Sandra Bullock is worried Jesse James will reveal his early neo-Nazi interests


A month ago, just after the news came out about Jesse James’ soon-to-be-published memoir, The National Enquirer ran a story about what Jesse might reveal about Sandra Bullock in the memoir. I said “might”. Of course, that didn’t stop The Enquirer from running a blaring headline about Sandra’s “SHOCKING LESBIAN SECRET”. The lesbian secret: she prefers sleeping with her dogs, and she wasn’t always up for sex with Jesse. Apparently, not having sex with Jesse James and sleeping with dogs = lesbian. Noted.

Anyway, after that story came out, it quickly became the gold standard of what Jesse could possibly reveal about Sandra. Still, In Touch Weekly is going to give it a go, but they just don’t have the Enquirer’s cut-throat instinct. Here are some choice pieces that Jesse’s American Outlaw could reveal:

*A source says: “Jesse talks about his other relationships with women,” and he doesn’t hold back. “The more that Sandra praised him for being a great guy, the more he feared she would ‘find him out.’”

*Jesse talks at length about his relationship with Kat Von D, and how “she is the first woman” who knows who he really is. The source thinks this will hurt Sandra because she once thought Jesse was her soul mate.

*Jesse reveals disturbing aspects of his youth, including early interest in neo-Nazism. The source says Jesse claims “it was a stage he went through, and he barely even knew what Nazism meant.”

*Jesse has been telling friends that he wrote the book so Louis would some day understand him better. In fact, a source says Jesse makes it clear in the book that he “didn’t care about the race of the kid he and Sandra adopted.”

*Sandra feels like Jesse is taking away one of her last shreds of privacy. The source says, “Sandra didn’t even know about Jesse’s book until he’s written it and signed the deal… he kept her completely in the dark.”

*Sandra “doesn’t feel comfortable giving him any access to her life… she’s completely done with him.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

I keep saying it and saying it, and I’ll say it again. The most damage this book is going to do is reveal once and for all what a vile douche bag Jesse James obviously is, and that will begin a wave of questions like “Seriously, what was Sandra Bullock thinking when she got involved with him in the first place?” Of course, if Jesse reveals something truly shocking about their marriage – like, say, that Sandra had explicit knowledge about his neo-Nazi fetishism – that could also be pretty damaging to Sandra too.



Photos courtesy of Fame & Amazon.

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49 Responses to “Sandra Bullock is worried Jesse James will reveal his early neo-Nazi interests”

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  1. beth says:

    ” “The lesbian secret: she prefers sleeping with her dogs, and she wasn’t always up for sex with Jesse. Apparently, not having sex with Jesse James and sleeping with dogs = lesbian. Noted.” ”

    isssssssssh. men. i bet this are the same men who tell the pretty lesbians theyre prolly lesbians cause they’ve never experienced a ‘real man’ before.

  2. Tanya says:

    I guess by his standards, I’d be considered a lesbian too…

  3. PrettyTarheel says:

    I think we (CB readers) need to make a deal. Instead of voluntarily purchasing this D-bag’s book, and making him money, just to see what he says about Sandra, we will let Kaiser or CB buy 1 copy and fill us in. That way, none of us contribute to his coffers.

  4. brin says:

    ITA, Pretty Tarheel….we can still rake him over the coals and not spend a dime on him!

  5. I’m pretty sure Sandra knew everything

  6. EzE says:

    She either had no knowledge whatsoever and would be one of the stupidest persons ever or she did and is a complete liar.
    So let’s see, heavily tattooed, self avowed “outlaw”,(whatever), biker, sure couldn’t figure that one out.
    The only question is how dark the next baby she adopts will be? Caffe Ole or full Mocha?
    Sandra Bullock is a pig.

  7. Wilz says:

    So, according to EzE, if you are heavily tattooed, call yourself an “outlaw,” and rides a motorcycle, you’re automatically an Neo Nazi.

    And then in the next sentence, goes on to call darker skinned people “Cafe Ole” and “Full Mocha.”

    And Sandra is the pig? REALLY? Really?

  8. margaritachum says:

    @ EzE
    so being heavily tattoed, being described as an outlaw and a biker makes everybody a neo nazi?
    guess i’m half way… all i need is a bike.
    are you for real?
    anyone (that is stupid and ignorant enough) can be a nazi, probably people you know that look completely normal. i call them frustrated and angry with themselves so they have to hate everybody else.
    you have no right to tell what a person is just the way they look. my looks don’t say what i am and neither do yours.

    still jesse james is a douchbag and according to him i’m a lesbian and so is my hubby.=)

  9. womanfromthenorth says:

    @ EzE

    You have never done anything really really dumb? You must be very young to know it all.

