Linnocent thinks she’s moving to New York, is cracked-out and “bicoastal”


I really, really wish we had these new photos, alas, we do not. Two nights ago, Lindsay Lohan was back in NYC, partying her crack off. Photographers snapped pics of Linnocent falling down (drunk) on the street at 2:30 a.m. You can see the photos here – she looks wasted. And don’t even think about blaming it on her heels.

So, anyway – after a brief sojourn to LA to “meet with her lawyers” and “stalk Samantha Ronson,” Linnocent returned to NYC. Mother Crackhead spoke to the NYDN and she claims that Linnocent is looking to make a permanent move to NYC. Oh, God. Look out, New York bitches. Linnocent thinks your dealers are better than the ones in LA.

Lindsay Lohan thinks her future is in the Big Apple – not the big house. The “Mean Girls” actress is looking for a rental in Manhattan while her felony necklace theft case plays out in Los Angeles, her mom told the Daily News.

“She will be in New York a lot more going forward. She’s actively looking for places in the city with her younger brother Michael,” mom Dina Lohan said. “She loves it here. And she has a lot of friends who already have places, so she might sublet.”

The oft-rehabbed starlet is home with her family on Long Island this week, but must return to Los Angeles April 22 for a preliminary hearing in the bling bust. Cops say she stole a $2,500 diamond chain from a Venice, Calif., jewelry store in January. She insists the store loaned her the strand.

Lohan, 24, got good news Tuesday when prosecutors in another county dropped a battery case against her, citing “insufficient evidence.” The investigation stemmed from her alleged scuffle with a Betty Ford staffer in December.

“We always knew Lindsay was innocent. This shows the truth does prevail. We’re really happy we can put this one behind us,” Dina Lohan said.

She said LiLo hopes she can soon “move on” from the necklace case, too.

“We’re taking everything one step at a time. But obviously we’re all behind Lindsay on this. I watched all four hours of the [jewelry store] surveillance tape. They clearly loaned her that necklace.”

She wouldn’t comment on what legal strategy they’ll employ if Lindsay is tossed in jail next month on a probation violation.

The judge could lock her up immediately following the preliminary hearing – even before a jury trial – if she decides the actress more than likely violated probation in her back-to-back 2007 DUIs.

“We’ll have to wait and see. Right now we’re maintaining her innocence,” Dina Lohan said.

In the meantime, she said, Lindsay is working on her sobriety. She “loves” her new talent agency, International Creative Management, and is considering several movie scripts while she helps cast “Growing Defiant,” the Dina-produced movie about heroin-addicted kids starring son Michael, 23.

She said her daughter will continue renting her Venice Beach pad even after she signs a lease in New York.

“We’re all in the entertainment business. We’re all bi-coastal,” she said.

[From The NY Daily News]

Um, “We’ll have to wait and see. Right now we’re maintaining her innocence”??? Meaning that when cracked-out circumstances change, Mother Crackhead and her darling Linnocent will no longer be “maintaining her innocence”? Also, I love this: “We’re all in the entertainment business. We’re all bi-coastal.” I want that on a t-shirt. A t-shirt with a silk-screen of one of these photos.

Last thing – X17 has a story about Linnocent dropping “thousands” at a New York boutique. And now she’s going to be “moving” to New York. How is she affording this lifestyle again? Let me repeat the prevalent theory: she’s hooking.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

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51 Responses to “Linnocent thinks she’s moving to New York, is cracked-out and “bicoastal””

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  1. lucy2 says:

    Maybe she thinks she’s exhausted the supply of dealers/johns/court sympathy in LA and needs a new market.

    I’d say ew to those NY photos, but she’s probably dirtier than the sidewalk.

  2. David says:

    Damm. She was once a really pretty girl. Shows you what long term drug effects can do.

  3. searching4grace says:

    She’s got beautiful eyeballs. It’s too bad everything around them is to the cover your childs eyes when she walks past, point. I wouldn’t doubt she’s hooking, but seriously…who at this point wants that, that probably hasn’t already HAD that?

  4. brin says:

    NY paps are having a field day with crackie. That pic of her falling down drunk is just for starters.

  5. DetRiotgirl says:

    I kind of hope she does move here. New York takes crime slightly more seriously than LA does. If she screws up again (which we all know she will), I think the chances of her actually getting locked up are much better here than if she keeps clipping babies and crack theiving off in Hollyweird.

    Also, why did you have to actually spell out that hooker theory? Now I’m going to have an awful image of Lindsay’s crackface saying things like “They call me the pair of tits trap”, “you wanna freaky my Friday?” and “Hey Herbie, you wanna get fully loaded?” to unsuspecting victims in random club bathrooms all day. Yuck. Who would pay for that?

  6. Enny says:

    Hmm. Bi-coastal. Sounds like she heard Sam might be spending some time in New York and wants to accidentally on purpose run into her while she’s “subletting” in the same building.

  7. Ben says:

    Oh LORD these pictures are a gift from above.

  8. Jackson says:

    That quote by Dina is the Quote of the Year. Yes, it definitely belongs on t-shirts. You know she’s gonna copyright it….

