“Queen Elizabeth was almost shot by one of her guards one night” links


The Queen almost got shot by a guard while she was taking a late-night walk. [Dlisted]
Reese Witherspoon is helping Natalie Portman campaign for an Oscar. [LaineyGossip]
The internet is already having fun with The Young Pope. [Buzzfeed]
Melissa Benoist films Supergirl in Vancouver. [Moe Jackson]
Ray J is still talking (sh-t) about Kim Kardashian. [Reality Tea]
So is Archer alive or what? I guess he is. [Pajiba]
Chris Pine & Mahershala Ali are both fine as hell. [JustJared]
I like Emma Stone but yeah, I do think she’s a bit overrated. [Go Fug Yourself]
Jenny McCarthy went after Mariah Carey (and no one cared). [IDLY]
Ed Sheeran gave the world some new music. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Here are some photos of Sam Heugen. [Socialite Life]

Note: We’ll have fashion coverage of the Art of Elysium gala on Sunday, then in the evening we’ll have an Open Post for the Golden Globes, then full Globes coverage on Monday!


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30 Responses to ““Queen Elizabeth was almost shot by one of her guards one night” links”

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  1. Kelsey says:

    Guys. No post about the kardshians today. #theendisnear.

  2. mar_time says:

    I love The Queen’s response to the guard lol she seems like such a fun lady, regardless of the rules she has to follow and maintain

    • AtlLady says:

      Considering how “correct” those around her must be at all times, The Queen probably gets a kick out of folks slipping up and just being regular with her. She has done it herself. Who can forget watching a very young William taking off to run after Andy and Fergie’s wedding coach when The Queen switched into Grandma mode and chased him down? The expression on her face had no trace of Queen, it was all Grandma protecting her brood and she would have taken out anyone who got in her way.

      • Liberty says:

        Why can I also imagine her at night hanging with Harry and Philip, rolling marbles down a corridor and then hiding and making ghost sounds when staff come to investigate.

  3. HK9 says:

    My inner granny is lusting after The Queen’s grey coat & hat. She’s got style.

    • Dolphin7 says:

      Someone wondered what was in the Queen’s handbag and now I’m really curious? Lipstick, a flask, Kleenex are my guesses. And maybe a taser if the peasants get too close lol. I love her style. And I admire her work ethic and her dignity. I loved the video she and Harry made with the Obamas. I feel bad for this poor woman having to meet Trump if he tries to trot that scenario out. I have no doubt she can handle him just fine, but I’m imagining the EW factor will be hard to hide.

      • Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:

        I read somewhere eons ago, that she carries a spare pair of gloves and nothing more. True? I have no clue.

      • notasugarhere says:

        There was an article about it around the time of the Jubilee. Lipstick, handkerchief, makeup compact Philip gave her as a wedding gift. I don’t remember what else.

  4. JenB says:

    I love the Queen! It was getting upsetting the longer she was off the grid. Whew.
    Natalie Portman and Reese seem like they could be kindred spirits in a type A kind of way.

    Anyone else getting ready for snowmageddon in the SE? My area is in the 10-13″ bullseye which is going to shut. it. down. I’m looking for good spiked hot chocolate recipes in preparation. They kids will be out of school forever, ahhhh!

  5. Raina says:

    Foiled again, Charles

  6. melior says:

    Lol the Young Pope thread is hilarious. There’s a post about how people should stop making fun of the Young Pope because he’s young and he needs support 😃

    • minx says:

      That picture of the Obamas dressed casually (sob! Miss them already) and the Halloween baby pope is too much!

  7. Lucy says:

    Yeah, I’m sorry but I have to co-sign to GFY’s HELL NAW about Emma. Every movie star can get a little overexposed from time to time, sure. Is she in particular without flaws? Of course not. However, and imo, I’m happy that someone like her gets the amout of attention and praise she does.

  8. loislane says:

    I don’t Know… All these stories about the Queen…plus knowing about her being/having been sick is giving me bad vibes. Like her team is hiding/deflecting. I really hope i’m Just paranoid God but… Hm.
    Hope she makes à public appearance soon.

  9. Dolphin7 says:

    Love the Queen in her fabulous bright colors.

    Side note: are you ever going to post anything else about Athina Onassis? Because a lot has gone down and I’m interested to hear what people will make of it😉

    • Frida says:

      Just googled but found nothing. What’s going on with her?

    • Dolphin7 says:

      A lot. Don’t know if I can post Athina stuff on the same post about ER. Interestingly both women are very well respected equestrians. The Queen usually rides her Fell pony daily.
      Athina’s ex is a very good rider unfortunately (imho) and finished 5th and either 8th/9th in the Olympics this summer. Not enough for a medal but enough to put the value of Cornetto K at around 3-5 million. She let him take the horse to the Olympics but as of Sept he’s blocked from even seeing the horse. Not surprising considering she bankrolled the horses. And she’s been competing in some big competitions too. Doda has a new girlfriend and people are questioning how long it’s been going on. Big fights over the settlement and prenup. Very sad to me how Athina openly creates such a warm life for his child with the ex and and the ex’s child too and rumors are he can be dragging out settlements over it.

  10. Dolphin7 says:

    And the equestrians love the Queen but we aren’t fans of Doda😉

  11. Spiderpig says:

    I hope one day I’m fabulous enough to wear something like that lime green number.