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8 Responses to “Seth Rogan says he watched a lot of pr0n to prepare for role”

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  1. Diva says:

    Love Seth, love Smith, I’m there!

  2. Mo2 says:

    Watch a lot of “Pr0n”? What is that? Did you mean Porn?

  3. geronimo says:

    Mo2 – only because I queried the exact same thing on the David Duchovny thread, Pr0n is a geek internet term for porn. Not a spelling thing, not a ‘delicacy’ thing, just a term for porn. I am now passing on my new knowledge!

  4. vdantev says:

    The role of being another smirking, fat unfunny jackass like Jack Black ?

  5. Suzanne says:

    Comparing Seth Rogan to Jack Black is an insult…shame on you old man!

  6. Ling says:

    Wouldn’t pr0n be a safety, in case certain servers immediately blocked pages containing the word ‘porn’?

  7. Ethan says:

    He is not even funny or entertaining in any way.

    Just because he doesn’t look good doesn’t mean he’s got talent.

    Something is wrong with the people who do the casting in Hollywood nowadays.

  8. Jeanne says:

    Well put Vdantev. Don’t forget Jonah Hill too. Somehow it looks like watching porn and m*sturbation may come easily for Seth, so not such a stretch. My question is why must movie audiences continually be subjected to these type of pseudo-adolescent/oversexed/overweight/unattractive/smart*ssy male character actors? There’s really no equivalent with female actresses? Name three overweight/smart*ssy/oversexed/unattractive character type actresses who are like Jack Black, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan? If you can, than tell me too what good-looking actor played opposite them and was their love interest in the film? Because these jackasses always unbelievably get lucky, and win over sexy, good-looking women in their movies. P.S. Ugly Betty doesn’t count.