    I’m guessing LL would be an absolute freak in bed, although cracked-out the whole time. But who would pay for that? A few hundred bucks, yeah, but big money? Enough to keep her ‘bi-coastal lifestyle’ paid for? I just can’t see it.

    And of course she is going to keep the Venice Beach place. No way will she get rid of it since it’s ‘accidentally’ right next door to SamRo. Ugh.

  9. Shelley says:

    Very disturbing photos, and equally disturbing to realize that she’s out there driving and therefore jeopardizing everyone. You know, I don’t even want to click on stories about her any more. She was lucky enough to get a couple of cute-ish young-teen-type roles in well-written movies, and did a decent job in them. But she’s quite bad in the horrendous ‘Georgia Rules,’ a rotten film in which she barely phoned in her lines. Um, what else is there?!

    Where the money comes from now is very puzzling and CB, your conclusion is likely correct, at least as a partial source of her income. Then again, who would pay for that…?

  10. Shelley says:

    Also – does her own *Mother* not see how sick and pitiful she looks, and *care,* even if only from the standpoint of “My paycheck looks like it’s dying?!”

  11. Micki says:

    Keiser you’re right :It’s a great slogan for a T-shurt “We’re in the entertainment business.We’re all bi-coastal”

    I don’t think it’s true for that many and I’m even more in doubt whether she can actually afford it.

  12. mln76 says:

    Lainey has been hinting at the prostitution for a while now it’s gross…But I have to say she’s less likely to get arrested in NY than LA look at the options they gave Charlie Sheen after he trashed the hotel room police are much more likely to ‘handle situations’ than arrest but if she ends up in the court system yeah I think she’s much more likely to get more serious treatment.

  13. Innocent says:

    Urrrgh those lines are disgusting.
    Yeah Lindsay must be grateful every single day that the place she committed her 07 crime spree was LA.

  14. di butler says:

    That girl looks terrible. There’s no schadenfraude to be found. This is just sad.

  15. MarenGermany says:

    her mother should just STOP making statements. its pathetic, really.
    like she wildly proclaimed lindsay would let go of her last name, or like she said lindsay quit smoking (look at those new york bar pictures. probably just holding that cigarette for a friend…)
    just stfu.
    doesnt she realize how pitiful she really is?

  16. TXCinderella says:

    She looks bad, really bad, and she’s got nasty teeth.

  17. Quest says:

    And LL thought that dropping her last name would actually change her image…what about all the crack-out behaviour in public.

  18. Beth says:

    She looks like she’s back on crack…. look at her teeth!

  19. Bailey says:

    she needs concealer, no, actually she needs a brand new face.

  20. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Thats just funny

  21. bex says:

    Maybe she’s just making money off suing people. They never did say how much they got for the ‘milkaholic’ thing but i think it was some millions.

  22. Faye says:

    First off, I found it amusing but sad that they describe her as an “oft rehabbed starlet.” Now even “Mean Girls” has been forgotten.

    Anyway, this New York thing is yet another example that she just doesn’t get it. The necklace business isn’t over yet however many times she and her mother say the word “innocent.” It’s sad. Her life is in tatters and her mom is just snip, snip, snipping away. It’s really awful.

  23. flourpot says:

    I would hope that if I fell down on the street in NY, my friends would pick up me up, not let me stay down there and laugh.

  24. Jaded says:

    Jeezuz she looks dreadful….she’s got the look of a bulemic about her, esp. the teeth. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s taking money from shady middle-eastern gazillionaires to be a dirty party girl.

  25. Marjalane says:

    We live in a wrong world if Prosticracky got millions from that milkaholic ad. That little “Lindsey” girl in the crib was cuter than anything CrackLindsey will ever be again. I say there are freak, foreign businessmen that will pay large to bang the “dirty American star”. I shudder.

  26. wunderkindt says:

    She has junkie eyes. Big black circles. Ronson always looks like this too. . .Lindsay is getting really ugly looking.

    And she got a discount K-mart weave on top of it all?

  27. Hailey says:

    I especially like this part:

    In the meantime, she said, Lindsay is working on her sobriety. She “loves” her new talent agency, International Creative Management, and is considering several movie scripts while she helps cast “Growing Defiant,” the Dina-produced movie about heroin-addicted kids starring son Michael, 23.

    A DINA PRODUCED MOVIE?? DINA IS A PRODUCER?? AND SHE’S PIMPING OUT HER KIDS FOR THE ROLES?? AND IT’S ABOUT A HEROIN ADDICT?? WTF?? DOESN’T THIS JUST SEEM A LITTLE NAUSEATING… Desperate times calls for desperate measures. And they are HARD UP for some cash. Pimping out your daughter who is clearly not sober to make a film about a heroin addict is just wrong, wrong, wrong. I think it’s going to end up being more of a reality show… just saying alcohol and opiates restrict the pupils and heroin is an opiate.

  28. LadyBert62 says:

    Oh where to begin! (1) The prevelant theory is that she is hooking to support her life style? I had not heard this before and find it difficult to believe that any man (or woman) would want to touch her let alone pay for the opportunity – she looks dirty.
    (2) I do think she might have tripped with those horrible shoes but I also think the trip became a fall because she was drunk. (3) There is the chance that if she lived in New York, she would sober up because her current cast of enablers would be diminished. Possible, but not likely in my opinion – she is an addict and a drunk – they seldom change without serious intervention (like jail).

