Evan Rachel Wood talks George Clooney, Marilyn Manson & Jamie Bell


Evan Rachel Wood has a very interesting interview in the new issue of Marie Claire (the one with Reese on the cover). ERW is promoting The Ides of March, which comes out very soon. I know some of you don’t like her, but… she’s growing on me. I think she was thrown into a level of fame at a very young age, and she’s grown up to be a relatively well-adjusted young woman. Part of my high opinion of her comes from her sheer talent – she’s one of the few actresses in their early 20s making a serious mark. I could see Evan as an Oscar contender at some point (very soon). Anyway, here are some highlights from Marie Claire’s piece:

George Clooney the actor or George Clooney the director — which do you prefer?
He’s amazing as both. Quite honestly, I wish every movie I worked on was a George Clooney movie — him directing, that is. It was a stupid amount of fun.

How so?
He just surrounds himself with really great, smart, laid-back funny people with good energy. He loved to keep the camera rolling when we didn’t know it was on. I’m pretty sure he has me dancing to Justin Bieber on film. We were playing around and joking with Ryan [Gosling] off-camera and started doing this dance. It got really quiet, then George poked his head around the corner and said, “Enjoy the DVD!”

Are you saying you’re a Justin Bieber fan?
Yes, that I am. I saw the movie [Never Say Never], and that’s what did it. I ended up seeing it three times — in the theaters. One of those times was the director’s cut, I’m not even kidding. I got obsessed with the kid. It’s going to be weird if I ever meet him. He’s brought so much joy to my life.

In Ides of March you join an enviable group of ladies who’ve gotten to make out with Ryan Gosling. Is it really as great as we all imagine?
Yeah, it was awesome. We had fun. Ryan’s amazing because he has this way about him that’s incredibly attractive, not just in a sexy way but he’s smart, he’s cool, he’s talented, he’s really creative, and he has this mysterious quality to him that drives people crazy. So yeah, it wasn’t a hard day at work.

Your character is very sexually forward for an intern.
I swear to God I was channeling George a little bit in those moments. He has a very calm, quiet, direct way about him, and I think that’s what he wanted for the character. Just very in control.

Let’s talk about Broadway’s Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark. You were supposed to play Mary Jane under the direction of your friend Julie Taymor. Has it been hard to watch her get dragged through the mud?
I don’t think it’s fair from where I’m standing, but I don’t know the whole story since I wasn’t there. I’d been attached to it for years, and I was missing out on jobs because I thought I was going to be on Broadway. I finally just had to say, ‘I’ve got to take a job!’ But Julie’s vision is amazing and the things about her in the show are incredible. Visually, it’s brilliant.

When you were with Marilyn Manson, did you actually call him Marilyn?
No, I called him Manson. Or just Babe.

Did you ever say, ‘Hey, babe, maybe all eyes can be on me for once — can’t I be the one to stand out?’
No. I think that would be impossible to do anyway. I don’t like eyes on me, so I was fine giving that up.

Are you glad you didn’t go through with the marriage?
I am glad — for both of us. We both have a lot more growing to do. I don’t think it would’ve been right, but I am glad that we were engaged. I think we needed to make a statement to each other that it was legit. So that was good.

Since then you’ve come out as being bisexual.
Yeah, that’s a big part of who I am, and it always has been for as long as I can remember. I can’t say I’m one way or the other because I’ve honestly fallen in love with a man and I’ve honestly fallen in love with a woman. I don’t know how you label that, it’s just how it is.

Have you had a serious relationship with a woman?
Yes. And it was wonderful. I mean, it was terrifying at first. Not because I thought it was wrong but just because I was intimidated by women. It’s a totally different arena! The approach is completely different than it is with a man but I finally let myself say, “You’ve got to go for this. It’s in you and it’s not going away.” And it was wonderful.

You were photographed seeing the show with your ex Jamie Bell. Does that mean you two are back on?
I mean, I’ve got his initial tattooed on my ankle, so…

You’ve got a lot of tattoos, though!
Yeah, I seriously have to count sometimes. I think I want to get the one on my ankle removed because it’s huge! It’s technically my first tattoo, which is always the worst one. It’s like the first pancake. The bad news is you can’t throw it out.

