Is Sean Penn telling Scarlett Johansson to lose weight?


It’s time for our weekly installment of Sean Penn-Scarlett Johansson tabloid short fiction! Hurray! In this week’s episode, 50-year-old Sean Penn tells his 26-year-old girlfriend that she’s a heifer. Did this really happen? Doubtful. As I said, he’s 50. She’s 26. He’s happy that he’s got her biscuits on layaway. But of course, I guess it could be true. Sean Penn is a d-bag, and he could conceivably be That Guy who passive-aggressively kills his girlfriend’s soul by “encouraging” her to dump the (in this case very minor) chunk.

They aren’t married, but the honeymoon is over for Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson. They had a huge fight after Sean confronted Scarlett about her drinking, smoking and – gasp! – weight gain. He’s encouraging Scarlett, who packed on a few pounds after splitting from Ryan Reynolds, to excerise and diet, Star has learned.

“Sean’s urging Scarlett to go on a health kick, which she’s taken personally since she’s touchy about being heavier than she’s like,” says a source. The row between Sean and Scarlett erupted on April 10 after he suggested she go running with him and pal Owen Wilson but she initially refused. Sean said he was trying to motivate her, which made her seethe.

“Scarlett wants to lose weight, but she doesn’t want Sean telling her she should,” the source adds. Scarlett’s cravings are especially intense because she’s also trying to quit smoking. But when the two go out to dinner, she orders salads and Sean orders burgers – “which is cruel,” says the source.

“They’ve made up, but if this is how they fight when they’re madly in love, what happens later?”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Um, Sean is a chain-smoker, last I heard. And I would imagine it would be really easy to keep the weight off if you were dating him, because every time his 50-year-old hands touched your 26-year-old body, you would throw up a little bit? Is that a special category of eating disorder? Purge-boning? EW. *vom* I grossed myself out. But yeah, I doubt Sean is Mr. Health(although he seems to be working out more, so maybe he’s trying to keep up with Scar?), and my theory is that he doesn’t really care if Scarlett has put on a little weight. Because, you know. Her 26-year-old biscuits.

In other tabloid fan-fiction, In Touch Weekly reports that not only are Scar and Sean living together (we already knew that), but Sean’s son Hopper has moved in too. Apparently, Hopper is a chip of the ol’ block, and he’s some kind of crazy hell-raiser and Robin Wright was all “Move in with your father, D-Bag Junior.” So, there are complications:

She may be ready to rush down the aisle with Sean Penn, but Scarlett Johansson may not be eager to become a step mom to her new beau’s wild child. Sean’s son Hopper, 17, has moved in with his dad after tormenting neighbors on mom Robin Wright’s Santa Monica street.

“He has an excessive temper and loud friends,” a family insider tells In Touch. “Robin was getting complaints about big parties.”

Perhaps an unruly stepson – who is a mere nine years younger than his dad’s girlfriend – will make Scarlett think twice about a whirlwind wedding!

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

I bet Scarlett and Hopper are probably cool with each other. But I would be very interested in knowing what Sean’s daughter Dylan thought of Scarlett. I hope Dylan is a chip off her mom’s block, and sits there in judgment of her dad’s young, corpsey, vacant girlfriend.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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44 Responses to “Is Sean Penn telling Scarlett Johansson to lose weight?”

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  1. brin says:

    LOL…”purge-boning”! I don’t think this is true, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a menage a trois going on. Biscuits for everyone!

  2. Hautie says:

    Well Robin had been skinny as hell through out their marriage. She still is. Her and SJP both look a good 10 years older that what they are… from extremely skinniness.

    So can I see Sean telling Scarlett she is fat? Oh. hell. yes.

    But I don’t see Scarlett letting it slide. Nor do I see him ever being able to run her like he did Robin.

    So maybe this time around. Scarlett will be the one hitting him. Instead of Sean hitting her.

    Does anyone remember the ass whooping he laid down on Madonna? When they were married? It was alot more severe that a little slap to the face. Yet no one seems to hold it against him.

  3. dorothy says:

    Just the thought of those two together makes me physically ill.

  4. Kate says:

    I believe this might have happened. I think Penn is a controlling, mysoginistic, soul-sucking d-bag. Robin Wright was/is a fine actress and I think could’ve been a major star in her own right. I think Sean kept her down for many many years.

  5. OriginalGracie says:

    I am trying to imagine Sean Penn with his nicotine stained hands and his nicotine stained clothing and his rank nicotine stained breath being found hot or sexy.

    Yeah, an older man can bone like a champ if he’s been taught well, but how do you get past all that nicotine reek? Those nicotine cooties that will seep into your skin and make you want to puke?

    And these thoughts are coming from an ex-smoker. Quitting the nasty nicotine was the best thing I ever did.

    I imagine Sean wearing like the same shirt for a couple of days and being pretty lax about his personal business.
    So pit-stained clothes, skid-marked underwear and 2-day old nicotine reek.

