Linnocent got a new tattoo of a Billy Joel lyric: tacky or Long Island 4 Eva?


Linnocent got a new tattoo. Unfortunately, Linnocent has a more finely tuned sense of famewhoring than LeAnn Rimes, and Linnocent didn’t immediately get on Twitter to show us lots of photos of her new, dumb tattoo. No, Linnocent sold the photos of her tattoo to TMZ, so we can’t use the pics – you can go here to see them. The photo above is from Linnocent’s Twitter, though – she captioned it “Work work work”. Because this is “work” to Linnocent – getting her nails done and looking crackie for the camera.

Anyway, about the tattoo – it’s a Billy Joel lyric from his song “I Go to Extremes”. The lyric is “Clear as a crystal, sharp as a knife, I feel like I’m in the prime of my life.” It’s on just below her ribs, on her right side – doesn’t Miley have a tattoo there too? As for the wisdom of getting a Billy Joel lyric as a tattoo – you’re not from Long Island, are you? To Long Islanders, Billy Joel is their patron saint, and all of his lyrics are treated as the gospel. Sure, the tattoo is cheesy and budget. That goes without saying. But I’m not going to mock a Long Island girl for loving Billy Joel. I will mock her for being a crackhead, forever and always, though.




Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

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125 Responses to “Linnocent got a new tattoo of a Billy Joel lyric: tacky or Long Island 4 Eva?”

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  1. the original bellaluna says:

    First of all, LET’S KEEP BILLY JOEL OUT OF THIS. (And I’m not even from LI.)

    Now, the Cracken is a crackie. She will always and forever be a crackie. (And to her, BJ is a method of getting drugs and paying the rent. Jussayin’)

    So let us evaluate based on that. Continue…

  2. 4Real says:

    O-M-G! She looks like a whacked wax version of Jenna Jameson or that Danity Cane tramp after they jacked up her faces. JUST TRAGIC!

  3. brin says:

    I saw this story and was hoping you would do a write-up. To put Crackie & Billy Joel in the same sentence is beyond wrong! And if this is the prime of her life she is really delusional!
    *waving to bellaluna*

  4. mln76 says:

    I’m not from LI but I grew up in the Tri-state area in the 80s/90s and Billy Joel is sort of the NY hokey answer to Bruce Springsteen. We can’t not love him. Lindsay please don’t bring him into this.

  5. Seal Team 6 says:

    I don’t think the script is all that well done, either, to be honest. Maybe just me.

  6. original kate says:

    the tattoo is uneven – the bottom line goes down at a right angle. LMAO.

  7. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    The prime of her life was 10 years ago! She’s now entering her “golden years,” since shecomcast approaching her expiration date.

    **waves @the original Bella @brin**

  8. FishLips says:

    I’m just LOL @ the pic of Linnocent in that fuzzy pink thing. She should seriously look at some of these pics of herself and see how bad she looks.

  9. dorothy says:

    Billy Joel..that poor man. Hasn’t he been through enough? 2 divorces, alcohol he has to live with the knowledge that his lyrics are on Hollywood’s biggest has-been/looser. (Shaking head) She’ll do anything for a headline.

  10. Skinnybetch says:

    She may be in the prime of her life, but she looks like a 50 year old stripper in that tacky cracked out pink coat. Who wears pink and gold together? Who?

  11. logan says:

    I am sure that Billy Joel doesn’t give a hoot what Crackie does. She is just a has been on her final stroll down ho lane and will do ANYTHING to make sure we don’t forget her.
    She will never be a Betty White. Or be on such a great show like Rosan’s Nuts (kinda liken the show).
    We just need to feel sorry for her and when she does get her face on anything we will kindly look at it and of course make fun of it. Then move on to lifes more important things like, coffee-toilet paper-Big Mac’s-Starbucks-cost of gas-anything bigger than Lindsay Lohan.

  12. Rita says:

    I think that just writing her name in her underwear would be adequate for identifying the body and a lot less painful, as well as cheaper. A good sharpie costs what, a dollar?

  13. MarenGermany says:

    I love how she thinks in the picutes (especially top picture with her newly jacked face) how sexy she is and everybody wants a piece of her when everyone is just like “ugh, crackhead”

  14. ladybert62 says:

    Funny posts – keep it up ladies as I am needing laughs today at work! Thanks a million.

  15. OhMyMy says:

    Oh those darn, pesky paparazzi are everywhere! Gawd help us.

    Notice how she’s been piggybacking on other celebs left and right lately? First Marilyn Manson (tho to be fair I think he jumped in the pic with her), Coldplay, Pitbull, Marilyn Monroe, Adele, Chris Brown now Billy Joel. And let’s not forget Kim’s wedding. Its like she can’t get attention for her own accomplishments so she hijacks others.

    At least she’s wearing a bra we haven’t seen that in awhile.

