LeAnn Rimes in Chloe & YSL for her 29th b-day dinner: pretty or fug?


LeAnn Rimes celebrated her 29th birthday early last night at Red O restaurant in West Hollywood (her actual birthday is today). LeAnn and Eddie flew into LA a few days ago from Chicago so LeAnn could celebrate her birthday properly, I guess. Yesterday, they had a big beach party – in which LeAnn flaunted her bones in a red bikini (and two other bikini costume changes). Would you like to see those photos? They’re really, really gross. LeAnn’s implant/chest plate situation is really disgusting. Go here if you’d like to see. Anyway, back to these photos – I don’t see Eddie, so I guess last night LeAnn just went out with her gays – the dark-haired guy is her stylist (poor bastard).

According to LeAnn’s Twitter feed, her dress last night was Chloe, and the belt is YSL. I have to admit… I don’t hate this look on her. I think she looks pretty good, FOR HER. Her hair is a good length and the color looks good. The dress compliments her tan, the gold belt does not look gaudy. It’s a nice look for having a birthday dinner with your gays.

Can I just say something? I’m a Virgo and I hate that LeAnn is also a Virgo. It pisses me off to no end. There are some truly cray-cray celebrity Virgos out there, and I’ve only begun to realize it recently… LeAnn, Beyonce, Karl Lagerfeld, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Charlie Sheen. Of course, we’ve also got Alexander Skarsgard, Keanu Reeves, Fiona Apple and Sofia Loren. So… it’s a mixed sign. Some cool people mixed with a lot of crazy.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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109 Responses to “LeAnn Rimes in Chloe & YSL for her 29th b-day dinner: pretty or fug?”

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  1. the original bellaluna says:

    Forever fug. I like the dress, but not on her. I AM, however, coveting those shoes right now. Like, I’m turning green here as I type. And her little gay friend is adorable!

    (FYI, LeAnn – they make self-tanner for your FACE, too.)

  2. Canuck says:

    She’s about as 29 as I am… No way

  3. Schnauzers!!! says:

    Beautiful dress. Not so beautiful on her. I don’t know why..it just doesn’t fit her. She can’t pull off a nice dress well.

  4. Hautie says:

    This is the best thing LeAnn has worn all Summer.

    I am also a Virgo… and am also aware of all the crazy’s that share the sign. But at least we are all entertaining!

  5. i.want.shoes says:

    She should have worn a bra to push the bolt-ons together.

    Can someone explain to me why you would need to wear 3 bikinis in a day? And the pink/red one makes the bolt-on situation worse.

  6. DemoCat says:

    As a fellow Virgo (birthday yesterday), this doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the fact that batcrap crazy Christine O’Donnell shares my birthday. In what sane world could that happen???

  7. Rita says:

    That is the shortest hairdresser I’ve ever seen. She probably has a dozen of them in Eddie’s Prius.

    btw, I’m starting to see all the equine referrences in the upper lip pic.

  8. John Wayne Lives says:

    I saw the headlines and immediately thought “Fug. Always fug.” Then it occured to me it my be an outfit I liked and I would have to admit (to myself lol) that she looked good. So imagine my delight to click and see an ugly outfit. The dress itself is nice, but just like Leanne herself, its all just too much. Ugh.

  9. Jezi says:

    I like the look but she’s such an insufferable bitch that I can’t even really say anything nice. Her face makeup is not the right color. Her pink bikini is a copycat of Brandi’s bikini from when she shot RHOBH in Hawaii. Bitch be cray cray.

  10. MollyB says:

    I can stand bony arms and legs but that gross taunt-skin-over-the-chest-bones thing just makes me want to puke. Oh, and the giant fake boobs pulling the skin even tighter. Retch!

  11. Rita says:


    You should take great pride in the fact that Jezi is so dedicated to this site that she is posting from a rubber raft…NYC resident. (Glad you’re dry honey).

    Oh yeah, the dress. I think the outfit is very nice…now I have to go do something.