  6. LadyBert62 says:

    Sounds like fireworks are in the future at this household – son moving in while daddy has live in lover not that much older than son! See where I am going here folks? It is going to happen – I predict it! Then Scarlet and son can say to dad – “take that you old coot!” It is going to get nasty, fast!

  7. Heather says:

    ScarJo is not fat, so I would call BS…however, Sean Penn IS a douchebag, so who knows?

  8. Jillian says:

    OrgingalGracie, ScarJo is a smoker too. I doubt it bothers her.

  9. Hollowdoll says:

    In that 1st pic Scarlett looks like she could cut a bitch with her eyelashes!

  10. Ann says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised. No matter how old, fat and ugly men are, they still think they have the right to be critical of women’s looks. Any woman who puts up with that needs to get her head checked.

  11. Rhiley says:

    She has really crappy taste in men. I get why Sean Penn is respected as an actor. He was really really good as Harvey Milk and he has that bad boy but kind of vulnerable thing going on. That said, he is so dirty looking (but not in a sexy way (like Brad Pitt dirty)) and I bet he smells. He looks like the kind of guy that blows warm juicy farts all over the place and then lights up a cigarette. So I imagine that he smells like warm, humid, juicy burger farts and Marlboro Reds. Move on Scar Jo. You can do so much better, girl.

  12. JenJen says:

    Robin said just recently how she stays so skinny is stress, even still. I do believe ScarJo dumped Ryan for that scumbag Sean, so she will get what she deserves with him (not talking about violence which I very much think he is always capable of).

  13. Crash2GO2 says:

    You bet he’s doing his best to undermine her confidence! It’s what misogynist d bags do best. He’ll make her feel that he’s the only one who could possibly put up with and love such a messy slob of a person. And she’s so young, she’s a perfect foil for him. I feel sorry for her.

  14. Bodhi says:

    The last story I read about them was that he was getting in shape for her… so which is it tabloids?

    I love how the tabs make up totally different stories based on one set of pictures!

    And I seriously doubt that she left Ryan for Sean. She & Ryan were over LONG before Sean was in the picture

  15. jen says:

    “Crusty Love” part 2.

  16. Embee says:

    “You bet he’s doing his best to undermine her confidence! It’s what misogynist d bags do best. He’ll make her feel that he’s the only one who could possibly put up with and love such a messy slob of a person. And she’s so young, she’s a perfect foil for him. I feel sorry for her.”

    Exactly. I sincerely hope that she uses the same presence of mind she displayed with Tom Cruise and gets the heck outta there. I fear that Scarlet’s strength will be used against her in this relationship, and she will stay no matter his behavior.

  17. Roxy75 says:

    gross. I still can’t get over this entire story between the two,

  18. REALIST says:

    Yes, Scarlett needs to talk to Robin. Robin has been a stick for years. Scarlett is curvy partially because she’s not a stick.
    Oh, this is a really scary relationship-I see Sean as Svengali, with Scarlett (his Trudy?)following his every command.
    We didn’t free Katie Holmes-let’s see if can succeed with this rescue attempt and break out Scarlett! Intervention time!
    Besides, oh puhleez-who is Sean Penn to tell anyone how to look?

  19. TeeTee says:

    lord, I want this to be over, he is not the least bit attractive with his shrunken, crispy, lil mean self.


  20. Vicky says:

    Hate him, never understood the appeal of her. They deserve each other.

    The eyelash picture scares me!

  21. rundee says:

    Some men are like this, so maybe he did try to “motivate her”.
    The only boyfriend ever complaining about my weight (size8) was american too. He said “You know you could do better”.
    I know and do now 🙂

    So maybe like me, she´ll dump him too and gets someone else.

    The thing I don´t get here though:
    At least my asshole-ex-boyfriend was young and sexy. Why let an old, little and grumpy man judge your looks?

  22. abbizmal says:

    Scarlett is very pretty, but I still think an old fart with a face like a baboon’s ass needs to STFU.

  23. Mshuffleupagus says:

    Do you think Sean Penn is grateful for anything?? No. He would sooo be a little bitch about her weight. He tortured Robyn Wright’s life and cheated on her! WHO THE F*CK DOES THAT TO PRINCESS BUTTERCUP?

  24. wunderkindt says:

    Those eyelashes look like individual tynes on a fork or like mini razors.

  25. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Pukin gross man.. they make me vomit.

    I would kick his old farty a$$ and find a real man.

  26. Zzzzzzzzz says:

    Sean is a brilliant actor but he’s also a complete asshole. Always has been, always will be. Robin put up with it when she knew better so whatever she went through, she has to shoulder some responsibility as well. She could have, and should have left him much, much earlier. Madonna sure as hell did, despite her (continued) love for him. Scarlett had better know what she’s letting herself in for, though I suspect she’s deluding herself too.

