Shocking no one who has been watching this Eva Longoria-Tony Parker tragedy unfold, TMZ is now reporting that Eva was planning to file for divorce for nearly a week, but she wanted to ensure she got maximum publicity from it. So, she organized the Us Weekly cover with her side of the story, and plotted out a plan of attack using Extra and her BFF Mario Lopez. And then TMZ and E! News got a hold of the info a day earlier then expected and Eva threw a PR hissy fit by demanding retractions. Now, as I predicted, Eva lost a lot of media goodwill and people are calling her out for not just being a famewhore with her marriage, but now being a famewhore with her divorce too. TMZ finds the sweet spot:
Sources tell TMZ … the divorce between Eva Longoria and Tony Parker was in the works for at least a week before Eva filed, contrary to the story Eva’s people are telling. And Tony denies he ever had sex with an ex-teammate’s wife.
Sources connected with Tony tell TMZ … Tony did indeed have a “sexting relationship” with Erin Barry, the estranged wife of former San Antonio Spur Brent Barry, but it ended months ago. The sources insist, “They never had a physical relationship.”
And sources connected with Tony tell TMZ … Tony and Eva were well aware that the divorce would be filed. We’re told Tony was planning on filing for divorce in San Antonio, Texas because it was more convenient, but, “Eva talked him out of it because she wanted to file in Los Angeles.”
Sources also tell us — contrary to the statement Eva’s rep made to TMZ — Eva not only knew she was filing for divorce, but it was timed to coincide with the Us Weekly interview.
As for why Tony and Eva are telling different stories about the divorce, a close friend of Tony’s says it’s simple: “She was into the whole PR thing. He wasn’t.”
Eva’s people say Tony’s story is untrue … with one source telling TMZ, “Eva and Tony were still talking about working out the marriage up until the morning she filed.”
[From TMZ]
I should mention – thus far, the only accusations of cheating have come out of Camp Longoria, and her Us Weekly cover story and her conversations with Mario Lopez. That being said, I do think Tony was cheating, and I doubt it was just some “sexting” situation either. I also buy that Eva is hurt and betrayed and devastated. But I also think she’s a famewhore and she wants to milk her situation for all that it’s worth, financially and gossip-wise. She wants to be Elin Woods or Sandra Bullock. The thing about Sandra and Elin though… they never threw hissy fits when some other media outlet scooped the story they sold/gave to another outlet. Poorly played, Eva.
Yeah but it’s kinda convenient that these accusations are coming from sources close to Tony Parker.
There isn’t actually a Us Weekly interview with Longoria is there? I know it’s the cover story but I thought it was all based on sources close to her.
Maybe for Longoria it’s about max media attention for her, maybe it’s about max embarrassment to Tony Parker out of revenge. Probably it’s a little bit of both but for some reason I think it’s more about hurting Tony Parker’s public image because she’s mad.
she is beyond ridiculous. she pushed for the marriage imo & he just seemed to go along for the ride. now he’s obviously well past over it & she’s making a complete fool of herself.
Shocked just shocked
She blew it, very tacky.
Eva Longoria is so intent on controlling this story that she is overdoing it. Her people have me convinced that there was no cheating and that Eva has made this all up to make herself look good the problem is that this is what Tony’s people should be trying to achieve, not hers. She really seems like a piece of work.
Bored with her. Throw her to the lions!
“she’s making a complete fool of herself”
She is not some tragically wronged wife.
Where as Elin and Sandra were completely blind sided… with children involved… Longoria was looking for all the attention she could find.
Nor do I believe that article with US Weekly was written without her full participation.
Not sure why, but I have zero sympathy for her. I simply don’t buy her as being the “wronged wife”. Elin Woods was a wronged wife. Eva just seems bitchy and manipulative.
she is gross
But flutters, the problem with thinking that she is just trying to hurt his media image is that he is a pro athlete who may or may not have cheated, its just not juicy enough. Had she not have pissed off TMZ and other gossip outlets no one would care. He’s not Tiger Woods, with women coming out of the woodwork and holiday car crashes or Kobe Bryant with accusations of rape. He’s not even as popular as either of those men. He’s just Tony Parker, pro-athlete who might, or might not, have a girlfriend on the side.