    I feel for Sandy, Jesse is a gift(like crabs or fleas) that just keeps giving. I hope to see his book in the dollar store by July.

  10. Crash2GO2 says:

    Maybe she thought she could change him. Love can be blind.

  11. Roma says:

    People just ignore the bigoted trolls.

    I think she must have had an inkling but maybe he portrayed it as interest in the same way that tons of men I know what the war programs on History TV. There was always a way for him to spin it that wouldn’t have seemed racist.

  12. Hollowdoll says:

    In my opinion the douche pretended to be who he thought Sandy wanted him to be. Unfortunately a lying slime like that can only pretend for so long. I’m sure she had some sort of idea especially towards the end. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if at the beginning she had no clue what she was getting herself into. He only showed her what he wanted her to see.
    He’s a user and a manipulater. This book
    is not for Louis, it’s to feed his huge ugly ego. He makes me embarrassed to be part of the human race.

  13. Vickyb says:

    I’ve never slept with Jesse James, and I sleep with my dogs sometimes – oooooh, I am SUCH a lesbian!

  14. Cirque28 says:

    Live through a relationship with a sociopath and then come back here and tell us all how stupid anyone would be not to see it.

    Many extremely intelligent, outgoing, accomplished people get targeted by the Jesse James type and wind up believing they’ve met their soulmate. Of course objective bystanders don’t fall for it. But he’s not directing his con at the objective bystanders. They are having an entirely different experience than the target is.

    I’m no big Sandra Bullock fan, but the woman was victimized by this smug jerk. She survived the experience. That hardly seems deserving of scorn and name-calling.

  15. Disbelieving says:


    I am with you! And this book of his is just his big attempt to try to manipulate and seduce us all.

  16. Disbelieving says:

    Well said, Cirque28

  17. EdithP says:

    JJ seems like the kind of guy who wanted to be a Neo-Nazi because of the cool clothes and fun gatherings without any knowledge of its principles.

    Louis is ADORABLE.

  18. JC126 says:

    Not to be argumentative, but what evidence is there that he is a sociopath?
    I will never believe Sandra didn’t know about this Nazi stuff. A lot of people, particularly women in my experience, overlook HUGE flaws in their mates. That doesn’t mean she’s a bigot or anything.

  19. Shay says:

    I’m of the view that most ‘American sweetheart’ labelled actresses turn out to be freakishly opposite to their image. Look at Meg Ryan, and what she turned out to be.
    It wouldn’t really surprise me if Jesse revealed that Bullock either enjoyed Nazi role playing in the sack or let it slide.
    There is no way I believe the BS about her not having any idea of his Nazi memorabilia fixation.
    As for her maternal yeah, you can tell by her body language right? When she initially adopted Louis, she had her minders hold the baby capsule. Then she realised paparazzi are everywhere, and started the maternal act. She is an actress after all…

  20. thinkaboutit says:

    I believe she had to know about it. It’s particularly disturbing in light of the fact that she IS in fact German. Her mother is 100% German and she was partially raised there, speaks the language fluently, her extended family is still there, etc. One would think this would heighten her sensitivity to Nazism but…apparently not…

  21. K-MAC says:

    @ EzE I think you are the pig. Yep, you and Jesse James

  22. sisi says:

    I don’t have dogs, so what does that make me? :/

  23. K-MAC says:

    @ Cirque28 Yes, surviving a relationship with a sociopath is pretty rough. There were so many things I missed and they are very good at pulling the wool over someone’s eyes. When I finally saw who he really was I felt angry, stupid and shocked.

    I feel for Sandra Bullock because even when you think you know something about a guy like Jesse James, you have no clue who they really are until the rug gets ripped (and I mean ripped) out from underneath you.

  24. Zoya says:

    I doubt Sandra knew since its obvious he was living a double life the whole time they were together. some people in this world are just very good liars, and instead of asking what was she thinking being with him in the first place, the question on peoples minds should be why would HE go to such great lengths to deceive her and the public regarding his true nature?

  25. Elfie says:

    I think Sandra knew everything. Living with someone for years and never figured that out? I mean, when people get drunk they usually say stuff they wouldnt sober.

    And I always got suspicious she adopted a black baby, maybe to cover that up? Or maybe I’m just looking to much into it..

  26. Bodhi says:

    Ditto margaritachum!!

    I wonder if my Jewish friend who owns a tattoo shop & rides his motorcycle to work every day know that his would be considered a neo nazi… If someone said that to him he’d probably drop them with one punch.

