Katy Perry’s religious mom shopping a memoir, ‘disagrees’ with Katy’s career


I’ve heard that Katy Perry’s parents are super religious – her dad was a “freelance” pentecostal preacher, but she’s said that they are supportive of her music career and I’ve assumed they’re somewhat liberal culturally. A profile of Katy in 2009 claimed that in the 60s her mom dated Jimi Hendrix and her dad dealt LSD with Timothy Leary, but some of you pointed out how fake and made up that sounds, like a publicist’s dream.

In an interview with Glamour UK last year, Katy joked that her mom had an inappropriately flirty relationship with her husband Russell Brand (he was just her fiance at that time). She also told Rolling Stone around that time that her parents regularly speak in tongues and claimed that “it’s a secret, direct prayer language to God.” And we heard unconfirmed stories that Katy bought her mom a facelift and her dad was super excited about it. So I basically put all that together and got the impression that Katy’s family was very religious, but was happily living off some of the millions she’s siphoning to them and was fine with her career and choice of a marriage partner.

Now there’s news that Katy’s mom is shopping a book, and that she’ll state that she “disagrees” with her daughter’s choice of career. It’s probably just a mild disagreement, but it still doesn’t sit right with me.

Katy Perry’s preacher mother, Mary Perry Hudson, is shopping a book about how her pop-star daughter has impacted her Christian ministry, and admits that while she’s proud of Katy, she “disagrees with a lot of choices she makes in her career.”

Hudson shopped the proposal, seen by Page Six, to New York’s literary agents hoping to land a publishing deal. “This memoir is her story, in her own words. Mary and Keith Hudson have been Christian Evangelists long before the world every heard of Katy Perry,” the proposal begins.

Following her debut single, “Ur So Gay,” the raunchy singer’s career took off with her smash hit “I Kissed a Girl.” She flaunted bust-bearing outfits and sexy bad-boy husband Russell Brand while comparing her upbringing to “Jesus Camp” and recalling speaking in tongues and channeling messages from God. Perry admitted kissing girls before marrying confessed sex-addict Brand.

Perry told Rolling Stone last year, “Speaking in tongues is as normal to me as ‘Pass the salt’ . . . It’s a secret, direct prayer language to God. My dad speaks in tongues and my mom interprets it . . . I wasn’t ever able to say I was lucky because my mother would rather us say that we were blessed. Deviled eggs were called ‘angeled’ eggs.”

Her mother’s proposal states: “Amid a torrent of negative reports from tabloid magazines and entertainment shows, Mary Hudson wants to tell ‘her story’ and dispel a lot of rumors. Katy’s success has impacted her ministry in both negative and positive ways.

“She loves her daughter very much and is very proud of her accomplishments, but disagrees with a lot of choices she makes in her career. This memoir is to set the record straight. It is not Christian proselytizing or a Katy Perry tell-all. It is the story of Mary Perry Hudson.”

Co-writer T.L. Gray told us, “We currently have interest from a couple of different agencies, but have not signed with anyone . . . Mary also just completed a Christian book called ‘Joyful Mother’ that will be released soon from Destiny Image . . . we’ve been playing around with a few different titles.” A rep for Perry didn’t get back to us.

[From The NY Post]

Back in 2008, Katy’s mom supposedly told the Daily Mail that she Katy was promoting the “sin” of homosexuality with her first single, “I Kissed a Girl.” Mary Perry Hudson is quoted as saying “Katy is our daughter and we love her but we strongly disagree with how she is conducting herself at the moment.

‘We cannot cut her out of our lives as she is our child but she knows we disagree strongly with what she is doing and the message she is promoting regarding homosexuality which the Bible clearly states is a sin.

“But the Bible also promotes understanding and forgiveness, which I keep reminding myself.

I thought those quotes had to be fake at the time, but given this latest news maybe she really said that. It’s a shame because I thought Katy’s parents weren’t so closed minded.

