Lindsay Lohan made bail, won’t be arrested & she could come home today


Lindsay Lohan’s lawyers managed to pay 10% of her $100,000 bail, so Lindsay will not be met by the cops as soon as she steps crack-foot on Los Angeles County soil. That was enough for the judge to recall the warrant out on Lindsay. So… not Lohan in handcuffs. Yet. Because I think it is coming at some point, at least I hope so. Meanwhile, Lindsay is still in Cannes, partying her ass off – TMZ has photos here. Although – some sources have Lindsay coming back to LA as early as today, touchdown in LA at some point early evening. Who knows?

Lindsay Lohan will not be in handcuffs just yet. The actress has posted the standard 10% of her bail, leading the judge to recall the warrant she placed on the actress Thursday morning, has learned.

Earlier in the day, Judge Marsha Revel was incensed by the actress’ absence in court, issuing an arrest warrant and setting a bail for $100,000. Lohan’s team paid $10,000 to cover the bond.

“I warned her before, she knew it was very serious,” Judge Revel said before issuing an arrest warrant.

Revel also ordered Lohan to wear a SCRAM bracelet to detect alcohol use (which the judge banned) and mandated that Lohan submit to random drug testing.

“She has been late to court before,” a frustrated Revel said as the proceeding unfolded. She also pointed out that Lindsay “had two charges of being under the influence of cocaine.”

Her dad Michael Lohan spoke to exclusively after the hearing. “I’m fed up with her lies, I’m fed up with her denial,” Michael said.

“To say her passport was stolen, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back “She’s gonna get the book thrown at her.”

Michael believes too many people in Lindsay’s life are enabling destructive behavior. “I think she’s in denial. I think she’s overlooking what the root of the problem really is,” Michael added. “It’s heartbreaking.”

[From Radar]

God, I wanted her in jail. There should be a higher cost to standing up a judge and lying to everyone about your “stolen” passport. Oh, and in case you missed yesterday’s update, Lindsay is claiming that her father arranged for her passport to be stolen while she was in Cannes. Even though she never reported it stolen or applied for a temp passport when she said she did. Anyway, Michael’s lawyer told E! News: “He doesn’t know anything about her passport.” Oh, right, sure! Way to call your crackhead daughter out on her narcissistic, delusional lies.


Lindsay Lohan in Cannes on May 16, 2010. Credit: WENN.

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45 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan made bail, won’t be arrested & she could come home today”

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  1. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    She is a little bitch. Thinks she is soooo damned important, she is exempt from appearing in court.

    When will this waste of space get thrown in jail, rehab or a coffin?

  2. Hum says:

    I just can’t get beyond her lips? I am truly bothered by them……

  3. Kitten says:


  4. YT says:

    Possible lines of coke in the TMZ photos. Her weekly drug testing and alcohol monitor will cramp her style like crazy. Hope they do the hair drug tests. She can always double up on her Adderall, though some doctors are being watched for over-prescribing meds. Just more drama.

  5. Jimmy Dean says:

    America, Liberty and Justice for some.

  6. Stella says:

    Possible lines of coke? There is no question about it- those are lines of coke on that table behind the glass and she is holding a rolled up dollar bill in her hand! Its unbelievable that she is not in jail- I mean seriously, what does that girl have to do to get thrown in jail already????

  7. Jazz says:

    WTF!! Even RDJ got more jail time then this little pathetic tramp!

  8. lucy2 says:

    And I predict in about 6-9 months or so, her lawyers are suing her for non-payment.

  9. meme says:

    @Jazz and RDJ never acted this contemptously. The judge should have ordered her back immediately and the drug tester waiting for Hohan at the airport with the SCRAM bracelet.

  10. Praise St. Angie! says:

    yeah, not only are those lines of coke FOR SURE, she’s holding a GD STRAW or something for snorting in her hand!

    with all her problems, you’d think she’d avoid being photographed with drugs in the SAME PICTURE. What’s her mom going to say about that one? that it’s been photoshopped?


  11. meme says:

    and she’s thoroughly enjoying all this attention and drama. you know she is. hohan knows nothing will happen to her because nothing every does. consequences are not something this girl experiences.

  12. bizzy says:

    god i just want to *scrub her*, y’know? it’s like the makeup and hair dye and fake tan are just sliding around on a layer of *dirt*. and don’t even talk about what’s happening on the *inside*.

    also, linds, honey, put a f***ing band-aid on that knee before it goes gangrenous.


