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67 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston kicks Kimberly Stewart out of John Mayer’s backstage area”

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  1. Nessa says:

    I think this feud is stemmed from when Kim called Jennifer “homely” back in like 2005 not John’s player days

  2. someone says:

    What exactly is Kimberly doing???besides being Rod Stewarts daughter, does she act or sing???If this story is true, I heard that John actually had her removed..

  3. geronimo says:

    ‘..out of John Mayer’s backstage area’

    lol! Wouldn’t you, if another woman was in your b/f’s ‘backstage area’.

    I don’t know, why is Aniston continuously painted as an insecure desperate woman? Kimberly Stewart is a known skank, who’d want her around? Stewart is the one who looks desperate here, not Aniston. (Not that I care, but the tabs just won’t let the ‘wronged woman’ thing go with Aniston and it seems to be just gaining legs instead of dying a death.)

  4. Lola says:

    Jen is a class act. Kimba is an all out SKANK. She can’t sing, dance or act. What does she do? She is a whore!

  5. Syko says:

    I don’t get the wronged woman thing either, geronimo. As much as people in Hollywood play around, a huge percentage of the women and men there could be considered wronged, so why do they keep pushing it with her? It’s not a characterization I would want for myself, I’d rather be known as a woman who, when her man cheated, kicked him to the curb and came out of the situation triumphant and stronger.

  6. geronimo says:

    Careful, syko, or we’ll be forming a JAD club.

  7. Blondie says:

    Jen is a clingy psycho girlf who is far too posessive and insecure.

    Why would JM cheat when they are supposedly sooo in love and gonna alledgedly get married and have a baby….

    JA is one scary girlf….

  8. ava says:

    Dont understand both. But… How bad it would be for Jen to be left for a young woman again?

    Plus, BOTH cant act. Or Rachel Green is a big role? At least Kim could say: “my father is a rock star, I could be in very fucking show I want”. Now whats’s Jen excuse? “I dont want be left by a new woman…”

  9. RAN says:

    I don’t think she comes off as jealous and crazy, but it does seem to come off as jealous and a bit immature – insecure perhaps? Probably has something to do with John’s reputation and the ‘homely’ comment years ago. Side note: Kim please check the mirror before calling anyone else homely – the shoe fits you sweetheart.

    The whole Jen is a wronged woman thing is long over with too. I’m on board with geronimo and Syko about that. I don’t think she (personally) promotes it so much as the ‘haters’ won’t let it go.

    She can act too. I am not a movie buff so I can’t remember the names of her movies where the critics were wowed by her, but she has moved past Rachel Green. Remember the movie with Jake Gyllenhall and the other one about the scam artists? She did not play Rachel in either of those movies and acted out a fantastic role.

  10. Alexis says:

    I don’t think Mayer comes off as whipped. He comes off as a player, take it from one who has been played. After he had Kim removed he probably said something like “see baby, I love you so much I had that tramp thrown out of here. Nobody makes my baby upset. Now go back over there and take more pictures of your man”. Kim Stewart will be the first person he’s screwing after (or right before) he and JA breakup, TRUST! He is only using her to satisfy his own self important ego. He is what we call a “toxic bachelor”.
    In my mind Mayer sounds a bit like Flavor Flave right? I think Flave is probably a nicer guy.

  11. gracie says:

    I agree with all here who say the media just won’t let Jen be and keep saying she’s needy and all that typical crap.
    The media at large is kinda dumb anyhow.
    It’s like they learned all their stereotypes in 1955 and never bothered to get new ones.

    That being said…experience has taught me that you can’t ever let jealousy get you too tight. It’s like being able to step back a sec and realize that if someone is going to cheat on you….
    they’re going to do it no matter how hard you hold on to them.

    I just hope Jen realizes that he isn’t the ONLY fish in the sea…though if the sex is as good as is being hinted
    …it’ll be hard to find that again.

    No easy answers for this.

