Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx photographed holding hands on the beach on Labor Day

Did Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx just come out as a couple? TMZ and The Daily Mail have photos of them holding hands while walking on the beach in Malibu on Labor Day. This looks like a prearranged pap stroll and it makes me so happy. The first rumors that they were together came out in the fall of 2013, four years ago. There have been sightings and stories about their romance since, but they’ve been few and far between. In April we heard that they were ready to go public with their relationship. Then they were spotted together in Paris this May, where Jamie was working on Robinhood: Origins. So a lot of us had our fingers crossed that we would be hearing more about them soon and that time has finally come.

A source tells E! News that the unconfirmed lovebirds spent Labor Day in each other’s company, slipping off to Malibu for a day of fun in the sun. Jamie and Katie hung out at a mutual friend’s abode along the Southern California coast before ending their evening at the beach near Paradise Cove, the insider shares.

Our eyewitness reveals, “Katie and Jamie were holding hands” and “drinking together” as they walked along the sand. “They went in the water and were splashing around, flirting and getting close,” the source adds, describing the outing as a “romantic date.”

We’re told Katie’s daughter Suri Cruise was not present for the festivities, nor were Jamie’s two kids.

On Wednesday, TMZ published photos of the couple holding hands on the beach.

The Dawson’s Creek alum hit the Malibu Chili Cook-Off and Carnival with her 11-year-old on Friday evening, while Foxx stepped out for the star-studded annual event the following day.

“They are all staying together in Calabasas,” the source notes.

[From E! Online]

Katie and Tom Cruise allegedly had a clause in their divorce that neither of them could go public with a new romance for five years, which seems draconian, right? Their divorce was finalized in July, 2012 so here we are five years later with Katie and Jamie walking on the beach. I’ve heard that he’s a player so I hope for Katie’s sake he’s calmed down and is going to be a good partner to her. I would be elated if they got engaged, but it’s taken them so long to go public that I doubt they’re going to make it official anytime soon. Maybe the next step will be a couple of joint events together and then a red carpet appearance where they’re holding hands. Fingers crossed! You know this is pissing off Tom Cruise too. It’s been five years but I bet he still feels possessive of Katie, even though she’s a suppressive or degraded being or whatever the COS calls people who aren’t into their flavor of brainwash.




photos credit: WENN and Backgrid

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79 Responses to “Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx photographed holding hands on the beach on Labor Day”

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  1. OG Cleo says:

    I approve this union.

  2. GiBee says:

    Goodness, she looks lovely in that white dress.

    • slowsnow says:

      She looks so good!… and “deserves” a good man. In the sense that anyone who has gone through these insane contracts and much more to protect her daughter is next in line for happiness. Freedom long due.

      • GiBee says:

        Is he a good man though? He just seemed so obnoxious around when Ray came out.

        But it’s shocking to go back and look at her during her marriage and see how ill she often looked.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      Almost glowing, right???

    • Kitten says:

      Came here to say the same: so beautiful.

      They seem like the real deal..happy for both of them.

  3. UmYeah says:

    Beautiful couple

  4. kNY says:

    Happy for them!

  5. Rianic says:

    I believe they’re serious. If they’ve really been together and just keeping quiet because of Tommy Girl’s clause, that’s four years together.

    Joey and Wanda!!!!

  6. Tanesha86 says:

    It’s about time they went public. This was like the worst kept secret in Hollywood but I’m happy for them.

  7. Mia4s says:

    I assume Tom is frantically auditioning new “loves” as we speak? Or maybe he can get a loaner from Xenu? Run away ladies, run away fast!

  8. MellyMel says:

    Very happy for them that they can be public now and she looks sooo good in that white dress! Get it girl!

  9. Neelyo says:

    I don’t know why this makes me so happy but it does.

    • G says:

      Me too! And I don’t even really like Jamie. And Katie’s brave and skilful escape from Tom Cruise is the only reason I have any feelings about her whatsoever. But I’m happy for them!

  10. Love them and hope they are together permanently!

  11. Snowflake says:

    Yes!! They’ve been a rumor for so long, i think the rollout now means possible engagement. Some guys are players until they meet a woman they fall in love with

  12. lucy2 says:

    I’m happy for them, this has been rumored for a long time so it’s likely serious and secure.
    The 5 year clause was silly, but I guess that means we’ll see Tom auditioning…er…dating someone new soon. Yuck.

    • swak says:

      But wasn’t he spotted last year out on “dates” with a couple different women? If so, then he broke the 5 year clause.

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      I have no problem believing there was a clause (because Tom is insane), but if there was a clause, I bet it applied to Katie only. He’s controlling enough to demand that.

    • LizLemonGotMarried says:

      I read auditioning as auditing and thought, “yep, that’s about right.”

    • Olive says:

      I always assumed the clause was for Katie, not Tom. Like another hoop for her to jump through to walk away with her daughter.

  13. Monsy says:

    awww… so happy for them!!!

  14. Shirurusu says:

    I remember a special on Oprah that Katie and Tom did (not the couch one lol) where they were in their vacation home somewhere snowy, a few years after Suri was born. It was really really weird. Katie was trying to appease Tom’s lack of confidence with constant messages of “I love you”, and “I’ll be right back” and this sort of “Everything’s so great” kind of vibe. I felt really really bad for her, trying to remain positive in a horrible situation with such a controlling asshat.

