Charlie Sheen still insists he’s able to work, blames others for production hiatus

I’ve been putting off covering this story about Charlie Sheen because I’m so fed up with him. He’s an addict, he makes excuses and denies things and then expects his life to go on as usual as if it’s everyone else’s problem that he’s an addict. That’s pretty much the gist of his call-in interview to a radio station yesterday, in which he bitched and moaned that production is still shut down on Two and a Half Men because he’s ready to go back to work.

Charlie Sheen says he’s all better…for now.

A week and a half after his 36-hour bender — reportedly featuring cocaine and porn stars — landed him in the hospital, the actor wants to get back to work on Two and a Half Men.

Sheen, 45, was a surprise caller Monday morning on the Dan Patrick Show — sounding raspy-voiced and defiant about CBS’ decision to put his hit show on hiatus while he recovers via at-home rehab.

“I just figured I was supposed to go back to work because I’m ready,” the actor explained. “They said, ‘You get ready [and] we’ll get ready.’ And I got ready.”

The father of five blasted the network’s perceived meddling into his “personal life.” (There is a morals clause in his show contract.)

“Nit pick, nit pick, but I don’t think [the clause] covers, ‘Let us totally dominate and interfere with your personal life,'” Sheen complained. “I have a contract. They said, ‘Get your act together,’ and I did.”

To those skeptical about such a fast turnaround? “I heal really quickly, but I also unravel pretty quickly,” Sheen warned. “So get me right now, guys. Get me right now!”

What drives him to drink and party? “Boredom,” Sheen said. “Wanting to make things better – whether it’s real or imagined.”

Sheen’s not a fan of 12 Step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous either, he said. “I was sober for five years a long time ago and was just bored out of my tree,” he said. Calling himself “sober,” Sheen explained, would be “inauthentic –it’s not who I am.”

These days? “I’m having a ball,” Sheen said. “I am enjoying every moment.”

[From US Weekly]

You can listen to Charlie’s interview here. He talks about his bizarre meeting with the UCLA baseball team, during which he told them to “stay off the crack, drink a chocolate milk.” He also claims to be sober, but then makes a bunch of excuses about why he’s still drinking about says that it’s “inauthentic” for him not to be a drunk drug addict.

There were eight episodes left to be filmed for Two and a Half Men this season, but due to the hiatus four have been cut. The crew is pissed off because they won’t get paid for those four cut episodes, and that may be part of the reason why Charlie is so anxious to get back to work. He’s agreed to pay a third of the crew’s salaries during the hiatus, which could run him over half a million dollars. He probably spends that on an average weekend of high paid porn stars and the finest cocaine.

Also, is Sheen threatening producers? He said “I heal pretty quickly. But I also unravel pretty quickly,” as if he’ll go off the rails again if they don’t start his show soon. Production is scheduled to start at the end of February. Somehow this barely functioning addict became the highest paid star on television. Maybe by continuing to talk smack he’ll piss off enough higher ups for them to finally do something about it.

Charlie Sheen is shown in June, 2010. Credit: Fame


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37 Responses to “Charlie Sheen still insists he’s able to work, blames others for production hiatus”

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  1. anti says:

    that’s a very wrecked smile in the last photo. he doesn’t look very healthy at all.

  2. Rita says:

    I think Charlie is “full on board” with who he is. He’s going to enjoy what may until there is no more “what may” without regret and “f” anybody who doesn’t like it. As long as he keeps the coked-up pornstars inside and I don’t have to pay for the toxic waste clean up when he kicks,….go for it Charlie.

  3. DD says:

    This guy is so immature for his age and to be the father of 4 kids while being such a poor role model. I feel sorry for them.

  4. brin says:

    He needs to get back to work to support his cracked out life style, plain & simple.

  5. eja102 says:

    Well, I’m glad he’s cognizant of his character.
    It’s unfortunate he cannot see the damage he leaves behind him.

  6. Tiffany says:

    It all boil down to money and that show is making it in spades. He is ready, the crew is ready and needs to work. Who is really getting punished here. Finish the season and then work on this. The crew is the ones that are loosing in the end and none of the higher up are seeing this because they can afford to try and teach Sheen a lesson. No one is being smart in this situation.

  7. MeMyself says:

    Doesn’t he actually have 5 kids?

  8. lucy2 says:

    Disgusting. No other word for it.

  9. Roxanne75 says:

    Funny I heard an interview he did with Dan Patrick “In the interview with Patrick, Sheen acknowledged that he’s had “some problems lately” and said staying away from crack cocaine is good advice unless a person can “manage it socially.”


