Sarah Jessica Parker’s adorable baby girls no longer have Mohawks


The last time I checked in on Sarah Jessica Parker’s twin girls, one of them had an awesome (natural?) Mohawk. Well, it looks like little Tabitha and Marion finally have enough hair to properly style, so SJP took her girls out and about in NYC. Actually, the note on the photos says that they twins were going to a doctor’s appointment. How the paparazzi know these things, I’ll never know.

Anyway, I realize it’s a non-story, I just thought the twins were adorable. They look like Matthew, don’t they? Especially the one that SJP is holding. I still don’t know which is which, but I’m going to make a judgment call (out of thin air) and say that SJP is holding Marion, the grumpy brown-eyed one, and the nanny is holding Tabitha, the grumpy blue-eyed one. Those are the faces of two babies who are afraid of needles and are preparing for a hissy fit! I could be wrong, about all of that.

Oh, and I HATE SJP’s outfit. What happened to the fabulous Burberry? These jeans need to be sent back to middle school.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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50 Responses to “Sarah Jessica Parker’s adorable baby girls no longer have Mohawks”

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  1. freaking adorable!!

  2. Ellen Smith says:

    I’ll bet a million bucks these are not her biological children.

  3. Annicka says:

    A story about adorable babies is always preferable to another story about Lindsay’s crack antics!

  4. LeeLee says:

    I think the one SJP is holding looks like Matthew and the other one looks more like her. Cute.

  5. gigi* says:


  6. Lady Jane says:

    Love their little outfits. What a pair of cutie patooties!

  7. Janeth says:

    *Fingers & toes crossed* they don’t end up looking like SJP as they get older. Here’s hoping.

  8. k says:

    LeeLee, agreed

  9. P.J. says:

    I like that they are dressed like little girls, not small adults. The solid leather shoes in the top photo are so much better for baby feet than the ballet slippers worn by you-know-who.

  10. Obvious says:

    OMG the one with blue eyes might just be the most adorable thing ever!!!!

    and i thought i hatred all things SJP

  11. RHONYC says:

    they are adorable.

    now stay the f%ck home and raise your babies, dummy! you can afford not to make more horrible movies.

    thanks! 🙂

    p.s.- lose the hot nanny! stat!
    with matthew’s record anything’s liable to happen. 🙁

  12. Just a Poster says:

    Ahh, I miss the baby mohawk stage! Yes fun to fix their hair.. unless you have a daughter like mine who would fight, kick and scream and run, rather than have a bow in her hair.. and then tell my Mom “Gammy Mommy won’t put bows in my hair”.. uugh.

    The girls are beautiful!

  13. tracking says:

    Cutest. babies. ever. (up there with Nahla Aubrey and the Stefani/Rossdale and Watts/Schreiber kiddies).

  14. Ferguson. says:

    They’re just adorable!! Really really cute!

  15. original kate says:

    those are cute babies…and i hardly ever think babies are cute.

  16. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Very Cute little girls!

  17. SammyHammy says:

    “Those are the faces of two babies who are afraid of needles and are preparing for a hissy fit!”

    Or they don’t like the paps sticking cameras in their faces.

    They are BABIES. Why can’t they just leave the tiny ones alone??

  18. Delta Juliet says:

    Cute freakin’ kids. Almost as cute as mine 😉

  19. lambchops says:


  20. lilme says:

    SJP is holding Tabitha with the dark eyes and the nanny has Loretta with the blue eyes.

    They’re probably grumpy cuz there are huge flash bulbs in their face.

  21. Crash2GO2 says:

    I think the one she is holding looks just like Matthew also. Too adorable – both of them.

  22. kat says:

    You stupid knobs are clueless. Sarah had these children conceived by a SURROGATE mother. These are not her biological children. This is why they do not look like her. But never mind cluing in, keep your heads up your arseholes so you can continue to argue about if they look like her or Mathew. Stupid, stupid knobs.

  23. Katyusha says:

    @ Kat

    I’m sorry that you’re not aware that “surrogate” does not mean that your own eggs and partner’s sperm can’t be used; a surrogate just means that someone else is carrying your baby to term. Look it up.

    Also, that baby in the first picture looks exactly like Matthew.

    So, my task for you, is to look up “surrogate” and get some new glasses. Cheers!

