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32 Responses to “J.Lo is plotting her comeback with films and ‘greatest hits’ CD”

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  1. anony says:

    She wants to make more money to buy more frosted makeup. I love the ‘pose’ she does” The eyes squinted and the faraway gaze, mouth hanging open. Sultry!

    Her foray into singing Spanish is as transparent as Jessica Simpson jumping over to country music.

  2. ff says:

    Well she’s got kids now so in theory she should be plotting new avenues in income.

    I’m not sure the public will be receptive though seeing as everyone’s far too busy trying to prove she temporarily derailed Ben Affleck’s “career”.

    I like her CDs and perfumes, though, and kind of hope she succeeds at a comeback.

  3. CiCi says:

    I totally <3 Jennifer Lopez but if there’s one thing she’s NOT, it’s a singer. Sorry.

  4. bros says:

    i cannot stand this woman. what a waste of flesh. pitiful singer, abominable actress, annoying stupid poses and trashy clothing line. looks like shes been getting lip injections lately too. god i wish she would just fade away. she and her husband have plenty of money between them to never work again which would be great so she can just fade into obscurity like she needs to.

  5. Kaiser says:

    I actually like J.Lo a lot – but I think she’s gotten some weird career advice – she needs to stop doing these bad rom-coms, and take a page from Angie Jolie – do a movie where she kicks a$$, like Out of Sight. You know? Play a character that carries a gun and beats the crap out of people. 😛

    And J.Lo did have a number of hit songs – if her Greatest Hits album has some good remixes, it will sell.

  6. bros says:

    this may be the only instance where we disagree kaiser. 😛 she still cannot sing to save her life even if her songs were popular. many stars have that in common. she has such a tin-y (like a tin can metallic sounding) voice. it makes my ears bleed. when I watch her act, I can see her thinking about how to act or deliver a line. painful. it makes my eyes bleed. i cant find anything redeeming about her. except maybe her dancing.

  7. PJ says:

    I’ve always liked her, but I read today that she arrived at a fashion show in a golden carriage and wearing a silver dress!

    Flaunting her great wealth at a time when everybody else is terrified of losing their life savings is inappropriate. Bad PR move! She looks like a diva who’s really out of touch with ordinary people. What happened to Jenny from the Block?

  8. anony says:

    Golden carriage? Whoa nellie. What next, show up being carried in a litter?

    I’m ashamed I had a few of her songs (remixes) on my ipod. They were catchy and the mixes mostly had music and she barely sang. But overall I think her attitude is what puts people really against her.

    I’ve hated all her movies but she was actually good in Out of Sight. I was shocked.

  9. Baholicious says:

    @PJ – LaLopez’s ‘expression’ is really saying “let them eat cake.”

  10. Kaiser says:

    @Bros – ZOMG SLUT FIGHT.

    No, I know what you’re saying. J.Lo isn’t the best at anything by far. But I liked her music in a “if it’s on the radio, I’ll listen to it” kind of way. And I loved her in Out of Sight and that one she did with Jack Nicholson & Steven Dorff. Her acting career used to have promise…

    It just irks me how people really go after her like she’s the devil – her and Jessica Simpson. Neither is God’s Gift, but they’re basically harmless.

  11. Joana says:

    I could say she makes no difference to me, but seeng so many talented people failing to make it as big as her, and deserving it a lot more, I just despise her and her holier-than-thou attitude…
    Also, what’s up with the veil?

  12. bros says:

    i agree with you about simpson. she’s a simpleton, harmless fluff. this one on the other hand is an egomaniac, diva, wage-underpaying, fashion victim floozy. i dont understand the veil either except for that I’m sure she paid the stylist who told her to wear it alot more than her nanny.

  13. Granger says:

    I’m (mostly) with Kaiser on this one. J-Lo can’t sing, nor is she a brilliant actress, but her music was (is?) catchy and she has done one or two decent films. For me, though, her rotten films completely overshadow the good ones. Monster-in-Law, anyone? Maid in Manhattan? Although I think I hated those films more for the fact that Jane Fonda and Ralph Fiennes (respectively) sold their souls to the devil when they agreed to be in them. 😈

    Is J-Lo harmless, though? I can’t help thinking about her infamous tour requests when I contemplate the answer to that question. Anyone who insists on white couches and rugs in their dressing room has to have a screw loose somewhere!!!

  14. JaundiceMachine says:

    What movie was she in where she played a psychiatrist that delved into people’s mind? And she inevitably had to work with a serial killer and trampeze around in his freaky-deeky noggin to save some chick he had hog-tied in a closet. Nothing cutting edge as far as the plotline, but the special effects and surreal environments were enough to make me regret not toking up beforehand.

    The Box?

  15. journey says:

    jaundice machine: the cell. with vincent d’onofrio.

  16. Codzilla says:

    One more reason to avoid the radio.

  17. Chris X says:

    Ah yes – a Cd of her greatet hits – i want to hear the one she wrote to Ben Affleck about how she couldn’t live without him.

