Paris Hilton was the victim of a scary plane prank: funny or poor Paris?

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton isn’t normally someone who elicits cries of pity, but she fell victim to a cruel prank. Egyptian actor Ramez Galal pulled a shameless stunt on his show, Ramez in Control. Paris believed she was on a tourist-oriented jet tour of Dubai. She visits the city often enough (usually for resort openings) that her presence on such a flight isn’t out of the ordinary.

Paris was set up for this terrible prank, and her handler was part of the process. She attended yet another hotel opening, and she ended up entering the jet. The stunt involved the plane pretending to spin out of control while alarms blare. The plane dives and swoops for several minutes as Paris freaks out and cries. Once the plane lands, Paris finds out the whole thing was a prank. She’s completely surprised and understandably upset. Here’s the video clip (with fair warning – it is disturbing to watch) and let’s discuss below.

Does this make you feel sorry for Paris? Galal’s thrilled reaction (after landing) was almost more disturbing than the prank itself. This guy has no conscience at all. This stunt could have gone very wrong, and every occupant of the plane should feel lucky to be alive. Poor Paris, and shame on Galal for making me feel bad for a spoiled heiress.

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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93 Responses to “Paris Hilton was the victim of a scary plane prank: funny or poor Paris?”

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  1. Moxie Remon says:

    Yes, for the first time ever, i feel sorry for her. Guys are so dumb, man.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Yes! And rich though she may be, she should sue their guts out.

    • annaloo. says:

      Sorry, I may be evil but I was living for that! I can’t stand her and feel no compunction for laughing at her freakout.

      • Sophie says:

        I feel like this prank was really disgusting. I had relatives on the MH17 flight (it is coming up to the one year anniversary) and so inflicting that on somebody else is vile. Absolutely insulting to find a cheap laugh off of this.

    • MyCatLoves TV says:

      First time for me as well. I can’t stand this woman but one human being to another…..this was just wrong.

    • LA Juice says:

      I just want to sue the asshat who made me feel bad for Paris Hilton. That’s some intentional infliction of emotional distress right there.

    • Katie says:

      Rude. I feel very sorry for her. I can’t imagine being in fear for my life. Just because she’s a celebutante doesn’t mean she deserves that treatment

  2. Don't kill me I'm French says:

    Team Paris .I’ m really afraid in plane.

  3. lisa2 says:

    That’s not funny.. and why would anyone think pretending to have a plane crash is funny.

    • NYer says:

      I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Not a Hilton, not even a Kardashian. This was inhumanely cruel.

    • AcidRock says:

      Yes, this is just exceptionally cruel. I bet this will be all she ever thinks about going forward, every time she gets on a plane – will someone try to pull this kind of crap again, or if, God forbid, something serious really did occur, would she refuse to recognize the gravity of the situation because she thinks it’s another prank? What a terrible thing to do to someone.

  4. Snazzy says:

    Poor Paris. What a terrible thing to do to someone.
    Mind you, I’ve never found these “punk’d” style celebrity pranks funny at all.
    And this one is no exception.

  5. klaas says:

    This was beyond stupid and so not funny.

  6. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Remember when pranks were mild and funny?

    Spilling something on people or pretending to be near-death isn’t funny. Spoiled or not she doesn’t deserve to think she’s about to die.

    What an idiot, all he did was reinforce xenophobic perceptions for her and the rest of the plane.

    • Gretchen says:

      I agree that the prank is horrible but how is it reinforcing xenophobia?

      Every Ramadan this guy picks one prank and targets a number of celebrities (most of whom are from the Middle East). The whole plane is in on it, only the celebrity is unaware.

  7. NewWester says:

    If I was Paris, I would have broken the heels on my shoes because I would be hitting that guy upside the head with them! What a awful joke to play on someone! Gross

  8. Jegede says:

    I actually think she was in on it.

    The presence of microphones, and that fact that she kept parting her hair while going “Whats happening”?.

    Who would care about styling hair when you’re about to plummet to the ground??!!!!

    I would be tearing mine out and crapping it!! But thats just me

    • PHD Gossip says:

      I thought the same thing.

    • Giddy says:

      I wondered this too, but if so I doubt she expected how far the pilot would go. I am a white knuckle flyer at the best of times, and in turbulence go into a quiet panic. I found the whole thing disturbing, especially the host’s over the top glee. Would he have done this to a man?

    • V4Real says:

      I’m all for pranks but this was just in very poor taste. Too many people have lost their lives in plane crashes.