    Scented Candles…Check
    Hot bath…check
    The Band Perry’s platinum record..check
    Single Edge Rasor Blade…Check

  12. Monie says:

    Nice tiger stripes (stretch marks) on her ass. I bet Brandi doesn’t have those.

  13. Girafe99 says:

    No way is she 29, what is it with these celebrities, I age one year for one year and they age one year for five?

  14. Lady D says:

    It was my birthday on Friday. I had no idea there was so many psycho stars that were Virgos. I hate that this cow is one.

  15. Toe says:

    She looks good in the dress. I love her bracelet. Whos that guy escorting her? He’s cute!

  16. the original bellaluna says:

    Lady D – Happy (belated) Birthday! Cracktini? 😀 Just try to gloss over this cow and focus on Askars and Keanu. (Both my mom and my oldest son are Virgos, too.)

  17. Franny says:

    jesus christ. her body in that red “bikini” aka knitting scraps. not a good look. at all. her shoulders are legit twice as wide as her “hips”

  18. guillotinegirl says:

    I don’t think those are boobs so much as armpit rests.

  19. Smitten says:

    No she really is about 29. I remember seeing her in concert when she first came out as a really young teen, and I was a couple years older than her. She’s just aged really badly!

  20. Hellen says:

    Wow, she is fug in every photo, no matter what she’s wearing. If you do not want the eyeballs seared right out of your head, DO NOT click on those links! Gaaaaaaaah. She looks like blonde beef jerky.

  21. bluhare says:

    i.want.shoes: Well, if a girl doesn’t change her bikini twice while she’s parading for the paps they quit taking her photo! Plus she doesn’t get paid for wearing the swimsuits from the company she’s shilling for? Just one person’s opinion. OR, she’s such an attention seeker, she’ll do whatever she has to to keep people looking.

    OK, I vote for #2.

  22. Laurie M. says:

    That boob job is one of the worst in Hollywood! She gives Tori Spelling a run for her money!!

  23. Enn says:

    Why are her nipples pointing east and west? I will never understand why these celebrities, with all of their money, cannot get decent plastic surgery.

  24. brin says:

    Hope she got her birthday money’s worth of bombarding every site with her awful pictures. My condolences to Kaiser & every other Virgo.
    *waving at my sistas*
    @Jezi….hope you survived Irene ok.

  25. brin says:

    This fameho is fug inside and out.

  26. skilo says:

    The dress is pretty, the belt is ugly like Leann. The beach pics say pretty much everything she is, a drunk, an attention whore and an insecure, clingy, sugar momma. I noticed that they pushed a lot of pics of her with Mason, but had none of her with Jake, I think he sees her for what she really is.

  27. Nessa says:

    FUG, FUG, FUG! Everything about her is fug.

  28. gab says:

    She sure is an empty vessel, no?

  29. Sillyone says:

    That bitch is only 29?? Are we sure about that? How many times has she been 29?

  30. bettyrose says:

    To all of you lamenting famous birthday buddies . . . I share mine with the Olsen twins (though I had it to myself for at least 12 years before they came along).

  31. Jenn says:

    Just got power back and this is what is waiting? She’s papping herself, her husband, their friends AND his son? Did she wear all those bikinis on one outing? Does she always have to sell the image of she and Eddie 4-eva? I clicked on the link, and it was more teenager crap, including some idiotic “love” tattoo that she had done to accentuate the L and the E, as though their affair has created the very word. Just NO. This goes beyond the affair, the cruelty showed to Brandi, the insensitivity to the boys- there is something truly wrong and revolting about them that I can’t put my finger on. The endless selling of their relationship? The immaturity? The teenager behavior? The whole thing is sickening.