  24. buenavissta says:

    Um, kat, sounds like you need a hug, a dictionary and something important to focus your energy on.
    Very cute babies but I hate the paps getting in their faces.

  25. Bodhi says:

    Loretta? I thought it was Tabitha & Marion?

    In gestational surrogacy, the wife is fertile but incapable of carrying a growing fetus; the child is conceived by in vitro fertilization using the wife’s eggs and her husband’s sperm, and the resulting embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother’s uterus.

  26. bizzy says:

    @P.J. the ballet slippers worn by you-know-who

    amy winehouse?

  27. Jack says:

    her name is marion loretta, guess they name her loretta

  28. Melissa says:

    @bizzy – thanks for the laugh!

  29. Riley says:

    Oh they are cute. I hope SJP and Matthew are happy together because they really have a beautiful family. Oh and I agree with whomever made the comment about the nanny. You don’t want a hot nanny hanging around the house. Just ask Sadie Frost.

  30. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Kat: You were saying? lol

  31. Chrissy says:

    Oh, they are sooo cute! Thanks for sharing the photos!

  32. a says:

    ditto RHONYC!

    (i think rush ruined ditto) : (

  33. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Kat – ever thought about anger management?!

  34. Sassy says:

    Adorable babies!

    And “Kat” MIGHT need a hug. Angry much?

  35. Ruffian9 says:

    “p.s.- lose the hot nanny! stat!
    with matthew’s record anything’s liable to happen.”

    Like what???

  36. Mistral says:

    Kat, you’re wrong. A surrogate is like an egg incubator. Plant the already fertilized egg inside and she keeps it warm, feeds it, and births it. Now, were they Sarah’s eggs or donor eggs, this we don’t know…

    I think the one baby really does look like Matthew.

  37. Wresa says:

    Wow, one looks just like SJP, the other looks just like Broderick. Both are adorable!!

  38. Aqua says:

    Simply adorable!

  39. Nay Nay says:

    The one with blue eyes looks just like their son… so i’m pretty sure they are biologically hers

  40. Amoosed says:

    Yep, I think LeeLee is spot on!

  41. OtherChris says:

    Kat, you’re right, if only regarding the terms. They aren’t her biological kids. In the world of IVF, bio kids are kids the mom gives birth to, regardless of whether or not they are her genetic offspring. It’s a subtlety that most people don’t use, of course. Now in this case, they could be her genetic kids who were gestated by a surrogate or they could be from donor eggs, but that’s really no one’s business but the family.

    Also, Kat. Here’s a hug. You sound like you need one today.

  42. oh my goodness these babies are beautiful- especially the dark eyed one. i love that they both seem to lean toward looking like one parent- the brown eyed girl looks like matthew, and the blue eyed child like SJP. i love that they don’t look like each other, but have very different, exotic looks. hooray for twins!!

  43. tango says:

    Cute babies!

  44. Po says:

    The paps knew she would be there because SJP or one of her “people” called them. Cute babies though.

  45. SammyHammy says:

    I wonder why they gave one of them a male name? Marion is the masculine; Marian is the feminine. Seems odd to me.

  46. Ponytail says:

    Marion is commonly used as a female name in the UK. Not sure where you come from, but you needn’t assume it’s a masculine name. Isn’t there a French actress called MArion Cotilard or something ?

  47. Holly says:

    They are such beautiful kids! How sweet.

  48. RHONYC says:

    @ Ruffian9


    word on the street here in nyc is that matthew was gettin’ into a lil’ somethin, somethin publicly with a waitress (or 2) before the twins were born.

    gossip, i know but still.

    hot nannies are a no-no, duh!

    does ‘the hand that rocks the cradle’ mean nothing to sjp?

    has she learned nothing from the sadie frost/jude law fiasco! lol 🙂

  49. Amanda says:

    Sorry but all you saying that they aren’t her biological children are soooo sooo wrong. they ARE her children, hello they both look exactly like Matthew and James Wilkie. When they were smaller they resembled SJP.

    Actually I think SJP is holding Tabitha, the nanny has Loretta. Tabitha was the one with the Mohawk you are talking about in those old pictures.

  50. SammyHammy says:

    “Marion is commonly used as a female name in the UK.”

    But she’s not in or from the UK.