      However I agree. This looked like very bad acting. I could be wrong but I’m also on board with she was in on it.

    • Dana m says:

      I think she knew in advance about it too.

      • SnarkySnarkers says:

        Me too! She was so in on it! Does anyone really think they would pull some crap like that without her knowing? That would definitely be grounds for a lawsuit.

    • JB says:

      Could just be a nervous habit. A lot of people touch or grab at their hair when they are uncomfortable.

      It looks like the girl behind her is throwing up. This is just terrible.

      • shannondipity says:

        +1 I grab at and flip my hair from one side to the other when I’m nervous, preoccupied or scared. I’m not styling it, it’s a nervous habit. As someone who has struggled to get over a fear of flying, this was beyond cruel.

    • Amide says:

      Oh good. I was not the only one that found that odd.
      Either that, or Paris is one cool customer when she’s about to crash to her death.

    • TessD says:

      I was wondering about the mike on her as well.

      Also, I think I’d be puking my guts out if I knew I was going down and I’m not even afraid of flights. If it was her worst fear she handled it very well.

    • Susie Q says:

      I agree.

    • Nikki L. says:

      It’s extremely fake.

  9. Ivy Vine says:

    That’s going way to far for a prank.

  10. dr mantis toboggan says:

    Good. I hope she felt the terror of a purse dog trapped in a closet

    • Jegede says:

      Haha. I see what you did there.

    • Reeely?? says:

      Or a purse dog abducted from a club after midnight. Or a jungle baby made to be a purse dog. She us such an offender I just can’t feel sorry. Animals aren’t accessories. Plus she was in on the prank initially but it might have gone too far.

  11. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Disgusting. How is that funny? It’s the worst nightmare of anyone on a plane. I felt very sorry for her, and I’m not a fan at all. He put her life at risk and caused emotional trauma and thinks it’s funny. Ugh.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      +1 It was the most disgusting and vile “prank” anyone could possibly come up with. If she was not in on it and I doubt she was, mostly because her acting skills are not nearly this advanced, she could have suffered from some actual long-lasting trauma or even a heart failure. She most likely doesn’t have any grounds to sue them as I’m sure they paid her a lot of money and were probably smart enough to put some ambiguously worded clause into her contract, which allowed them to do that, but she should hire the best lawyers to at least try to find some loophole.

  12. Yeses says:

    It feels really staged, she sure can be cheesy and ham it up…oh we are going to crash? Let me fix my hair!!

  13. Eleonor says:

    Not. Funny. AT ALL.
    I would have kick their ass to the moon.

  14. Jay says:

    Making someone think they’re about to die a horrible fiery death is just about the unfunniest prank you can play. Team Paris on this one.

  15. daisyfly says:

    I can’t stand her voice or her dismissive behavior, but I would never wish that on her. No one deserves to be treated like that.

    She should’ve stabbed him in the ear with those knees.

  16. Lindy79 says:

    If this wasn’t Paris Hilton there wouldn’t even be a question, which is horrible in itself. Its cruel, nasty, mean and horrible.

  17. capepopsie says:

    Very, very bad taste!

  18. boredblond says:

    How on earth do these a-holes consider this funny or entertaining? She should’ve given him a kick he wouldn’t this guy cruel to everyone, or was she ‘special’?

  19. lower-case deb says:

    who signed off on this anyway? i mean the idea itself should make warning alarms go
    blaring. airborne stunts and whatnot can turn very deadly in a second.
    that’s why even stunts on the ground (like car stunts etc) use a specially outfitted vehicle and not regular ones.

    are passenger planes and flight captains allowed to do that on regular planes? what if they suddenly hit turbulance in the middle of the prank, what if… i shudder to think.

    • Hautie says:

      Why would anyone think a prank, of an attempt crashing a legit plane in the air… filled with adults… is a wise decision.

      It makes me realize what horrible plane safety rules… that they have in Dubai.

      Now your question of..

      “…are passenger planes and flight captains allowed to do that on regular planes? …”

      No. It would have never ever happen over US soil.

      The NTSB would have an epic melt down, if anyone in the US pulled this sh*t. As some prank for a lame TV show.

      If there is one thing you can say about America! *waves little American flag*

      The NTSB would BBQ… any one who ever thought about taking a large plane into the air. And pulled this “we are all gonna diiieeeeee” prank.

      Look at how many times… in legit control surroundings… at those air plane shows. With what is suppose to be, the best of the best pilots. That things go horribly wrong. And planes crash.

