and strobes, so I admire his mastery in getting that highly-mannered effect without every bit of oil on his subjects skin also jumping out. (I do use flash now more often – my speedlite literally changed my life).

    Having said that, with the exception of the faceshot with the frozen water droplets, these really aren’t great. For all his fame he really has no concept of composition. I would be embarrassed to show that one with the Y-fronts on the radiator especially.

  26. judyjudy says:

    Curious about all those chonies on the towel rack…how many naked people were in that shower?

    And by “curious” I mean “omg, I don’t want to know”

  27. Tig says:

    This is pretty disappointing- but after that blech speech at GG, guess this had to follow. Which is too bad, bec his portrayal of Rayon in DBC is heartbreaking. Despite this, I hope he wins an Oscar.

  28. Leila in wunderland says:

    Wait, no one is calling him trash, or at least voicing concern about him being ‘exploited’? Will anyone talk to him about being a good role model, or about how nudity is prostitution? Perhaps another celebrity will write him a letter about it?

    Nope, nope, and nope. Because he has a penis, not a vagina.

    • Mairead says:

      Would you give poor Sinéad a chance to finish her essay, like a good woman 😉

      The fact that he’s middle-aged a little bit less likely for him to fe “exploited” by Uncle Pervy than a ditzy ingenue 20 years his junior may have something to do with that. 😉

      It must be said that the Miley photos than these amateurish snaps.

  29. I side eye anyone who is friends with Uncle Perv-Terry. Gross.

  30. schueler says:

    He must have the same connection as Miley. Looks like a male Miley.

    Most unflattering photos, but I like a little cray cray.

  31. kj says:

    he looks like hot jesus

  32. Moi says:

    Damn I think he looks hot. Yes, TR is gross, but talking aesthetically about JL.

    I’m curious tho and always have been….Cameron Diaz seems so sweet and cool, can this guy be such a dick and yet she would stay with him for two years? Never mind, I guess we’ve all been there.

    And I’ve heard from one friend who’s met him that he is not short and from another friend that has met him, that he is indeed on the shorter side. These besties of mine are about an inch different in height. Who knows.

    Want to see DBC tho. I didn’t find his speech bad. He was trying to be funny, then almost lost it at the end. The humor was an attempt to not break down with emotion IMO.

  33. Zigggy says:

    The common denominator in Terry’s pics- blow. Terry parties, these celebs party, and while high as f*ck, pictures like these seem like a good idea.

  34. aqualech says:

    Well preserved? His face is stretched so tight that he can hardly blink his eyes. Ain’t natural.