  27. ZenB says:

    I’m a size 14 (younger than Penn) and if that repulsive creature told me to lose weight (or even change my hair) I would give him the kind of chair tying whupping he gave Madonna.

    That man has no right to criticize anyone else’s looks other than maybe BBTs.

    This is not to say I sympathize with ScarJo. 1. She’s with Sean Penn voluntarily. 2. She’s 26 and at her physical peak 3. She can afford a live-in trainer and dial a meal programs so she has no excuse. 4. Maybe she went with #1 so she could skip #3.

  28. Kim says:

    The son has an excessive temper at his young age?? WTF? Like father, like son i guess =(

  29. Kim says:

    Scarlet could stand to lose a few and how is it cruel if YOU need to lose weigh but your partner doesnt therefore he can have a hamburger?? Its called self control & self responsibility regardless of what others around you are doing. That said Sean is a jerk & NOTHING in the looks dept. Scarlet should make a deal with him she’ll lose weight if he loses the wig!

  30. original kate says:

    he strikes me as the kind of man who wants his women to be almost infantile: skinny, quiet, adoring and above all no talking back. men with bad tempers are usually like that, it seems (see gibson, mel). if scarlett is smart she will get out of this ASAP.

  31. Mick says:

    Sean Penn is a person who likes to be in charge, in control. Perhaps, at the beginning he saw how vulnerable she was and saw an opportunity to “have her”. Who could ignore those biscuits? Then, as time passes, his ego is being deflated because with her “hot body”, she is calling the shots. Now, that he sees she is getting fat, he is going to use that to be back feeding his ego, by trying to tell her what she needs to do.
    He needs to be in control, she does not want to be told what to do. I would say the breakup is not too far away.
    The son may play a key role, by giving SJ an outlet, someone she can get close to.

    I still say she left Ry for Sean Penn.
    According to her friends, Ry was “too nice and childish”.

    She may need an older man, but Sp is not the older man she needs. SJ needs a healthy older man, who is confident and has the time to devote to a “high maintance, hot chic”.

    “If Scarlett is smart”, she is not using her brains, she is thinking “great sex”!

  32. gozeta! says:

    love that his son’s name is hopper. maybe he has a thing for frogs and hopping and is trying to get scarlett to exercise so she hops about too… actually come to think about it a scarlett hopper sounds like some exotic amphibian and he is kind of toad-like…

  33. Blank says:

    “ScarJo is not fat, so I would call BS…however, Sean Penn IS a douchebag, so who knows?”

    Yeah, Heather, but this is a guy that sleazes around with models. ScarJo is like normal sized.

  34. Mick says:

    Jen, Jen, you and I think alike, that Scarjo left Ryan for Sean Penn.

    After, Scarjo’s mother adopted a baby, Scarjo was really excited about adopting one, too. Perhaps, that’s when Scarjo and Penn connected. When Ry was asked about adopting a baby, he was not into it.

    The truth will come out sooner or later.

  35. Pitita says:

    Watch out Tits or you will end just like his ex-wife: stick looking and insecure!

  36. louise says:

    This story is false. It’s obvious that the tabloids and websites want to believe that Scarlett is fat/pregnant. She attended a charity event a couple of days ago wearing a tight red dress and few websites showed any photos of her. It’s obvious she never gained weight. I don’t think it’s possible to lose 20+lbs in just a week when you are so small.

  37. Solveig says:

    Robin Wright has always been skinny, so it wouldn’t surprise me to know that he likes skinny women.
    And, please, she’s not fat and she’s not gaining weight (for what I see in her recent pics).

  38. Amanda G says:

    I think Scarlett has one of the sexiest bodies I have ever seen, so I hope she doesn’t lose weight.

  39. Kosmos says:

    Her false eyelashes look a little too fake…I’m sure she can do better than that. I haven’t seen her in person, but she strikes me as being on the full-figured side, definitely. To some, that would seem a bit overweight, especially if you prefer a leaner look.

  40. Cletus says:

    I do NOT understand. How can a woman go from Ryan Goddamn-Would-You-Look-at-Those-Abs Reynolds to Sean Penn?

    ….How?….. What? …. WHY? JESUS.

  41. Mick says:

    @ Cletus, I think that they both wanted to end the marriage.

    Perhaps, infidelity played a part.

    You can’t have the cake and eat it, too.

  42. LBeees says:

    Whoa. Where are we getting that ScarJo is “heavy”? She is so not heavy. Not fat. Not pudgy.

    If the bar is set at zero body fat, this race really is stacked. Are we supposed to expect American women to have fat only in their breasts and no where else? Come on.

    Way more likely that he is in a biscuit haze and wants to keep up with her. Her youth and hotness is probably a big motivating factor for ol’ smokey the bear up there.

  43. Prettywitty says:

    Scarjo is not fat, for Christ’s sake. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

  44. harfang says:

    If any of my little cousins around her age had a man like that, I would kneecap him myself.