      • Brittney B says:


        There’s a place near my hometown called Fantasy of Flight, and every year they have a huge stunt show. Almost EVERY time, someone dies… and sometimes it’s people in the stands. And yet they continue.

        This prank is a whole other level of asinine and cruel, though.

      • skipper says:

        We may live close to each other. I live in a city right off of I-4, in the same county as Fantasy of Flight. We have Sun n’ Fun here and it is very dangerous for the pilots and the crowd.

  20. Jess says:

    I watched this yesterday and thought it was horrifying, not funny no matter who it is. That’s one of my biggest fears as well, I would’ve had a panic attack and probably passed out.

    On another note, she looks and sounds just like Kyle Richards when she’s yelling.

  21. Snazzy says:

    On another completely superficial and stupid note, did anyone else notice that in the pic with her sister their legs are a completely different colour from their face and arms? I mean, ok, maybe a bit more of a tan, but that is straight up orange. So strange

    • Denise says:

      Yep. And I can’t believe they’re still wearing those tacky ass dresses and shoes and posing like their hips are fused together. And the tiara? All that money and this is what they look like. With legs that look like overcooked hot dogs.

  22. Snowflake says:

    That is a horrible prank!

  23. Naddie says:

    I feel like beating the crap out of this guy… Not exactly for Paris, but people like this can be sadistic to anyone. Even if it was just around Paris, I’d be mad.

  24. Brittney B says:

    A prank like this could turn into lifelong PTSD. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I can’t believe this guy.

  25. kri says:

    Horrible and so not funny. I can’t stand her, but all I saw here was a person who thought they were about to die. It’s sick.

  26. kibbles says:

    I would have died from a heart attack if I had been on that plane. I am a frequent flier but I will never get used to turbulence at 30,000 feet. I’ve always thought that dying in a plane crash is probably one of the most terrifying ways to die. Even “pretending” to have a plane spin out of control is dangerous for both the passengers as well as people on the ground. What if the pilot had not been able to regain control of the plane? A plane isn’t a roller coaster or something that is meant to be played with like a toy. For the first time in my life I feel sorry for Paris Hilton. No one should be scared in that way.

  27. nicegirl says:

    WAY not cool. Too dangerous to be a ‘prank’.

  28. Mimz says:

    I don’t know what people find so amusing about pranks. If anyone ever decides to pull a prank like this one, or any other one for that matter, I will murder someone.
    Plus, when I watch some stupid prank videos (by accident, I don’t enjoy them), I always think “what if they cause someone to have a heart attack or something? Who will be held responsible? Don’t these people have any shame to scare (especially old) people??”

    Poor Paris. I don’t especially like her, she’s an insufferable brat, but this is a stupid and horrible thing to do to someone. SHAME on them.

    • jc126 says:

      I agree. I hate pranks in general, especially since they got really mean, and this sort of prank, making someone think they’re about to DIE is mind-boggingly vicious.
      One time, someone at work played a prank on me that a patient who had assaulted me was back and on my floor – it was so upsetting, I was in tears and very hurt, and lost some trust in that person who did it, even though the person profusely apologized after seeing my reaction.

    • I Choose Me says:

      My sentiments exactly. I dare anybody to try this kind of prank on me. I would beat their ass.

      • Lady D says:

        I have a debilitating fear of heights. I don’t even stand on kitchen chairs. I want and need my feet on the ground. I can guarantee that if I survived this, they wouldn’t. I don’t think I would be able to control the rage I’d feel at finding out this was a prank.

  29. Mostafa says:

    Bedhead, I’m egyptian and i watch the stupid show.

    If you think that Ramez is cruel for having such a reaction, you have seen nothing. Imagine doing it to 30 local celebrities for 30 episodes with far worse reactions.

    This is his fourth season. The first one he had his guests on a boat and then the boat would sink and a mechanical shark would appear and attack them, the second one was a visit to the pyramids were doors would lock on the guests and sepcial effects go crazy as if the place has been cursed, then he shows up dressed as a mummy at the end of the episode,….etc.

    I feel bad for Paris that she’s been unlucky enough to be the only foreigner to fall for his stupid pranks!

    • Josefa says:

      God he sounds like a major douchebag. I think the silly pranks you usually find on youtube (with scary clowns or fake ghosts) are funny, because the person is just shocked, and then (s)he notices it’s all a prank. Now, having the whole prank revolve around making the person truly believe they are about to die? Not cool.

    • Jax says:

      If he is known for these kind of pranks, then wouldn’t Paris have maybe had a clue that this was a prank? I thought she was in on it when she kept saying she wasn’t jumping with the parachute. If you REALLY thought the plane was going down, wouldn’t you take a chance with the chute rather than smacking the ground? It was like she knew it was a prank and she was NOT jumping out of the plane to go along with it.