  18. elisa says:

    Didn’t she have a greatest hit album already? Actually I’m sure of it…I have it. Of course this came out just when This is Me…Then had come out…no Brave or that Spanish album. (I actually really really liked This is Me, esp “You Belong To Me.”)

    And Brave actually has a few good songs on it, the singles don’t do it justice. I was pleasantly surprised.

  19. A.J. says:

    Jennifer Lopez is still relevant?

  20. jin says:

    She is fat. FAIL.

  21. sara says:

    Okay as far as the movie, going after a married man, she would probably do great since that’s what she does in real life. Greatest hits? uhhh something’s missing. How about be a real mother and take care of them babies of yours?

  22. drm says:

    jin@she is fat? Intelligence anyone? I liked On the 6, her earlier stuff…but she has become…fatuous almost (and no jin that isn’t a reference to her weight :))

    She’s a mum of twins and very married, hard to see her in leotards and flinging herself around in a dance video again somehow..not that mums can’t or shouldn’t do that, its just hard to see Ms Lopez looking convincing doing that again…

  23. Electricspeed says:

    i think Jennifer Lopez isnt that bad compared to other artists i love her track This is me ( cant believe ), Again, play . get right , waiting for tonight , love dont cost a thing , sheesh theres a lot, so many other songs, her movies like monster in law, maid in manhattan, Enough etc are awsome …. and if people have forgotten she was the only artist who had NO1 Album and NO1 movie at same time ….btw if her fashion was that bad, her clothing line sucked, she wouldnt be the celebrity who ranked no1 in clothing line again…..her perfumes are sold like hot cakes compared to other celebrities, if you browse thru her career she is perfect in everything, who has a career so healthy like hers, she tries everything she wants to… if she isnt gud in movies , she is gud at singing , if she isnt gud with singing, she is gud with dancing , if she isnt gud with fashion, she is gud with her I DONT CARE Attitude ……..btw again her remix album J-TO THA LO was again ranked as NO1 album in remixes , which celebrity havent posed nude, married with 10 thousand men or slept with 10 mill guys, I think people are jealous coz she displays of what she got,& is perfect in everything,I can understand guys !. Again everyone has rise and fall in Life so does jenny, she wil come back with a blow and i cant wait for her greatest Hitz.. GUD LUCK

  24. katie says:

    I agree with you all this Hate on jennifer yet you people read up on her then pass comment!
    Jennifer has achived more in her 8years todate since 1999 (when she became iconic) then what most Iconic artist achive in the whole career I Mean she broke the Record for becoming the first artist ever to have number 1 movie and album comb in same week…she holds the Record for the Only remix album to Top the charts..she holds the Record for the Higest sales for her Spanish Debut…Only women to be voted the worlds sexiest women Twice in a Row and then they is her Perfume sales hold the record for the biggest selling cent via Coty she is also the richest Hispanic in America she owns 10% of all perfumes sales Yearly for gods sake
    She has had 7 worldchart Number 1 singles 7times she had had the biggest selling singles in the world…She is Also One out of 7 other Artist to have her 5 albums all debut In the top 10 and also one of 5 other artist to have her spanish album hit the top 10! Jennifer has made it she is 9th richest women In Entertainment she Has the Money and power to do what ever she wants career wise and selling over 50 Million records all her films combined have grossed 3/4 of a Billion she aint going any were Not ever People need to come to terms with that she is To big of a Star just to Blow away so Her Last Album sold 700,000 copies todate with one single Release Most British artists dont even reach that with there 2nd/3rd singles
    Jennifer is the queen B latina Face it or hate it but move on she is A somebody were as you lot Are a Knowbody 🙄

  25. vdantev says:

    she is A somebody were as you lot Are a Knowbody

    That’s nobody, dingus 🙁

  26. katie says:

    what a Looser

  27. goodness…she is just a humble good girl…
    well not that shes a great great singer but she can sing better…goodness.she does good dancing than some singers who cant even lift their toes…oh shes lovely..but i think she would do better in like the ‘jolie’ kind of movies…
    still good girl not gone bad!
    i’d prefer her than others who cant even dance a little…!

  28. loosers are the persons who keep criticising her when shes got money and shes wealthy and shes fine…goodness..
    we keep wandering when she has all she wants and as for some of us we are just loosers!

  29. Determined says:

    As an ex-boyfriend, I can personally tell you that Jennifer will figure it out. Long after you folks have finished posting your negative views of her, she is still at work with that determination I have not seen in another human. You cannot match her intensity. Amazing! It got me off my butt and made me finish 2 master degrees, just her inspiration alone!

  30. Joanne Salle says:

    Nooo we are not haters, just reflecting our thoughts on this untalented human being. Sorry but she can’t act, can’t sing and only got fame by having a large butt! she does nothing for the world except to gloat about her new Rolls Royce phantom she bought or the spray on tanning sessions she has done. Dammit do something for Darfur! go and save a dolphin! build a college in Puerto Rico!

  31. anonymous says:

    i believe her peak has yet to come.topping music charts and box office around the world. i have faith in her.

  32. boomchakaboom says:

    Her “fierce” face cracks me up. She looks like she is channeling Melania Trump.