[From Marie Claire]

There’s some Angelina Jolie happening here, right? It’s not just my imagination? The tattoos, the inappropriate relationships, the bisexuality, the confessional interviews… it’s very Jolie.

About being with Jamie Bell – they were just recently pap’d together in Venice Beach. I like Jamie a lot (he’s in the Fassbender Jane Eyre!), but they both look kind of crackie in this photo. Hopefully Jamie is a nice boy, though. Nicer than Marilyn Manson, in any case.



Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN and Marie Claire.

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33 Responses to “Evan Rachel Wood talks George Clooney, Marilyn Manson & Jamie Bell”

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  1. Liz says:

    i want that skirt

  2. Cherry says:

    @ Liz so do I!

  3. Laura says:

    Sure she’s semi-talented, but she’s one of those unfortunate people who completely transform into whoever their significant other is (she’s the female Brad Pitt). When she was with Manson she was all gothic and Dita-ish, when she was with Shane West she turned into some hardcore rocker chick, now with Jamie Bell she’s trying out the grungy hipster look. She is incapable of being her own person.

  4. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    “There’s some Angelina Jolie happening here, right? It’s not just my imagination? The tattoos, the inappropriate relationships, the bisexuality, the confessional interviews… it’s very Jolie.”

    Is that why I suddenly like her so much?


    There is only one Angie. I mean did anyone actually see ERW with a woman? Angie has actually dated a woman. If you wanna talk about poser, talk about this chick, but since she is sooo fabulous on the red carpet I still like her.

  5. Annaloo says:

    Did you see the clip Lainey posted of her singing an acoustic version of “What’s Going On” in Venice?? Gwyneth could take a LOT of note, Evan can really sing.

    Eyes on Ms. Wood, that is FOR SURE. She’s growing on me too.

  6. gee says:

    Is that a herp pic?

  7. Mari says:

    @ Laura- you seriously took the words right out of my mouth, down to the Pitt type-b personality.

  8. malia says:

    she’s quite beautiful and poised for her age. Although the MM thingy is really gross, I’m thumbs up on jamie bell, I think he’s the most underrated actor for his age group and he seems like a smart saavy guy in real life.

  9. RocketMerry says:

    @LOVE ANGELINA, right? She grates on my last nerve as a public person, in every single interview, with that smug face, that snottiness…
    Still, put her on a red carpet or in a photo-shoot and I cannot take my eyes off of her. Weird.

  10. MJ says:

    People always rag on her for dating Marilyn Manson, but aside from his repulsive physical appearance, he actually comes off as an intelligent, level-headed person in interviews. He’s often a talking head in documentaries and it’s not unusual for me to find myself agreeing with his opinions more than I thought I would. I don’t like his music and I think he’s hideous, but he’s probably fun and interesting.

  11. kimi says:

    ERW is really good actress and might end being one of the best in her age group. Just watch Mildred Pierce.

  12. Laura says:

    “he actually comes off as an intelligent, level-headed person in interviews.”

    Sure, if you completely disregard the fact that he said, on record, that he imagined beating in ERW’s head with a hammer, and that he made a music video wherein he basically kills her lookalike.

  13. teehee says:

    Well Marilyn is intelligent, but he also is messed up and sick. He teases at sickness to make points or to poke holes in society, but he also is a victim of sick himself, in some ways– too much drugs, too much adoration of perversion kind of thing.
    But yes everyone can agree he is intelligent. But he wastes it alot too.

  14. kieslwoski says:

    I actually really like the girl, in the sense that she is a really great actress! But I agree she sometimes tries to hard the whole bisexual thing is just so “too much”, its like Evan you are talented you don’t need to do this extra shit to get attention.

    I love her with Jamie Bell, by the way.

  15. spinner says:

    She’s a beautiful girl & that is an owie on her lip from getting elbowed at a club. A fellow dancer knocked her tooth out.