No, I don’t think she was trying to hurt his image, I think she was trying to boost hers.
The obvious PR spin from Eva’s side just seems really distasteful.
Also, letting her BFF Mario Lopez profit from talking about her side of the story on Extra is the height of tackiness.
I’m sorry if she was indeed cheated on, but she gets no empathy from me about the way she spun her wedding, marriage and now divorce for prime media coverage.
Not so smug now, huh Eva.
I hope Tony takes the high road and keeps his mouth shut throughout the divorce.
Eva being Eva. In the beginning of DH she made really catty comments about her “being the youngest so she has the least experience” and on and on.
His hissy fame-ho fit cost her the sympathy vote with a lot of the public also. Not a pretty picture.
Think of all the money they blew on that decadent, over the top wedding. Maybe they thought they were buying a guarantee that it would last. I dont think any of the celebrity marriages last because of the big egos involved. Two people cant both be No.1. I still feel bad for her though. I think she wanted it to work but was delusional in thinking he wouldn’t cheat.
I don’t blame him for looking else where. She is a tiresome famewhore.
Wonder how long she will keep those tattoos she has. And him too. The one on her neck is so crappy looking.
it was ruined from the moment of the pompus wedding in Italy!
I don’t feel any sympathy for her either. She always seems so smug. This marriage was all just a big spectacle from day one.
This is like a bad telenovella.
I’m amazed how she is able to look worse as more “news” comes out about this? I think TONY WANTED OUT for a while and she was all about “timing”…so gross! Poor Brett Barry is all I’m saying…
@Hautie Oh I agree Eva totally give the thumbs up on the Us Weekly leak.
@Po I don’t guess he’s as big as Tiger or Brett Favre but for some reason I thought Tony Parker was pretty well known. Probably wrong about that. Also, even the “sources close to Tony” are admitting to improprieties, just not of the physical kind.
@lolabella I think the leaks from “sources close to Tony” show he’s not taking the high road either.
I don’t think there’s any angels in this story and I won’t be picking a “side” though I do think Tony Parker’s more in the wrong.
Also, the feature picture Kaiser picked out cracks me up!
Why, oh why, is she wearing a dress with a visible Gramma panty girdle? Is that a new look or something? Dear God! :-p
@Kaiser — THANK YOU !! i also am not buying this is divorce over “sexting”.
@Marjalane — agreed !!
Tony is 28. Eva is 35. Women age in dog years. In 5 years Eva will be Tony’s mother’s age. Go younger next time Tony.
I don’t buy that she wasn’t planning on filing for divorce until ‘that morning.’ Filing for divorce doesn’t mean you write a quick email to a judge saying, “I just don’t like him anymore so let me off the hook.” There’s TONS of paperwork involved, especially when you’re rich with lots of assets, property, etc. It took me literally weeks to get all my ducks in a row and to the point where I could even go to the county clerk’s office and file.
Something else about this rubs me the wrong way. Eva Longoria doesn’t seem like the kind who would pull all of this just over ‘sexting’. She seems more like the kind who would demand some big a** jewelry and make him pay (kinda like Kobe Bryant’s wife did). But I can’t decide if it’s way worse or she has something to hide…
Who knows, maybe there’s more dirt to come?
I can buy that she wanted to be Sandra 2.0, but it’s not working for her. Running to all the tabloids and TV shows is not a good move.
@bellaluna – yep, the only thing that grabbed me about this whole story was the dress with the panty girdle!
Dear God – how short! How vile!
How does one not see the absurdity (especially of how it makes you look) of demanding a retraction of news that is, now already out there, that you are then going to essentially confirm the following day. That’s bizarre.
This was a faux marriage, wasn’t it. All the press surrounding the wedding; and then all the subsequent press around the “hot” couples + friendships” with Posh & Becks and Tom & Katie.
