Louis Tomlinson & Briana Jungwirth debut their son Freddie Reign Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson and his friend-with-benefits Briana Jungwirth welcomed their son one week ago. The baby was born in LA, and Louis was in town for the birth. TMZ reports that he was in the hospital when the baby was born. Louis confirmed the birth a day later, and now he’s posting his first photo of his baby.

Louis also confirmed the name: Freddie Reign Tomlinson. Um
I don’t really have an issue with Freddie if it’s a nickname of Frederick or Fredson or whatever. But you gave your kid a nickname as his proper name and that bugs. As for “Reign” – that’s the new thing, isn’t it? Hippies used to name their kids Rain, and now famewhores name their kids Reign. Kourtney Kardashian has a son named Reign. Lil’ Kim named her daughter Royal Reign. And I guess it’s worth noting that the baby will have the “Tomlinson” name. Louis even tweeted “Freddie Tommo.”

As for the money
 British sources claim that Briana and Louis have come to an agreement as to the child support payments: he will reportedly give her about $10,000 a month, plus he’s paying for the Calabasas house Briana is renting. It’s also being said that Briana’s family believes Louis should be paying more.

Briana also Instagrammed a photo of herself and the baby:

1/21/16. Freddie Reign. Love of my life💙

A photo posted by Briana Jungwirth (@brianaashleyjungwirth) on

Photos courtesy of Twitter, IG, WENN.

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57 Responses to “Louis Tomlinson & Briana Jungwirth debut their son Freddie Reign Tomlinson”

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  1. Allie says:

    I love the name Freddie, not sure why nicknames can’t be full names. I’m hoping Louis stocks with the $10,000 a month plan. He’s already paying for the house, and that’s plenty for the child. If she needs more, get a damn job.

    • Locke Lamora says:

      He should take care of the child. I don’t see why he should take care of her. It’s not like they were married for 30 years and she gave up her career for him.

    • Rachel says:

      I don’t understand why he’s paying for her to rent a house though. It would seem a better investment to buy her house a to live in.

      • Tiffany says:

        I honestly think he does not was to give her an asset in her name.

      • lunchcoma says:

        I think renting is a good idea for him. I don’t think it’s clear yet whether he’ll go on to solo success or whether his future career consists of reunion tours and reality and hosting gigs. If he rents, it’s fairly easy for him to go to court in a few years and argue that his income has decreased and that she now needs to downsize to something less expensive.

        Buying a house and keeping it your own name is a decent move for someone who has either immense wealth or a stable career, but I don’t know if Louis has either.

    • BendyWindy says:

      Nicknames as given names were more common in the past. My little cousin Freddie is named for his great grandfather, whose given name in the early 1900s was just Freddie. I’m cool with it.

  2. Locke Lamora says:

    I really like Freddie, if it’s a nickname. Nicknames as names I don’t like. Reign on the other hand, is horrible, At least they were sensible enough to put it as a middle name.

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      I loathe the name Reign. Just awful. I’m not a fan of any of these kind of names–Royalty, Majesty, Duchess. They all bug.

      • alexc says:

        That’s because they’re reflections of the narcissistic parents who choose them. Don’t forget Titan, ug…

    • Erinn says:

      I don’t get it either. There’s this weird trend of royalty/title names. I’m not a fan of any of them, either.

      What upsets me is that all the ‘older’ names that I thought would be safe by the time I wanted to have kids have blown up in popularity.

    • Lilian says:

      Nowhere did he say he named his baby reign. There was a rumour going around that he named the baby Sydney Reign and TMZ even posted a picture of a baby off Instagram and claimed it was his baby until the dad of the baby girl in the pic called them out. What I’m saying is that he has officially said his baby’s name is Freddie Tomlinsin. Nothing else. No Reign. That was a rumour. An unfounded one.

      • Goats on the Roof says:

        Isn’t that Brianna’s Instagram in the post? She’s holding the baby and the caption is “Freddie Reign”….

      • pleaseicu says:

        Briana also posted an Instagram picture with the caption “Freddie Reign the love of my life”

  3. KB says:

    It reminds me of when Britney Spears’ little sister named her kid Maddie. Not Madeleine or Madeline, just Maddie.

