Olivia Munn chops off her hair: cute or not so much?


Olivia Munn has changed her hair! She used to wear it much longer, but she chopped it off before New Year’s, and she showed off the new cut at some events in Las Vegas over the weekend. I hate to admit this, but I have similar hair to Olivia’s, and I wear my hair now the length that she used to have. I once tried out this shoulder-length cut, and while I enjoyed the simplicity of it, it did not compliment the shape of my face. I don’t think it really compliments Olivia’s face either, but I may be biased.

Because, you see, I’ve never really cared for Olivia Munn. Her “comedy” seems based on being a hot girl in a group of nerds, and I tend to think that if she didn’t pose for photos in her panties, no one would consider her “funny”. Add to that the Justin Timberlake situation – where Olivia Munn and JT fooled around and then she – I mean “sources close to Olivia” – outed JT as a cheater and a player whose game consists of telling randoms and club girls that he and Jessica Biel are over, then changing his story once he slept with them. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate the fact that one of JT’s girls called him out – it’s that Olivia did it as a way to protect her image (she was the wronged woman, you see) and famewhore herself out for her connection to JT.

So… I don’t really care for the hair. But it’s because I don’t like her.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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37 Responses to “Olivia Munn chops off her hair: cute or not so much?”

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  1. mature student says:

    I don’t get her “comedy” either.

    And judging by her hand-on-hip pose, she looks like a Barbizon graduate.

  2. gloaming says:

    Love the haircut, not sure if it suits her, haven’t a clue who she is.

  3. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “Her “comedy” seems based on being a hot girl in a group of nerds”


    which is ALSO why I don’t like her. There’s another female host on the channel Munn used to be on, Morgan something…she’s not as “hot” as Munn is, but she’s much funnier and, for lack of a better word, more REAL than Munn. She doesn’t base her whole shtick on “I’m a hot nerd!”

  4. anjasmomma says:

    I don’t like her either….and I am not a “hot” girl hater. It’s quite the contrary. She is annoying and her hair is ugly long or short.

  5. Jacq says:

    Her boobs are ridic in that dress. Are they new too? I have literally no idea what this person has ever done to be famous.

  6. Samigirl says:

    I know I’m not the prettiest unicorn in the forest, but I don’t think she is a “hot girl”…I mean, she has nice boobs and a great figure, but her face is…not spectacular.

  7. whitedaisy says:

    Not so much.

  8. Borderlined says:

    I have to say… I used to enjoy Munn and her ditzy-ness when she was on Attack of the Show on G4, but the way she left the program and obviously is trying to ‘trade-up’ in everything she does left a bad taste in my mouth about her.

    Praise St. Angie! is right, Morgan Webb is much more funny and real. We shall see if Munn’s replacement on AOTS (Candace Bailey) is more in the vein of Webb or Munn!

  9. carrie says:

    pretty but boring

  10. Kdub says:

    I like the new hair. But I cut my hair shorter and now want it longer. You can’t win!

  11. Fishlips says:

    Unfortunately, I discovered who she was while my husband watched “Attack Of The Show”. She annoyed the hell out of me because she thought she was funny.

  12. Weeble says:

    I didn’t realize she was hot or funny, so I am surprised to see comments apologizing for not finding her hot. She’s not hot. At most she’s a butterface. I thought she was some type of tv host or something. And the hair cut is horrendous for her face. It makes her face, which I already found strange, look even more off.

  13. polkasox says:

    &KDub – same here. Just cut 6 inches off my hair, it’s about Munn’s length now.. & I miss it. I don’t mind her cut, but she looked pretty with it longer.

  14. meg says:

    I think the hair looks good on her. The evil smile, not so much.

  15. koala says:

    it makes her comically big head look even… bigger. so if she was going for that, ummm, look, she got it.

  16. bros says:

    yah it aged her 10 years and added girth to her already evil balloon face. do not get her appeal at all.

  17. OtherChris says:

    I think it looks okay and kind of suits her face better. Why did they have to ruin the Daily Show with her on there?

