Mila Kunis talks about dropping 20 pounds for ‘The Black Swan’


These are photos from earlier this year and last year – back in February of this year and in November 2009, to be more specific, when Mila Kunis was working on The Black Swan. Back in January, I wrote a story about how Mila looked scary-skinny at a premiere, and many of you thought I was crazy. Well, as it turns out, Mila thought she looked scary-skinny back then too – she had lost 20 pounds working on The Black Swan, and she was down to 95 pounds. Mila spoke about the dramatic weight loss to E! News:

When Mila Kunis was making Black Swan, she dropped to a mere 95 pounds. She insists it wasn’t so pretty. However, that doesn’t mean she didn’t like it. At times, she did. We’ll let her explain…

“I could see why this industry is so f–ked up, because at 95 pounds, I would literally look at myself in the mirror and I was like, Oh my God!” she says. “I had no shape, no boobs, no ass…All you saw was bone. I was like, This looks gross.”

But then she had a couple of photo shoots and began work her next flick, Book of Eli. “In real life, it looked disgusting,” Kunis says. “But in photographs and on film, it looked amazing.”

Family and friends became concerned. “My mom freaked out,” she says. “Everybody started panicking. She was like, ‘You have to promise me this isn’t going to affect you.’ I was like, ‘I promise it won’t, but it might take me a little time to be OK with having a little more fat on me.’ ”

Fortunately, she put the weight back on.

“Man,” she says, “it took me five months to lose 20 pounds, but it took me just five days—days!—to gain it all back.”

[From E! News]

I’d go so far to say that Mila did not, in fact, look “amazing” in photographs. She looked tired and drawn and like she aged 10 years. That’s the thing about severe weight loss (coughKateBosworthcough). It makes you look hard and old. But I am glad to hear that Mila didn’t really like it and that she gained the weight back.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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47 Responses to “Mila Kunis talks about dropping 20 pounds for ‘The Black Swan’”

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  1. InVain says:

    I think she’s gorgeous either way. However, it is refreshing to hear someone talk about how being that thin isn’t as glamorous as people think it might be…

  2. dit says:

    Gah, she’s so gorgeous.

  3. anti says:

    it’s nice to see she has a healthy perceptive and doesn’t intend to stay at 95 pounds.

  4. mln says:

    She is the best thing to come out of That 70’s show 🙂

  5. jessica says:

    What.. she is now a healthy 98 pounds now?? Geeze.

  6. gabs says:

    Go mila! I like that she realized she looked unhealthy and gained it back. Very rare. Ha nice dig at Bosworth.

  7. Deniz says:

    I adore her! I can’t understand actresses who want to be stick thin with no ass or boobs. How is that sexy? Also, I hope she didn’t get any stretch marks from the quick weight gain. When I was much younger I lost a lot of weight like her and gained it back in a week…and ended up with stretch marks. I’m still pretty self conscious about them ;\

  8. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    She’s gonna be a great actress!

  9. mkf says:

    I didn’t think you were crazy, what I objected to (not that you did this) but some bloggers did, is suggest she was on drugs or was anorexic or other absurd things. I knew she was working on a ballet film that required her to be on a strict diet and work out hard so I understood why she had lost the weight, and I am glad the truth is out there now and she is talking about it.

    I do admit, although she looked thin at the Book of Eli premiere she still did not look bad to me….of course I think she is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. But I did find it interesting that she pointed out that on film and in pictures she looked good, it was in person when she thought it looked bad. But I’m glad she is back to her more natural weight.

  10. Amy says:

    She is so teeny!! I can’t imagine her any thinner!

  11. mkf says:

    @ Jessica: No, she is not now at 98 pounds….she got down to 95 while shooting Black Swan…she had lost 20 pounds, but now claims she has put the 20 back on so her weight must be around 115 which is perfectly fine for a female that is 5’3….I had a girl frined that was only 5′ and she typcially weighed between 98 and 105 and never looked too thin.

  12. missy says:

    So, is she saying she saying that she weighs 115 now? She looks much smaller than that. It’d be funny if she’s lying about her weight, considering the fact that women usually pretend to weigh less than their real weight, not more!

  13. Benny says:

    I love the article, but this will sound bad: I kind of liked her thin…..ehhhhhh…….bad I know. Gorgeous either way, though!!

