Lindsay Lohan to clean at the morgue, appear on Tonight Show (update: video)

The last we heard from Lindsay Lohan she was rallying against everyone who ever told her “no,” basically, since she’s been enabled and excused her entire life. It looks like she may finally be facing some long overdue consequences, as she’s been sentenced to 120 days in jail for her probation violation and could get even more time on the separate theft charge, for which she’ll be tried on June 3. She’s out of jail on appeal now, with her lawyer being so blindsided by the jail sentence that she scribbled her appeal on a standard legal form and just crossed out the parts that didn’t apply to Lindsay. It’s nice to know that the lawyer defending Lindsay is about as competent as she deserves. I’m sure Lindsay and Dina will be throwing her lawyer under the bus once Lindsay’s appeal fails spectacularly. (Fingers crossed!)

The latest in Lindsay news has details of her community service. She’s been sentenced to 120 hours of service at the morgue and 360 hours of service at a women’s homeless shelter. She’ll be “doing basic janitorial work” at the morgue, according to the Coroner’s assistant. She has a year to complete her service, which amounts to three months of full time work. Considering that she was unable to attend simple alcohol education classes that required a minimal time commitment, I think it’s safe to assume she’ll fail this as well. It’s been years since she’s worked even a month full time.

Lindsay Lohan, found in violation of probation, is facing the grim reality of 120 hours of community service – emphasis on grim.

The actress, 24, will be picking up trash, emptying trash bins, mopping floors and cleaning windows and restrooms at the L.A. County Department of Coroner’s facility.

“She’ll be doing basic janitorial work,” Coroner Assistant Chief Ed Winter tells PEOPLE. “She won’t be handling any dead bodies but she’ll certainly see them.”

This won’t be Lohan’s first visit to the downtown Los Angeles morgue. She previously completed a DUI morgue program following her second drunk-driving conviction 2007.

In addition to a four-month jail term, Lohan was also ordered Friday to complete 360 hours of service at the Downtown Women’s Center, a homeless shelter located in L.A.’s Skid Row.

Lohan must enroll in the two programs within a week and has a year to complete them.

Lohan remains free on bail pending an appeal of her sentence, which experts say she has slim chance of winning.

She faces a June 3 trial in her grand theft charge, which was reduced to a misdemeanor on Friday, facing a maximum penalty of an additional year in jail.

[From People]

Lindsay will probably pull a Naomi Campbell and wear sky high Louboutins to her community service, treating her walk to work like a catwalk until she bores of it and stops showing up after a week. Then when the end of a year rolls around and she’s failed to meet court requirements yet again, she’ll blame everyone else for her own personal failings, as her mother and father have taught her to do from a young age.

Meanwhile Linnocent is going to be on The Tonight Show this evening to get leered at by Jay while she tries to explain away her looming jail sentence. The interview was pre-taped and while we don’t have advance details, E! has a picture of the outfit Lindsay wears during the show and it’s surprisingly demure.

Let me anticipate how that is going to go – Lindsay will make a lot of excuses in her raspy 80 year-old smoker’s voice, she’ll talk about how she just wants to work and no one lets her, and Jay will make some dumb inappropriate jokes without pressuring her at all to tell the truth or face reality. In Lindsay’s world she’s still a star. There are still so many people around her willing to help her maintain that delusion.

Update: The Today Show had this clip of Lindsay’s appearance. She’s taking a small amount of responsibility and someone coached her on the right thing to say. She’s still operating under the delusion that this is about a simple mistake and is just about over. It’s only just begun for Lindsay.

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Lindsay is shown outside her condo yesterday, 4/25/11. She loves to see the paps. Credit: Fame Pictures.



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33 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan to clean at the morgue, appear on Tonight Show (update: video)”

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  1. brin says:

    It’s appropriate that she works at the morgue since her career is dead.

  2. Marjalane says:

    There better not be any last ditch deals made by Lindsey’s team; Like she’ll sing and dance for the dead people instead of having to clean up after them. As for the skid row women’s shelter, that is just patently unfair. Those people have suffered enough in their lives without having to endure Linnocent’s crack shenanigans.