  32. Kiki says:

    You should post her bikini pics. I can’t believe she has so many stretch marks while I who has more meat, has less :-S

  33. Kloops says:

    Omg that red crochet bikini. She looks like a skeleton with horrible implants. I think she’s lost even more weight. I didnt think she could look worse but bitch proved me wrong. ….Oh , the horror…the horror…

  34. the original bellaluna says:

    Jezi, I hope you’re faring well.

    skilo, kids are AMAZINGLY perceptive. You’re probably right. (My rule – okay, one of them – when I finally decided someone I dated could meet my kids was this: If my kids don’t like him, and my cats don’t like him, he’s gone.) 😉

    So glad I’m not the only one who noticed those stretch marks. At first, I thought “Are those stretch marks, or poorly applied tanner, or beach-chair marks?” (I got my first stretch marks as a teen, when I grew by 6 inches in one school year. No smarties, not wider – TALLER!) 😀

    Also, stretch marks are an “inherited” trait. My skinny little thing of a mother has ONE (1!) from when she was pregnant with me. I, on the other hand, look like I was mauled by a tiger – thanks, dad. NOT. Pretty.

  35. Madisyn says:

    The red bikini pics. . . I just can’t. THAT was beyond gross.

    For someone who just had a boob job, you’d think from those side views, they wouldn’t sag so much.

  36. dit says:

    She looks so awful. I remember years ago watching her Can’t Fight the Moonlight video and saying she’s so pretty. She’s so bony and tanned to oblivion now.

  37. dr.bombay says:

    From the neck down, she looks awesome. Neck up…Mr. Ed.

  38. Jules says:

    How said, that the people that go out with you on your birthday are on your payroll. I liked her many years ago, but with her insufferable ego and her husband stealing ways, she has gotten the face she deserves.

  39. macey says:

    OH MY WORD! I never read such a phony ass-kissing article like i just did in the link of her bikini pics. I think LR wrote that herself or told them EXACTLY what type of things to say. “Eddie couldnt bare to be away from her”, “Eddie couldnt keep his hands off her bones”, blah blah blah.

    The first 2 pica they show are truly hysterical. This is one chick who has no clue how ugly and unappealing she really is. I mean that both physically and personally.
    I know most mags pay the celebs for pics and then do a fluff piece on them but i have a feeling LR PAID THEM to write that piece or to print the piece she wrote herself. It could NOT have been more phony and nauseating.

  40. J O'C says:

    One boob is higher than the other. Not that mine aren’t like that, too – but mine are not store-bought. She should get a refund.

  41. sarahberra says:

    Lol at the bikini pics posing. Eddie puts up with enough crazy from her that you can call it well deserved karma for his past jerk behavior

  42. Aly says:

    I think she actually looks pretty in the dress.

    Stay away from Eddie girl, he brings out the ugly.

  43. tpass says:

    Isn’t that pink/red crochet one the same one Brandi wore in Hawaii. Brandi was too small and brown, but I know that’s the same one. Plus did we not just see Brandi with the side braids in Vegas.

  44. Leigh says:

    Ok. The red bikini was so unflattering… and am I the ONLY one who noticed that not only were those red bikini picks gnarly, BUT the girl has stretch marks just above her hips?.. which fine, but that usually follows rapid weight loss or gain… which is not healthy! I’m sad for her and her deluded idea of body image..

  45. EShiksa says:

    @TPass You are absolutely right. I actually posted a comparison on Twitter.


    Keep in mind that Brandi GOT this bikini CUSTOM made 2 MONTHS ago and she wore it, like you said, in Hawaii. Methinks Leann waited until it was mass produced and bought it herself. There are MANY examples of her Stalking/Copying/Single White Femaling (Copyright: Kaiser)

    Take a look at http://www.twitpic.com/photos/missymacdd

  46. Rita says:

    Those bikini pics are the worst. The one with her tongue sticking out will become a staple on CB. She looks like the star of the Night Of The Living Anorexic Swamp Thing with two jelly fish trapped in her top…..and I bet even Eddie doesn’t want to get that close to her LovE butt crack. Classy gal.