  16. the original bellaluna says:

    Skinnybetch – That pic is forever captioned “Baby Jane” in my mind, as the song “Baby Jane, don’t keep me hanging on the line…go your own way, don’t think twice about me” goes through my head whenever I see it.

    *waves @ brin, Seal Team, Morticians, ladybert, et al* Shall we meet in the vat for a discussion and cracktinis? 😉

  17. Mia says:

    It’s Lilo, so therefore, it’s an automatic tacky.

  18. RobN says:

    I guess being in the prime of life means being mistaken for Dana Plato.

  19. Cherry Rose says:

    Wow. That is a classy salon. A moose head, some random horns, and a chandieller. Fits Lindsay to a T.

    I love how Lindsay thinks that getting her nails done is work. But then again, maybe she gave that guy in the background of the picture a BJ in order to get her nails done for free. Wouldn’t surprise me.

  20. brin says:

    @bellaluna….Yes! I’ll whip up some Long Island Iced Tea in honor of Billy Joel. *waving at Morticians and all the gang*

  21. kieslwoski says:

    I love that picture in the pink fur, never gets old!

    Love her definition of work, a cracked out photoshoot. lol.

  22. Thea says:

    Billy Joel needs to sue her for using his lyrics since eveybody wants to sue. Is she getting her hair and nails done for a date with diaster aka Breezy? Yeah. I said it.

  23. brin says:

    “Move that moose head….I’m Lindsay Lohan!”

  24. Kloops says:

    My favorite photo is still The Cracken: Screeee!

    I do enjoy the irony of the lyrics though.

  25. Maggie Mae says:

    She looks 50. So sad. If someone does’nt take control of this, she will be dead in 2 years.

  26. Bess says:

    I want to know who keeps hiring Linnocent for these “photo shoots” since modeling seems to be her primary occupation these days? Are these people looking for a cracked out, worn out, morning shift stripper?

    Also, it’s a shame that there’s no one in Linnocent’s life who will tell her that getting this tattoo and selling the photos to TMZ is beyond pathetic and just opens her up to more ridicule.

  27. Ron says:

    Stop using the pink mink Lindsay shot. That has been done to death. Is there no other picture of her looking as bad as you want her to look? She’s looked crappy for a couple of years now. Find another shot.

  28. Embee says:

    I usually read posts about LL with a bemused mix of pity and humor, but this one got under my skin.

    Damn that entitled selfish little twit for referring to having her nails done as “work.” I have literally been trying to find time to have my nails done for 3 months (as a single mom of a toddler with an irresponsible ex)! Not because of the luxury but dammit I can’t deal with my gnarly toenails very well (I can weild an emery board on the fingernails satisfactorily). And this is “work.” I hate her.

    And I love Billy Joel, especially after seeing him in concert. Love.

  29. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Hey ladies ( u know who u are!!) *waving*

    I’m already in the vat sipping those cracktinis 😉

    I actually really don’t care that Linnocent looks like a plastic blow up doll or she got a new tattooo, I just fancied a vodka pool party with all u ladies 😉

  30. Boo says:

    Do my eyes deceive me, or….gulp….in the tattoo picture, is she wearing…a BRA? A WHITE BRA? Or no, maybe she just ripped her tank top. Yeah, that sounds about right–rip a hole in your shirt with your teeth, Lindsay, and sell *those* pics separately to X17.

  31. the original bellaluna says:

    Ruby Red – Word. (I just really can’t think of anything to add to that.)

    Embee – God love you, honey!

  32. curleque says:

    She is from Long Island, and I guess I see the connection between her and a washed-up musician who has battled substance abuse his whole life and has lost his career to booze…

  33. Madisyn says:

    Mornin Crack Clique

    What will this bitch NOT do to link her name to anyone famous? It boggles the mind the lengths to which she will go for a pap shot and a payday.

    *Doing ‘kamikazi’s’ (not cannonballs) in the pool, HEADS UP!*

  34. Amy says:

    It’s not only Long Island that is proud of Billy Joel. He did write “New York State of Mind,” a song that got a lot of airplay after 9/11. I’m from New York and while I’m not from LI (right across the Sound in Westchester County or as LI and the rest of NYC likes to call “upstate”) it’s a song that speaks to any native New Yorker.

    And as for Lindsay tattooing Billy Joel lyrics on her–whatever she wants to do, it’s her body. Billy Joel is a millionaire, I doubt this will bother him very much.

  35. Bodhi says:

    She really does look like a blow up doll in the 1st picture!

    I swear to God I thought it said Billy JOE… as in Green Day…

  36. bluhare says:

    So here I was, enjoying a nice morning of snark, and you have to post this. Made me spit out some of my crackonut latte, and YOU DO NOT WASTE CRACKONUT!!!!