    I very much so hope she’s happy now, I think she’s a kind person at heart who just fell for the wrong damaged goods guy.

    • Meredith says:

      Ohhhhhh, I remember that interview. Which is weird because I rarely watched Oprah. Katie was acting odd – positive, like you said, but in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of way.

    • tmot says:

      She was lovebombed (plus he had been her high school movie star crush)! By the time she realized she was trapped, it was too late. Those later photos (from the “Free Katie!” era) say so much.

      She finally got out around the time the scilons would have stared indoctrinating Suri. Fierce Mama! Go Katie!

    • SK says:

      I just went on YouTube to try and find this clip, no luck but did find a clip of Oprah talking about the infamous couch jumping episode and how she felt it was an exuberant display of his love for Katie and that it was take out of context when the clip went viral… interesting

  15. Idky says:

    Love this couple! Happy that Katie found happiness for herself. She conducted herself with such class during and after the divorce and seems like a good mom as well.

  16. AG-UK says:

    Years ago my friend had a dinner for her at their apartment he said he had a glazed look on her face.. he thought very weird stepford like. Very sweet polite but he thought strange.

  17. Dana says:

    I think she is one of the least talented actresses I’ve ever watched, but I have been a massive fan of hers since she divorced Tom Cruise. I was a pseudo-fan (not the right word – let’s say I was intrigued by) of their relationship (what in the hell was that about??) but when I read the news that she divorced him I literally cheered out loud in public. Tom Cruise is an abusive, tiny little turd and Katie was always called a stupid robot, so I was elated to see her setting such a strong, sharp, smart example for everyone stuck in an abusive relationship. To have replaced that putrid dumpling with this GOD of a man is so awesome. I am rooting for her so hard. I doubt we’d ever see pictures if they got married, but I imagine she will definitely want to have a REAL marriage, a REAL father to her child, etc. She is a good person and I wish her nothing but the best. F*ck yes, Katie.

  18. smcollins says:

    I totally love this pairing as well. I don’t know why but it just makes sense, doesn’t it? I’ve always had a soft spot for Katie and I hope she’s happy (Suri, too). Tom definitely swept her off her feet and made her believe she was living in a fairy tale (he strikes me as the love bombing type), but thankfully she woke up and freed herself & Suri from that madness. I wish them all lots of happiness!

  19. Maria F. says:

    am I the only one who does not feel this couple? She seems so boring and he seems so much fun. Obviously that is just my impression, as they have been together for so long….

    Still, cannot help it.

    • TippyToes says:

      I’m with you, Maria F. She was not so innocent in the whole Cruise thing.

      • Hunter says:

        ??? Explain please. She was a young woman who jumped at the chance to be with her long-time crush. Then reality set in and she realized the gravity of her situation and crafted an escape which was then executed.

    • KiddVicious says:

      I’m not feeling it either, and for the same reasons. Of course, for all I know Katie could be some wild and crazy girl who has somehow managed to keep it from the paps, after all, she did manage to drop the divorce bomb on Tom without the paps (or Tom) catching on beforehand, so there is that. lol

      After seeing the beach photos, I do think they look good together.

    • naomipagie says:

      I’m with you!!!! What’s the BFD? Don’t get it.

  20. Nanc says:

    She’s handling this whole crazy situation with Cruise just beautifully. Right down to going public right at the five year mark. Cool, calculated, subtle. I’m in awe.

  21. Neelyo says:

    Somewhere Tom Cruise is seeing this and throwing the biggest tantrum, complete with tears, tossed objects and high heel boots a-kickin’.

  22. nikzilla says:

    I’m surprised no one is addressing the gay rumors about Jaime Foxx.

    • BJ says:

      He is not gay he may have sex with men but he definitely loves women.And if they have been together since 2013 they have an open relationship or he has been unfaithful with several women.Maybe they only became exclusive in the last year or so.

    • SoyFrappe says:

      I think he’s bi and prefers women for relationships and men for physical contact.

  23. Elisa the I. says:

    “This looks like a prearranged pap stroll and it makes me so happy.”
    ITA with you, Celebitchy!
    I love them together and they are my “new” favourite couple. Please cover them more. ๐Ÿ™‚
    + this shows that you can fly under the radar for years it you want to/have to!

  24. Angelique says:

    I read the article, and got to the last photo, where everything left my brain at the baby in a stroller who JUST.WANTS.TO.EFFING.SLEEP and someones flashing bulbs at her. She is me.

  25. adastraperaspera says:

    I’d love if some attorney went rogue and wrote a tell-all book about some of these relationship contracts, how they work, what they are used for in different cases, etc. Did Katie marry Cruise knowing she would be getting out after the baby? Or was her escape really a frightening necessity, as she found herself trapped by Scientology? Did she enter a new contract with Foxx after her divorce, or is it true love between them? So many questions. This is the good gossip that makes me forget our national nightmare for a moment, which is such a sweet relief!

  26. Arabella says:

    He’s super hot, imo.

