Girls Gone Wild head and all around abusive sociopath Joe Francis has sort-of married his poor fiance. Joe entered into a “civil domestic partnership” with entertainment reporter Christina McLarty after a ceremony held at his estate in Mexico. He issued a statement claiming that they didn’t get legally married out of respect for same sex couples who don’t have that right. I’m sure it had more to do with protecting his assets, which are still considerable despite the tax lien and resulting incarceration. Joe and McLarty were first engaged this summer, and it’s surprising that they lasted long enough to make it official.
‘Girls Gone Wild’ creator Joe Francis is no longer a single man. The founder of the controversial video empire traded vows this past weekend with his longtime girlfriend Christina McLarty, E! reports.
Francis and McLarty didn’t participate in a traditional wedding; instead they choose to have a civil union.
“We have chosen to have a civil domestic partnership because we don’t believe it’s appropriate to be married until our gay and lesbian friends are afforded the same rights as us to legally marry in the United States,” he told Page Six soon after getting engaged.
The couple’s ceremony took place at Francis’ beachfront mansion in Punta Mita, Mexico in front of 200 guests. Kevin Huvane, cochair of Hollywood talent agency CAA, officiated the union. The guest list included several Kardashian family members including Kris and Bruce Jenner and daughters Kylie and Kendall. Francis’ best man was reportedly Quincy Jones.
[From Popeater]
Of course the Kardashians were involved – why wouldn’t they be? Those women would go to OJ Simpson’s wedding if he wasn’t in the clink. How long is it going to be before we hear about drama at the Francis house? You know that’s coming soon. This is a guy who attacks women and then blames them for it.
On another note, don’t these two look eerily similar? Like Christina is just Joe as a woman with only some of his crazy lurking behind the eyes? Stare at the image at the top of the story for a moment and tell me it doesn’t freak you out.
TMZ has the photos of Joe’s wedding.
Photos are from 10/15/10. Credit: Amanda Meredith and PRN/ PR Photos
To me, this guy is so goddamn sleazy and dirty that, if I was her, I’d have to put his penis in an autoclave before I’d even consider it!
There aren’t other men in the world Christina?
Good luck, lady. What kind of dumbass would get involved with him?
be it love or not, people have their reasons for getting together. this lady knows what she’s getting into. i frankly think this guy is pretty sleazy- to say the least.
Hopefully, she will not be appearing in any of his videos. Good luck, girl!
Why does he look like it hurts for him to smile?
If they look similar they must come from the same socio-douchelogical background.
I wonder if jennypoo was there? You KNOW she just luuurves her some girlsgonewild videos (didnt she give Brad one of those for one of his birthdays?) and she also just luuuurves vacationing at Joe’s sleaze-palace in Me-hi-co, her favoritest place in the whole wide world! LMAO!
I cannot imagine anyone, ever, wanting to be with this sleazeball. Ugh. Not for all the money in the world.
Wow, you have to be really brain dead to marry this vile piece of shit.
My hope is that these two do not procreate. Dear God, I hope not.
They just got the same shitty generic plastic surgery and giant toofy veneers.
Same crazy coked out look in the eye.
Ugh. She could end up hurt.
I can smell them both from here.
I dont usually say this about people, especially people I don’t know, but she is clearly completely lacking in intelligence, and then some. Only a total fool would marry THAT GUY.
“Why does he look like it hurts for him to smile?”
because it probably does. the man is a sociological asshole, and he has to maintain an appearance of “normalcy” in order to perpetuate his misogynistic and/or sociopathic tendencies.
he very likely does not feel any type of emotion unless he’s exploiting the drunk young women that he like to take advantage of and, yes, RAPE.
he probably doesn’t know how to genuinely smile unless he’s busy abusing some barely legal drunk girl.
the kind of woman who would marry this king of douche bags is a woman with no soul and has “grown lady bills” to pay
Wow, someone is a little obsessed. *points up a several posts*
Anyway, yeah, sure, Joe has always been so worried about equality for different groups. That’s why he exploits women as chattle. Equality. *eyeroll*
Hey Cb in the Kardash’s defense about OJ….they knew him and Nicole Brown forever. It was hard when he was being tried since their mother had been friend’s with Nicole and their Father was representing OJ. But they WILL show up to the opening of an envelope if they think someone may see them.
Eewww, CB, you’re right about them looking weirdly similar. I guess his dream came true – he can finally have sex with himself!
As a sidenote, in my opinion, the oft-overused term “douche” was invented for this guy. Joe Francis has more douchiness in his little finger than John Mayer has in his entire body. And that’s saying something.
Quincy Jones was the best man? Seriously?
just goes to show that some people are able to overlook the crazy for enough money. good luck with that, honey.
CB my first thought was “Wow; they look a lot alike,” so I agree! And yeah, poor choice on her part. She must hate herself.
If and when things get rough for her, and she takes it to the police I will not only be not surprised but have zero sympathy for her. The guy raped a drunken girl, beat on women and threatened countless people. She seems like a decent, well adjusted person but you never know – maybe behind closed doors she`s a psychotic pervert too.
This is the true Patrick Bateman. He displays all the signs of a classic sociopath (and serial killer)
Narcissism, very manipulative, no regard to others feelings but his own, displays of rage and anger (especially towards females so it seems), lying, lack of empathy, no regards to rules or the law to themselves, etc.
This girl is fucking stupid. Lord help us all if they ever have a baby.
Joe Francis has one of those manufactured noses too? Damn; who doesn’t have one of those? That bride of his is either dumb or she’s a skank too, because why else would someone tie themselves to that piece of trash; but does anyone else think that she bears a striking resemblance to Kate Middleton (Prince William’s GF)?
What kind of woman marries this piece of shit?
All I can say to her is: Good Luck!
(She is going to need it).
Her nose is tragic. I’m sure however it looked before it was mauled by a plastic surgeon was better than it is now.
Ewww. He dated some chick from my brother’s high school and flew her around with him when she was 17, this guy is absolutely disgusting IMO….
Marriage to this guy? I’d shoot myself at the alter/counter/whatever first.