  37. bagladey says:

    @Cherry Rose: “Wow. That is a classy salon.”
    HA HA, the lol tacky salon was what I noticed first. LOL, Lord have mercy.
    I would give a lot to know what Dina’s response is to Pic #2. If this is a true and accurate, unaltered image of Lindsay’s face then her “career” in movies is over because she’s made herself look pre-maturely like the actress in her 40s who can’t find a job. Cosmetic surgery never brings back true youthfulness, so I expect that Lindsay is going to become unrecognisable (e.g. Lara Flynn Boyle)in a fruitless attempt to recapture what she has lost. Lindsay’s face and skin don’t even look like she gets regular spa treatments so maybe that’s where she should start, and just try to preserve whatever natural attractiveness she has left. Just saying.

  38. lucy2 says:

    Clear as crystal (meth)
    Sharp as a knife (made from prison utensils)
    Prime of her life…nah, I’ve got nothing for that one. It’s just too pathetic.

  39. Embee says:

    Thanks, The Original Bellaluna! Sometimes a little encouragement is all that gets me through the day.

  40. Firecracker says:

    Gaaah! Why would TMZ pay for this crap? I just had a horrible thought. I hope a sex tape doesn’t suddenly get “discovered” that she starred in.

    **waves** Who wants a crack russian to go with the cracktinis?

  41. OhMyMy says:

    Her recent tweets talk about her doing a photoshoot with the Kardashians makeup artist/friend. These photos may wind up on her blog I don’t know if they’re for anything else. So this may be comparable to one of us ladies going to Glamour Shots at the mall.

  42. Firecracker says:

    Pretty soon, she’ll spew out that she’s “good friends” with Billy Joel.

  43. Seal Team 6 says:

    @Rita —

    About $2.

  44. Seal Team 6 says:

    She should get her Social Security tattooed on her instead, to make IDing her body easier.

    If there was a Hell, I would so be going to it.


  45. sapphire says:

    Why, how kind of you, Madisyn…Nice to see the usual suspects.

    From what I hear, these “shoots” are basically buddies of Linnocent wasting film-first hoping that someone will actually pay for a pic and second because the shoot becomes an “event”. Other than a lame Miami start-up and some internet stuff, no one’s paying.

  46. lilred says:

    Afternoon ladies I brought Cosmos.:)

  47. Madisyn says:

    I knew this story would be put up but last night while ‘trolling’, I found a Gossip Cop story about how The Cracken was STALKING Ryan Seacrest at the KardASSian wedding, BEGGING for a reality show. I think we really could have gone to town with THAT story.

    *brin, I’ll have Long Island Ice Tea, sounds refreshing. Firecrack, I’ll have a Crack Russian later, a little heavy for me right now. Ruby Red and bellaluna, I’m gunning for you both right now with my ‘kamikazi’*

  48. Ellie says:

    Jeez. she just keeps digging herself farther and farther into Trashville!

  49. vale says:

    Seeing how lawsuit-happy she has been, one can only hope Billy Joel sues her right back. Seeing as she made a profit from his lyrics..

  50. Madisyn says:

    Seal Team

    Do you want a kamikazi shot or do you want me to ‘kamikazi’ you in the pool? (Not sex, you dirty minded tailgaters, ‘cannonballs’. bellaluna made me promise never to use the word ‘cannonball’ but ‘kamikazi’) If your going to Hell, we all are.


    You know the saying, “You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas”? Well you come over to the Treehouse Vat Pool, you get drunk and WET!

  51. Marianne says:

    god she looks even more plastic than she usually does in that twitter pic. And *this* is the prime of your life? Really? even though no one respects you, nobody wants to be your friend, no wants to hire you (all because of your crackie ways)and it’s still the prime of your life? Keep living in your delusions girl.

  52. jen says:

    LMAO! at the “Get the look” ad at the bottom of the pics!

    Um, no thanks. I’d have to move to skidrow to get that look!

  53. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Pass the Kamikazi shots @Madisyn – I’m in the mood for a big crackie party 😀

  54. Tierra says:

    Isnt there some sort of copy right infringement going on here? It is Billy Joel’s song/lyrics and now she is profiting from the pics of it.
    Could Billy Joel sue her for this? Id LOVE it if he could.

  55. brin says:

    @Madisyn…I can just picture Ryan Seacrest hiding from Lilo at the wedding. *passing glass of LI iced tea your way*

  56. Princess Lizabeth says:

    She looks really awful these days, doesn’t she? Tragic.

  57. Swan Jacca says:

    Isn’t she supposed to be “broke”? Clubs, bars, posh apartments, tats; doesn’t really seem so broke to me. Pseudo-profound song lyric tattoos are ugly and stupid, from a distance they always look like dirt smudges.

  58. mary simon says:

    she’s hideous.

  59. Redd says:

    Dang, the last photo cause me to jump back from the monitor….scary! She is way to young to look this way, poster child for sale?