  29. Harper says:


  30. LisaMarie says:

    Wow. Just…wow. She used to be a gorgeous, gorgeous girl and she’s completely ruined herself. Every set of pictures that come out she just looks older and older. Seriously, she’s got more forehead wrinkles than my grandmother and those bags under her eyes are large enough to pack a weeks worth of clothing in them. Really, really terrible what she’s done to herself. They should make one of those “this is what drugs do to you over time” posters of her.

  31. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Her mother is making a movie about heroin addicted kids? That Lindsay is helping to cast? Because it takes one to know one? I hope she does move back here b/c NY judges aren’t starstruck. She wont be getting out of Riker’s after an hour b/c of overcrowding.

  32. trollydolly says:

    @14, Di Butler “That girl looks terrible. There’s no schadenfraude to be found. This is just sad.”

    Couldn’t agree more, it’s tragic. I didn’t see how bad it was for a long time, I guess I thought she was just being wild and experimental. But it’s inescapable now, she’s destroyed by drugs and drink.

  33. sorrento says:

    they say every girl grows up to be her mother…so true!

  34. Javagirl1 says:

    Dina is making a movie about heroin addicts? There are no words…

  35. Vickyb says:

    You just look at her ‘friends’, who are laughing with(?) her that she’s on the pavement in the middle of the night, trashed out of her skull, and think ‘ugh, skanks’. What kind of person do you have to be to enable someone who has such well-publicised problems. And don’t even get me started on Dina and Sam – those two will never take responsibility for what’s happening to Lindsay, although Lindsay won’t take responsibility either.

  36. the original bellaluna says:

    I glommed onto this part: “And she has a lot of friends who already have places, so she may sublet.”

    Translation: “She has no money, no job, no career (outside of court appearances) to speak of. Since she can’t afford a place in NYC, she’ll end up mooching off of and moving in with someone who already lives here.”

  37. susan says:

    I like her shirt though….

  38. MaudeLebowski says:

    Floss is your friend. Also, I hear tell that roid cream applied under the eyes does something positive to those flappy folds.

  39. Ricci says:

    The last picture , wow , it looks photoshopped

  40. Ashley says:

    She should drop out of the public eye and move to a small town in Canada or something. She should get away from her awful parents, her enabeling friends and show bussiness and just start a new simpler life, and focus on changing herself. If she keeps going the way she is she will probably die very young.

  41. Sassy says:

    Jesus. She always looks so dirty – her hands and nails are nasty. Don’t even get me started on her face. Blech. She sure fits the criteria for crack whore.

  42. Lady D says:

    “She should drop out of the public eye and move to a small town in Canada or something.”
    WTF?? What oh what makes you think we want her here?
    Loser needs her own little island, away from decent people.

  43. Ricci says:

    If you look at the last photo in thumbnail below the large photos , you will see that Lindsay’s head is way too big for her body, she has loss a lot of weight, or its photoshopped.

  44. CG says:

    Oh Jesus, hooking, really? I don’t remember hearing anything about that — although I could have just willed it out of my mind. My question: Who would pay to hit that? Look at her! I hate the way that sounds, but …

  45. logan says:

    Please keep the camera a safe distance away, no more close ups. She looks terrible again. This seems to be what happens when she gets near her mother. I agree with @Susan, it is a nice shirt though……….

  46. Nikki says:

    This is an absurd story. Dina Lohan is a pathetic, disgusting piece of trash and an absolute moron. Lindsay’s “career” is a joke, and Dina needs to own up that her daughter continues to break the law. Stop making excuses for her unacceptable behavior, or at least say nothing at all and stop embarrassing yourself! And by the way, this is the worst I have ever seen Lindsay look, Jesus Christ!

  47. e.non says:

    #41 — so right … she always looks so nasty; her nails are discolored and she just looks like she smells.

    i’m with those thinking hooking. what i thought of seeing her at the knicks game in an unbuttoned shirt with no bra — she’s advertising her availability. and the crowd she was sitting among on the floor are the ones with the deep pockets. besides, how the f*ck did she end up with floor seats?

    and that guy in these photos looks sketchy as hell.

  48. Madisyn says:

    My Favorite Dina Quote: “GROWING DEFIANT”

    Yeah, an autobiography by Lindsay “DON’T CALL ME LOHAN”!

  49. Hakura says:

    Two Lindsay stories in one day! Something I replied with in the other thread applies here as well, so I may has well put it here too. <3

    I’m sure most everyone on CB has already seen these comparisons someone else put together, but Oh. My. God.
    And for everyone’s viewing amusement/horror, a special before & after of her lips.

  50. Jenna says:

    “stalk samantha ronson” LMFAO love the quotes hahaha

    she looks like shit in these pics.

  51. Emily says:

    I’d believe the hooker theories if there weren’t pictures like this floating around, reminding us all what zombies look like. Maybe she’s cornered a specific fetish market though.