  14. Penguen says:

    I used to weigh 95 (well, maybe 97) lbs. However I *was* anorexic. I remember being cold, exhausted, hungry, and cranky all the time. Thank jeebus I haven’t been that way in over 10 years!

    Kaiser, you’re absolutely right about looking older and harder when you lose that much weight. I’m always shocked to learn that some celebrities (like Eva Longoria) are in their early to mid 30’s, when they easily look 40+. I think an extra 10 pounds would easily soften them and make them look their age.

    As for Mila, love her. Absolutely love her.

  15. danielle says:

    I love Mila! But I would also be surprized if she weighs 115 now.

  16. gigi* says:

    Beautiful and sweet!!!I absolutelly love her!

  17. Ron says:

    I saw a screening of this movie a couple of weeks ago and it’s really good. Creepy and really kept me guessing.

  18. JM says:

    Two things I took away from this article.
    1. Mila has a healthy self esteem and a healthy body.

    2. Mila has a fantastic support system in her mother. Perhaps if more mothers were concerned about their child’s health rather than their fame, *coughBosworthcough* we’d have less bobbleheads wandering around Hollyweird.

  19. Michael says:

    If you look at Milas recent pictures, shes obviously gained the wieght back. She looks really healthy.

  20. Elton John says:

    I really don’t understand why some celebrities should lose weight not according to their body weight and even have to lose more than that. I guess losing weight sometimes is bad to our health. However, Mila still looks beautiful here.

  21. Mandy says:

    I’m glad she thinks she looks better bigger than 95 but I’m calling bullshit on her weighing 115 now. I’m 5’3 too and I weigh 103. I’m too thin right now because I was sick but I look about the same size (if not as hot) as Mila. At most she gained ten pounds back.

  22. Gabriela says:

    I have exact the same proportions as Mila when she was filming The Black Swan, 5’4 and 95 pounds.
    It is offensive to read stuff like “scary” skinny.
    If you said, for instance, Gabby Sidibe is scary fat (which she is), you’d be a bitch.
    Why doesn’t it apply to skinny people? Ugh, hipocrisy.

    Anyway, Mila looks good anyway.

    Btw, I’m not anorexic or bulimic, I eat healthly. I just can’t put on weight.

  23. Carrie says:

    Darren Aronofsky, the director of “Black Swan” said that during the filming he got a look at Natalie Portman’s bony back and demanded that she eat more. Natalie talked about how skinny she got for the role and how difficult it was.

    Both Natalie and Mila are naturally thin women, but for this film they both lost weight to look like ballet dancers- who are very, very skinny.

  24. Mandy says:

    Gabriela- I think it depends on your body. I’ve been down to 95 too and I did look scary skinny. I have a friend who is naturally like that and she looks fine. She’s all wispy and willowy while I was so bony I looked like a half dead skeleton. It just depends on how your body rolls. I think Mila Kunis did look scary skinny and rather ill that small.

    I agree about tiring of thin being snarked on all the time. Like curves are the end all, be all of fabulous womanly bodies. What about those of us who can’t have curves naturally? It’s like the snarking on paleness.

  25. leuce7 says:


    Just throwing my two cents in to also say that for some people, that might look scary skinny and for others it is normal. I have a cousin who is about 5’6″ and was never over 105lb, and tried sooo hard to gain weight, while I gladly would have given her some of mine!

    But I do think you people tend to be exceptions to the rule. 😉

  26. Solveig says:

    Well, I wish I could gain weight that fast.
    Mh, I wish I could gain weight. Period.

  27. I completely agree! It’s wonderful to see a celebrity talking about what it “too” small for her body type.

    However, I kind of agree with Gabriela. It is very offensive to hear some people call smaller boned frames scary. I know personally that I have forever dealt with people thinking I am anorexic or bulemic because I was thin! I’m almost 5.5′ and 115 pounds but it varies! I have Crohn’s disease which makes it difficult for me to even gain weight! Most don’t realize that, yes I’m small framed, but I’m also healthy. I eat well and exercise a normal amount for my body type.

    People do look tired when they are thin- it’s why it’s called gaunt. I get what she (Mila) means by being thing for photos. When you have no fat, you don’t have to worry about camera angles. Let me also just say that she lost the weight for a ballet movie. As a former dancer I can attest that while most dancers are just in phenom shape, there are those that feel the need to be thin to be an ingenue.

    I think people just need to be accepting of all body types, and especially consider how hurtful the term “skinny bitch” can be. I cannot control my weight.

