“Jennifer Lopez looked pretty amazing in mint Cushnie et Ochs” links


I think Jennifer Lopez looks really good here. The dress is Cushnie et Ochs, and it looks amazing. Her hair is a different story though. [Go Fug Yourself]
This Taylor Swift-MySpace story is so weird. [The Blemish]
The West Wing cast came back together for veterans. [LaineyGossip]
An update on the Hulk Hogan-Gawker trial. [Dlisted]
The latest Ghosterbusters trailer has more Chris Hemsworth. [Pajiba]
Mitt Romney reads Mean Tweets, is super-hip. [Jezebel]
The Victoria’s Secret swimsuit models are almost all white. [Starcasm]
Charlie Hunnam really wants you to stop insulting his girlfriend. [Socialite Life]
I had Mila Kunis’s sweater in the ‘90s. [Popoholic]
Celebrities with odd middle names, like Jennifer Shrader Lawrence. [Wonderwall]
Ten bucks says that Kim Richards is still a total mess. [Reality Tea]
Rest in peace, George Martin, the Fifth Beatle. [ICYDK]


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71 Responses to ““Jennifer Lopez looked pretty amazing in mint Cushnie et Ochs” links”

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  1. Jenns says:

    When I saw George Martin all over the news this morning, I thought it was George RR Martin and almost freaked out. The horrible, selfish part of my mind was internally screaming how we would never get the final two books(not that I think we’re getting them anyway).

    • GoLightly says:

      Same here. I agree it’s quite horrible and selfish, but when I first saw it trending on Twitter, my initial thought was, “oh no, he’ll never be able to tell us what happens at the end.”

      Condolences to the family and loved ones of Sir George Martin.

    • Original T.C. says:

      LOL, literally had a freak out too when I looked at the link titles. God forgive me and RIP George Martin.

  2. Kitten says:

    She’s a beautiful woman, no doubt. I love that beautiful mint color that we’re seeing everywhere. I think it looks particularly striking on women with a darker complexion.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      She is very beautiful and that dress looks amazing on her. I do wish that she would stop with the mouth-hanging-open pose, though. It just seems so unnatural to me!

      • doofus says:

        I was just going to say she looks great from the neck down but that “me so sexy” open-mouth pose has GOT TO GO.

        ETA: I LOVE that Hunnam spoke out to stop his stans from bashing his GF.

      • V4Real says:

        I also like that he spoke out but sometimes when celebrities do that it just makes the insults much worse. He also had to go post a video because people were saying he didn’t write the email.

        But damn Charlie; 11 years? Put a ring on it already. And yes I know not everyone has to get married, I was just saying.

      • Marty says:

        Agreed V4Real. It’s best not to engage directly. People who troll are going to troll no matter what a celebrity says. Good on him for standing up for his girl, but now the story is only going to get bigger.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        Love that color on her, but yeah….I kinda’ want somebody to poke a Skittle or something in her open mouth…..

      • Kitten says:

        The dead fish pose is SO embarrassing and unflattering. It’s even more irritating with J Lo because she has a gorgeous smile. Just smile, Jenny!

      • Tiffany :) says:

        LOL at the Skittle! Ha!
        So true Kitten, she has a gorgeous smile. She looks gorgeous pretty much all of the time when she isn’t doing that silly pose!

      • krtmom says:

        I agree. She needs to retire that look! Every picture trying to hard to look sexy.

    • EM says:

      She looks AMAZING her skin just glows. I love that she is “older” and in the best shape of her life. Of coarse discipline is needed but I would love to know her true diet and exercise regimen.

      • Kitten says:

        Definitely. At 37, she’s definitely my fitness inspiration.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        I watched her with her trainer on T.V. one time and he had her going up and down a fake set of stairs holding a medicine ball….very slowly….”hold it. hold it….”

      • qwerty says:

        Her skin is covered in huge amounts in fake tan, check out her skin tone in Selena. Or those make up free pics from… 2014 I think. She is pale af. Looks much better with darker skin, like pretty much anyone.

        As for her diet and exercise, you’ll never know. If she recommends something, it’s usually cause it benefits her somehow.

      • krtmom says:

        Agreed. She looks better than ever.

    • Happy21 says:

      Mint has always been one of my fave colours for summer. Well and my water bottles and my coffee cup all the time. Okay I just really like mint for some reason but only wear it on my body when I’m tanned for the reason you stated. It looks better on a darker complexion than my pasty white winter skin 😉

  3. NorthernGirl_20 says:

    I’ll watch Ghostbusters just for Helmsworth .. God he’s hot.

  4. AlmondJoy says:

    Doesn’t she always? And Casper actually doesn’t look so bad here either… I can’t put my finger on it but something looks different about him.

    • He still looks really skuzzy to me. That’s what kind of creeps me out–I think it’s the baby (shaved off) mustache and tiny goatee that does it. Ugh.

      And JLo always looks frigging amazing, and I am *this close* to hate buying and watching that ridiculous movie she did–the one about how she had an affair with a student, who went crazy on her. Because I know she’ll just look gorgeous in it, and that’s really all you need to know, lol.