  12. bros says:

    I guess I fall into the Jen haters camp because I really can’t stand her. yes, this incident reeks of insecurity and immature lameness. it should be up to Jon who is backstage and Jen should be confident enough for anyone to be there without getting her panties in a bunch if she is certain of jon’s affections towards her. she is uppity and this is such high school behavior. she is 10 years older than the stupid skank kimberly and shouldnt lower herself to engaging in these kind of groupie antics-she’s too old for it. and she is an idiot. she’s nearing the age that she wont be able to have her little babies she claims to want so much and the best she can do is start a relationship with a known playa and philaderer 10 years her junior who looks pretty intent upon doing his thang and bedding a lot of terrific booty while he is oung and able, not settling down and purring at aniston and getting married to her and making babies with her.

    she’s retarded-if she is really serious about not being an insecure whiny bitch and not wanting to ruin her perfect body by being pregnant and the effect that will have on her “career” of acting (abominably) then she ought to date some one she doesnt have to babysit and monitor and who is ready to settle. then they will break up and it will be “oh poor jen, heartbreak again” DUH jen, what did you think? and then she will issue another statement how she is looking for babies and security and a fulfulling marriage. then stop dating losers.

  13. CiCi says:

    Um I’m not a big Jen fan but why does she come out of this looking “jealous and crazy?” Because she went to her bf’s concert and asked John what Kim was doing there? Because she hung out on the side and took hobby pics of him? Because she stood to the side while security dragged Kim’s skanky screaming ass out?

    Sorry – none of that sounds psychotic to me. sigh.

  14. Mr. T says:

    Sounds like a healthy relationship.

  15. Lenny says:

    she’s retarded-if she is really serious about not being an insecure whiny bitch and not wanting to ruin her perfect body by being pregnant and the effect that will have on her “career” of acting (abominably) then she ought to date some one she doesn’t have to babysit and monitor and who is ready to settle. then they will break up and it will be “oh poor jen, heartbreak again” DUH jen, what did you think? and then she will issue another statement how she is looking for babies and security and a fulfulling marriage. then stop dating losers.

    bros you are right on the money with everything you said. I am begining to think Jen is retarded. That world John live and work in is not for the weak. I believe he will eventually sleep with some of these skanky ladies like he has done in the past-That is John’s way for sure and Jen is too weak for that. Where is her mother Courtney Cox to warned her of all this.

  16. Peg says:

    Another important point that has been over looked, Jennifer Aniston kicked Kim out..John didn’t kick her out. What does that tell you. Kim is a skank, but what about if she hooks up with John is she still a skank-How about when Jessica Simpson hooked up with John-I think she is a skank. So now Jennifer Aniston hooked up with John after being with a number of men. I believe all Hollywood women are skanks. I believe Jennifer had better get use to it. There will be millions of these women because garbage(John) attract flies. She can’t chase every one them out of his life. Sooner or later the poop will hit the fan. There are loads of rich men more stable than John Mayer she could choose from. So I think Jen is mentally challenged to.

  17. Syko says:

    @ geronimo – never!

  18. ER says:

    I don’t get all these girlfriends who follow their boyfriends to work! Paris and Jennifer have both recently hung out while their b/f was working.

    I don’t know – maybe it’s just me. My husband goes to work every day and I never have a yearning to go ‘watch him work’.

    I know their b/f’s are rockers, but still, they look like obsessed groupies!

  19. jet says:

    Jen was insecure before she lost
    her youthful, average looks, now
    she is probably a basket case, i
    think that is what made her past
    lovers run for cover, too much baggage….if this one falls apart
    (?) call in Dr. Phill

    Hey! look the woman has cash.. no great
    talent, it’s time for her to be real
    and stop fooling herself that one
    day she’ll be a super star, it’s like
    watching a train wreck in slow motion..sad 🙁

  20. Bodhi says:

    used to be a player? They’ve only been dating/fucking for a few months. Does anyone really think that this is a relationship for the ages? This is all very reminisent (sp?) of Jessica Simpson’s turn as John’s #1 groupie.

    All that being said, I’d be pissed if my brand-new boyfriend’s ex fuck buddy wanted to hang out too!

  21. Jenna says:

    I can’t say if I am an Aniston hater or not. When her and Brad split, I really didn’t care. I like Angelina better. But I do hate how Jennifer’s private life is used over and over again in the tabloids.

    As far as what happened at the show, I can understand exactly why Jennifer reacted the way she did. We all know that she still harbors bad feelings towards Manberly Stewart after the “homely” comment. I also understand she is a bit insecure about other women (or men) near John.

    However, men just don’t find it attractive (no matter who you are) if women are constantly acting that way. They don’t want to sit there and try and heal them, they want to experience life with them and not have to worry about how their girl will react if he is seen just speaking to another girl.