  16. lisas says:

    There is only one Angie. ERW is more like Brad: Dresses like the person she’s with.

  17. gee says:

    @spinner, THANKS!! LOL I was shocked about the lack of sti coverage.

  18. Bad Fairy says:

    She was just so darn cute in Practical Magic.

  19. SisterMaryHotPantz says:

    @gee: not a herp pic. She was at a club and some dude was dancing with his arms in the air, getting all wild, or and his hand/wrist/fist got her in the mouth. She lost a toofer too!

  20. Ashley says:

    She used to REALLY grate on my nerves, but I’m warming up to her, HARD.

  21. gab says:

    I like her look these days. Good for her. She’s still pretty young and navigating the fame waters pretty well I think.

  22. Ally says:

    I still think of her as that cute, sad little girl on Once and Again. Can’t process all the rebelliousness.

  23. BigHair&Pearls says:

    I love this girl! She’s using her opportunities really well and she’s not hanging out with all the the young Hollywood whores. She’s young and still trying out different things. That’s okay. Just because she’s in the public eye doesn’t mean she has to know EXACTLY who is at a young age. She’s still human.
    @Love Angelina: I admire Angie for a few reasons but she’s not the only one who’s allowed to experiment with bisexuality. Let’s not forget that less than ten years ago, she was cutting herself and wearing vials of BBThornton’s blood around her neck. Now she’s a devoted mother of 6. Eveyone needs a chance to evolve.

  24. Cherry Rose says:

    I can’t remember when, but Evan stated while she was dating Marilyn Manson that she was not bisexual. I think the quote was something along the lines that Evan could find a woman attractive, but she couldn’t imagine herself having sex with a woman.

    Plus, I just think Evan’s claiming she’s bisexual for attention value, and to make herself seem more edgy. I have yet to see her with a woman anyway.

    As a bisexual myself, it irks me to no end. I’ve dated plenty of girls who have said they were bisexual, only to find out they had no real interest in women, unless it could get them a guy’s attention.

    Anyway, no she’s not like Angelina Jolie. Not at all. Angelina was a bad-ass in her younger days. Evan just seems like a poser.

    Not to mention the fact that all her tattoos seem to be reminders of all the guys she’s dated. Which is stupid in my opinion. If you’re going to get a tattoo, make it one that you’ll like and keep forever. Not some reminder that you dated so-and-so.

  25. malia says:

    don’t find marilyn manson intelligent, he’s a total coke freak whose actions and impulses betray that fact.

  26. spinner says:

    @ gee…you are most welcome.

  27. Moi says:

    I like her, she comes across as laid back, confident and cool but not full of herself like a lot of the other entertainment people.

  28. Becky says:

    Not sure about how I feel about her personally, but I have to give her credit for being talented (she was very good as a kid in “Once and Again” and more recently in “The Wrestler”) and original in her look. I like the fact that she rocks a short haircut and a sometimes androgynous sort of style-it works for her and really makes her stand out from other actresses her age. I agree with Kaiser that she has an Academy Award in her future. She’s someone who I think will be around for awhile.

  29. Hannah says:

    I had her same hair cut and style when I was 12. I wanted to look like Simon from Duran Duran.

  30. DeeVine says:

    I think she’s a great actress! I even think she should have been Sookie instead in True Blood instead of that annoying Anna Paquin…

  31. ORDINARYGIRL86 says:

    I’ve LOVED her for years and out of everyone in her age group she IS the most talented along with Romola Garai so I think she will actually have an Oscar by 30! (unlike la lohan who makes the same claim for herself)

  32. LittleDeadGrrl says:

    I rather like her too and I don’t yet rag on her for molding a bit into her relationships. Girl is very young and she’s still finding herself. Nothing wrong with that. Now if she keeps up this shit in her 30s than yeah it’s sad but in your 20s nothing wrong with finding yourself a bit. Also Hollywood sort of pushes them into reinventing themselves so the public doesn’t get “bored”.

  33. alyssa says:

    She’s a decent actress but…. yawn.