They all wanted the spotlight. Even shy little Tony Parker. Cheaters, liars, opportunists all. Hollywood Hucksters.
Hmmmm, I wonder if she already has someone waiting in the wings? I do not buy the story she is divorcing her husband over “sexting”. It is almost as if all this attention on the divorce is to distract the media from something she is hiding.
@ terryo that is disgusting. As are Eva and Tony, but not for THAT reason.
First off, I don’t know whay women marry professional athletes and think they are going to faithful.OH PLEASE! They are in different cities all the time with ho’s throwing themselves at them, it’s going to happen. Second, men by nature are pigs you can argue this all you want but it’s true. Third, who cares if she wanted to control the media perception of this? If you thought your dirty laundry was going to air publicly, chances are you would want to control the story. Look how hard Tiger tried to control it.
Kind of figured Tony would get bored with her. Wasn’t he only 24 or 25 when they got married? I was surprised they even got together just because he comes across as much younger than she does even though the age gap isn’t that much. Oh well… Eva will find someone else because she is gorgeous and hopefully Tony learns that flirting with another girl through text message is considered cheating!! Ugh.
I was surprise it lasted this long. About 5 years ago, Eva gave an interview with (I think) Ryan Seacrest, and Tony said she would fly from L.A. to Texas EVERY NIGHT to be with him, and she didn’t need to do that. She said she didn’t mind, she wasn’t tired.
Yeah . . . um . . . even back then I got the impression that she felt compelled to see him every night, not because of some undying love, but because she couldn’t trust him if she left him to his own devices for even one night. That hit me as being really weird.
Eva has always been horrible, maybe the public will find out more soon..
even though her people are working 24/7 now to keep her image up..
They never should have been together, but what Eva wants she gets–she wanted marriage and she got it!
feeding stories to the media about engagements that were never happening. she wanted it, so she got it!
you cannot pressure a man into something like marriage.
RUN Tony! who will her next victim be?? because she will NOT be outdone, LOL
@ skibunny – I know! $1.5M on a WEDDING! A wedding is not a marriage! When will people realise that the marriage is what matters, not the wedding ceremony?
@ trollydolly – It’s awful! Every story I’ve seen about this split has a picture of her in that outfit. How unfortunate!
She just wanted the revenge. And she has the right to. After all she was cheated on.
bellaluna – Exactly! It is the marriage that lasts for 50 years; the wedding is just a formal ceremony that lasts 10 minutes. I think society has lost focus on what SHOULD be important: everything that comes AFTER the ceremony. Now, weddings are some big party, like an uber-prom, where the bride gets to show off to her guests and be the center of attention like a diva. What ever happened to the simple ceremony, followed by a reception as it was meant to be – a “thank you” to the guests for bearing witness to the ceremony (not a stage for the bride to show off).
You can’t be like Sandra or Elin – who remained quiet – while flapping your mouth.
They handled their situations with class. Eva took an alternate route.
Tony Parker is an idiot, he should have stuck with someone closer to his age, not “someone who’s the boss of him”.
Eva is a very controlling person in public, so can you imagine the dictatorship she runs behind closed doors? Tony! you’re free..RUN! RUN!
Yeah, let’s all dump on her while she’s getting a divorce… Bitch doesn’t have enough shit to deal with as is… let’s all take turns kicking her while she’s down *eyeroll*
C’mon … most of us saw this coming a mile away. Anyone who talks about sex, sex, sex the way Eva Longoria does is covering for something … turns out, it’s a lousy marriage and probably no sex in 3 years … JMHO
When DH first came out, I think she thought she was going to be the next big movie star but since then she’s toned it down. Comparing her divorce to Elin and Sandra is like comparing apples to oranges. Elin’s financial future has never been dependent on public opinion. In fact, quite the opposite. I’m sure her divorce proceedings were made a lot easier because she didn’t talk. While I love Sandra, I’m not naive enough to think she didn’t strategize her public moves during the divorce. A cheating partner messes with the brain. Maybe Eva is just trying to make the most out of everything. There are no winners here.