  47. Lenore says:

    That second picture… what is going on with her face? Because seriously, this is the only thing I can see:


  48. dd says:

    she have areally good stylist
    i always see stuff i like and i want!
    but other than that,she is fug ugly and anoying,
    and i still dont know whats her job,like
    dose she have a realty show or something?

  49. brin says:

    Michael K (Dlisted) is hilarious…he called Leann a “walking dried bean curd” with a “sternum of doom”. LOL!

  50. Cirque28 says:

    Well, everyone should have a fun birthday dinner, so that’s nice.

    But that link.. oh my. The pic with the crochet bikini and her tongue way out? Eventually it will accompany the interview where LeAnn bravely discloses her battle with anorexia. “My stepsons were extremely worried about me, but they still pointed out that I AM PRETTY all the time. As did Eddie. And my friends/employees. Also random strangers.”

  51. Isa says:

    All I could think is that Bar Refaeli would’ve totally rocked that crochet bikini.

    You know, I don’t think she’s too skinny, but rather that her body is so knobby and ugly that it makes her appear gross. It’s just her body shape but everyone thinks it’s that she’s lost too much weight. Which she did look a lot better with a few lbs on her, but she’s always going to have an unattractive body.

    I LOLed at the article referencing her cleavage. She doesn’t have cleavage! She has a big flat spot on her chest where her cleavage should be.

    And darn those pesky stretch marks. I hate them, they never go away. Hers are the longest I have ever seen though.

  52. Firecracker says:

    I think this is the most covered up that I’ve seen her lately. And I think she looks great, except for the bolt ons.

  53. Truthful says:

    Wow!, I cam’t beleive Kaiser forced me to say “miss thing” looks decent.

    well she does, she’s covered up for once.

  54. Mae says:

    I cannot BELIEVE she is 29…. Seriously?

    Also a Virgo… never knew Linnocent was one URGH. Only celeb virgo I ever really picked up on was Amy Winehouse, as we share the same bday.

    Those bikini pics are not good. At all.

  55. Jezi says:

    Thanks Rita, bring & The Original Bellaluna. We’re all good. Wind is picking up again though.

  56. the original bellaluna says:

    Jezi, stay safe.

    Rita, yes. Klassy.

  57. la chica says:

    i think maybe she went bra-less too soon after the implants were put in and gravity is having its way.

    also, is it me or is she the one kissing on Eddie but he doesn’t seem to be feeling it. i wonder if they have a pre-nup? he’s gonna be making bank soon. no way is he gonna stay married to Uglina.

  58. kris says:

    i hate that i share a birthday with her

  59. DrM says:

    She does NOT look great! I seriously wonder about people sometimes…

  60. original GG says:

    Happy Sunday to all; the pics of Mr. Ed grabbing his jewels is as classless as these two are.

  61. Amy says:

    To the age-deniers — Since she’s been a star since she was quite young, it’s pretty obvious that she is in fact just 29. I’m a 32 year old Nashvillian (noted because maybe she became a household name here before anywhere else), and she was definitely younger than me when she first came out.

  62. Brenda says:

    I lovve the fact the Virgos even care that she’s a Virgo. I am also one and I have always hated that Beyonce and I share a birthday. She’s the most famous one. And now that Bitch O’Donnell. Oh well.

    LeAnn bugs me so much. I even feel guilty that I like a few of her old songs.

  63. Trillion says:

    Why does she get photographed all the time? I just don’t get it.

  64. Violet says:

    Those bikini pics are quite horrifying. If LeAnn doesn’t stop losing weight, her implants are soon going to weigh more than the rest of her.

  65. Paige says:

    She had the same ugg earrings on at the beach. They look cheap even if they aren’t….probably the only thing her broke arse man actually paid for, for her birthday extravomitganza.

  66. DetRiotgirl says:

    @Jezi Hey girl! *waves from under an umbrella* I’m also in NYC. I was an extra on a movie on Friday and ended up taking a girl from the shoot who lives in the evacuation zone home with me. She had nowhere to go, and I didn’t want her to get caught in the storm. So the two of us have waited the hurricane out here in the Bronx, along with my two cats.