  3. Zelda says:

    Frankly, as much fun as it would be to see her go to prison, in a state where overcrowding is a problem I think it’s much better for her to be doing community service. And it might actually have impact somewhere other than tabloids.
    And you just know she finds menial labour more humiliating than doing nothing all day in a cell. So win-win, I say.

  4. Cora says:

    I’m sure Lindsay will show up to her community service high as a kite so I doubt it will make much impact on her. She’ll have a nice vodka and red bull for breakfast, with some coke sprinkled on her Frosted Flakes, and sail through her morgue duties unaffected and happy as a lark. I don’t think there’s any hope for her no matter how they try to punish her. Serious prison time may have turned her around, but that’s not going to happen on a misdemeanour.

  5. sorrento says:

    So ridiculous, she’s obviously a mental case, why not just give her some help and chain down the pencils while they’re at it?

  6. Innocent says:

    Thanks for the clip.
    I agree about the morgue i don’t think Lindsay will complete it but she really can’t get into any more trouble on that DUI case. She has a progress hearing on July 21st.

  7. the_blonde_one says:

    Christ they better strip the jewelery and expensive nonstained clothes and shoes from the dead bodies, inventory that crap and watch her closely. Nothing like coming to do a viewing of your dead loved one and being escorted (heh) in by lindsey and thinking how painful it is to see her coincidentally wearing what your loved one died in.

  8. trollydolly says:

    @7, the blonde one – “escorted (heh) in by lindsey and thinking how painful it is to see her coincidentally wearing what your loved one died in. ”


  9. neelyo says:

    @ the blonde one, you are on a roll. i’m still laughing at your levi/palin comment.

    Did you hear the way she rasped out ‘I’m 24’? She sounds so old. I loved Roker’s ‘Interesting choice, the morgue.’

  10. TQB says:

    To be fair to her long-suffering attorney, a notice of appeal is usually a pretty simple one-pager – I am sure she has a form that she reuses and does sorta cross out stuff that doesn’t apply. Saves an extra trip back to the courthouse. That’s different from the actual appeal that would have, you know, some legal arguments about Why it is OK to Steal a $2500 Necklace Whilst on Probation.

    Nancy Grace OUT.

  11. Ruby Red Lips says:

    She’ll prob get a reality crew in the morgue and make thousands from her unfair punishment!!!

    This girl is disgusting and nothing like this will humble her…she is vile now, no hope

  12. LadyBert62 says:

    “… they better strip the jewelery and expensive nonstained clothes and shoes from the dead bodies, inventory that crap and watch her closely. Nothing like coming to do a viewing of your dead loved one and being escorted (heh) in by lindsey and thinking how painful it is to see her coincidentally wearing what your loved one died in.”


    What happens if she fails to fulfill (as she will do) the mandatory hours of work? Does that also return her to jail?

  13. Marie says:

    How dare Jay Leno have her on the Tonight Show! I don’t see why the media makes light of her actions. This bitch hasn’t done anything productive in years, but he has her a guest c’mon now this is insane. I emailed the Tonight Show and told them I would never watch again shame on them.

  14. the_blonde_one says:

    what happens if…?
    she will fail, multiple times. there will be more drama. pretty much just look at the past three years and slap those bitches into the next three years. that’s how it’ll look

  15. gloaming says:

    The audience gave her a standing ovation on Leno.

    Someone tell me why this trollop deserves that repect…

  16. Marie says:

    @gloaming the Tonight Show has electronic signs that tells the audience when to stand and clap, I personally wouldn’t have, I would have walked out.

  17. Lala11_7 says:

    When I saw that the audience gave her a standing ovation…

    It pretty much confirmed why the world we live in and life in general is so messed up…

    It’s the “sheeple”….

  18. the original bellaluna says:

    Maybe Holley mis-read the form: when it was brought to her attention that the word was “indigent” and not “indignant” she had to cross it out.