    I hate that I have to do this for almost every JJ story but tattoo + motorcycles does NOT equal neo nazis or white supremacist skinheads. Ugh.

  27. kmn says:

    I love Sandra, I adore her, so it really pains me to say this…but how could she have not known about ANY of it? Of course, love is blind and I’m sure she didn’t know anything about the cheating, but I just feel like she had to have known SOMETHING – that the Nazi pictures were in his past, or at the very least that he held such beliefs, etc. I would like to believe that she was completely innocent and was completely duped from day 1, that he was a skilled liar who acted like he was an entirely different person…but realistically, I’m just not sure that’s likely. Not that I would believe a single word written in this loser’s book, so perhaps we’ll never know.

    Regardless, by all accounts she is lovely and classy and I’m still a huge fan. Just wanted to bring it up for the sake of discussion.

  28. clare says:

    Sandra Bullock remains one of my favorite actresses, however I think she had to know something about it.

  29. JenJen says:

    He is writing the book “for Louis”? Does that mean she continues to have this scum in their lives?
    It was said she went through adopting the baby without him, so it’s easy for him to say now that he “didn’t care about the race of the kid he and Sandra adopted.”

  30. melinda says:

    I think she knew about the Nazi stuff too. How would she not have any idea?

  31. lilred says:

    Some men have been known to have 2 completely separate lives families,wives,homes etc. And are able to pull this off successfully without any one suspecting. they become very good actors.

    Does not make it right but could also explain how JJ was able to pull it off with Sandra.

  32. Bodhi says:

    lilread ~ I had a friend in HS whose dad was a pilot & he had a whole separate family, kids & all, in another state. No one knew about any of it until he decided to leave his legal wife & kids. I firmly believe that if some every day run-of-the-mill guy can do it, so can a guy with WAY more resources…

  33. Disbelieving says:

    Why do all these threads turn into a discussion of “what Sandra knew”. I really don’t understand it. It seems we could all debate forever what “knew” even means. In the end what she “knew” is nothing compared to what he DID and continues to do with this tell-all trash. I vote for keeping the hate aimed squarely at him.

  34. mokona says:

    She probably knew something, but that does not change my view of her..i guess she loved him so much and thought he was pretty harmless. But the fact is, he is a pig and he has done enought to hurt her already.he should shut the f** up and disappear.pig.

  35. NoFrank says:

    What no one seems to consider is the possibility that Jesse told Sandra that he’d flirted with Nazi stuff in the past but was no longer interested in it, or that he’d disavowed it totally. That way he’d have plausible deniability if any pictures surfaced, and she could truthfully say that she knew nothing about his continued involvement. They were apart frequently, he had many chances to do that stuff away from her, and the Neo-Nazi subculture does not exactly advertise itself in maintstream publications. I personally think that’s what happened: He lied to her, she believed him, and he’s enough of a scumbag to take advantage of it.

  36. dubdub2000 says:

    About the whole “what she knew thing:
    they were both away a lot for their work, when they were together Jesse could have been in “it’s all about sandra mode” and turn on the charm AND Sandra being an actress (ie by definition narcissistic, yes people get over it she’s not mother teresa) she would have just swallowed it up and not looked pass that. BUT and here is the big but, I agree some people can have secret lives the thing is if you remember when the scandal came out it seemed clear that Jesse James really didnt seem to try to hide anything much when in his work environment. But do you see Sandra going down to his job much or mixing with HIS friends? I think it was the other way around. Ultimately I think she believed what she wanted to believe. These days when you start dating someone the first thing you do is google that person, facebook that person etc.. to find out the good and the bad. Now if that person is in the public eye I would imagine this to be true 10 folds. Jesse James’ affinities, lies about his life etc… have NEVER been difficult to find and incase there was ANY doubt: would YOU date let alone marry someone who had married a PORN STAR! What do you think that says about his morals! (PS not to mention he didnt want anything to do with his daughter until Sandra took a shine to her.) The guys was an obvious phony, manipulator from day one and Sandra chose to turn a blind eye to all of it. The ONLY thing that bothers me in all of this is that she would bring a little baby in this whole twisted drama. That she would still consider him a father figure for her child, let alone an african american child should answer all your questions about how delusional she chooses to be.

  37. Elfie says:

    This blind is a bit old, but everyone guessed it was Sandra and Jesse. Still, I don’t believe much in blinds anymore, maybe it has some true in it?

  38. Amanda G says:

    I’m with Hollowdoll. Jesse acted his way through his relationship with Sandy… Which is probably why he’s saying that Kat is the “first” woman to know the “real” him. I still think Kat is a total moron though.

