Katie Holmes attempts a flattering Canadian tuxedo: kind of great, right?


GAH! I hate myself for admitting this, but I absolutely love Katie Holmes’s jeans. They’re beautiful and I want them. I used to have a pair with a similar cut and a lighter wash, and I literally wore them every day for, like, a year. Look at how flattering and slimming the jeans look on her! I need these jeans. I want them very badly.

So does this mean I have to eat my words about Katie always having horrible style? I might. But look what she put with these jeans – it’s a fancy Canadian tuxedo! She paired her jeans with a lighter denim shirt, which is fitted (?!?), and a fug neck scarf. I kind of like the orange bag, though. I wouldn’t accessorize with orange, but I appreciate that the orange looks great with the denim.

Katie’s tried to be a style trendsetter before, to mixed results. I hated when she did the “boyfriend jeans” thing, but I liked her ‘70s style high-waisted bell-bottom jean phase. I thought she looked cute then too, and this current look reminded me of it. Sigh… I love a good pair of jeans.



Photos courtesy of Fame.

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63 Responses to “Katie Holmes attempts a flattering Canadian tuxedo: kind of great, right?”

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  1. Eileen says:

    I like those too-I wonder who makes them??

  2. amy says:

    i am canadian, and i can say for sure i have never worn jeans with a light demin shirt. seriously, what is with all the stereotypes? nor do i live in an igloo or go around saying, eh? at the end of every sentence.

  3. Embee says:

    She ALWAYS looks like a little girl playing dress up. She never quite pulls it together no matter how pretty the individual pieces.

  4. gee says:

    Love this outfit. LOOVVEEE the name Canadian Tux! LOL. I could never pull it off, but love it. And the jeans really are to die for. Every girl could use a pair like that.

  5. Sue says:

    I like the pants on her but hate the winter boots the top and neck scarf are ok the bag looks cheap to me but overall I give her a C+.

    gee@ trust me not ever girl needs thought jeans, I’m 4’11 and I have long legs I’ve tried on jeans like that and they made me look shorter then want I am if that even posable.lol

  6. RobN says:

    Lots of excitement over a pair of dark wash bootcut jeans. Whole outift looks pretty ordinary.

  7. Boo says:

    I see she is taking ascot-tying lessons from Thurston Howell the Third..

  8. Praise St. Angie! says:

    in NJ, we always called it a “guido tuxedo”…but it’s ALWAYS a big NO. don’t care how fashionable the jeans are, or the shirt is…just NO.

    that being said, I do like the jeans. they’re a little long on her (amazing as she’s so darn tall!) but other than that they’re great.

    now, Kaiser, you must identify them for all of us!

    EDIT: RobN (I will assume you’re a man because of your nickname…)…clearly, you don’t understand how important a good pair of jeans are to a woman. if they’re cut right, they will make you look FAB-U-LOUS…we are ALWAYS looking for “the perfect pair”. when we see one that looks like it could be “the one”, we will SQUEEEEE about it. 🙂

  9. Jennifer says:

    What kind of jeans are they? Love them! You can almost see the tag in this photo… http://www.popsugar.com/Katie-Holmes-Pictures-Getting-Lunch-LA-17809184?page=0,0,0#13

  10. Testarosa says:

    Much as I find it hard to say something nice about anyone who’s chosen to drink the Tom Cruise Kool-Aid, I think Katie Holmes looks great in this outfit. I like this a lot more than Pippa Middleton’s “Canadian Tuxedo” (am still getting a hoot out of that term, which I had never heard of, even though I’m Canadian).

  11. Roma says:

    Okay, we already had the hate on for the term “canadian tuxedo” last time. Can we skip it this round?

    I actually love those jeans. A lot. Katie should stick to jeans and avoid skirts all together.

  12. StephanieMarie says:

    Third (dissenting) Canadian!!…I’ve never worn such an outfit…I don’t think I ever even owned anything denim that wasn’t jeans…

  13. RobN says:

    Actually I’m a girl and in love with a great pair of jeans, but just don’t see anything special about these at all. I think they come close to giving her a nasty case of saddlebags and that’s inexcusable for what she probably paid for these.

  14. kara says:

    That top looks like linen, not denim…

    It’s weird, I don’t hate her when she doesn’t look like she’s trying SO hard.

  15. Rita says:

    First off, they are just jeans. What’s the drool for, eh?

    Second, I think Amy, and Stephanie are French Canadian…much better sense of fashion. If you know what I mean, eh? (Probably raise Caribou…they all do you know, eh?)

  16. Cara says:

    Canadian Tuxedo? Excuse me.. but isn’t that a Justin/Britney era thing. I would never..and have NEVER seen the two together in CANADA.

  17. Hautie says:

    I love that orange purse. I truly need that purse. 🙂

    Now I live in Texas. We obviously must have a different definition of what exactly is a “Canadian Tuxedo”.