    • Nope says:

      My Mum always said that you need to name a child a name that they can walk into a boardroom with and feel confident in. A strong name. Having a nickname is personal and sweet. My name cant be shortened and I hate that 🙁

      • QQ says:

        Duana at Laineygossip calls it the Supreme Court test, give your kids a name that can become a Justice of the Supreme Court, if you want to do cutesy/nickname/second quirky middle go for it but don’t start by creating them trouble/mockery/or a stripper name

  4. Desiree says:

    i would note that Kourtney Kardashian has a kid named Reign…Khloe doesn’t have kids.

  5. Betti says:

    Congrats but I still hope he got a paternity test. She maybe ok with the agreement but her family are going to grasp by the sounds of it. The fact that she was born and raised in Calabasa’s means that she comes from a wealthy enough background.

  6. Aussie girl says:

    I really like Freddie as a name. Cute baby.

  7. CidySmiley says:

    Awww I’m a sucker for those little squished faces!!

  8. Erinn says:

    I was not aware that Fredson was a name – I much prefer Freddie.

  9. Alberto ACDC says:

    How the fuck are $120.000 a year plus a house not enough for two Hahahahahaha, yeah, I just heard myself. Forgot These are L.A. people

  10. littlemissnaughty says:

    Sure her family believes he should pay more. Lord have mercy. He is loaded, no doubt. But it sounds like he’s making sure the kid is taken care of and with that much money every month, the mother should be taken care of as well. Not that that’s his job. Or maybe the greedy family part is made up and everyone is fine. But I’m sure that would be too reasonable for the fans and therefore a huge conspiracy to cover up the REAL story.

    • Betti says:

      From what i recall at the time it was announced her family had been shopping the story around (which is where the rumours started), so he announced it first to shut them down. You must remember who manages these guys – Cowell is ruthless and he would have done what was necessary to protect the image of his biggest cash cow. I imagine the deal was that he will acknowledge and support her and the child if you all keep your mouths shut. From a PR PoV is has been handled very well considering the usual drama that follows celebrity whoopsies with casual hook ups and the tell all deals.

      And i believe her family are loaded as well – she was raised in Calabasas, one of the wealthiest areas in LA.

      • pleaseicu says:

        It wouldn’t shock me at all if her mother sold her out and sold the story. It was a weird situation early on and Briana got blamed for a lot of her mother’s antics. Briana practically went into hiding for the duration of her pregnancy and cut off all social media ties until about two weeks before she gave birth but her mother was out doing pap strolls and having articles written about her one episode of Baywatch in 1993 and her almost acting career in the Daily Mail. I kinda felt bad for Briana because for the first half of the pregnancy her mother definitely seemed to be trying to leech off of her daughter’s kinda sorta notoriety of being Louis’ baby mama and get publicity for herself.

      • Hooboy! says:

        Betti you are giving Simon credit for having a soul. He does not. He has been having a hissy fit of gigantic proportions and trying to ruin Louis Tomlinson specifically. In fact Simon has been fighting this group all last year and trying to trash them in the media and in their ability to earn. I’m hoping they sue the pants off Simon once they are free of him which should be very soon. Betting money baby not Louis’.

  11. Kiara says:

    now i ain’t sayin she’s a gold digger…

    • vauvert says:

      I have no dog in this fight but it annoys me whenever a woman who gets pregnant is labelled a gold digger. He could have used protection if the thought of child support was abhorrent. They are both responsible for creating a child. Meanwhile, all it costs him is a cheque. She is the one who will deal with everything that comes with raising the baby. For me, no amount of money would make up for the lack of a partner if I had to be the sole parent actually present.

      • ciera says:


      • littlemissnaughty says:

        We don’t know that he doesn’t want to raise the kid, do we? Yeah, as the woman, you get the sh*t end of the stick simply because you’re the one who’s pregnant, who has to give birth, and frankly, be the primary caregiver for the first few months if you breastfeed. But after that they could do 50/50. How many mothers want that though? I don’t know many.

        He’s an idiot, obviously. They’re both not exactly bright it seems or they would’ve frickin’ wrapped it up. But it’s not like her Instagram account is set to private either.

    • Green Is Good says:

      Kiara: I am.

  12. Pansy says:

    My gosh how do you spend 10,000 freaking dollars a month on a baby?! I have a family of FIVE and we live off of half that at most. I’m sure he’ll set up trusts for this child with his fortune, as well as paying for the child’s expenses. The rest is obviously for mommy.

    • OhDear says:

      I’m not going to speculate on her motives, but by law the child is entitled to live in the same lifestyle as Tomlinson.

      • HeyThere! says:

        I said that down thread, too. I don’t think most people know that?