    @ the_blond_one – Very, very funny. And you are probably correct – nothing will happen, just like before, and it all becomes a bad case of “deja vu all over again.”

  19. Nanz says:

    Um, did they take the video down?? Says “no longer available.” WTF??

  20. mia girl says:

    I am hoping that one of the demands for Lohan to come on the Tonight Show was that the Dinager would have full control over filling the audience that day. That is the ONLY explanation I have for why a crowd would stand for Lindsey Lohan.

    Otherwise, I will have to accept the idea that I am living in a world of stupid fu**ing idiots. The thought of this has me thoroughly depressed and so I am going to drown my sorrows in a “Britney” lunch – Hot Dogs, Beer & Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

  21. Bodhi says:

    Ditto TQD. There is nothing incompetent about the way Holley handled LL’s appeal. She used a standard form & filled in the relevant details. There is nothing incompetent about that. In fact, I think it shows how hard she is working. She saved a TON of time by doing that instead of going back to her office & having her staff draft & type one out & go back to the courthouse to file it.

    I hate LL but she has a damn good attorney.

  22. Lady D says:

    Someone mentioned that Shawn Holley’s husband is a respected musician who works on the Leno show. I’m thinking Shawn is trying to sway the jury pool.
    Wonder what they paid him to have her on his show.
    If I was in that audience I would of stood, and then walked out. Do people have to buy tickets to be in his audience or is it free to sit there? Anybody know?

  23. bluhare says:

    Bodhi; agree with you. Plus if I recall correctly, Holley tried to fire herself from Lindsay and the last judge wouldn’t let her. I think this was after the Cannes passport thing.

  24. lucy2 says:

    It’s probably free if you can get tickets, but I would have walked out too. Or sat there and boo’d.
    I hope they make her work really hard…for the day or two she bothers to show up. You KNOW she’s not going to finish those 480 hours – she didn’t even bother to complete a fraction of that for the alcohol classes.

  25. logan says:

    No thank you. Won’t be watching. I have heard everything Mizzz Lohan has to say a million times. Someone else did it, it was someone elses fault, someone is out to get me……yawn.
    The lines coming out of her mouth are as old as the lines on her face.

  26. original kate says:

    “They better strip the jewelery and expensive nonstained clothes and shoes from the dead bodies, inventory that crap and watch her closely.”

    too true, and don’t forget the gold fillings! i’m sure linds will have a pair of needlenosed pliers in her multi-colored YSL bag for just such an opportunity.

  27. Hakura says:

    @The_Blonde_One – I’m with everyone, LOL@ your comment at #7 xD So wrong, but oh-so-right. Thank you for the evil grin this inspired, I needed it today.

    Re: Lindsay’s Attorney – I actually feel really bad for this woman. Didn’t she attempt to drop Lindsay as a client, but was forced to represent her by the judge (because she didn’t have another attorney)? She tried to get out before the roof fell in on her, but got thrown back.

    She’s probably only been vaguely listening to what’s been going on, mentally ‘checking out’ during the hearings, & half-assing her actions. (Perhaps Lindsay will use this as a ‘built-in’ excuse for appeal, claiming she wasn’t represented properly.) I don’t blame her lawyer for all this nonsense, I just blame Lindsay & the sucky legal system that can’t punish her properly.

    But I agree, having to mill about cleaning in the morgue isn’t a job *I’d* look forward to. We can only hope her appeal is denied as it should be, so we get to see this in action. >=)

  28. Faye says:

    While I’m doing my forensics training at school (my major is forensic anthropology) I’ll probably have to do that too…and also probably won’t be paid for it. Someone buy me a $2500 necklace?

  29. santacruz says:

    Why doesn’t this woman just drop off the end of the earth….she is Sooooooooo BORING

  30. paisleydog says:

    Wait a minute…is Leno still on?

  31. Paige says:

    high-waisted jeans are not your friend

  32. Hakura says:

    @Paige“high-waisted jeans are not your friend.”

    Sound, timeless advice.

  33. liz says:

    Dumb useless piece of trash. Awesome outfit, though…