    It’s an unhealthy way for Aniston to be at the moment. Seeing Mayer’s track record and taking her past relationships into account, I can’t exactly blame Aniston for reacting the way she does and will.

    Just my input for the day. 😀

  22. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    LOL Everyone!

    God, I love this story. That’s all.

  23. journey says:

    the only way this story could be better is if they’d gotten into a big old cat fight over wimpy little john, complete with hair pulling and clothes ripping. and then they were both waltzed out in handcuffs while john made google eyes at the female cop!

  24. daisy424 says:

    Ex-fuck buddy…. Good one Bodhi!

    But, I’m am tired of hearing about poor Jen, shouldn’t that drink of pity she has been nursing on dry yet???

  25. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I heart daisy424!

    Yeah – what I think is so funny about the pro-Jen comments is that EVERYTHING Jen does is somehow a rallying cry for a pity party. Even when their 40-year old heroine is getting into a catfight with *snark* Kimberly Stewart over *snark* Dark Dick Rot Mayer. Her supporters and defenders still feel the pity in their hearts.

  26. guest says:

    I don’t believe this story. Honestly look where it was quoted from. Jen is actually so ‘good” that they can’t get horrible sotries on her so they make them up! Really sad.

  27. WTF says:

    All women in close relationships with men are or at some point been jealous, possessive, insecure, suspicious, and concerned about being dumped. And any woman who claims she hasn’t felt any of these emotions at some point in her life is either a liar or in denial. So judging jennifer is stupid.

  28. WTF says:

    I should add that men have the same emotions as well, so it is unfair to state that only women have those feelings.

  29. abbizmal says:

    Looks like she sure can pick ’em. His voice is whiney and songs make me change the station. He just a male slut and will break her heart. Actually, I think Kim is more his type.

  30. emily says:

    lol i did sort of the same to my boyfriends ex-girlfriend lol go for it Jen!!!!!!!

  31. Mark says:

    When Jen is in full smile, her jaw-line resembles Stan Laurel’s. Seriously, just cover up her face with you thumb and take a gander at that enormous jaw!! My goodness, can she be related to the great comedian???

  32. Jayne says:

    Who the heck is Kim Steward, oh that is right, she is Rod Steward’s ugly, not very bright daughter. She is the girl that was at some gig with that other dumb blonde, Hilton, they were on motorcycles and Kim put her bike in gear and did not know how to drive it and got dragged along until the bike finally fell over. Her panties and all were showing. John should have had her removed. If he was ever involved with her it was for one reason and one reason only and we know what that was. Not the kind of girl a young guy takes home to meet mom. Jennifer on the other hand is the kind of girl mothers would want their sons to be with. I know I have 4 sons and I would have had a negative reaction if one of them had brought a girl like Kim home to meet me. Thank goodness they never did.

  33. Sandra says:

    Re: jen’s jawline. I don’t understand why we make fun of people for what they can not change- and if they do change it- plastic surgery- we make fun of that to

  34. kate says:

    i hate the faces john mayer makes when singing…like he’s taking a poo. not sexy. no.

  35. Kimberly Stewart is ugly. She is famous only because her dad was a famous rock star (and he’s actually a has-been now).

  36. Bodhi says:

    Um, I really don’t think Rod Stewart is a “has-been”. I think pretty much everyone knows who he is & would recognize him on the street. He hasn’t been in the public eye lately, but that doen’t qualify him as no longer relevent to the music industry.

  37. Nan says:

    Wow. Big faced women battling. What does Mayer do when he meets a true beauty? He blows her off because he can’t mess w/a true beauty who has men falling all over her. He likes the ugly ones. He’s just like Brad Pitt in this way. He has to be the prettier one.

  38. sharon says:

    What is the attraction to this John Mayer. It would of been far more mature and classier if jen would of just ignored the entire situation. Now she comes across as insecure and petty….

  39. jinx says:

    Poor desperate, self absorbed, 50 year old, errr I mean 38 year old. How frigging high school if true. And if true she deserves to be the laughing stock that will come when John, *I dated Minka Kelly* tires of her clingon ways, and she’s dateless again for a year.