      • AlmondJoy says:

        I can’t stop laughing at the word skuzzy 😂😂😂 maybe I’ve allowed him to grow on me. You don’t think her fierceness is wearing off on him? Not even a teensy bit?

        I haven’t seen that (probably) horrible movie yet but I do plan on watching it because I like creepy stalker movies and I also really like her. Have you seen Alice and Eve with her and Viola? It was interesting.

      • Incognito says:

        I watched that movie. I was expecting some kind of horrible Lifetime channel movie, but it was better than that. I got sucked in and found it to be entertaining. Still, I was glad I watched it on cable rather than going to see it at the theater or buying/renting it. And she looked flawless in that movie too.

      • VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

        No, but I’ve seen it was on Netflix. I’ll check it out, eventually. I’m “stuck” writing all day, so I basically rewatch the first season of Criminal Minds in my downtime. Because Mandy Patinkin.

        I did sneak in Narcos though last weekend, I binge watched it. Ah, and if you do have netflix, I watched this one a few months ago–Jennifer 8 with Andy Garcia and Uma Thurman. You should watch it (it’s also–kind of–a stalker movie)…it’s about this cop that goes from a big city to a small town, and uncovers what he thinks is a serial killer (no one else does). But Uma is like 20 (or looks it) in the movie, and AG is supposed to be in his thirties–and the ENTIRE MOVIE everyone is dogging him about how young she is. I thought it was hilarious (it was a key component of the storyline). The crime part of the movie was meh, but everything else was great.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “I basically rewatch the first season of Criminal Minds in my downtime. Because Mandy Patinkin.”


      • VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

        @Tiffany 🙂
        I have a massive crush on him. It is so bad. Now I want to watch Homeland because of him. Me likey beards.

      • AlmondJoy says:

        Incognito: I liked it too! It wasn’t what I expected. It was different. And of course Viola is captivating in everything so I got sucked in as well.

        Virgilia: would you believe that I haven’t watched even ONE ep of Criminal Minds? I’m ashamed!

      • qwerty says:

        I don’t have a crush on Mandy and didn’t care for him in CM but I LOVE Saul. Go watch Homeland NOW. Amazing character. Amazing show.

    • Kri says:

      @Almondjoy…DO NOT PUT YOUR FINGER ON IT NO MATTER WHAT.I used caps cause I luv ya.

  5. guilty pleasures says:

    She is such a beautiful woman. My roomie and I are always joking about how unfortunate it must be to be like her!
    On another note, I think she is really good on Shades of Blue.
    With regard to her boyfriend, I suppose I have to admit to having dated men my friends raised an eyebrow about!

    • Nev says:

      WORD. She’s great on Shades of Blue!! Happy it got a second season!!!! Yayyyy JLO.

  6. Asdf says:

    Who cares if they are all white. VS is not here to spread an equality body acceptance message. The models just portray the image they want. Its like guess girl alway booby blonde and overmakeuped. Jcrew almost no makeup hair undone

    • AlmondJoy says:

      … People care. There are models of color who aren’t given the same opportunities as their white counterparts just because their skin happens to be darker.

      • Kate says:

        And I always sort of felt like VS kept a closet full of clones so they could just replace the ones who left. They’ve always looked too much alike for me.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      and Abercrombie….just naked. LOL

  7. Wentworth Miller says:

    Jennifer Lopez all day everyday.
    P. S. I really hate the pointy nails.
    Taylor Swift n that MySpace story: yea, that’s all her.
    I saw the Charlie Hunnam story, yesterday, and people are ridiculous. If you’re a fan, why try to make that person’s life miserable by going after people that they care about? If Charlie wasn’t with his current gf, he wouldn’t be with any of those losers that are trashing his gf. He would be with me mwhahaha!!
    When an addict is sober, aren’t they usually glad to speak about how many days they’ve been clean?

  8. TessD says:

    Definitely a stunner!

  9. D says:

    Re: Charlie Hunnam and his fan ‘girls’, If you are a big fan of an actor (or anyone really) then why would you go out of your way to write nasty and cruel things about the person he’s been in a longterm relationship with? If you hurt the one he loves, then you hurt him too (isn’t that kinda how love works…right? ) If they have been together 11 years, I’m guessing that they have a pretty solid relationship. Plus that’s like dog years in Hollywood 🙂

    Also…whatever happened to his movie career? Wasn’t he supposed to be the next Brad Pitt, or something?

    • ‘Cause they’re delusional idiots. But IDK. When I fangirl on an actor/celebrity, I like to keep my obsession on the low down. Not tweet nasty/explicit messages to said celebrity or anyone connected to him. Like what is WRONG with people?

      SOA ended in 2014……so maybe 50 Shades was supposed to be his huge foray into movies? I remember something about the script being less stalker-y and rapey when he was going to do it, and then E.L. James got her hands on it (or something). But I think he’s the kind of actor that will always get roles, so it’s not like he’s completely dropped off the radar.

      • meme says:

        I think Charlie screwed up accepting and then backing away from 50 SOG. I’m a huge fan but his movie career is going nowhere. Crimson Peak was terrible though his part was small, King Arthur got pushed back, after Lost City of Z, he’s got nothing lined up. It’s too bad because he’s talented and handsome and should be doing better than this.