I know a lady who spent a large sum on her wedding and the marriage did not last a year. So even after the divorce she was paying for the wedding. That sucks big time.
I also knew someone who got a tattoo of the guy she wanted to marry. Needless to say she married someone else and she is stuck with an unfortunate tattoo.
These two will be back on their feet in no time. I am sure they are going to try to trot out their new boyfriend/girlfriend soon. The fun is who going to do it first. It’s definitely going to be a race.
Divorce is a pain in the neck, especially for celebrities.
And no matter how much you spend on the wedding ceremony, the divorce will cost double, at minimum! (No matter WHO you are!)
Guess she’ll take any kind of attention no matter how ridiculous she looks. Denying one day and then getting to the press before husband the next to ruin his rep. Glad they do not have kids.
Don’t know why these people get married in the 1st place. they get bored in a few years expecially when they have all these other good-looking people around they should just live together and enjoy it while it lasts George Clooney has the right idea there will always be women throwing themselves at a good looking actor or athlete Just look at Leann Rimes she chased a man until he just gave up and that will not last either
No woman wants terryo, the teeny little man is clearly penniless, careerless and unattractive to boot. Women don’t bald like he will and lose their libido after 17 like he will hence he tries to hang where women are and blame the fact no one wants him on the ladies themselves. No, terryo, it’s just balding, penniless, careerless, personalityless, sexless you.
Hot Guy Friday is tomorrow, you can lust with us and see what a real man looks like but changing teams isn’t an option. Sadly, studs don’t like penniless, angry, stompy little eunuchs either.
there were cheating allegations at the very beginning of their relationship, werent there? and they both eventually denied them…i think this was right around their wedding time? i dont think they were ever very happy or built on much. he didnt seem too into her, and she was trying to milk it for all it was worth with her ‘lookat me on my european tour!’ paris registration, italy wedding blah blah. she hasnt been very successful lately either. they never had kids, which is always interesting to me…she is 35 and not getting any younger or more successful, so if you are in love and your husband is very rich and doing well in his career, why not have a baby with him? I thought she would get pregnant right away and was surprised she didnt.
Eva Longoria, Kim Kardashian and Sandra Bullock all look like they could be related to each other.
Didn’t anyone tell her that she is wearing a jacket as a dress in that first pic? Just because your petite doesn’t mean you can skip the skirt.
And yeah, totally not news that she’s milking the divorce for all the PR she can get.
Jen/Brad had a million dollar wedding at least! How long did they last? 4 years! I don’t get how people are picking on Eva when she was wronged?! The nastiest thing is HE cheated on her with someone, she was friends with and vacationed with.
The Sandra B thing, ONLY got the most attention because it was coming from her when she won all those awards and praising her husband and the nasty ho kept talking. Now nobody cares. Sandra still hasn’t gave a “Big Oprah” interview.
You shouldn’t marry a pro athlete? Well seems like you shouldn’t marry politicians, nor actors! Or Singers. Even Tom Hanks cheated on his first wife with Rita Wilson. I take my chance on a athlete then a actor, who spends there time with woman in movies shooting sex scenes!
You nailed it Kaiser. I agree with your write up.
People, lets not forget or ignore the point here. He cheated on her… And the sexting woman is probably not the first mistress/textress. I dont blame her for wanting to handle her divorce announcement the way she did. It sucks to be cheated on, big time. I bet other mistresses will soon start coming out of the woodwork. If so, I hope she takes him to the cleaners. Thank god no kids are involved.
is there any truth to the thing about their having an agreed upon “open marriage”?
if you saw what eva looks like au naturale…. wow, i would love to learn how to apply make up from her like she does.
seriously, she does a total transformation there.
the two images natural / made up are so starkly different. like, unrecogniseable
It is Tony that is gross. He is the one that sought comfort outside the marriage. Eva maybe a famewhore, but she did one thing right, she didn’t break her marriage vows, Tony did.She is not the bad one here.
The Million Dollar Weddings During War and Even Continuing During a Potential Economic Crash
are really tasteless. At the minimum.
I hope we don’t see any more of them. Ever.