  39. Homer says:

    Jesse James

    American Douchebag.

  40. Kosmos says:

    Nothing he could say would make me believe in him. He’s not a well balanced individual and has tons of issues, so pay no attention to his rants. His new gf is likely in the same boat, so they will float along for a while until it stops working so well. Sandra I like, but why she ever hooked up with him is the lingering question in our minds.

  41. di butler says:

    Word around H’wood is Nazi sex tape. It has picked up momentum with the peons, and now A listers are discussing it.

  42. Tali says:

    She KNEW and nobody can convince me otherwise. There’s seems to be something more behind this sugary sweet Americas Sweetheart facade we all know and love and I think Louis was a counteractive strike so ppl wouldn’t associate her with being a racist like Jesse( I think she loves the kid but that’s prob how it came about) I know ppl will burn me at the stake for saying that but you’ve got to admit it’s an interesting theory!

  43. Cokie says:

    Wow, its sad to see that there are ignorant bigots and pigs out there like EZe. I honestly don’t get why some people think that it was impossible that Sandra didn’t know. Have these people who insist that, never heard of Ted Bundy? Of John Wayne Gacy? Or BTK? These people ALL had families; wives and children or at the very least, a girlfriend. Yet they they lived double lives with their spouses and children having NO idea at all, whatsoever. They’d murder, rape, strangle and (in JWG’s case), and (in BTK’s case) keep souvenirs of his female victims at home – where he lived with his wife and child. Yet none of their spouses were none the wiser and when they were arrested had absolutely….no…..idea of the double life their serial killer husbands were leading. Considering all the above, an innocuous interest in Nazism would have been child’s play to hide.

  44. Jacq says:

    Ok, I understand that everyone is stuck on the Nazi-ism, but they DIDN’T adopt that sweet baby together!

  45. Hakura says:

    @Kaiser“The lesbian secret: she prefers sleeping with her dogs, and she wasn’t always up for sex with Jesse. Apparently, not having sex with Jesse James and sleeping with dogs = lesbian. Noted.”

    Just another ridiculous excuse a man has to make, to explain why a woman would turn down their advances. They’d just have to be a lesbian… THATS IT, she’s a lesbian, no wonder she’s not interested in (tiny) little JJ!” Because men’s egos can be so fragile. (I mean no offense to the gentleman that hang out here, just BS bastards like JJ. )

    Just because someone is married doesn’t mean they have an obligation (or a ‘golden ticket’) to always accept the advances of their spouse. A lot of guys don’t seem to understand this.

    I did read something about the pictures of him in the Nazi hat (with the ‘sign’)… I hadn’t realized they were from before he ever met Sarah. I’m starting to really believe Sarah may not have had any idea of the extent of his ‘fascination’ with such things.

  46. Thea says:

    Sandra adopted the baby. Jessee is full of s***. Part of the divorce settlement was that she was the only parent. Jessee needs to take the only woman left on the earth who will have him, because she looks like a tranny train wreck and shut up and go on. You cant go from being madly in love and the way he carried on, to jumping onto this train wreck Kat Von d. He is being vengeful and trying to get back at Sandra because he knows he is crap and he messed himself up. He needs to take care of his kids and stop worrying about his d***. I dont care what he says about Sandra, she still is better than him and that tranny thing he is with. He is making himself look like a pouty little boy who didnt get what he wanted and now is going to throw out crap to hurt her because his little rehab trip didnt work. He is a pariah. I would have nothing to do with this man and sure as heck wouldnt let him near my child. I feel sorry for the children of his. He is an embarassment as not only a man but as a human being.

  47. Gypsy says:

    For those who don’t believe you could like with someone for years and not know all about them, just wait until, one day the cops come knocking on your door/your husband-significant other calls from the police station and you learn that you just spent 20 years living with a man who was arrested for soliciting a Transsexual hooker in a gay bar and further more this has happened to him in other cities. (there is a reason it’s called “on the down low”.
    So you go to his office to get the bail instruments and you open a door you were never allow to go into and there you find his gay kingdom.

  48. Hakura says:

    @Gypsy – I sincerely hope your post wasn’t describing your own situation o.O If so, I don’t know HOW you got through that, it’s horrendous.

    I’m so sorry, I know it isn’t funny, but I couldn’t help but laugh at ‘his gay kingdom’ in a desk drawer. xD

  49. Dana M says:

    @Pretty Tarheel- it’s a deal. I dont even want to touch one of his books! Yuck! Wonder if he would even dare to have a book signing event here in Austin (Sandyville)?

    @gypsy- so sorry if you went through this.