  10. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Calling himself “sober,” Sheen explained, would be “inauthentic –it’s not who I am.”

    well, at least he’s not trying to fool anyone. My MIL is an addict and I’d much rather she let us know she’s given up on trying (instead of feigning recovery in order to get us to emotionally reinvest in her, only to be hurt). I feel sorry for his children; but, at least their mothers know he does not intend to stay sober (and that they should limit and supervise their childrens contact with him).

  11. mln76 says:

    This is really disgusting, and sad. Especially the ‘boys will be boys’ attitude of the media and pubic at large. I don’t care about the self inflicted harm but sooner or later he’ll kill one of these prostitutes and we’ll have another OJ on our hands. More entertainment for the masses.

  12. Happymom says:

    This is just a gradual suicide-and it’s really tragic for his children-especially those poor little twins since Brooke continues to battle drugs too. I also feel for his parents-I can’t imagine watching one of my kids willingly do this.

  13. GeekChic says:

    You know, if he were a single guy without kids and without a family who loves him, and he were hell-bent on living fast, dying young, and leaving a coked-out corpse, then fine, so be it. But the dude has five kids and a family who (for some reason) loves him. Yet in spite of all of this, his own happiness is the only thing about which he cares. He is going to destroy himself and hurt a lot of people very much, and he just doesn’t give a shit because he doesn’t want to be “bored.” What a complete and total asshole.

    I say we take him, Lindsay Lohan, OJ Simpson, and the Westboro Baptist Church people (the evil Fred Phelps’ church and followers) and dump them on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific for good. The world would be a better place.

  14. di butler says:

    Tons of stars and musicians that are beloved have done this exact same thing. The reason people freak over this? 24/7 news and internet postings. You never read 20 posts a day or had cable news breaks every time someone like Cobain went off the rails, but this is the new reality. Miley Cyrus smoked a legal drug!!! OMG! Drew Barrymore was doing coke at around 11. While inside Studio 54. Brooke Shields had child porno pics taken of her, and played a prostitot. We never heard every detail. Unless you were a faithful Nat’l Enquirer reader, you probably had no clue, and they covered up tons of crap themselves.

  15. Patty says:

    aww such a bummer – hopefully he will hit a serious bottom and except help before his lifestyle kills him.

  16. Quest says:

    He loves and adores his lifestyle (why change?).

    He does not have a problem and heals quickly (denial, denial, denial)

    Charlie is on the road to distruction, he would never accept help if he thinks there is nothing wrong and sorry to say it may not end well.

  17. cici says:

    i don’t think charlies blames other people for his problems. he owns his problems, addictions, and his lifestyle. i think he was joking around with the “get me now, guys!” – he is basically saying u never know when he’ll go downhill again, and it’s true.

    i do feel bad for his kids but a lot of people have absent fathers or parents who are a lot less than ideal. at least he isn’t abusive to his children and he provides for them. let their mothers raise them, for god’s sake.

  18. teehee says:

    He is a pure example of an ADHD drug-fried personality and empty “thinking”, if you can call the stuff he says, a result of thinking– disillusioned strength and ability and oblivion to negative.
    I can just imagine him twitching and shaking his legs in his chair, and snorting/sniffing after everything he says… nervous ticks… during the interview…

  19. OXA says:

    Wake me when he overdoses for good.

  20. annie says:

    Why is this A hole not neutered??!!

  21. Hautie says:

    Charlie is bored cause he has no legit friends. Or a damn hobby. If there was ever a man that needed a hobby, it is Charlie.

    And by hobby, I do not mean investing all his time in coke and hookers.

    I am stunned that he believes that he can manage being a social coke/crack/meth addict.

    BTW… where is Dr. Drew? How has he not started camping out in Charlie’s drive way, begging him to do his Celebrity Rehab?!? Geez Charlie is still off the rails.

    I wonder if CBS is going to force a drug test before he is allowed back on the set.

  22. MsDeb says:

    I have to agree with poster #12. From the outside we can see, the final chapter. This is “gradual suicide”. So sad. Aren’t there laws against assisted suicide? He must have so much self-loathing. Again, it is easy to make assumptions from the outside. I did that when he had his meltdown in New York, telling my husband that after spending the day with ex-wife Denise, and the two girls, he realized what he had lost and went off the rails into self-destructive depression. I see now that I gave him too much credit. Evidently, in his words, he goes on a bender, when he is “bored”. His day with his family was evidently meaningless. How very sad, and what a waste of life. Don’t reward him by letting him continue to think that he is the center of the CBS/Warner Brothers/Two and a Half Men Universe. Eliminate his character, or re-cast. Let him see that he is replaceable. Maybe once he realizes that he threw away his golden opportunity, he will hit bottom, and God willing get well. Just my opinion, I am sure you will have others, as you are entitled to do so.