    • Bridget says:

      Pacific Rim 2 is happening. And he’s never been the kind of guy that works a ton. He seems pretty happy where he’s at.

    • MLammy says:

      In this case it’s not just fangirling. Her mom is a murder, was the first woman on the federal most wanted list, and ran a 250 mil a year drug cartel. His gf joined the family business of selling drugs and now has a felony conviction. She also says she is a jewelry designer but her business has a lot of complaints from BBB, and she actually is a full time bartender at a dive bar. So the ones attacking her think if people find out about his gf past, it will ruin his career. It still doesn’t make it right though.This is all on LSA, it’s insane the amount of posts this topic has.

      • D says:

        Even if that were to be true ,and you need actual factual evidence, not just forum posts & random comments (I don’t care enough to look it up) it doesn’t make his “fans” any less crazy, making someones life miserable, because…I don’t know…maybe they ‘feel’ like they know him since they’ve seen him on tv, and believe that it gives them some sort of right to get involved in his life. It’s just very bizarre behavior.
        The only comments regarding his girlfriend I saw on that fb page ( mentioned in the article), were “fans” talking about how hideously ugly they think she is.

      • Ingrid says:

        D, you can easily google the court documents. She was convicted in 2009, IIRC.

        So there is actual factual evidence.

      • D says:

        @Ingrid, I did say that I don’t care enough to look it up…and his “fangirls” still come across as completely nuts.

    • Kate says:

      Because somewhere in there delusional minds, he is going to fall in love with them. This is the epitome of what happens in internetland where the crazies come out to play without any supervision or accountability.

  10. Marty says:

    That Charlie Hunnam story is so bizarre.

    • Mia4s says:

      Poor guy. He dropped out of 50 Shades of Grey, hasn’t had a real blockbuster hit, and yet he’s already stuck with Twi-hard crazy fans! That must be so annoying.

      • Marty says:

        I can only imagine what it would be like if he’d actually gonna through with it.

  11. Luciana says:

    Her feet are too wide for those shoes, looks painful.

    • pinetree13 says:

      That was my first thought as well! Like those shoes look waaay too small and how are her toes actually in there? Tight shoes lead to bunions ladies! As someone who used to put shoes on old ladies/men’s feet…you aren’t immune and wearing nothing but smalls shoes will come back to bite you…

  12. Lucy says:

    I read Taylor’s old MySpace comments and somehow, they made me like her more. Also, I’m sorry Charlie and his girlfriend have to go through that, and I wish he didn’t need to send a message.

  13. Mango says:

    Attractive women. Terrible fake pose (complete with open mouth). You think she practiced this at home? No, never!

  14. Jayna says:

    Love Jennifer. She’s so gorgeous. But I agree with everyone about that embarrassing face she gives on the red carpet. It drives me crazy. At least this time she didn’t squint as much as she usually does when she did the open-mouth pose.

  15. Kat says:

    Re: Taylor… Abigail as in “Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind?!”

  16. Sarah01 says:

    I don’t find her beautiful, pretty but not beautiful. I think she’s come along way from her Selena days. She is one of those women that maximises all that she has and can do to herself.
    Her posing is just hilarious.

    • Naddie says:

      Interesting comment. I think she knows how to highlight herself, but without make up and natural curly hair, I have my doubts.

    • Mango says:

      I’m glad she dropped the pasty-white foundation and heavy black eyeliner. She looks completely different.

  17. Carmen says:

    I never knew JLo could act but she is absolutely killing it in “Shades of Blue”. The entire cast is marvelous.

  18. kennedy says:

    OMG I just read through the Charlie Hunnam LSA thread on his GF. What kind of batsh-t crazy thread is that? Holy cow. I am in shock. People are posting court documents about his GF – something about her being a felon? WTF. There are grandmothers on there – talking about their grandchildren… it is SO bizarre. I had no idea who his GF was/what she looked like/what she did for a living. Now I feel like I know WAY too much. Other than some really bad lip injections (or something weird is going on in her mouth area), she seems perfectly normal.

    She seems like a decent person – very hidden from the public. Not sure what she did to bring out THAT level of crazy. Good on Charlie for standing up for his lady and telling the crazies to sit the f-k down.

    • Mango says:

      She’s a cousin of Leighton Meester (spelling?), the Gossip Girl actress, who was born in jail. Apparently MM’s mum also did a lot of jail time (20 years). Charlie’s dad was a gangster in the UK, so they have that in common. Anyway, they’re a nice couple. I guess fans are jealous of her.

  19. Guest says:

    You go, Charlie. Love the fact that he shot back…. I wish people like Cumberbatch or Hiddleston would have done the same. Fake pregnancy, tricking someone into marriage, F### buddies, gold digger etc. The things I have been reading were disgusting. No matter what is going on in the private life of a certain celebrity… It is called private for a reason. Even if there were Pap Walks or whatever….

  20. Snowflake says:

    She looks great! I like her hair!

  21. Ellis says:

    They both look toasted