  60. Firecracker says:

    Ooooh, good point, Tierra and Vale on the lawsuit! But maybe Joel is too classy to sink to her level.

    OT – what goes on with those Jolie threads? Everyone is so gushy that it seems like it’s fake.

  61. the original bellaluna says:

    Embee, I will always forever support my fellow warriors in the struggle (READ: single parent-hood). You need a kind work, I’m THERE!

    To all my partiers – hand me a *whatever* and let’s get to it!! Ain’t nobody able to kamikazi into a pool like I am!

  62. dear kaiser says:

    People, stop acting like “William” Joel is this classy guy in effort to bash Lohan.

    Did we forget about his tabloid history?

  63. Madisyn says:

    Rut roh, I feel another crack ‘hijacking’ of our Linnocent post a comin. Were not going to start bashing Joel now, are we?

    brin, thanks for the L.I. Ice Tea. According to a more recent Gossip Cop story, the Enquirer is reporting “Blohan to Adopt” NOW THATS FUNNY! And SCARY!

    Ruby Red, *passing/pushing* your kamikazi shots on a ‘tray/raft’ I had custom built just for these types of occasions, save one for me. Please then pass/shove the tray/raft over to bellaluna. Oh and under the ‘tray’ the shots sit on a ‘bed’ of ice in styrofoam, so they stay chilled and float. Even in this god forsaken hot weather.

    bellaluna, I got you and Ruby Red good earlier. That high dive I put in sure comes in handy, doesn’t it? One good turn deserves another. Bring It On!

  64. the original bellaluna says:

    Hey! Let us not criticise me!

    So, yeah. Slurp, slurp, pass! (and if you don’t get that, you truly don’t belong here.)

    Madisyn, I have crack-crystal (sea jasper; whatever) encrusted floaties. “Cause sometimes you just need to float…”


  65. the original bellaluna says:

    Madisyn -HEY! If one of us is going to hell, we ALL ARE.

    So, as Chief Engineer, what is our preference? Straight down or a kind-of zig-zaggy path?

    (I’m sorry. My judgement is clouded by Horseradish fumes. No, I haven’t been ingesting the party favours. And yes, I know, this seems unlikely. But please remember I had a “bonus baby” and his fuckery is “EPIC.”) Suffice to say, I woke up to EPIC fuckery. And horseradish was involved.

  66. Madisyn says:


    Joel wouldn’t sue and stoop to her level. More to the point, he’s a multi-millionaire, he doesn’t need the money. What would he sue her for, ‘sea jasper’, fried extensions, Redbull?


    Um, I guess I don’t belong or I’ve had one too many Long Islands (I need to go back to my usual cracktinis, not as strong) but I don’t get the “slurp, slurp, pass”.

    I don’t think I can’t top “crack-crystal encrusted floaties” but it sounds pretty. I’m sticking with my ‘palm tree’ raft with room for two, (if you squish) an inflatable palm tree attached and a cup holder. (I had one for real and I loved it. It cost me a pretty penny, but was worth it.)

    I vote for a zig zaggy path. Might as well prolong it as much as we can.

  67. Lady D says:

    LOL But it makes life interesting for you Bellaluna, no?

  68. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    @the original Bella,

    yes! In honor of Blohan and The Piano Man, I’ll use my extra large piano top tip jar to scoop my cracktini juice from the cracktail vat.

    **waves @ruby red, @Madisyn, @Lady D, @firecracker, @seal team et al.**

    ***bottoms up ladies***

  69. Lady D says:

    I read this comment from a poster at x17 last night. I thought it was funny/gross at the same time

    In reply to Lindsay’s work, work, work, I offer: bob, bob, bob, slurp, slurp, slurp, work, work, work.

    Reminds me of senor blohan,(don’t know why), where is he these days?

  70. Lady D says:

    “I vote for a zig zaggy path. Might as well prolong it as much as we can.”
    Sounds like fun, but hang on to your booze.
    I’m pretty sure we have no choice on the path. Last I heard, the straight and narrow was taken. (probably by the crackie thief)

  71. Firecracker says:

    Madisyn, you are so right, I don’t think Joel snorts sea jasper so there wouldn’t be anything to gain from a lawsuit.

  72. Lady D says:

    ‘Kay, I need a drink and those Long Islands sound good. I have to study now so I’m bringing scuba gear to the vat. I’m just going float around the bottom, read and utilize my straw:) I am sure there is still room in the pool but I love that its getting so crowded in here. Who knew this skank had the ability to bring good people together.

  73. the original bellaluna says:

    madisyn if you even TRY NOT TO BELONG I will come find your ass and lay a beat-down on it that doesn’t even exist in real-time! (does that cover it?)….

    NOW, let us imbibe in our cracktininis and vodka balls.

    The rest? FUCK OFF.

  74. Ellie says:

    Hey wait a minute!!! Isn’t she broke? Shouldn’t she be spending money on her COURT ordered counseling?

