America Ferrera & Ryan Piers Williams welcome their first child, son Sebastian

America Ferrera, 34, just gave birth to her first child. America and her husband of seven years, Ryan Piers Williams, welcomed son Sebastian at some point. We only know from the Instagram post above that America had the baby and that they named him Sebastian Piers Williams. America and Ryan put their hands together with baby Sebastian’s tiny foot in the middle and took a picture.

I reported on the fact that America was pregnant earlier this year but I didn’t even remember because she stays so undercover! I definitely know that Eva Longoria is pregnant because she’s been all over the place promoting Overboard and getting papped, so she must be due any day now. America made the announcement and was so low key I forgot about it. (I would remember this if I watched Superstore on NBC because – spoiler – they made America’s character, Amy, pregnant too. Here’s a link to a recap that reveals who the father is on the show.)

Sebastian is a name you don’t hear that often and it has a kind of old fashioned weight to it. Malin Ackerman, Kim Fields and Tommy Hilfiger also have sons named Sebastian. I’m not a fan of the middle name Piers as it reminds me of Piers Morgan, but it’s America’s husband’s middle name too so that’s cute.

Superstore finished its third season earlier this month and has been renewed for a fourth season which premieres in the fall. I need a new sitcom after marathoning all of Brooklyn Nine-Nine the past few weeks so I think I’ll give this one a chance. All three seasons are on Hulu.

Congratulations to America and Ryan on their new arrival!

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photos credit: Getty and Instagram/America Ferrera and via E! Online

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13 Responses to “America Ferrera & Ryan Piers Williams welcome their first child, son Sebastian”

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  1. Heat says:

    Iā€™m biased because my nephew is a ā€œBazā€ Sebastian, but I love the name! Congrats to them. And enjoy Superstore, itā€™s a delight!

  2. mkyarwood says:

    I will always love the name Piers because it reminds me of Piers Anthony!!

  3. Saba says:

    Sorry to spoil the twister fantasy, but itā€™s two hands and a foot šŸ˜‰

    • Celebitchy says:

      Ok I’ll fix that. The big one in the back looks like a foot to me but I see the fingers now.

    • TheHufflepuffLizLemon (aka LizLemonGotMarried) says:

      THANK YOU! I was trying to figure out how on earth those were toes! šŸ™‚

  4. fruitloops says:

    I found Superstore too boring to watch even when I have nothing else to watch. Way too generic and lame show. Especially if you start watching it after something so good as B99.
    Anyway, congrats to her and her husband, baby news are the best news.

  5. Jillian says:

    Congratulations! I love the name and wish them all the best.

    I’ll have to check out Superstore

  6. Sigh... says:

    Amber Rose &,Wiz Kalifah’s son’s name is Sebastian (“Bash”) as well

  7. Melania says:


  8. FHMom says:

    Love the name. Congrats to them.

  9. lucy2 says:

    Congrats to them!
    I really like America, and Superstore really grew on me and is now one of my favorites.

  10. Who ARE these people? says:

    Isn’t Lin Manuel Miranda’s son also Sebastian? For the Little Mermaid character..

  11. Danielle says:

    Anyone know what America’s husband does? Is he an actor too?