    I’m happy to report that all is well, as of right now. The only casualty in my area thus far, that I know of, has been my air conditioner. Last night there was a huge flash of lightening, and then BAM the AC was no more. But, all the people and animals at my place are fine and are breathlessly awaiting an update from the MTA to let us know if my house guest can go back to Brooklyn or not.

    As for Leann, well, I did promise I’d work on a script to NORTHERN LIGHTS 2: THE RETURN TO CRAZY TOWN and what better time to turn that out than when you’re essentially on a weather induced house arrest, right? Ok, so here goes…


    *camera pans across a frigid Alaskan lake, a plane lands just next to shore. Leann steps off in a large fur coat with Eddie in tow. They are greeted by the Stereotypical Hardened Alskan Woman™ (SHAW for short) and Leann’s mother from the first movie*

    SHAW: You again…

    Leann: Hi SHAW, hi momma! How y’all been?

    Mom: Pleaze tell me you brought vodka with that skinny little martini of a man… Lemme jus dip my olives in a… Whoop! How the hell did he end up with you with that face? You got your father’s face…

    Leann: mother, please…

    Eddie: Alaska?


    SHAW: Now that you two have lived off in hollywuss you’ve probably forgotten all about how tough life is here out on the wild frontier. You’ll probably die from starvation before noon tomorrow, and choke on the inadequacy of your scrawny little twig like limbs when you’re forced to wrestle nature for your very life, and-

    Eddie: I like twigs.

    Mom: Well, OBVIOUSLY.

    *Leanns mother throws a drunken shank eye towards her daughter*

    SHAW: Right, well come inside you idiots. Let’s get you some tea. Um, and maybe some black coffee for mama.

    *everyone steps inside, Leann takes off her coat revealing a pink crocheted bikini*

    SHAW: Good God Woman, what happened to your breasts???

    Mom: What? Did you install those floaztation devices on your chest so you’d be able to chase your man tackle into the ocean without swimming? You never were a very good swimmer.

    *pulls flask out of purse, sips quietly*

    Leann: No, mama! I had a latent growth spurt! Also, all of the fat from my belly somehow migrated from my stomach to my boobs. That happens with age! It’s natural!

    Eddie: Where are we?

    SHAW: Nonsense. The only way that fat can move like that is if a bear eats your midsection and spits it out on your chest!

    Mom: To be fair, it does look like a wild animal took a bite out of her refund gap.

    Leann: MOM!

    *Eddie stares blankly at a wall*

    Leann: Ugh, Eddie go buy some shoes or something.

    *hands off credit card*

    Leann: No, no… Wait! Go buy us a Prius! That’ll change everything! Love you baby!

    Mom: What? You’re sending him off to buy a penis? Haven’t you already got one of those? He’s running off with your money, right now! He looks bought and paid for to me!

    Leann: No mom, a PRIUS. I wouldn’t expect you yukon hillbillies to know about that kind of thing. And furthermore, I-

    *a loud crash is heard in the kitchen, suddenly a great paw emerges from the darkness*


    Leann: What? Eddie, come here baby! Are we going to let this bear upstage us during this tender family reunion?

    *Eddie returns to the living room, stares blankly*

    Leann: Right. Well, listen up bear, do you know who I am? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?

    Eddie: Ooo! I know! I know! Brandi Glan-

    Leann: Eddie, no! We’ve talked about this! I-

    *the bear sweeps his mighty paws across the floor, shovels Leann and Eddie into his mouth and eats them both*


    Ok, so the script probably needs a few tweaks here and there. But, I think Lifetime’s film crews had better start thinking about gearing up for production, just the same. Best wishes to everyone else on hurricane confinement today!

  67. labikina says:

    I don’t understand why someone with actual talent feels the need to be a famewhore when famewhoring is usually reserved for skanks with no talent.