Photos are from 5/26/10 at the Get Him To The Greek premiere. Katy’s parents are also shown out with Russell Brand on 8/2/10. Katy is also shown at the German launch of her perfume on 3/11/11. Credit: WENN.com







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48 Responses to “Katy Perry’s religious mom shopping a memoir, ‘disagrees’ with Katy’s career”

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  1. SistaSoFine says:

    It’s weird that Katy has that Jesus tattoo on her wrist when the bible clearly says tattoos are taboo. My granny told me never to get one… it’s in Leviticus.

  2. Schnauzers!!!! says:

    Does anyone care what she has to say except her daughter?

  3. Cherry Rose says:

    Yet Katy’s parents have no problem with receiving her money from ways that they don’t agree with.

    And why can’t nonfamous parents of famous people keep their traps shut?
    For the most part they damage their children’s reputation than do any good.

  4. Tigger says:

    Again, crazy religious folks like these are one of the reasons as to why I became an Atheist.

  5. Rita says:

    On the surface, my comments will appear controversial but my point is that intolerance exists in all forms. If one holds certain values and beliefs, their comrades consider those who do not, to be “closed minded”. Thus, are not both sides intolerant? I can respect people with opposing views, provided they don’t persecute or prevent me from voicing mine. The “phobes” from both sides are quick to lump all “philosophically leaning” people together as radicals of the far right or left.

  6. aenflex says:



  7. Jackson says:

    Bleh. Would anyone care what this woman has to say if not for her child’s success? I guess she’s ok with getting the cold, hard cash from those dirty songs her daughter sings though, right?

  8. spinner says:

    None of this disturbs me. katy’s Mother has a right to her opinion & so does Katy. They all love each other despite their differing opinions. I don’t see any closed-mindedness here…just a family trying to get along.

  9. Arianna says:


    i agree rita– intolerance goes both ways. i’m agnostic but i’m not judgmental nor do i push my non-beliefs on others! it’s just a certain set of morals vs another

  10. teehee says:

    @Rita well said, I was going to say somethign similar. Its about beliefs, and if you take a side, theres automatically another side you have to reject. You can also think right and wrong or have a side, but not exclude love, non-judgement and acceptance, which it kinda sounds like her parents are capable of doing.
    I just dont get how something like Katy would come from parents like that– they would produce a kid who flaunts her breasts on Sesame Street. Maybe this is all just a rebellion of her upbringing. Good– that means she’ll grow out of it and stop her horsey hollering to “songs”. (sorry I dont like her lol)

  11. Hautie says:

    I could have sworn I read that her parents found the whole “god thing” after having been druggies for many years. If not a couple of decades.

    I am all for someone cleaning up their act.

    But I detest when they use God as a weapon to judge other people. And claim the behavior they are judging is anti-Christian. Ugh.

    Now keep in mind I am a proud graduate of a Baptist University.

    But I have no patience for the use of god/christian beliefs as your way to look down on someone else.

    Especially if they are financially supporting you. And you are asking for more.

  12. Annaloo says:

    I don’t really care what Katy Perry’s mom has to say about anything.

  13. curmudgeon says:

    I not only don’t care what she says, I don’t much care what her daughter says. Katie does have nice boobies though.

  14. guesty says:

    *eyeroll* & a *yawn* to kp’s mom.

  15. rerun delaney says:

    they seem REALLY comfortable on the red carpet and in front of cameras (as in loving the shit out of it). if they’re as principled as they claim, they’d support her from afar. so maybe this is all wrong, maybe they’re enjoying the dough, who knows. doesn’t sound like an interesting read, and since it sounds like she’ll keep the tattling to a minimum, i doubt it has real legs.

  16. jay says:

    I just find it amusing that it always goes back to “it’s in the Bible”. Yeah, uhm, that book’s been rewritten more than a few times, adjusted wording to fit the times, who’s in power, etc. Not to say the premise of the message of doing right by others is wrong,it’s not; but the bottom line message has been lost amongst the grab for power over people and the wealth it brings. I’m a believer but it appalls me the way it’s been corrupted to what it has become.