    Since I have heard the term since childhood, it was define as a suit made from denim.

    Not someone just wearing a jean type shirt… with their casual jeans.

    It meant a real SUIT.

    Two or three pieces. Four button or five button on the cuff.

    Instead of being made of wool. Or a nice tweed.

    It was cut from denim. From a male’s suit pattern.

    So claiming anyone wearing a jean type shirt with their jeans.. is a “Canadian Tuxedo” just does not make sense. What so ever.

    Nor have I ever heard anyone in Texas referred to it as such.

    And I suspect the whole thing is not a stab at Canadian’s. They were known for their farming and cattle like Texas. And I suspect it was something that got tied to the cowboys in Canada and their personal style. Not the entire country’s style.

  18. Rachael says:

    I know that bag is hermes, but it’s kinda fug and not age appropriate for her. Can’t she get a LV or something? She’s so plain and gross.

  19. Jessica says:

    I think the outfit is very ordinary; however, the double denim look is a no-no. It never looks good (ie..Britney and Justins denim outfits)

  20. Ron says:

    She looks fine. Sheesh.

  21. Miss says:

    Another Canadian here (Toronto). We are so not taking responsibility for denim on denim. Def. not a Canadian thing.

  22. Praise St. Angie! says:

    RobN, I stand corrected.

    maybe I’m just a jean freak? 😀

  23. The Truth Fairy says:

    Check out the 2nd pic. She really has NO BUTT at all. Crazy!

  24. Heatheradair says:

    pretty sure the jeans are Paige – (initially I assumed J Brand since she wears those a lot and they run looooooong, long, long) but the corner of the pocket makes me think Paige…

  25. Jackson says:

    More like ‘kind of boring.’ Katie sets the bar so low that when she wanders out not looking completely wrong it’s dubbed ‘great.’ IDK. I’d call it ‘Generic 70s Retro.’ She looks like she should be an extra at the bar at the Regal Beagle….props if you know WTF I’m talking about. 🙂

  26. Sarah says:

    In the South we call it a Texas Tuxedo.

  27. 4Real says:

    Meh I have pair just like them…they cover her monster calves nicely anyway.

  28. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Jackson, nice reference.

    say hi to the Ropers for me!

  29. stacey says:

    Sorry to all of you but the outfit is HORRIBLE and this girl has ZERO sense of style. Older than her years and that is SAD!

  30. jamminatorr says:

    Outfit aside, I’m not happy about the whole “Canadian tuxedo” thing. Where did that come from? I would think it’s not Canadian at all…. aren’t we known for plaid and mountie uniforms??

  31. gabs says:

    I love it! It only works when its different shades on top and bottom. Finally she doesnt look awful

  32. Gecko says:

    I’ve never heard “Canadian Tuxedo.” Here in the Canadian maritimes, I’ve heard wearing denim-with-denim called a “Texas Tuxedo,” so nice try! 😉

    Plaid lumber jackets, on the other hand, especially with the furry collars, are “North Bay Dinner Jackets.”

  33. Rubenesque says:

    Do what now? Bless yer hearts, a Canadian tuxedo?? I’mma fixin’ to spit my coffee all over my keyboard over that. Bein’ from the south, I believe that is actually a “Redneck tuxedo.” Now raise yer Miller Lights to Katie’s fashion, y’all.

  34. Anon73 says:

    @Embee — agreed !! for this outfit, i completely love the jeans and purse. still not a Katie fan though. 😉

  35. mln76 says:

    I have a similar pair of jeans that I got at Bannana Republic last spring.

  36. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Jackson – And say “hi” to Mr. Furley, too!

  37. xxodettexx says:

    yeah, i do not like flare jeans but mostly bc i am only 4′ 11″ and flares make me look lumpy! i prefer skinny jeans that make my legs look like twigs – hey, to each his own! 🙂

  38. Bill Hicks is God says:

    Ha Ha, we get it now can we stop with the “Canadian Tuxedo” references. I’ve yet to see one. Are they just worn at fancy Canuck do’s where they fondue whale blubber in a venue that actually has indoor plumbing and valet dogsled parking?

    Why wasn’t I invited?!

  39. Jackson says:

    Awesome. Extra points to Praise St. Angie! and the original bellaluna. Strawberry daiquiris and stale salted peanuts for you both.

  40. Bill Hicks is God says:

    Besides, everyone knows we wear Kenora dinner jackets (red and black being the plaid of choice), yellow Kodiaks, are colloquially referred to as “Gords” and are actively petitioning to have the Beer Store put on the $20 bill. Or at least amend the currency picture to have the Queen holding a beer. Cheers eh.