  18. anti says:

    if she would stay off the daily show she could cut her hair however she’d like. she’s on the show less but is cringe worthy every time. sorry.

  19. jc126 says:

    I think she has a gorgeous face and fabulous hair. She looks like she might be part Asian. Really stunning woman.
    BUT – I can’t STAND her. She’s comedy death on the Daily Show, and she just always seems to be trying so hard to be funny. Those previews for that new show look dreadful.

  20. 4Real says:

    Her haircut is cute I guess…but WTH is she again??

  21. Henriette says:

    She’s a cool girl but NOT an especially attractive one. Her hair is okay. She is okay. Her strength is her personality, not her looks.

  22. original kate says:

    she’s not as hot as she thinks she is.

  23. Nudgie says:

    …except she’s in a new NBC NETWORK comedy that starts this month. And we all know NBC is the Arbiter of what’s funny on TV (rock on, “Joey”)

    I can’t believe “the Daily Show” stooped so low to put her on…

    Go figure. Meh.

  24. jover says:

    what is the big deal with this chick – she’s average and I’ve seen her on late nite shows – nothing esp. interesting or compelling. Love the snarky comment mature student – since every two bit actress/reality show/famewhore is showing up on the covers of fashion mags and runways this chick may as well cash in also – the fashion industry is more interested in catering to celebrity glorification than fashion anyway.

  25. carrie says:

    The funniest thing Munn ever did on AOTS was mispronounce M.C. Hammer’s name off the tele-prompter. She read it as “McHammer”, not trying to be funny. I loved her on AOTS, she was the best sidekick to Kevin. Give her a chance in the real world of TV. She hasn’t done enough on network TV for people to have such a negative opinion.

  26. lucy2 says:

    Ugh, she’s in the new NBC show? I love the 4 Thurs comedies and was going to try that one since it’s between Community and Office (then Parks & 30 Rock, yay!), but I can’t stand her. I’ve only seen her in small doses but she’s not funny or interesting. And she’s pretty, but not as drop dead gorgeous as the media makes her out to be.

  27. normades says:

    She is really not funny. NIce hair tho

  28. Tricia says:

    Olivia is HOT! It doesn’t matter length her hair is. I can’t wait to see her on Perfect Couples. I’ve missed her since she went MIA from G4.

  29. Mike V. says:

    She’s adorable. Love the hair. Then again, I really don’t care for long hair in general because most of the time most women don’t look good with it unless they have nice hair to start with AND they style it properly. Usually it’s just hanging there or in a ponytail. This looks great.

  30. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Yeah her whole routine annoys me as well because heaven forbid they find an actual girl nerd but I have to say while I don’t like her hair in the first picture I do like it in the second one so maybe it was styling in the first or the dress. Don’t know but yeah I think she looks very pretty in the second picture …

  31. mimi says:

    She’s a douche but her hair looks good

  32. Camille says:

    I like the new hairdo, still don’t think much of this chick though.

  33. Launicaangelina says:

    Who is this person?! I guess I could google or wiki her but doesn’t seem worth it.

  34. Cakes says:

    Shes a less breathy version of megan fox. I dont like her, shes too cliche.

  35. Kiska says:

    If you go to her website its just a bunch of near naked pictures of her. Basically, masturbation pics for all her adoring pimply nerd-geek dudes. I don’t respect her comedy as I don’t feel it is genuine – she is just hitting those male viewers who keep her relevant.

    THe hair is meh.

  36. Ted says:

    I love Olivia. She’s charming and gorgeous, and she’s beautiful no matter the length of her hair. She was a great AOTS host and was hilarious in the “Perfect Couples” pilot.

  37. Hakura says:

    I dislike the new haircut. I definitely think the longer hair flattered the sharp shape of her face much better.

    And… I agree. I think a lot of her ‘appeal’ comes from being a ‘hot girl’ among nerds. She’s almost always wearing something revealing. That’s not unusual, but it seems to be the main focus of her career.