Nick Hogan will cop plea in felony reckless driving case

Hulk Hogan’s idiot son Nick may finally get his comeuppance. You’ll remember that then-17-year-old son Nick wrecked his car while drag racing, critically injuring his passenger, 22 year old John Graziano. Nick was eventually charged with felony reckless driving involving serious bodily injury. Graziano is expected to be a near-vegetable for the rest of his life, and will need constant care.

Following the crash, Hogan blogged about racing, his supposed corporate endorsement from Polaroid (which didn’t turn out to be true), and as an afterthought, mentioned “keep john graziano in your prayers” – after he requested that everyone wish himself luck in his races. The guy is a grade A douche bag.

Nick is expected to plead guilty tomorrow, and could receive up to five years in prison. His sentence is entirely determined by the judge.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Nick Hogan will cop to a criminal charge in court tomorrow.

We’re told Hogan will not fight the charge of felony reckless driving involving serious bodily injury. He will plead either guilty or no contest. Sources say no deal has been struck with prosecutors. Hogan will enter an “open plea,” meaning the judge will have complete leeway in his sentencing and the victim and his family will have an opportunity to testify at a sentencing hearing on how the crime has affected their lives. The maximum penalty is five years in prison.

On August 26, 2007, Nick was driving a suped-up Toyota with passenger John Graziano when he crashed, severely injuring John.

We’re told Hulk and the rest of Nick’s family will be in Pinellas County court (Florida) tomorrow.

[From TMZ]

I know that there’s almost no chance in hell that a rich celebrity’s kid will do much time – but one can always hope. Nick is being tried as an adult. He has a long history of EXTREME speeding tickets, but that’s not technically a prior record, even in a speeding-related crime. I’ll bet he gets sentenced to a few months, max, and will probably only serve a couple of days in jail, best case scenario. Too bad, since his victim will be serving the rest of his life.

Here’s Nick and his family leaving a medical center in Beverly Hills on January 16th. Images thanks to WENN.

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6 Responses to “Nick Hogan will cop plea in felony reckless driving case”

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  1. headache says:

    All I need now is an announcement that he will pay half this kid’s medical bills.

  2. kimmi says:

    I feel it for the kid’s family, but I can’t help but think that it is partly his fault. When you get into a car with the intention to drag race, you must be aware of the risks. And he wasn’t even wearing a seatbelt, which was just dumb. I want Hogan to get his comeuppance, because he is a dumb ass who put innocent lives at risk with his illegal racing, but his friend was really not innocent. 🙄

  3. Syko says:

    I hope he does hard time and that Bubba just loves wimpy little smart-ass blonde boys.

  4. Sasha says:

    What an insufferable over-indulged little punk.

  5. Jag says:

    Kimmi, where does say that the kid knew they were going to drag race? I’ve read that yes, they were racing, but around here, races used to happen spur of the moment. Certainly, he was stupid for not wearing his seatbelt, but a lot of people do that (not me) and that isn’t a reason to blame him for the accident – thus, in essence, saying he got what he deserved, which is to live the rest of his life unable to care for himself.

    I hope the judge gives him the maximum. He’s arrogant and acts like he can get away with anything – even though, yes, the law officers who stopped him earlier that day should have ticketed him, so he did get away with those – and he deserves to be punished.

  6. headache says:

    Jag, everyone know that this little punk was into drag racing and that he often engaged in impromtu races. They also all knew he was a hugely irresponsible driver.

    As a former member of the armed services, graziano should have been well away of how to assess risks. He gambled on fun and lost everything but his life. He is just as much to blame as this little twerp.