  75. sapphire says:

    Damn, I wonder what wave soaked me> Good job, ladies.
    The crooked path, every time. I wouldn’t be able to walk a straight line now anyway.

    Who knew Linnocent would actually have a positive effect on women world wide?
    @Bella Luna-good for you.

  76. Firecracker says:

    Bellaluna, are you ok? You sound a bit stressed.

    Lady D, floating around the bottom, lol! Howz Cocoa, female quickchange to male kitty?

  77. Firecracker says:

    Hi Sapphire **waves**

  78. Madisyn says:

    Anyone in or around Burbank, CA just feel that little jolt? It was small but the beads I hang out of a hurricane candle holder are moving. Oh, it was just mentioned on the news. I may be ‘lohanesque’ (delusional) today, but not about an earthquake.

    bellaluna, as you know I’m sober during the week (for real) and my brain doesn’t function as well as it does on a couple of cracktails. I still don’t get “slurp, slurp, pass”. I must be the ‘special need’s’ twin. On a serious note: You OK? You normally don’t use that language, I do. Thats how they can tell us apart when were together, I talk like a trucker driver.

    YEAH! Lady D, Morticians, and sapphire is here. Grab a raft or floaties, the crack vat is the perfect temperature, oh, and grab a ‘kami’ shot when it floats your way. Lady D, in your search engine type ‘heidelberg large vat’, then click on Heidelberg Tun-Wikipedia, theres a picture. As you’ll see theres more that enough room for all of us and then some.

    Firecracker, I’m with you. This ‘fuck off’ cussing is something I do, not my twin bellaluna. I’m worried.

  79. Debsa says:

    Why does her face look like it needs a good facial scrub. Totally sad what has happened to her, hopefully she can be saved…

  80. Firecracker says:

    Madisyn, I cuss like a trucker too, but I keep it pretty clean on here, I don’t want to be kicked out! I’ve never seen Bellaluna rip it out like that since I’ve been here but I haven’t been here that long.

  81. Lady D says:

    Firecracker, Cocoa is fine. Okay actually, he is a little hellion on wheels. (but nowhere near the level of Orignal B’s little bebop.) He thinks it’s cute to bury himself down in my floor plants and then attack the first unsuspecting cat to stroll by. They are giving the plants a wide berth now. I got brand new bamboo blinds, pretty much built for climbing as he sees it. He wakes me up at 5 a.m. batting my lips with his paws or biting the tip of my nose. He has been doing this for a couple of weeks now. I must snore or something. When it comes to cats we have Frodo by choice, Checkers and Larry were abandoned and rescued by me, and Babette is a ward of the humane society, although they will have a hell of a fight on their hands if they try to take her back from me. I been raising her for 5 years now.

  82. Kate says:

    god she looks horrible

  83. Firecracker says:

    Lady D, sounds like those blinds won’t last long! That’s funny about the plants. All of my cats are strays, I have no idea how old they are, just the vet’s best guess. Melon is pretty mellow although he’s starting to take too much interest in my birds. He can’t get at them because I have a plastic cage surround, so all he does is paw at them but it scares them. He’s scampering around like a kitten, its so cute because he’s huge! His back legs I swear are 8″ long.

  84. Lady D says:

    Firecracker you have no idea how it warms my heart to hear the ‘scampering like a kitten’ Karma will be good to you and thank you for being so awesome. Melon is one lucky little (big) kitty. My Frodo is big at 20 pounds, Checkers is 16.5, Larry 7 lbs and Babette (more commonly known as Skitzi)is a 6 pounder. She looks so little beside my big boys. Cocoa thinks he’s a big boy too. He’s so cute when he tries to act like them. Wow, I just realized I have almost 50 pounds of cat at my house.

  85. Madisyn says:

    Firecracker, I’ve been her awhile now and this is not her normal ‘tone’. I too, T R Y to keep it clean but sometimes that twit (Blohan) gets my dander up, then I ‘let it rip’ but within the guidelines.

    bellaluna, NOW I’m fucking serious, let me know you and your bambino are OK?

  86. Firecracker says:

    Thanks Lady D, you made my day, thanks! He’s not laying in front of his food dish anymore either as much. He’d sleep in front of it, I think he was scared it wouldn’t be there. Poor boy.

    50 pounds of cat, lol! My other 2 are 8-9 pounders, I think Melon might be 12, he’s still pretty skinny yet. 20 and 16.5, wow! Those are some big kids!

  87. Stubbylove says:

    I love that you keep on using the furry pink coat pic – it’s the best crackhead face ever!

  88. Original Tiffany says:

    The furry coat pic stays-it’s been our favorite for what, years now?

    Bellaluna-yeah, it’s usually me that has a dirty mouth too, but I just took it out on the traffic in Toronto. Hope you are well, more cracktails for all.
    After the freaking week I had, I need a whole pool to myself!