    Lol Off topic, but thank you all for the vent!

  28. Newbie says:

    I was sick for a while and weighed under 100 lbs. last year. It wasn’t good. My thighs looked like sticks and my ribs stuck out. It’s NOT sexy. It’s creepy/morbid. Mila Kunis is gorgeous. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: can’t. wait. for. this. film.

  29. citysuede says:

    love the black dress…

  30. Granger says:

    No way — NO WAY she is 115 lbs. 105, tops.

  31. loopygorilla says:

    Yeah, kate bosworth just looks really bad with all that weight loss and continued super skinny frame.
    problem with kate bosworth, girlfriend is commercial looking, blonde surfie chick etc.
    but she tries sooo hard to be like a channel girl all european high fashion and that.
    so she thinks being super skinny will do it.
    Its like posh spice, with her bony frame and bolted on boobs. she wants to be “high fashion”.
    and Mila is right, when you are that skinny, you got no ass, boobs or shape and its bones and its nasty.
    im skinny naturally and i hate it, and for soooo long i tried to put on weight because i hated seeing my rib cage etc yuk! and after 4 years i have put on 2 kilograms or 12 pounds? still underweight so ive given up on trying to be normal weight for my height hahaha.
    but yeah, skin on bones is not a turn on!

  32. Dannnii says:

    It isn’t about looks, though.It is unhealthy and drains your chi.

    I suppose in HW it is.

  33. Courtney says:

    hello Camera angles can shave off or add weight or give the appearence of someone being fatter/thinner than they actually are. most actresses lie about their age/weight for work related issues and always have especially the insecurre ones. same deal with plastic surgery and thinking you need bigger breasts for better roles. no you just need talent and patience which most starlets like Ms Kunis don’t have

  34. Dee Vine says:

    @Gabriela. ITA. Like some people who find it hard to lose weight, some do find it hard to gain weight. (but I find no one ever believes them)

    Mila Kunis is just gorgeous! And a pretty versatile actress too.

  35. Krista says:

    My best friend’s mom was a prima ballerina when she was younger. When she was in ballet she weighed just 95 lbs at 5’9″. She is petite but that is just ridiculous. Ballerina’s require a lot of lean muscle and fat is required to have your muscles working properly. I’m glad Mila realized it wasn’t healthy for her to be so small.

  36. Liana says:

    People carry weight differently. I’m 5’6″ and when I dip below 120, I look SCARY skinny. My best friend is 5’8″ and weights 120 and looks amazing. My body type is bigger and more muscular, her’s is more willowy and long.

    Mila Kunis is absolutely beautiful and actually very very talented. She can have a career with longevity if she continues to pick her roles well.

  37. kelly says:

    When it comes to cant lose/cant gain, Id rather be the plumpy creature that I am than like my husband, who could not get more flesh on his lean bones if I hooked him up to a lard drip, despite being in a constant state of omnivorous ingestion.
    He’s always COLD, gets ill more easily and for longer than I do and just seems to suffer far more environmental slings and arrows. It made me appreciate my own ahem robustness. Padding just seems to make the world more comfortable.
    That’s not judging naturally thin people- it must be great to be airy and lanky in the middle of summer. But why you’d starve yourself like a fool to get there is beyond my understanding.

  38. holla says:

    beautiful dresses in both pictures.

  39. Sharonkings says:

    I love her! Great actress and just gorgeous! Glad she gained the weight back!

  40. bellyache says:

    Whoa. Can’t get over how good she looks. I bet she can be obese and still look gorgeous. I dunno. FIERCE.

  41. Whamo says:

    It’s funny she’s the one that has the best career after 70’s show. The fact that she’s smokin hot doesn’t hurt I suppose. What ever happened to the red headed monster chick? I haven’t heard from her at all.

  42. fabgrrl says:

    A Goddess, or at least, a Goddess-in-training. I bet by the time she is 35 she will be the biggest star in the world.

  43. anonymous says:

    I think she’s beautiful. I’m 5’6 and weigh 112 lbs. I dont think I look too skinny cause I have big hips and a booty. After 2 kids I think I look alright. People tell me I should gain some weight.

  44. MuñekitA says:

    Oh my gosh… This girl is SO fraking gorgeous than i Hate her!

  45. Lady D says:


  46. Camille says:

    I think she looks gorgeous in that last pic, her face is so, so pretty. Love her.