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7 Responses to “Cheryl Hines praises Lindsay Lohan’s professionalism”

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  1. Danielle says:

    I think the picture would’ve been more ironic if she was smoking in it. I’m glad though that she’s taking a stronger approach as I guess she’s realizing it’s her life and she wasn’t happy with the way it was going.

  2. emma says:

    didn’t cheryl hines work with linds before? I believe it was in herbie or some disney movie.

  3. Frederico says:

    I don’t think she has it together, considering she’s dating a skeletonic lesbian ghoul. Acting for Linds is like breathing, or lying — she doesn’t have to be in good shape to do it. As for Britney, she is merely a walking vegetable, which I don’t think you can call a return to mental health ( she never had any to return to ).

  4. paris herpes says:

    Finally she got with it and decided to grow up. She’s still not really sober though.

  5. xiaoecho says:

    interesting that now Lindz has got her act together there are only 4 posts…..if she was drinking and drugging herself to death, sleeping around and vag flashing, there’d be 43

    what does that say about us? 😐

  6. Bodhi says:

    LL overload? I got so freaking SICK og hearing about her that I hardly pay attention to her anymore.

    I’m glad she is “getting her shit together.” I don’t for one second think that she has it together, but she seems to be at least pretending to be somewhat stable

  7. gg says:

    Oh, she’s shooting a movie … that must be why she’s stopped dunking herself in that orange sheep dip. Sorry, but that orange stuff looks especially horrific on pale skin.