  41. Yasmine says:

    @Bill Hicks: hahahahha!!! I second that! I live in Ottawa and I learned what a ‘Canadian Tux’ was a while ago when friends were making fun of a wedding they attended in no-where’s-ville, ON. Ie. rural Ontario. And it was implied that it was a 90s thing. Who knows, maybe Bryan Adams has a part in this…. Overall, I don’t find the term that offensive. Poor Kaiser is getting screamed at for using a pretty common and funny term.

  42. ladybert62 says:

    She needs to brush her hair and get a decent haircut. I know this is a broken record for me but I just dont understand the messy hairdos that women insist on wearing.

  43. EmmyD says:

    I don’t think that’s a denim shirt, just a blue shirt. Looks like linen.

  44. Mimi says:

    What’s a “canadian tuxedo”?

  45. kris says:

    all that money & no style.. tragic..

  46. Bill Hicks is God says:

    @Yasime: Oh cripes. You’re totally on to it there, Bryan Adams painting Canadian fashion with his Marks Work Wearhouse brush…I want to cry.

    In reality folks, the Canadian tuxedo is what Bob and Doug MacKenzie wore and is an ensemble that can only be put together from the Outdoors aisles at Canadian Tire – including socks. Crappy Tire and Mark’s Work Warehouse are like The Gap for Gords. Caveat: “Gord” is a total pejorative so don’t use it 😉

  47. Anonymous says:

    Only Americans would dress like that. Just sayin’.

  48. The Other Katherine says:

    My understanding was always that a “Texas tuxedo” meant wearing a dinner jacket and shirt with bowtie with jeans instead of tuxedo trousers. The better to go with your cowboy boots.

  49. Tiffany says:

    Yes, Paige jeans. Love them! Wore them today. She was the fit model for COH and 7 for all mankind and started her own line, they fit all kinds of bodies, have subtle washes, I have too many pairs to admit to.
    I get my jeans on AF.com, they are basically a bunch of jeans addicts who talk about jeans but also have a mall where people sell authenticated jeans for great prices and they will tell you all the real ebay sales, and report all the fakes. The purse forum is the same for bags and shoes. I NEVER pay much, I just got my daughter a pair of Paiges for 19.99 on ebay. Anyone can afford premium denim!

  50. mia girl says:

    I have these very same Paige jeans. I bought two pairs at the Bloomingdale’s outlet for $40 each (they were marked down and then 30% off of that).

    They are my favorite because they fit great, I bought them cheap and when I wear them I feel like a million bucks!

  51. Rachel says:

    I, and everyone I know here in Canada, would scratch their heads until they’re raw and bloody trying to figure out what a Canaidan tuxedo is. It’s like Canada is an island in the Mozambique channel to America. No one seems to know anything about it, so they just make shit up. It’s funny, really.

  52. hyena says:

    Rachel- I live in Canada and hear that saying all the time. I just asked my boyfriend if he knew what it was and he did too AND he never knows anything silly like that. Where dd you grow up? Nunavut?

  53. crtb says:

    Sorry but if this woman wasn’t married to TC, you’d pass her in the mall and you wouldn’t give her a second look. Boring!!!

  54. texasgirl says:


    A “Texas tux” is actually a real tuxedo shirt, tuxedo coat, black bowtie,etc. paired with blue jeans. Very popular at prom.

  55. kasper says:

    Katie Holmes looks ever so slightly less Katie Holmes than usual… which is the best compliment possible under the circumstances.

  56. futureperfect says:

    It looks like she’s still attempting to channel Jackie O.

    Canadian Tux is just a lazy misappropriation of “Guido Tuxedo.” But hell, why not, Canadians are so damn polite, the risk of offense is minimal.

  57. Kat says:

    Poor Katie. She sold her soul to stay in the spotlight.

  58. jemshoes says:

    ITA, a pair of jeans that suits your own body shape and height is a TREASURE, and it’s heartbreaking if you happen to grow out of them, or if you happen to wear the jeans to shreds and can’t find a replacement! 🙂 There’s a hole in my heart for a pair of jeans that I LOVED with a passion for irrational reasons (because I’m a petite girl, and they were 90s baggy jeans). I haven’t been able to find a replacement for years – and some might say, thank goodness for that! 😀

    Katie looks really good here – confident and well put-together. And I love these jeans on her, too.

  59. Yasmine says:

    @Bill Hicks: that totally cracked me up!!! You could probably get them with those electric battery-heated socks sold at Canadian Tire (I’m not even kidding, look them up).

  60. Stretch says:

    I’m a proud Canadian and have been calling denim on denim a “Canadian Tuxedo” for years. Maybe it’s more common in Western Canada? Either way, I think some people are taking it way too seriously. It’s a joke people, lighten up 🙂

  61. Sue says:

    Up here in Canada, pairing a jean jacket with jeans is called a “Texas Tuxedo”, but a lot of Albertans wear one too!

  62. Charlotte says:

    Those jeans are HOT. I want them.