  40. someone says:

    I find it odd that the Jen haters say that Jen is still pineing away for Brad if shes not dating, and when she is dating its either a PR move, or shes a clingy, whiney old hag…Get a life, Jen is living hers, and if John ends up hurting her, she will have no one to blame but herself..As far as her visiting him in London…so what???He went to see her in Miami when she was working, thats what dating people do. I think she is a beautiful, talented girl. She may not be able to play a phycho drug addict, but shes great in comedies..and I loved her in Rock Star..with Mark Walberg..

  41. Bodhi says:

    Who said that Jen is pining after Brad? I mjean, its pretty obvious that she isn’t

  42. Because I say So says:

    If this story is true (and I want it to be), I give this “relationship” another 2 weeks. Or at least until Mayer stops touring again and has found a fresher bed. Is Maniston promoting anything???

  43. Yeah most people would recognize Rod Stewart – IF they are OVER 40.

    I doubt the younger generation gives a crap about Rod Stewart.

    His hey-day, the 70s has come and gone.

  44. Mark says:

    He wants a movie career, so he’ll bend to her whiny, self-absorbed, princess uppity attitute until his movie career gets launched — then he’ll dump her. He might even get those frozen eggs of her’s ferterlized. She really has an arrogrant attitude that I really hate. Instead of spending all her down time between her crappy movies eating at 5-star restaurants, spas, luxury vacations and working on her aging body, she should lend a helping hand to the needy (and I don’t mean donating money which are tax write-offs or dining at charitable events). Take note Jen: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Bono, Nicole Kidman, Annie Lennox, even Simon Cowell for goodness sakes The list is endless. Ever hear of “America Gives Back”?

  45. Bodhi says:

    Well, I’m 26 & I’d recognize Rod any day. And so would a lot of my friends. I’m just don’t think he is a “has-been”.

    But I do know my classic rock and/or roll 😆

    Syko, I heard the Band on the radio the other night!!

  46. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    LOL Bodhi – I too love Rod Stewart. Never really cared about his daughter until this. Now I’m officially Team Stewart.

  47. Ron says:

    Jennifer is a jealous woman. A few years back my sister, who happens to be a petite woman with big real boobs, was at a concert at the Disney Hall in LA, she spied Brad and is a big fan, she went over and they were chatting, Jen came back, from the bathroom I am guessing, and literally pulled him away and he seemed embarrassed by the whole episode. She’s very insecure. My sister was there with her husband too for God’s sake!

  48. czarina says:

    You might recognize Rod Stewart from the recent internet picture of him sucking on his latest wife’s tit out on the deck of their boat, when (no doubt) he was sure there were paps taking shots.
    Rod Stewart is a man-ho. He’s awful. Who could blame Kimberley Stewart for turing out the way she has, being raised by that…person (I was at a loss for graphic, yet tasteful, descriptive word!!)
    Jen. I’m not a hater, but I just can’t work up any sympathy for her. There is just something about her that is off-putting to me. She comes across as sullen and demanding and self-absorbed. But, hey, I don’t know her and pictures can be decieving. She could be delightful.
    For her sake, I hope this relationship with John works out…and even players can make better choices eventually–think of Warren Beatty!

  49. geronimo says:

    “God, I love this story. That’s all.”

    You crack me up, Kaiser. 😆

    Also, Rod rocks.

  50. Anastasia says:

    Jennifer Aniston bores the ASS off of me. Just looking at her picture is boring. Hearing her speak is even worse, which is why I won’t watch any movies she’s in. I did see The Good Girl, but I watched it in spite of her, not because of her. And I’ll never watch it again. Movie poison.

    Ug. I’m falling asleep typing this. Who was I talking about?

  51. love Rachel says:

    Jen was probably thinking, “I’m not going to let another whore ruin this for me!”

    Jen kicks ASS!

  52. anonymous says:

    OMG!!!!!! You people really think this story is even true? So quick to believe anything there’s no pictures no nothing get a life folks.

  53. WTF says:

    Why waste time giving an opinion about someone you find boring?

  54. Shane says:

    Kimberly Stewart is a super skank.

    Her dad Rod is cool, but he’s a whore as well.

  55. anonymous says:

    Jennifer Aniston wasn’t even at this concert and was photographed at the airport on the morning of this concert. It’s kind of hard to be kicking people away from backstage when you’re a million feet up in the air flying home.

  56. whatever says:

    Didn’t Kimberly Stuart tell the press that the reason Jennifer Aniston’s marriage ended was that she wasn’t that good looking? Kimberly Stuart is lucky she didn’t get beat up. Also, John Mayer would have been an ass for not getting rid of her. Kimberly Stuart shouldn’t talk about the way other people look because she is really not an attractive women by anyone’s standards. Even plastic surgery didn’t help her.