  27. sage says:

    A clause that she can’t date for 5 years is extreme!! Wtf!

    These two are an odd looking couple.

    • mayamae says:

      How could that be enforced? She dates and suddenly their divorce is nullified?

      • LAK says:

        Monetary incentives removed? reversal of child custody agreements eg Tom takes Suri who is then indicted into Co$? Suri joins Sea org? Career death ala TC asking all his contacts to stop hiring or representing Kate?

        Not too farfetched when you think about Mel Gibson’s babymama breaking the NDA clause of her divorce agreement which led to automatic reversal of monetary incentives even though they had been agreed by a judge. The sad thing was that what she said was very mild to the point of being innocous. Nothing truly revealing like the things she revealed during the actual settlement negotiations.

  28. Jayna says:

    I always read it was Jamie that kept their relationship on the downlow publically. She got tired of it and had a breakup at one point. He has been seen flirting with other women. It’s how he’s been with all his women, though, not public, no red carpets with them.

    I worry about Katie with him. The guy is or was a player. His interview with Oprah kind of turned me off to him. I hope he’s changed.

    I don’t believe the five-year clause. No one does that in a divorce nor would agree to it. And what if she wanted a baby? She would go five years and have no public relationship and family? Katie had the upperhand in that divorce, not Tom. She had the goods on him. And her dad wouldn’t agree to a timeline so ludicrous. I could see wanting to be private for a year or two just because Katie was sick of the media attention and had a child to focus on and Jamie never was public with girlfriends. But five years makes no sense.

    I think it’s more like Katie was tired of this on again/off again/now on again relationship being so private and forced the issue since they were probably very settled together and it was time.

    • CL says:

      I think anyone trying to escape the clutches of both Tom Cruise and Scientology with their child would agree to a five year no dating clause. I think Katie might have chewed her own leg off to get her and Suri out of that bear trap.

  29. Nimbolicious says:

    I’m glad. Seems they’ve been on the DL for a long time and they’re stable and committed enough to allow a glimpse. Happy for her. Can’t imagine what a nightmare the TomKat circus became so I don’t blame her for lying low. Though I’m sure the divorce settlement required her to abstain from public relationships for a while. God forbid she be seen to have moved on too quickly from The Grin…..

  30. megan says:

    Why would she agree to a non-dating clause, unless there was some payoff attached – either a large sum of money, or sole custody of their daughter.

    I think Cruise was so humiliated by how it all went down….he basically has been low-key under the radar ever since the divorce, with the exception of making movies. This was the first wife that left him, correct? He divorced his first 2 wives because HE wanted the divorce.

    Anyway, hope she and her daughter are living happy lives.

    • Nimbolicious says:

      I suspect his humiliation made him insist on a non-dating clause which she accepted for money and/or full legal custody. Frankly if it were me I’d agree to pretty much anything to get my kid away from all those CO$ wackadoodles.

  31. serena says:

    Omg I’m so happy they’re (still) together, since it seemed they had broken up!

  32. Layla Beans says:

    DM reporting Kimye is having a third baby via surrogate!

  33. Cookiejar says:

    As long as they enjoy each other’s company, I don’t think it really matters if they get married. She already had the BIG wedding and we all know how that turned out…

  34. kibbles says:

    I’m rooting for this couple. It was very weird when the rumors of these two dating first came out years ago, but I guess the rumors were truth. These two have likely been together for a long time, and now they are coming out as a pair in public because either Tiny Tom’s relationship clause ended, or Foxx and Holmes realize that they are the real deal and this they are in it for the long haul. Glad to see Holmes go from an unhappy Scientology Stepford Bride to a guy who is different in every way from her ex.

  35. SoyFrappe says:

    For some reason I love this couple. Best wishes to them!

  36. ariane j. Baillargeon says:

    Yeah!!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

  37. matahari says:

    Echoing the sentiments of others…I love them together, and she looks SO happy. Best wishes.

  38. SolitaryAngel says:

    Good for them! I’m really happy for her & I hope they make it as a couple.

    Agree with you all that she looks SO much better/happier now, and I’ve never seen her look lovelier than she does in that gorgeous white dress.

  39. Kake says:

    Feel a little bad for Tom considering they were good friends, but oh well. Speaking of Tom, I haven’t heard about him in forever. What does he do now? Where does he live? He is never photographed anymore. Does he never see Suri? It’s all so strange.

    • Snowflake says:

      Rumors are that he does not have contact with Suri. He’s doing some movie, idk where he lives

    • kibbles says:

      He was filming another Mission Impossible film a few weeks ago when he broke his ankle doing a stunt. He’s probably laying low until he recovers.

  40. Shannon says:

    Love this! I actually watched “White House Down” with my kid the other night (it just happened to come on TV and we agreed on it LOL) and I thought about them and wondered about it. I was thinking, “damn, he looks good. If this is true, Katie, get it girl!” Also, if it’s pissing Tom off, I love that even more ๐Ÿ˜‰

  41. Her Higness says:

    sorry but this is a MISS-MATCH NOOOO I dont like them together

  42. Mia LeTendre says:

    Now if she could only get her old nose back….