    Also, in the close up I see some major lanugo on her arms. If she doesn’t want people speculating about eating disorders, maybe she could wax it off. Posh used to have that problem and waxed it all off.

  68. Andie B says:

    Actually, she doesn’t look too bad in that dress, except that her boobs look like they want to run in different directions. Much better than looking at her in the bikini…disturbing and gross. Tragically, I’m pretty sure she is 29.

  69. howwwwdy says:

    She looks good.

  70. brin says:

    DetRiotgirl….LMAO!! That was brilliant (especially the ending)!

  71. Rita says:


    Love your work. It’s what we call in the biz “single take stuff”. It means no need for a second take. It couldn’t get any better…but you knew that.

    I was hoping Eddie might go out side to look at the Prius and ask

    “Is that a moose?”

    PS-Glad you weathered the storm and nice to have you back on here.

  72. Mouse says:

    Pretty? Seriously?? This girl is very obviously starving herself and has some serious mental issues. Why doesn’t someone help her? Like her douchebag gold-digging husband….

  73. Erinn says:

    Holy man hands!

    I don’t know if it’s that she’s lost so much weight that her hands look huge, or that she just has huge hands…

  74. Baylor says:

    Random thought:

    A while back LeAnn said something about walking around in high heels all day while doing laundry etc in order to prep for an audition that had something to do with a past time period. Here’s wondering if it was for Pan Am, Mad Man, or Playboy Club. Doesn’t seem like she got the part… LOL!

    Also, she has stated on twitter that her next blog will be about the joys and challenges of stepmotherhood. Good Lord! Here we go!

  75. DetRiotgirl says:

    @Brin thanks! 🙂

    @Rita lol at your moose line! I may have to edit my script and give you a screenplay credit!

  76. DemoCat says:

    @Mae: Linnocent is a Cancer (how fitting). Her birthday is July 2nd. (The very fact that I even possess knowledge of that fact is quite depressing.)

    Yesterday as we were oot and aboot “I Need You” came on the radio. Mr. DemoCat asked who was singing and said, “She has a good voice!” I tried to explain why LeAnn is so disliked these days, but words failed me.

  77. Rachel says:

    The dress is beautiful! but her breasts need something, like a BRA!!!

  78. judyjudy says:

    That dress makes her look chubby.


  79. size says:

    Can’t fight the moonlight

    LeAnn’s music is good ^_^
    i love this song~~

  80. Camille says:

    Love the outfit- just not on her.

  81. murt says:

    It’s really sad that she’s lowering herself to all of this paparazzi attention getting stuff when she is so talented. I really think she has one of the greatest voices ever and her new album, which has been delayed so many times because of all of her bad publicity, is really really good. She’s just so insecure despite all of that.

  82. Rita says:

    Can’t fight the moon light- One of her two songs that charted a decade ago.

    Insecure? No, she’s a mean, spitefull, narcassistic, famewhoring bitch…and those are some of her better qualities.

  83. apsutter says:

    I cannot believe this woman is only 3 years older than me!! I look 22 and she looks 42..lol. But seriously, look at her chest in the 2nd picture! Her breasts are on different continents up there! They are totally pointing in different directions and practically sliding under her arm pits Yuck.

  84. Claire78 says:

    She is kinda frightful – I think she has issues. Her husband looks really sleezy.

  85. the original bellaluna says:

    detriotgirl – Brava! And so glad you’re safe. (I’m from earthquake territory, myself.) From what I’ve read, the MTA is expected to be “mostly closed” to Monday a.m. commuters. Oh, and Bey hijacked the VMA’s by announcing her pregnancy. (Good. No more of those atrocious videos for awhile.)

  86. Calli Pygian says:

    Overall, meh, pretty boring.

    That said, bad move to either find some bizarre clip to reduce the vee of the dress, and/or pair said clip with the BELT. The whole look is supposed to be effortlessly simple, clean, and these details combined sully it. One or the other, for god’s sake.