  23. Muffy says:

    It’s clear he knows he’s an alcoholic, he needs to be a drunk to be “authenic,” what integrity this douche has. At least I hope he doesn’t spend all his fortune before he overdoses, at least he’ll leave something for his children, besides the knowledge that the only thing he cared about was getting high.

  24. Chica T says:

    Addict double speak is bullsh**. The only difference between Sheen and a Crackhead on the street is money. I saw him partying back in the 1990’s in LA. He had 4-5 chicks and he was drunk/high. Seriously. Same sh** different day. I would give anything to see the expressions of the UCLA basketball team as they sat through his “advice.” He should pay for 100% of the crews salaries caused by his crackhead antics.

  25. candy says:

    This guy is out of control and always will be. He’s basically drawn the line in the sand and crossed it, all by himself! Who watches the stupid show anyway? Is it really that good? The title is enough to make me hurl.

  26. Camille says:

    Biggest a**hole in Hollywood. He disgusts me.

  27. Sally says:

    Is he a method actor or what? I’ve never watched the show so I don’t know what it’s about. Maybe they should cancel the remaining season and the show altogether. Keeping a show on air so people can get paid while the star self-destructs seems really immoral. I guess that’s show business!

  28. Megan says:

    His dad and family must be fed up with him by now. Especially after this little rant of his. He doesn’t want help and likes being an addict – hey, at least he’s honest. May he some day RIP.

  29. Moreaces says:

    I sure hope no one is setting around waiting for him to mature and act like a man of his age.

  30. Kim says:

    He is openly admitting he is an addict and doesnt want help so CBS needs to decide if they want to continue to employ a drug addict – simple as that.

    I think they will be forced to cancel the show because it doesnt send good message to public that they continue to employ a drug, alcohol & sex addicted person who realizes he has a problem but doesnt want help.

    Yes its a shame Charlie doesnt get help with 5 kids and a production crew, etc. relying on him for their meals but he is a grown man CHOOSING his addiction over everything else.

    You cant force him into rehab if he doesnt want to go. Well you can but it wont work because he isnt open to recovery at this time at all.

    Sadly his boredom will lead to his overdosing (again) but its his choice, Pathetic as it is – its still his choice.

    He is a grown man consciously choosing his addictions over everything else so dont blame the drug dealers when he passes away.

  31. Kim says:

    di butler – the HUGE difference between al the stars you named is they were all kids at the time.

    Charlie is a grown man with 5 children of his own who we would hope would know better but sadly he doesnt

  32. Stella says:

    Sheen is addict unwilling to even attempt sobriety.
    I feel very sorry for all of his children, his family, his show family and all of the other’s he has damaged along the way.
    He threatened to walk on that show and they upped the monetary anty.
    I don’t really know if he made any real effort to reconcile with Brooke, but I doubt it and she (from reports) suffers from her own demons.
    I absolutely do not condone his behavior/antics in any way. I wonder if his schedule was filled with productive acting measures, he would fulfill those duties? However, CBS opted to pay him an obscene amount of money for a show, imo, is absolutely awful.
    Again, I feel bad for the those surrounding him who do not condone this behavior. We also have the other side that keeps shut. Money talks and it seems that people are willing to put up with his nonsense.
    He is heading for an early grave or a very violent encounter where he serves jail time or both.
    I like his father, Martin Sheen, who battled his own demons. This must kill his family.

  33. d says:

    he’s a father only in that he provided his sperm — and child support. sheen is one of THOSE guys. his words: spoken like a man at the bottom of the deep pit he’s dug for himself.

  34. sammib says:

    I’m with Rita. If he wants to party up, and it doesn’t affect me or anyone else then go for it mate.

  35. MoxieTime says:

    Denial, denial, denial, and projecting. And Charlie Sheen isn’t indispensable. THere are some other great comedians on that series — Angus T. Jones, Conchattta Ferrell, Jon Cryer — who, with a new “Charley” figure played by any one of a bunch of leading men could still go on and have a good comedy. No escuses, Charlie — do your rehab. You’re setting a terrible example for the kid.

  36. Crash2GO2 says:

    I was amazed at how long his good relationship lasted with CBS. But not anymore. It is unraveling pretty quickly, and that is throwing him into a panic (never a good thing for a hard-core addict). If we think we’ve seen him off the rails, I think we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

    I predict it is the beginning of the end. CBS is saying ‘No’ to him for the very first time. Good for them.

  37. geekylove says:

    also with Rita! his life and his choices; the fact is, there are any more in HW who are addicts. liars, terrible parents…we just don’t know it. at least he’s honest. yes, he has 5 children. i’d rather be his child than suri cruise, to be honest.
    and i agree-cobain did it,downey junior did it…the only difference is that we see this.