Madonna dedicates performance of “Like A Virgin” to the Pope

Heaven forbid Madonna ever go more than six days without creating some sort of major controversy. And running over my Madge timeline from the last year (I keep a detailed, stalker-esq accounting of all of Madge’s activities in my head) it appears that she hasn’t offended any major religion explicitly in at least a year. And it’s been quite a while since she’s made a dig at her old favorite – and technically the one in which she is still a member – Catholicism.

So needing a little publicity (because she’s definitely not getting enough of that since the whole A-Rod love triangle ended) Madge decided to dedicate her recent performance of classic hit “Like a Virgin” to the Pope. It’ll get her headlines, but it’s actually not nearly as shocking as you’d think.

Madonna’s Sticky & Sweet tour hit Rome on on [sic] Saturday, September 6th. Playing to a crowd of 60,000 people, Madonna dedicated her song “Like a Virgin” to the Pope, saying, “I dedicate this song to the pope, because I’m a child of God. All of you are also children of God.” According to Reuters, “Italian newspapers gushed over the singer’s electric performance and called the dedication a surprising provocation.”

[From the Huffington Post]

It could be argued either way that Madonna was trying to stir shit up with her comment, but I think it was rather all-encompassing and inclusive rather than anything else. She’s had excommunication threatened on her many times and obviously has a sometimes unusual and tense relationship with the church – what with her attending Kabbalah services more than anything else. But considering her lack of specificity, it just sounds like she was making a point of unity. Here’s a clip. Header photo of Madonna in concert on August 23rd. Images thanks to PR Photos.

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16 Responses to “Madonna dedicates performance of “Like A Virgin” to the Pope”

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  1. Ron says:

    Wait, wait, wait, oh it’s coming………..


  2. Baholicious says:

    She looks ridiculous with a guitar. Wait, I mean *especially* ridiculous…

  3. V. I. Pete says:

    Well you could have fooled me… I was in Rome on that weekend and I had no idea she was there! Those 60,000 must have been from outside the city, because no one was talking about the dedication reference or anything or her being there at all. I will say this, the people in Rome historically have had a love/hate relationship with the papacy. It is sort of how the Brits feel about their Royalty.

    One thing is for sure, the papacy will out live her sluttyness Diva Madge. Imagine still bumping and grinding at her age, like she invented sex or something.

  4. Jess Doherty says:

    What a sick old woman!

  5. Lauri says:

    I’m actually reading the book her brother wrote right now. I’m not very far into it, but it already has borne out what I thought of her…that she is humorless, controlling and an attention whore. No surprises at all.

  6. Codzilla says:

    I agree with Ron. Want to shock us? Make some decent music. We’d be effing speechless.

  7. Trashaddict says:

    OMG she’s goose-stepping!

  8. Trashaddict says:

    No wait, I changed my mind. It’s Glinda the Good Witch — in biker drag.

  9. RAN says:

    😆 @ Trashaddict

  10. dovesgate says:

    Gee… I hope I’m still bumping and grinding when I’m her age. Hubs might get a little bored with me if I suddenly shut down in the middle of my life span.

  11. me says:

    ooooeeer that’s soooo controversial, just like it was the first time she said it in 1962.

  12. drm says:


  13. Whitey Fisk says:

    😆 hilarious responses!

  14. Kaiser says:

    The sinewy leg muscles are distracting from the man-arms. Yikes. 😯

  15. Nick Pilla says:

    She doesn’t even PLAY the friggin’ guitar, how stupid can her fans be? She’s got NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER.

  16. Ceenitall says:

    Can’t she just fall down and break her hip already??????