    Unfortunate that the eating disorder has become such that the bolt-ons cannot even fill the dress.

    I concur with others who are hot for the SHOES!, though. ;-D

  87. palermo says:

    Why is she always braying like a donkey in every photo? She is absolutely repulsive and totally anorexic

  88. Sue says:

    As a Virgo, we really are all over the page. Either we are serious & smart or crazy, seems we are never just ‘grey’ or in-between. Hate the fact she is a Virgo.

  89. Nikki Girl says:

    That has got to be the nastiest boob job I’ve ever seen. I mean, seriously, it’s atrocious, why is she not going back to fix it? Those bikini pictures…there’s just no words. Doesn’t she realize what she looks like?

    Regardless, no amount of plastic surgery will ever make this bitch attractive in any way. Unless they figure out a way to give her an entirely new face, because she’s just plain ugly.

  90. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    I agree with the other posters, Leann was so beautiful in can’t fight the moonlight, I think Eddie cannot be good for her self esteem.

  91. mia says:

    (I’m not a fan but)
    I must be alone in saying this: Her figure looks AWESOME!
    She’s not anorexic, she looks athletic. There’s clear muscle tone to be seen!
    She has a bum and it’s round! when last did you see an anorexic with a round bum? They normally have terrible muscle tone because they starve their bodies.
    She looks like she’s put a lot of work into her body and it’s paying of.
    She could be a fitness model!

  92. brin says:

    Too bad she can’t work on her inner self as much as she works on her outer self. She’s still a totally ugly person.

  93. eternalcanadian says:

    Wow, that’s quite the fug. And did you all see that indentation between her baps? Like some sunken hole? That can’t be healthy? I’m guessing something went wrong during the augmentation?

  94. Bobby the K says:

    That belt came from a Santa Claus suit.

  95. the original bellaluna says:

    Sue – My mom and eldest son (both Virgos) are incredibly anal. Just about different things.

    mia – That, my dear, is not “athletic.” (See the Williams sisters – THAT is athletic.) That is an eating disorder with excessive work-out disorder captured on film. Yes, she’s “fit.” But she is also w-a-y too thin. When I can count your ribs from the FRONT, that is too thin.

  96. kayla says:

    Wait – you don’t think Fiona Apple is cray cray? I love her to death, but she’s definitely a looney. But she’s also extremely talented so, I guess it balances out.

    I realize a lot of celebrities are turning about 30 now. It’s funny how young they all were when they first started out. Leanne’s voice was so beautiful when she was a young teen and just starting out (Blue, How Do I Live). Does she not sing anymore?

  97. why? says:

    Leann’s next blog post is about being a stepmother? Even though Eddie Cibrian stated:

    “In fact our children should be protected from exposure to public “gossip” in the tabloid magazines and paparazzi.”-Eddie Cibrian

    “A six year old and a two in a half year old do not need this kind of negative media attention or any type of public exposure.”-Eddie Cibrian

    “Respondents actions are not child focused at all and exploit our dissolution to create more media attention for herself.”-Eddie Cibrian

    Well one thing is for sure. Why exactly would anyone believe that EC is in love with LR or being faithful to her when he won’t even abide by his own words and standards regarding his kids being exposed to the public/paps/tabloids? With each tweet, blog entry, or staged photo-op she makes EC a liar and confirms that he is cheating on her.

    The Playboy Club/NBC is having enough problems with the boycott and PTC, do they really think that giving LR a place on their site show is going to help them (especially after seeing the photos of her exposing her implants to EC son while SWF a bikini that BG wore in Hawaii?). They are going to get even more backlash when HGTV airs the episode with EC and LR. What is NBC thinking?

    Of course LR was all over EC, LIZ was there. And of course LR saw so much attention Kim K and Kris H got for their honeymoon make out session, so LR decided to do the same.

  98. ShanKat says:

    Just say neigh.