  89. Ruffian9 says:

    Oh LL, you poor, desperate, stupid whore.

  90. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Hey ladies, have sobered up from my cracktini and vodka vat partying 🙂 (have been really out drinkibg with a friend and a bit fuzzy headed now, tho excited to be back 🙂 and in desperate need for crackie party fun!!

    @Bellaluna – love u lady – ru all ok??? I’ve got another kamikazi to pass u

  91. Madisyn says:

    Ruby Red, I’m worried. Its not like our girl to scream ‘fuck off’ to Blohan, let alone anyone else. Its 4:30 pst and at 6 pm, I have to go out for a couple hours, so I’m putting you on ‘kamikazi duty’. That entails keeping an eye out for/and ON bellaluna AND passing out shots and cracktini’s. You good with that?

  92. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Hey Madisyn, totally with u about @ Bellaluna 🙁 but its way late here and I’ve got to sleep (early start tom) so I’m gonna leave tray of cracktinis out for all until u return…@ Bellaluna, pls check in – we’re all worried about u 🙁 will check 1st thing tom (British time) cu then my fab ladies 😀

  93. Madisyn says:

    Nighty night Ruby Red, I forgot, its 1 am across the pond, Friday morning already where your at. Thanks for making a batch of cracktini’s. See you later tonight/tomorrow.

  94. smh says:

    her photos really should come with a warning.

  95. Amanda says:

    Oh my gosh, i didn’t even read the article. The pics of Lohan look so awful. That blond doesn’t go with her skin and how many times has she had her lips done? And she just looks strung out!

  96. the original bellaluna says:

    I’m okay. I promise. I’ve just had one helluva week, and it’s only Thursday; if I’m not being too subtle.

    Apparently, my 2 year old has enrolled in some sort of Hunger Games-level reality show, involving epic fuckery and trying to eliminate his mommy’s sanity. I had no notice/warning. Yesterday, I woke up to blue Sharpied EVERYTHING (walls, tv, toddler, etc…). This morning…let us not…I can’t. But there was Horseradish. And a butter-knife. A WHOLE F’ING LOT of horseradish. E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. (I actually had to take a nap. I was just…I couldn’t. And I embrace that about me. When other moms would beat their kids, I say “Mommy needs a time-out. Mommy’s going to her room.” And because daddy is home, it’s totally okay.)

    I cannot (for the LIFE OF ME) explain it, but this little boy scales the bar and hops over the baby gate. Or, when we attempt to make it more “challenging” he slides UNDER IT.

    I am SO SO SORRY. I’m suffering from TODDLER BRAIN.

    Slurp, slurp, pass is my version of puff, puff, pass (that would be a joint or bong). But with cracktinis. Or Linntinis. Or Shots of Delusion. (My creativity is peaking today while I try to keep up with the toddler. There really is no other excuse.)


  97. the original bellaluna says:

    LadyD and firecracker – My FAVOURITE and most (okay, they all are) beloved cat was a Maine Coon adopted from…wait for it…a swap meet. (The poor little old lady couldn’t handle him – in all his glory – so I took him. And I was 5.) I think that speaks volumes about my vulnerability. It hasn’t changed. (I don’t have a pet that wasn’t a rescue.)

    “Sweet Charlie” weighed in at 20-plus pounds. He chased coyotes (there are no words for when I looked out my bedroom window and said “Wow. There goes a coyote across the street. MOM! Charlie’s chasing a coyote across the street!!!!”); played with snakes (rattlers – I wish I had video of my mom freaking out when he was smacking the bejeebers out of a rattler under the car); peed on EVERYONE’S tyres (“I don’t think we would have had to replace the tyres this soon); and generally behaved like he was the second coming.

    There truly are no words.

  98. Cryse says:

    Thanks for not mocking us LI girls, Kaiser. I love Billy Joel but “Downeaster Alexa” is a way better, more apporopriate homage than whatever Linnocent derived from her “Clear as a crystal, sharp as a knife, I feel like I’m in the prime of my life” rose quartz sea jasper cut with a CVS razor in Merrick NY at 2 AM crap. Honestly, she and her family are an embarrassment.

  99. the original bellaluna says:

    Madisyn, Ruby Red, firecracker, et al – I’m fine. Just had a little “mommy melt-down” moment. We are ALL well and good.

    But I still smell horseradish.

  100. the original bellaluna says:

    Now, on to Linnocent. The eyebrows (please, can we not?) and the “blonde” hair (read: extensions) are just…AWFUL.

  101. Rita says:

    @Original bellaluna

    I love the smell of horseradish in the morning. It smells like…victory.

    Thanks for sharing your tumultuous life of a mommy. Know that CB is your cyber bubble bath and that you are loved, especially in horseradishville.