  57. Tania says:

    Nigga please! Jennifer Aniston JEALOUS of Kimberly Stewart? Please excuse me while I die laughing! LOL! Jen had skank ass Kim kicked out of there so she could enjoy watching John’s show without having to inhale the aroma of the STANK that is Kim Stewart! Jennifer is gorgeous and Kim is a useless, ugly little spoiled tramp like Paris Hilton! Jennifer is talented, works for a living, has class and doesn’t make a spectacle of herself. Kim, here’s one for you – GET LOST! GO AWAY! John just isn’t that into you … he’s got a REAL woman now! Muhahahahaha!

  58. Tania says:

    All you Jen haters need to quit, you’re just jealous!

    And Jen, you shoulda beat that ho’s ASS! THAT would have been awesome!

  59. liy says:

    Jennifer IS HOMELY. What an ugly-ass jaw she has. She has a MAN FACE. And she is DULL as hell. Why she is even an actress/celebrity is a mystery. She`s nothing.

  60. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    The last gasp of The Never-Ending Pity Party? Who would have thought?

  61. Savanah Anderson says:

    I would have to agree with what J. Aniston did though. She’s been through a lot with Brangelina. I don’t blame her.

  62. Hogie says:

    Jennifer is such a plain nice looking girl but seems kinda boring. Don’t really like this guy John for her. He’s been with too many skanky women and may just continue. He’s a young guy.

  63. Truth says:

    Lets all face it, jen is a joke, I can understand her pain of brad, but to live in this world where she thinks she is invincible, is a joke, Its a shame that she just cant move on, why the heck date weidos if your still feeling the pain from brad. Lets face it, Angelina is much more attractive, whilst jen just isnt. Saying that, it is more about personality, and it may be possible, Angelina is exciting, where as Jen, well, she is just plain boring and stuck up her sefl, hence why brad left her. her jelousy would drive anyone mad, and consdiering jen has a well priveldge life, where does her selfishness come into it, why does she claim shes had it hard, when loosing brad was the only hardes thing in her life? what a joker!!!

  64. menopausalbitch says:

    OK, advice to Jen: Mayer is using you for publicity. He’s not in love with you, he’s not going to marry you, and your best bet is to bail NOW with some scrap of dignity left, find a nice stable man your own age, and have that longed-for baby before it’s finally too late. Take it from me, it doesn’t matter how young you FEEL, one of these days you will wake up and realize that time has won.

  65. CC says:

    I think Jennifer Aniston is pathetic and scary! How she’s talking to the press about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after 4 years of her split with him is just awful! She needs to move on! Brad Pitt made a choice and a wise one too. I always like Anglina Jolie. As far as I remember, it was Brad Pitt who fell for Angelina Jolie first anyway. & he made a wise choice. Jennifer Aniston doesn’t want to have babies & claiming herself having a perfect body (oh please). Now she’s saying she doesn’t not want to have kids, just later… hmmm… she is 40 years old! Can she bear children later? I’m happy to see Brad Pitt having such a loving family with his beautiful kids and beautiful wife. Angelina Jolie also brings good influence to Brad. They together helped & contribute lots to the the people who need help. God bless them! As far as beauty, no matter how much botox and how hard Jennifer works out, she’ll never look better or even close to Angelina Jolie. There’s no comparison. Jennifer Aniston is at most average looking. Angelina Jolie, other hand, is BEAUTIFUL!

  66. Savannah says:

    I just come across this because I was searching to see if Kimberly Stewart was really pregnant by Benicio Del Toro.
    & I don’t really care about this story, plus I think I’m like 4 years later commenting on it haha. But i would have done tha SAME thing if kimberly stewart wouldnt leave my boyfriends show when I wanted her to. But I probably would have looked worse than Jen, cause I would have taken her out MYSELF.

  67. b anonymous says:

    Kimberly Stewert is correct, I think that Jennifer Aniston is homely too.I can’t believe that “Mens health Magazine”voted her as a hot woman of all time.There is so many people out there that thinks she is so homely.Was that magazine bought off by her and her publicity man?They call her Maniston on the internet.That is because of her ugly big crooked jaw.How can that be hot?Are they nuts