    Love the accessories…except for the belt. The belt is tragic. Cool patina, though.

  99. Jezi says:

    @DetRiotGirl Before I read the rest of the comments I just have to give you props for a HILARIOUS script. Can’t get any better than that. OMG, Eddie’s lines are the funniest. That’s probably how is life is, never says much. Of course, he’s never known for his speaking ability, good only for visuals. “Wait, where are we?”…LMFAO!!! Glad you are doing well and you’re so sweet to take in someone.

  100. why? says:

    Is that the handcuff bracelet(that she SWF from BG twitter page) that EC “bought” her for her birthday? With as much “crying” she did for the homeless teens that she exploited for her Give video, does she really think it’s a good idea to keep flashing that engagement ring? Everytime she flashses that engagement ring, I keep thinking about that charity event in which her ring cost more than the amount of money they actually raised.

    LR mega media blitz continues and it’s just going to get worse now that Beyonce’s baby news has overshadowed LR DAILY and mutiple shots in a day ohotos that LR has been releasing since Friday. LR has staged yet another photo-op with EC. She even got People mag in on the action about how she and EC were spotted dining in Chicago. It’s nice to see that other celebs can celebrate their birthdays without staging DAILY/mutiple photo-ops in a day or exploiting another woman’s kids. Does she seriously think that these DAILY and mutiple shots in a day photos are normal? We don’t even see Alisters 4-5 six times in one day or EVERYDAY, so she has to know that these mutiple shots in one day/DAily shots of her and EC are just making her and EC look like major attention seekers.
    While her peers were being honored for their talents, LR was exploiting another woman’s kids and trying to convince us that EC isn’t cheating on her.

    According to her mouthpieces LR looks “hot”. They even put her in a bikini poll with Rhianna and Milla J and two sites even dedicated a “hot LR bikini thread” to her.

  101. theaPie says:

    I think she looks best in the bikini with the peach top, because it pushes her breasts together. As a woman with breasts that point in different directions, I too have to watch out for ‘acres of chest between breasts’.

    She needs to get those stretch marks treated. Dermarolling will do wonders.

  102. mzjask says:

    her boobs are just. SO. UNFORTUNATE.
    that said, i agree Kaiser. she does look good FOR HER.
    i could actually see myself rockin that dress. [cant believe i admitted that, lol]
    i cant even comment on her “stylist.”

  103. why? says:

    Oh no, LR is working hard to try to upstage Beyonce’s baby news. She isn’t going to leave ONE media outlet unturned.

    I am baffled as to why the media outlets are saying that LR looks toned/fit/hot in those bikini photos, are they being “nice” to LR because they feel sorry for her being “ATTACKED” in Chicago for not eating? That must be it. So the majority of the media fell for LR “ATTACK” story and is now reaping pity on her by putting out false stories about how her body looks fit, toned, and hot. At least the public isn’t buying it. All the comments on US Weekly are not favorable at all.

  104. Jennifer says:

    She’s never “pretty” unless it’s “pretty ugly!”

  105. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Beautiful dress but girl needs a bra. Also, her implants must be terrible if at 29 her boobs are doing that weird thing. Does she even have any kids of her own? Is that the reason for the terrible boob job?

  106. Ruffian9 says:

    With this girl, everything becomes fug. The more skin/bone we see, the worse it is. Cover up luv, for all our sakes.

    I’m a virgo too, and just LOVE that I share it with …this person.

  107. oh hey says:

    Hope she ate 3 pieces of cake with her birthday dinner. Nice dress, but she’s looking like Madonna gristle now.

  108. helen says:

    She seems like a vile person, but I have to admit *deep breath* I think her clothes and shoes are…kind of great generally. At least she has good taste in clothes, so few people seem to…

  109. Odyssa Kelly says:

    I have to agree with most of you. No matter what she wears, she’s fug inside and out. It’s not so much the clothes that she wears that makes her an ugly person but the fact that she’s such a bitch !!