    I’m probably more a humanist at this point, I guess. Just don’t see why we can’t just live and let live, stop destroying others when they don’t do it our way, and interferring in another’s right to just be.

  17. Laura says:

    If her dad used to do and deal acid I have a hard time believing he’d be so anti-gay now.

  18. serena says:

    But even with that said, they still show up at events and all. She didn’t need to (co)write a book to reprimand her daughter. Here’s another example of famewhore mother, which I hate above everything else.

  19. gg says:

    Katy doesn’t seem to have had a any of her so-called “religious upbringing” sink in. I’d be more concerned if her preacher parents thought it was completely okay for her to act like Bettie Page, Boob-featuring Sex Kitten, and pretend she was actually following some religious path.

  20. OriginalGracie says:

    I am no fan of Katy Perry and her “singing”, but it’s really none of her parent’s business. Katy is a grown woman and can do what she wants.

    I do love Russell though. I can’t explain it. If he wanted to get me into bed I am afraid it would be pretty easy.

  21. YAY says:

    must suck to have serious liars as parents.

  22. FatJenny EatsLard says:

    Her mom is pathetic. She is only using her daughter’s fame as a pawn to make money. Ugh.

  23. fancyamazon says:

    Rita and GG I agree with both of you. I don’t necessarily think that her mother should be making a buck off of all of this, but if anyone is a hypocrite here, it’s Katy herself, and I have said that since she came on the scene. I am Catholic myself, but was brought up Baptist. If Katy is going to dress and act the way she does, then she should leave God out of it, as the majority of what she sings and how she conducts her life and style go against the beliefs she says she has.

    The worst thing for Christianity is these people on TV who say they are Christian and love God and then act like sleazy famewhores, all the while holding up the Bible like a shield. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot live your life completely oblivious to the teachings in the Bible only to hold it up to naysayers as if to say, “but everything I do is OK, because I love God.”

    We are non of us perfect, but this hypocritical attitude has always been beyond me.

  24. Newbie says:

    “Mary Perry”? How unfortunate.

    @Rita: thank you so much. Intolerance is a human trait, and everybody possesses it. Right and left wing. Hating a gay person and calling them names or putting them down is just as terrible as hating a Christian (or any other religious person) and putting them down for believing in something that you don’t. It’s just as bigoted. People can disagree and still be good people. I don’t like to hear either side rant over it, frankly. If you aren’t gay, then you have no idea what that feels like and thus, shouldn’t speak so lightly about it. If you aren’t religious, then you don’t know what thats like either. Even if you were previously religious, you obviously weren’t religious enough to feel like you couldn’t give it up. That’s a totally different level. And I think all parties have the right to respect.

  25. gg says:

    I don’t understand why KP, with her persona, would even mention her upbringing. It’s confusing and incongruous. I know she used to have a Christian singing career, but she made a conscious decision to ditch that.

    @Newbie and @fancyamazon – I agree; well put. Nobody is perfect, and we, as humans, can be accidentally dichotamous, but blatant hypocracy is unsettling and looks shady.

  26. ordinarygirl86 says:

    I think it’s horrible that Katy’s mother would do this to her. Can’t believe she’s selling her daughter out for a book deal and $$$

  27. me2 says:

    @Laura –
    Totally agree with you.

  28. Jeannified says:

    Her mom looks like Jane Pitt, Brad Pitt’s mom.

  29. Kim says:

    Who cares! She is trying to make a buck off her daughters career which is a great thing for a mother to do =(

    They are hypocrites. How can they enjoy their daughters success but disagree with it? You eihter support her work or you dont. The money makes it easier for them to be on board is basically what she is saying.

    The whole family is a bunch of sell out hypocrites. I guess Katy learned from the best.