  13. LindyLou says:

    @ lucy2 – I was thinking the same thing. I hope her lawyers are getting her to pay up front – cash!!

    My faith in karma has been knocked to the ground. I was sooo waiting to see this little POS in cuffs!!! grrrrr

  14. ams1 says:

    she looks like that audrina girl in the top pic….

  15. a says:

    Her bail should have been higher. It’s just another example of the 2 tier justice system.

    She’s America’s own Pete Doherty! There are no consequences for her no matter what: the drugs, lying to the judge, stealing high dollar items, shoving people, etc… She teaches kids that if they are famous they do what ever they what.

  16. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Let’s not be so hard on her, kids…at least she’s wearing panties, right? 😀

  17. La Cannuck says:

    I find it so unfair for the regular people! No ”civilian” would ever get offered that many chances and with her antics getting recorded everyday, we’re way passed giving her the benefit of the doubt. With so many proofs that she obviously doesn’t care I don’t understand she’s still getting a pass.

  18. Red Folder says:

    Yep, celebrity “justice” at its finest.

    Meanwhile, everyone else here would have been in jail jail jail long long long ago. And our excuses about having to work? Too bad. Were there drugs found in your car? Oh we’ll take that too. It’s the law. Except if your rich or famous. Then you can do what you want, when you want and just pay a little fee. . .isn’t life wonderful?

  19. Novaraen says:

    I guess the bright side of her not going to jail will be seeing how she withstands wearing the scram anklet and the constant drug testing. Not to mention how the heck she is going to get the rest of her bail money. lol!

  20. sara says:

    When she took the guys on the terrifying 100mph joy ride fiasco and cocaine was eventually found in the car, they have reported that she said to them,”Nothing will happen to me. I’m a f***ing celebrity.” This is what happens when you have a mother who has no concept of boundaries: you learn that you are entitled to do whatever you want to get whatever you want. Her brain has a such a high threshold for stimulation now that she’ll probably need meds for the rest of her life just to deal with cravings and the boredom of not being constantly high. Your dopamine levels get permanently whacked by starting hard drugs when you’re young.

  21. GatsbyGal says:

    So fucking sick and tired of this shit happening over and over and over and over again. If Blowhan was an average citizen, she’d have been in jail ages ago.

    I’m hoping that she finally just has a meltdown and kills someone with her bare hands while 30 nuns watch. Then they’ll HAVE to lock her away.

  22. Jackie says:

    You know what really shocked me yesterday, was that no matter where I read the story of her arrest warrent, people – lots of people, were all expressing the same sentiments, that she should go to jail. On Popsugar the poll was at like 97%!

    And I cant understand how she is still relevant when everyone HATES her. I guess its cause we all want her to fall. I’m not going to lie, I was so upset when I realized she got to post 10% of her bail and not get treated the way a non-celeb would. She makes a joke out of everything, and I really hope she gets the help she needs.

  23. lin234 says:

    People get thrown into jail for speaking out loud in court for contempt. Lindsey not even bothering showing up and leaving the country when she knew she had a court date screams of contempt for the judge and court. She thinks only her time is important. Throw that scraggy mutt in jail already!

  24. jen says:

    May 21st, 2010 at 8:56 am
    what does that girl have to do to get thrown in jail already????

    Kill somebody. But you know what? Even then, she wouldn’t go to jail. She’d go to rehab, get out, and be back to her regular tricks. Because SHE IS exempt from justice, and SHE CAN do whatever the f*ck she wants. She’s proven it over and over again. Way to go, California justice system. When – not if, when – this bitch kills someone, you will have blood on your hands.

  25. Bonfire Beach says:

    I friggin’ hate her guts. I wish I could beat her up.

  26. Trey says:

    @Novaraen: you only have to pay 10% of your bail and then you’ll get it back as long as you don’t break the terms. Almost safer than a bank, heh heh! Goes for us normal people too ;p

    I don’t hate her, she’s always been much more amusing to me than The Spears, but she does deserve 6-9 months in jail. I know people who did nearly the same shit she did and you bettah BELIEVE they got their bums handed to them by the law. Jail time, probation for years (unlike Lindsey, who all she had to do was make the terms of her probation. Her time limit’s already up but they’ll hold you out on probation if you don’t meet all your community service, etc.), ankle bracelet, drug testing, and always always house arrest. She’s so ditsy I doubt she knows how good she has it :p

    And throwing my two cents on the coke picture; because it is OBVIOUSLY a coke picture… when you break up lines you usually do it with a credit card or ID. Oh look there’s one right next to the lines. Whatever’s in her hand is a straw or a rolled-up bill (lyra?). Why can’t these idiots learn to leave the camera AT HOME when you’ve got all your illegals out… /sigh

  27. Ruby Red Lips says:

    There are def lines of coke in that photo…

    f*ck, the girl really can do anything she wants and get away with it

    F’ing disgrace!