  102. the original bellaluna says:

    AND I STILL SMELL HORSERADISH. If anyone anyWHERE has the same level of epic baby tomfoolery as me, I invite them to share. *(PLEASE.)

  103. the original bellaluna says:

    Rita – God love ya, honey! I just…well, I’m speechless (and for me, that is a BIG. DEAL.)

    (And I sit, wondering “Am I the only one who has an extremely…rambunctious toddler?” Because I cannot be the ONLY one.) But maybe I’m the only one secure enough in her woman-hood to admit I’ve given birth to a Bebe’s kid. Just maybe…

  104. I’m not going to knock the lyrics, as music means something special to each individual. I have the lyrics to Nine Inch Nails’, “The Great Below”, on the inside of my right wrist. But the tattoo itself is crap. It’s missing a comma on the first line, and the second line is unevenly spaced. It looks very budget. Because it’s a quote, she should have had quotation marks surrounding the lyrics as well. She is an idiot.

    The photo of her getting her nails done is from the photo-shoot she did with Joyce Bonelli that she was tweeting about last week. Joyce is a, “celebrity make-up artist”, but most of her credits are for Playboy. Foreshadowing anyone?

  105. GT says:

    I guess because I am the mother of an addict, I feel only sadness when I read another story about Lindsey. And the fact that everyone is so judgmental and harsh, with only terrible things to say, makes me sad. Yes she has made bad decisions (hello, she’s an addict!) and yes she has a problem but you know what, she’s a human being. Just because she’s famous you all think she’s above having the same problems that other addicts do. Well she’s not. Maybe if someone you loved was an addict you would feel a little more compassion. I’m rooting for her and hope that she comes out this a better person instead of dying young like Amy Winehouse.

  106. Bess says:

    Some quotes from Mother Crackhead:

    She said her famous daughter is busy whittling down her court-ordered community service, prepping to attend Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Manhattan next week, and gearing up for two movie roles before her part in the upcoming mobster biopic “Gotti.”

    “One is being filmed in Los Angeles, and the other possibly in Alaska, but I’m not supposed to talk about them yet,” Dina Lohan said.

  107. LeeLoo says:

    Paz de la Huerta vs Lindsay Lohan who’s the most gross looking crack fame-whore?

  108. Lucky Charm says:

    @ Original Bellaluna – you have my sympathies, and I can completely relate! When my son was three, we went to visit at grandma’s house. A few minutes later I realized that not only was he not in the room with us, but that IT WAS QUIET!!! Down the hall in her sewing room, he found a black permanent marker and decided to color on the wall. On the pink floral wallpaper. And what he couldn’t reach standing on the floor he climbed onto the chair, where we found him.

    Also when he was three, the kids were (I thought) safely playing in the fenced in backyard of our new house. I was doing laundry when the doorbell rang and it was my neighbor, who introduced herself, and asked me if I knew where my son was. Well, only three of the four kids were playing in the backyard – my toddler was on the roof, with his big wheel! I’ve never in my life ran so fast or climbed so quickly to get him down. And the minute my husband came home I made him take down the stairs to the deck out back. (Our house was a tri-level with a covered porch off the main level and stairs from that up to the deck off the two back bedrooms. From the stairs landing you could climb up to the roof of the kitchen patio, which is how he got up there.)

  109. Hugh Mungus says:

    She should have a lyric of Beck’s on her instead:

    “I’m a loser baby, ……”

  110. Madisyn says:


    There you are! I was f*ckin worried, big time. As long as your OK, I’m good. New rule: NO HORSHRADDISH in the Treehouse, Bar & Grille, or near the pool. If y’all want morning Bloody Mary’s, TOUGH! Until further notice. You let us know when its OK to put the horshraddish back with the bar condiments.

    Miss D

    Your late. We had an mini-epic tailgate. Its Ruby Reds fault, she called for a full on vat party and well, she got one.

    A photoshoot for what, exactly? As far as the make-up artist for Playboy, Blohan f*ckin wishes. I HONESTLY believe, even Hugh Hefner would have nothing to do with this twit.

  111. @Hugh Mungus- Haha! Double laugh from me! Love your screen name, and Beck’s lyric, so apropos. Well done. I needed that.

  112. Madisyn says:


    “We’re all big Billy Joel fans from living in New York. His lyrics have always been very profound,” mom Dina Lohan told the Daily News”.

    Yes, you effing twit because only people ‘living in NY’ are Billy Joel fans.

    “She said her famous daughter is busy whittling down her court-ordered community service”

    Mother Crackhead is a laugh riot. She really would be ‘perfect’ for stand-up. I know I’d buy a ticket.

    “Prepping to attend Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Manhattan next week”.

    THAT, I have no doubt about. Of course, “prepping” is code for ‘trying to slither my way in when I’m not invited’.

    “And gearing up for two movie roles before her part in the upcoming mobster biopic “Gotti.”