  30. mystified says:

    In total agreement with Spinner and Newbie.

  31. Hatedoodle says:

    ‘Angeled eggs’…heh heh. That takes me back to all those Halloweens of getting dressed up and going to church.

  32. Stephanie says:

    Amazing, the double standard.

  33. REALIST says:

    That is soooo tacky-a mother shopping a memoir so she can dish the dirt about her daughter.

    Hmmm, wonder what she thought of the marriage to Russell Brand?

  34. jemshoes says:

    @ fancyamazon – ITA!

    You really can’t have it both ways and not wear the mask of hypocrisy. So many celebrities would like us to know about their faith, their Christian roots, their church-going … but their real motive or intention is to use God and the Bible to gloss over immoral / amoral behaviour.

  35. Quercus says:

    Do you think her evangelical upbringing has anything to do with Katy Perry’s brand of candy-coated sexiness? Seems like a way to keep it “clean” while being dirty.

  36. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    When someone uses the “well it was quoted in the bible” excuse I ALWAYS think about the website “Why Can’t I Own A Canadian?”

    Anyways, if you don’t go to the actual website, it’s just a person that asked questions about certain rules in the bible in a very sarcastic and hilarious way. One of my favorites is this:

    I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness – Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

  37. Kloops says:

    I’m intolerant toward hypocrites.

  38. sandy says:

    i don’t understand why she needs to tell the world this through books etc, we hear you mom, all is well, unless you want to get paid off your daughters fame and make money in the process, but Katy’s mother is too religious and classy for that right? not like low life Lindsey parents (Dina) and other celebs parents. Russell is hot!

  39. Crash2GO2 says:

    Very nicely said Rita and gg. You can disagree with what someone is doing in their life and still love and support them, which is what I see Katy’s parents doing. And yes, intolerance goes both ways.

  40. DetRiotgirl says:

    I wonder if this is what Rihanna and Katy have in common. Famewhore parents? That might explain how those two became besties.

  41. Magsy says:

    Never mind her family, are we to believe Russell Brand is straight?

  42. Emily says:

    Are they also telling her off for her tattoo? Cause Leviticus is also against that. And against wearing clothes with two different fibres in them, and Mr Perry looks like he’s wearing jeans…

  43. harfang says:

    I am so damn sick of this. Leviticus is against male homosexuality, but a) says nothing about females in that vein, and b) much more importantly, when have you ever seen a “God Hates Shrimp” campaign, or a “God Hates You If You Don’t Go To the Mikvah?” I’m a Reform Jew, and interestingly, the Jewish Orthodoxy DOES have a law against female homosexuality. It’s in the Talmud though, which evangelical Xtians haven’t generally heard of, much less followed.

    But anyway… Now that I know her family history, I respect the annoying little turd more, actually. Of course, until her career stops being based on a craptacular bi-curious song posing as something “edgy,” which it won’t, I’ll still owe her a punch in the nose.

  44. Tiffany says:

    @fancyamazon and @gymshoes- took the words out of my mouth!

    I don’t understand this family, but I think we are all works in progress, and celebrities unfortunately have to live out their personal evolution in the spotlight. I can only hope that they find peace.

    and @tigger- I was like you once too, super burned by hypocrites and “Christian” perverts who justified their heinous behavoir by saying they were “forgiven” in Christ. These people have nothing to do with the love and goodness that Jesus is all about 🙂

    Have a great Thursday, everybody!

  45. The H says:

    When her boobies sag there will be nothing more to discuss.

  46. Jover says:

    First, it’s not as though Kp and her mother have degrees in theology or philosophy or know anything about this subject – these are just random ejaculations of brainless famewhores that people shouldn’t even bother with. I’m more distressed that there are people that think KP has “talent” – btw, i watched carlos perform Soul Sacrifice at WOodstock last nite and I’m saddened at what much of this generation considers “music.”

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