        On another note, I have a newborn and a husband. The pregnancy, creating life together, giving birth….was one of the most intimate/important things we have ever shared in our life together. I can’t fathom doing it with anyone other than the love of my life!! How could you not fall magically in love with the person you created life with? It’s such a whirlwind of emotions. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a brief reconciliation. That being said, I was married to the love of my life, planned this pregnancy 100% and got pregnant the first time we tried. So, thinking about the whole process makes me fall in love with my husband again, daily.

      • Tourmaline says:

        Its pretty impossible to keep a child’s standard of living completely separate from his mother’s, since she is the one, um, living with the child and taking care of it daily for the next umpteen years.

      • ciera says:

        @Hey There–Louis&Briana were never in a relationship, it has been widely reported/implied Freddie was the result of a hookup. Which is absolutely fine by the way, I have zero shade for either parent on how the little guy was concieved–all of us are born onto this planet under many different circumstances. But it doesn’t make one child or family less special than another child or family. All babies are miracles and equally important no matter how they end up here!
        I’m glad you are happy with your situation and that it works for you…Mazel Tov. It’s lovely you and your husband are bananas for each other and your child was “100% planned”…that’s awesome because it was what you personally wanted. But it doesn’t matter if Louis and Briana were never a close couple before, or weren’t married, and Freddie’s conception wasn’t planned down to the exact time of ovulation…so what? All that is important is that Freddie is here and healthy, and he has two parents that appear to love him, adore him, and are both agreeing to co – parent peacefully. That is the significant part of the story, and is all that really matters. Anything else is just icing.

      • KWM says:

        “law the child is entitled to live in the same lifestyle as Tomlinson”

        So greasy hair, skinny jeans and t-shirts???????

  13. RhoSue says:

    Really? Reign? People will name their kids any old verb.

  14. laura says:

    Freddie isn’t a nickname, at least not here in UK. Fredson sounds made up? Is that for real?

  15. Lama Bean says:

    The baby is cute and squishy, but I can’t get past him shirtless. I don’t mean that in a good way.

  16. Brittney B. says:

    Did anyone else see “Freddie” and “Reign”, and immediately think of Queen?

    I feel like this name is a Queen homage. Which would put the nickname-as-real-name and the “ie” spelling and the middle name into perspective just a little bit, especially considering the father’s profession…

    Also… “Hippies used to name their kids Rain, and now famewhores name their kids Reign.” BRILLIANT comparison, and so so true. I’ll take the earthy Rain and River (RIP) and Leaf Phoenixes of this world ANY DAY over the egocentric Reign and Saint Kardashians.

  17. HeyThere! says:

    I have no problem with 10k a month when the daddy is worth MILLIONS and still at the highly of fame! It takes two to make a baby. Also, the child needs to have the same level of comfort at mommy’s house as daddy’s. He shouldn’t slum it in a one bedroom apartment with mommy, then live in a gated community hopping jets with daddy. Kids need stability. Plus, this kid is like an instant celebrity thanks to the millions of world wide 1Direction fans. Possibly some security or a driver so they don’t get harassed around town?? 120k a year gets you a lot where I’m from, but smack dab in LA and your the child of a world wide celebrity?! That’s not very much money.

  18. Bejkie says:

    Freddie is ok, but I prefer the rumoured name “Sydney”, cos that was my amazing Pop’s name. Though the rumour also said Sydney Rain (not Reign, though close I guess), which lends to a certain city’s precipitation

  19. serena says:

    I think Freddie is a cute name as it is 🙂
    Btw of course they want him to pay more, lol.

  20. Jayna says:

    I just assumed maybe he is a big Freddie Mercury fan and named his son Freddie.

  21. Lucy says:

    I don’t mind the name, and the baby’s cute! Congrats to them.

  22. Jayna says:

    “But you gave your kid a nickname as his proper name and that bugs.”

    It’s not always a nickname. Freddie Prinze, Jr., comes to mind.

  23. FingerBinger says:

    Freddie ,Charlie ,and Eddie are proper names. North ,Audio science and moxie crimefighter aren’t proper names.

  24. Pandy says:

    Reign? Is this a thing now?

  25. Elisabeth says:

    I hope this child is named for Mr Mercury

  26. lunchcoma says:

    I normally prefer full names to nicknames on birth certificates, but Freddie is really pretty good as far as celebrity baby names go. It’d be nice if it’s a musical tribute.

  27. Goodnight says:

    Pretty sure he’s named after Freddie Mercury, which is a nice tribute.