  28. original kate says:

    “When will this waste of space get thrown in jail, rehab or a coffin?”

    @ fluffy: i laughed my ass off at this line!

    maybe i’m just a bad person, but lordy, i am sick of her bloated, drugged out face, her orange, filthy skin, her harvey firestein voice and her obnoxious attitude.

  29. M says:

    Look at those meth teeth. . . and they will only get worse from here.

  30. Madisyn says:

    Will someone, anyone, please email that TMZ photo of Blohan doing coke, looking beyond out of it, to the assistant district attorney prosecuting this case! I hope the ADA has her investigators trolling the internet, not for mere gossip “stories”, but for actual “photos” that DO NOT LIE!

  31. lulu says:

    Dont worry Celebitchy! This chick WILL 100% go to jail at some point.

    That is a much better bet than the stock market.

  32. Ming says:

    I’m surprised she even wears underwear. that’s the biggest shocker.

    However, it most likely isnt clean or even bought with her own money.

  33. Dingles says:

    Immune from the law or not, I could never envy this girl. We’re almost the same age. While I put myself through college, she put herself through a 4-year drug binge. My adult life began when I was 18, her professional life ended when she was 18. And in another few years when I’m starting a family with my husband and buying a house, she’ll be in jail, in rehab, or dead. She fancies herself as the second coming of Marilyn Monroe, but the only things they’ll ever have in common are a legacy of drug abuse and an early death.

    Yeah…can’t be jealous.

  34. trollydolly says:

    Jesus hang on – she’s hardly Lucifer! She’s a fucked up, hard partying, heavy drinking, dishonest, drug abusing 23 year old with a dysfunctional childhood and all the resultant issues.
    The venom directed at her is unfair. She’s clearly off the rails but she’s hardly a murderer!

  35. westcoaster says:

    Is anyone really surprised?

  36. MissyA says:

    Yeah, willful ignorance isn’t so cute when get older, Linds.

    I have a remarkably high tolerance for most social degenerates and messy f*ck ups (example: Amy Winehouse). But there’s something so remarkably narcissistic about Lindsay that it makes it difficult to empathize with her obvious self-loathing.

    Even though she’s destined for jail, there’s no way this broad is going to pull an RDJ.

    It’s insulting to even put them in the same category.

  37. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Someone should sic Judge Judy on her. Man, the system. They do NOT care about us.

  38. julie says:

    her response to the photo was classic. “what. that was a setup” is this idiot ever going to stop with this setup bull-. papa lohan probably photoshopped it in there. i try not to hate people, especially people i don’t know, but this chick…ugh…

  39. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    @Orig. Kate- Aww thanks! I am glad someone appreciated it! : )

  40. Amy says:

    I thought that was Khloe Kardashian in the header picture!

  41. ViktoryGin says:


    I stated in the previous post that nothing would happen to this girl, at least not now.

    What I don’t understand is why the judge would set such a low bail for someone who can obviously pay it, and then only require ten percent? Daft. Broke or not, you knew her lawyers were going to come up with the money.

    “‘I warned her before; she knew it was very serious.'” – Judge Revel. Apparently not, Judge.

    Where are the coke pic, by the way?

  42. jojo says:

    If she doesn’t show up in LA. I think it’s time for Dog the Bounty Hunter to capture her ass(is it sweeps week yet). That would truly be epic.
    It would be great to see her tasered.

  43. I hate how so many people hate on her…
    She’s 23! thats 2 years older than me and if i had all these people hating on me 24/7 i’d go downhill too!
    she has no real friends and her family are leaches, the public should be trying to help her back up not knock her further down…

  44. Jazz says:

    @ams1: That’s what I thought too, it looks like Ceiling Eyes.

  45. CB Rawks says:

    “She has been late to court before,” a frustrated Revel said”

    No shit! Put her in jail, Judge, or we will lose all respect for you! You’re going to let a mangey skank like that play you?! Oh forget it, you *Law* people won’t even care until she kills someone.