Lindsay Lohan manages to cause a scandal even when she’s not directly involved in the story. According to 2 different tabloids, Lohan and girlfriend Samantha Ronson are either engaged to be married or on the outs and possibly breaking up.
According to MSN, Samantha proposed to Lindsay that they become civil partners over a romantic meal in Mexico recently. Which sounds a little confusing since they live in California and can easily have a traditional legal marriage. But apparently that’s not what’s on the table.
Samantha Ronson proposed to Lindsay Lohan on holiday with a £50,000 ring. The ‘Mean Girls’ actress was thrilled when DJ Samantha suggested a civil partnership and presented her with the Cartier diamond band during their break in Mexico. The lovers were having dinner by the beach in Cabo San Lucas when a waiter came over with the ring which was hidden inside a covered silver tray.
A source at the £1,500-a-night Esperanza hotel told Britain’s Star magazine: ‘Sam brought Lindsay down at 9pm to a huge dining table laid out by the water’s edge. Sam really went all out and even arranged for a group of Mexican singers to entertain them with songs. It was a gorgeous ring with a big diamond that Sam had bought before the holiday. Sam asked her if she would marry her and the waiter popped a champagne cork as Lindsay accepted. It was such a beautiful setting with perfect weather and was really romantic.’
The pair stayed up celebrating with Cristal champagne until 2am before disappearing into their hotel room together.
[From MSN]
So that’s a sweet story, although the fact that the original source is the Star makes me have a permanently arched eyebrow about the whole thing. And I really doubt someone like Lohan could keep gossip like this to herself. No one would notice if she were wearing a new ring on her left hand because she does that all the time for attention. But I’m sure she could have a friend accidentally leak it to a tabloid so who knows.
According to the sorta/sometimes/once-in-a-while reliable Daily Mail, Ronson is frustrated with Lohan’s partying and attention seeking behavior. She’s also feeling too smothered by Lindsay. So basically LiLo gives and needs too much attention in her relationships. Who would ever have thought that a girl with major daddy issues wouldn’t know how to handle herself with a significant other. Though to be fair, Sam’s probably the best significant other Lindsay’s ever picked.
Either way, they’ll soon be walking down the alter or breaking up forever.
Here’s Lindsay launching her 6126 contemporary collection of leggings at Henri Bendel in New York City yesterday. She’s not looking too hot here… but then you see her mom and sister and LiLo looks a little better by comparison. Images thanks to Bauer-Griffin.
No talent loser famewhore who is screwed up in the head. No one likes her anymore. I told you Sam would get hurt. Linds is still using too!
im more inclined to believe the proposal one, just because the staff at the restaurant are gonna talk about something like that. the daily mail is only right when they are copying a correct story, and they have no facts like the star story does.
im sure they said civil union because thats what the britons call them…just like the price of the ring is in pounds rather than dollars.
And I choose to believe neither – a happy medium is probably closer to the truth. Perhaps they’re just fine and happy, with Sam being a bit anal retentive and Lohan being a bit clingy.
I have high hopes for these two. For realz.
I heard Samantha did propose but Lindsay didnt answer.And there is tense beetween them cause Samantha cant stand the press anymore.But i dont believe they are breaking up.They look very much in love and happy,Lindsay looks great and very healthie lately,but i hate the hair,God.its obvious Samantha has kept her distance from public events Lindsay attended these days.I hope they dont break up. 😡
Does it matter? As much as they are (were?) in love now, there is no way these two will truly spend the rest of their lives together.
I see Lindsay’s back to her “orange” glow and fried hair.
Samantha would get hurt? Samantha doesn’t want the press? I will never understand how people in this world excuse and apologize for evil. Samantha is a DJ — that’s disc jockey, not a musician — who makes $30,000 a month simply because she has hoodwinked this lonely, pathetic starlet into showing up for her “events” ( by event I mean letting someone else’s record play while sneering as if she’s Johnny Rotten ). On top of that, she keeps Lindsay stoked on cocaine. AND has convinced her she’s gay when she’s not. Samantha is the Adnan of Lindsay Lohan.
haha, it’s true Codzilla– forget Palin for Halloween, she’d make a much better pumpkin. 😆
LiLo and her spray tan obsession… I mean, if Sam’s love isn’t enough for her to accept her gingerness and lack of melanin, what is?
Mmmm I don’t know this is a tough one. I could believe either option.
wow is that ali in the last picture? she looks like an aging Elvira.
and arent these two like getting married every other week? Why cant two people just date? i DOUBT they will be walking down the aisle at all. i mean, great if they do…i just dont see it happening.
I wonder how easily people say Lindsay is back on drugs when its wellknown she gets checked regularly and she is on heavy probation?Also i realy doubt Samantha is the one providing,especialy since she is always on a plane,and you cant pass drugs throu there.All this sound so hatefull.Lindsay looks good and healthie and its even months since she was seen even drunked and with so much press everywhere around her we would have had pics.Even when attending Samanthas djings she always sits on a corner and rarely drinks,or they both drink a red bull or a corona.
Samantha is 31,and knew Lindsay for years,she knew where she was getting into,hooking up with her.She doesnt like publicity,but she shouldnt blame it to Lindsay either.It goes both ways.For example iam sure Lindsay would have liked Samantha to be more open and affectionate in public.Thats why they fit each other.Cause they are so different.
aleach you took te words right out of my mouth, Ali is def looking a lot like Elvira
What ever the truth, LIndsay is aging at three times the age of a normal woman….swiftly approaching 45 or 50.
Yes and let’s not forget that between the tabloid b.s. of a proposal and a breakup is the rumor of Samantha and Lindsay wanting a baby!
I choose to go back to what Samantha herself once said about the constant b.s. from tabloids and bloggers:
“With the Internet the way it is, one second we’re enemies, one second we’re best friends, one second we’re lovers, and then we’re broken up.”
OMG…Lindsay looks like CRAAAAAAAAAAAAP there. Ali looks the same as always – 45.
Yeesh. Rotten genes, these ones…OR just a complete lack of make-up/hair skills. Either or.
Those closeups, strange eyebrows, and spray tan accentuate her big head. Mamma has a large sized head too, so does her Dad. Aren’t genes a bitch! Okay and enough with the extensions too.
I truly like them as a couple and I think Samantha is very good for Lindsay who, just for the record, I actually like as an actress. I know it’s not trendy not to bitch about La Lohan, but you know what, I feel for her. She grew up in the public eye with two fame whores as parents and she’s quite put together lately as a result of her, and only her, effort. Going to therapy isn’t easy, it’s hard work, and it hurts like hell at times. So why don’t people just leave her alone and allow her to be happy, whether with a man or a woman? Coming from a highly dysfunctional family, she’s fighting her way through and things are looking up, so: Power to her!
If they’re so out, how come they never snog in public????
Maybe cause Lindsay has been photographed snogging with so many others in public?And they feel this is true love and they dont want to behave like that in public?Maybe Samantha feels Lindsay has been throu so much by her revious relations?She has been called so many names cause she got caught from paps kissing and snogging.Thats why.Samantha doesnt want Lindsay to be called names.