    I really want to know what kind of ‘sea jasper’ Dina is smoking because I want to get me some. Did Dina NOT get the memo? Blohan is not going to be in Gotti. Gotti is/was supposed to start in Jan. 2012, a mere 5 months away. So your telling me, she’s going to filming TWO movies in 5 months that aren’t even ‘ANNOUNCED’ on her IMDb? Really Dina, come on.

    Well, we all know where Blohan gets her ‘delusion’ from.

  113. the original bellaluna says:

    Rita, Well thank God! (And I STILL SMELL HORSERADISH.) I think I just need to resign myself to that. I’m going to be smelling horseradish (“I see dead people.” “Well I smell horseradish!”) for a good couple days or so.

    Lucky Charm – YES. THAT is the level of baby f-ery I’m talking about. And then they have the NERVE to look at you like “So what’s the big deal?” (You mean Sharpie-ing the walls and riding my big wheel on the roof isn’t okay? Well, who made up those rules?!)

    Like, Poison Control used to answer “Yes, Mrs. Bellaluna. What did Baby Bellaluna do now?” And I’m not joking. They KNEW me.

  114. Cirque28 says:

    My ex (a L.I. native) said Billy Joel used to snort huge white mountains of cocaine.

    Too bad Lindsay can’t see how unflattering those lips are on her. Some faces really are enhanced by fillers. (On people who look good rather than ‘done.’) But on a face made for thin lips, a big, generous pout looks godawful.

  115. z says:

    omg.. her face looks so awful. so so young to be having plastic surgery… she is the perfect example of “NOT” TO GET PLASTIC SURGERY… her face now looks so ridiculous. unrecognizable.

  116. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Morning all *waving*

    I’ve left some cheese on toast by the pool with crscked black pepper 4 u ladies to enjoy when u wake up – its great for crack hangovers!!!

    @ Bellaluna, happy to have u back 🙂 tho soundd like u’ve had a challenging few – sure its just a phase and he’ll grow up to be a really well behaved child (thats what all parents tell themselves!!) 😉 Have an extra large cracktini, may help??

    @ Bess, lol! Just read that link….Oh my Dina, I totally believe u, u have wiped that other cracked out Linnocent from my mind, god, who knew a tattoo with a Billy J lyric could actually change a persons life in a matter of hours…wow!!! I’m in awe!! 😉

  117. evadstructn says:

    It will look even sillier when she’s older and no longer in her ‘prime’. tattoos like that are such a hipster fad.

  118. Janice says:

    My gosh, her face looks bad in the third picture! In the pink thing. Brrr.

  119. Annie says:

    If she thinks this is the prime of her life I’d hate to see what her version of rock bottom is. Maybe not being famous. Although personally, if I was gonna spiral out of control like Lohan I’d prefer to do it well away from public view.

  120. Firecracker says:

    Bellaluna, glad you are ok! Wow, blue sharpie and horseradish, I thought you were kidding about the horseradish! Phew. And a cat chasing a coyote, LOL! Here the coyotes eat kitties, unfortunately. I keep mine indoors. Sliding under the baby gate, scaling, you have a very imaginative child! And he will probably make you very rich one day with his inventions and future jobs 🙂

  121. the original bellaluna says:

    Firecracker – Oh, my friend, the horseradish was 100% real. (Yes, he is creative and intelligent, and because love him so much, I will allow him to reach adulthood.) 😉

    And oh noes, the coyotes ate kittehs (and doggies and pretty much EVERYTHING) where I grew up too. My cat just chose to defy the odds and chase them. My cat (all over-20-pounds of him) was like “Yeah? Well they fixed me didn’t they? And I’m still peeing in people’s moon roofs!” (Seriously, one of our neighbours wanted my parents to pay for new tires, because he sprayed them and it was a CORVETTE ffs. A CORVETTE! And God forbid a CORVETTE has cat-pee tires! “It just smells really bad now.”) wow. 😀

    Also, when he didn’t come home at night, I used to go “fetch” him off his gopher hill. Yes, he had a gopher hill. A whole…freaking…hill…filled with gophers. (It was nasty. Suffice to say, the gophers were left with their heads, feet, and tail. Right under the a/c unit. Which smelled…HORRIFIC.)

  122. skuddles says:

    silly tat for a silly broad

  123. Memphis says:

    Looking at these pictures I’m convinced crackie doesn’t own a mirror, well except for the one she snorts her smack off of, but that’s obviously to covered in powder for her to actually SEE herself.

    And I’m pretty sure Billy Joel will be sick to his stomach when he hears that Crackie has his words tattooed on her haggard, speckled body. Poor guy.

  124. Magsy says:

    Oh man, she’s got a booze-soaked face. Those eyebrows are downright scary.

  125. elaine says:

    I guess she didn’t put that lyric in context.

    The Billy Joel song, I Go to Extremes, is about self-destructing while thinking that your fine.