      • Lady D says:

        Someone suggested that they may have pulled another prank on her first to make her think the show was over and filming successful. Then they pull out the big guns with the second prank that she didn’t know about.

  30. Josefa says:

    The video isn’t loading for me but woah, this is too much. My biggest problem is this is very dangerous, and, really, is pranking a ’00s celeb nobody cares about anymore worth putting the lives of several people in danger? So much could’ve gone wrong in this prank, and all for the sake of people laughing at Paris Hilton.

    It’s crazy how celebrity culture works. This is like a much more extreme version of the Kylie Jenner challenge – where kids were potentially deforming their mouths just to make fun of a person they’ve never met. It’s really scary.

  31. Murphy says:

    They should have done it to her brother.

  32. suzanne says:

    Call me when the plane really goes down.

  33. cujokay says:

    That was HORRIBLE! I’d be pissed.

  34. GPSB says:

    Not the biggest Paris fan but that was awful and not a “prank.” Pranks are funny.

  35. nic says:

    Completely unacceptable and abusive. Not okay. Not funny. Not even a little bit. She should sue and she should win.

  36. Bread and Circuses says:

    Reminds me of something I read by a guy who posts funny videos for a website.

    He said the worst part of his job is he gets sent these horrible, horrible “prank” videos all the time that are of some dreadful human male scaring and harassing random women while his chortling male friend films the whole thing.

    I guess that behaviour is cross-cultural.

  37. Tacos and TV says:

    That’s scary and I do feel bad for anyone put in that situation. Thankfully she is ok. It’s hard to feel bad for a spoiled, racist, mean spirited has been…. but this clip truly did make me feel bad.

  38. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    The people on the plane were part of the prank, some started strapping on parachutes and jumping out of the plane.

  39. flowerpower says:

    I laughed til I cried! This is karma for her poor suffering animals that died of neglect under her care. I think I’ll watch the video again. 🙂

  40. Dawn says:

    I don’t find that to be a joke. I don’t find anything funny about it. And I doubt if any of us were put in that same spot we would not find it funny either.

  41. Sayrah says:

    I hate flying so much I can’t even watch the clip. If this were done to me, I would have likely fainted or literally had a stroke or heart attack from my blood pressure going through the roof. If she flies most every day of the week she may be calmer than I would have been in the situation because I go on around 3 business trips a year and still get nervous every flight.

  42. Susie Q says:

    For her handler to be involved it makes me think that either a; Paris treats people so badly that her handler had no problem being involved in doing this or, more likely, b; even her recent nip slip and crotch flashing isn’t enough to get her some attention and has had to resort to more desperate measures.

  43. Nikki L. says:

    Guys, come on, this was staged.

  44. I Choose Me says:

    Horrible, unfunny prank. She looked so scared.

  45. Tre says:

    That was mean and no one should be put through that. Not Paris, not Bieber, not Lohan. No matter what idiots they are, That was mean. I wish she would sue them. Person after that kind of prank can be scared of planes for the rest of her life.

  46. Butch says:

    That prank is as bad as those eyebrows she’s sporting in that first pic. Sheesh!

  47. ramy says:

    Did you believe it guys’s all acting
    She knew about everything ,she even got paid
    $250,000 from the gov of Dubai to came to the show .

  48. LAK says:

    What kind of idjit thinks a plane crash, even a pretend one, is funny?

  49. John B says:

    I think the person who should be checked out for mental instability is the pilot. What sane pilot would even entertain the idea of participating in a plane crash prank.

  50. mona says:

    hello guys you think this is cruel and so are we but it was nothing compared to ramez prank last year and years before ,one was throwing celebs in middle of red sea with no boat surrounded by fake sharks,the other one was inside pharaohs tomb in darkness where some fake mummy start to move and scare you!and there was a one when gang with weapons attacking celebs bus in highway of sinia and redsea.he is crazy!

  51. justreal says:

    Paris- NOW you know what it feels like to have ZERO control (for once in her entitled life) of your surroundings. In other words; THAT is what the ‘silly pitiful veterans’ that stand the watch for your ass (AND OTHERS) feel in combat.. for far less $. The protected mock those with ptsd… guess ALL fireman, police, and service folks now have something in common with you.. 😉 Semper first baby!

  52. armyof1 says:

    Zing! Exactly!! Privilege gone awry…huge belly laff!!!