Is Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s marriage even legal? New lawsuit says it’s not

Earlier this year, a blind item came out about a famous “married” couple who never bothered to get a wedding license after their religious ceremony. It read, in part “While their wedding was a religious commitment ceremony and family party, they never got around to the actual marriage license part.” Most of us suspected Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher at the time, and it looks like we may have been right. A new racketeering lawsuit has been filed against high profile Kabbalah cult members including Ashton Kutcher and Madonna that alleges that there’s no such thing as a “Kabbalah” wedding. What’s more is that the lawsuit states that Moore and Kutcher aren’t even legally married under California law. This puts an interesting spin on Demi and Ashton’s divorce. Maybe they don’t even have to go through one. (California does not recognize common law marriages, assuming Moore and Kutcher are not legally married.)

The bad news is that this lawsuit is being filed by one guy who is representing himself after getting stiffed by Madonna and deciding to look into the cult. It’s worded poorly, judging by the excerpts posted by Radar, and the guy suing isn’t even a former Kabbalah member. So while the lawsuit sounds promising at first, it could go nowhere and the man filing it might not have any insider information.

But now the state of the relationship faces a whole new level of inquiry, as a lawsuit that was filed earlier this year alleges that their marriage isn’t even legal, is exclusively reporting.

Marc Aisen filed a lawsuit on March 29, suing Kutcher, Madonna, and other Kabbalah members for racketeering and conspiracy to engage in a pattern of racketeering activity. Aisen is representing himself in the case.

The lawsuit states: “Mr. Kutcher made a media circus out of his Kabbalah wedding to actress and hardcore Kabbalah cult member, Demi Moore, who is a longtime friend of the defendant Ms. Ciccone. As the ‘First Couple’ of organized Kabbalah, the ‘wedding’ presided over by defendant and alleged fraudster, Yehuda Berg — which I am pointing out again was not a private family affair, as all parties used it as a publicity stunt and invited media attention — was not a legal union, nor is the marriage according to California law.

“Nor is the myth that there is such a thing as a traditional Kabbalah wedding as I can’t seem to find evidence in any book that such a ceremony was ever performed in history. It was a way to put a glamorous face on the weird witches which is antisocial in their every manifestation.”

Aisen, who is Jewish, but not a follower of Kabbalah, began investigating the practices after claiming he designed a talisman necklace for Madonna that was worth $500. “There was one caveat to my generosity which was that I stipulated that Ms. Ciccone was to model the necklace in public and give me credit for designing it,” the docs state. Aisen says Madonna was photographed wearing the necklace but never gave him credit for it, and this is when he began “homework on the Kabbalah Center. What I found, I did not like. I learned the Kabbalah Centre is actually a militant and fanatical cult behind which is a racketeering conspiracy,” the lawsuit says.

[From Radar]

Anything that helps shed light onto the very illegal and money-hungry Kabbalah cult is welcome, but again who knows if it’s even true that Demi and Ashton never made it legal? It might explain Demi’s unwillingness to let go. She was last seen looking positively skeletal and still wearing her wedding ring. Somehow she seems a very sympathetic figure despite all the crowing she’s done over the years about her relationship with Ashton. How humiliating would it be for her, not only to have been cheated on so publicly, but to have it come out that she’s not even married to Ashton? These two have been “married” for six years. If it’s true that they never went through the step of getting a license, what was holding them back? Did Demi know that Ashton wasn’t faithful and was that keeping her from making it official? Did Ashton have reservations that he ended up acting out passive aggressively by cheating? These two presented such a united front for years and maybe it was just that – a front.

The NY Post reports that Demi and Ashton had four hours of marriage counseling at the Kabbalah center in LA on Friday before Demi went to NY alone to attend the premiere for Margin Call. So they’re trying to hang in there. Everyone is talking about how skinny Demi looks, with Radar quoting an “expert” who estimates her weight, at 5’5″ tall, to be just 90 pounds.




Demi and Ashton are shown on 1/11/11. Demi is shown alone on 10/18/11. Credit:

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37 Responses to “Is Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s marriage even legal? New lawsuit says it’s not”

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  1. sam says:

    I feel bad for her. They are in a committed relationship and I think it is disgusting that people comment on how she couldn’t hold onto her man, etc. bc of the age difference. Whatever…

    Whatever their case or status may be, I hope it works out for whatever is best for both of them.

  2. Quinnie88 says:

    She is painfully thin, looking like a booble head these days!! The stress is really starting to show

  3. Embee says:

    So how does the fake marriage harm this guy? I don’t understand his damages (other than the weird Madonna pendant thing).

  4. Original Chloe ) says:

    The plot thickens!

  5. KatScorp says:

    To quote the lawsuit – “It was a way to put a glamorous face on the weird witches which is antisocial in their every manifestation” (sic?). This guy isn’t playing with a full deck, clearly.

  6. Kaboom says:

    That makes the question of joint tax returns interesting from a legal point of view.

  7. Quest says:

    Demi is looking so thin these days and now these legal allegations. More fuel for that fire

  8. Jdao says:

    Ladies, stay away from the young meat. It doesn’t ever seem to work out for the woman.

  9. Po says:

    No comment on this guy’s suit. Demi looks bad. It doesn’t even look like she can fill out her shoes anymore.

  10. LittleDeadGrrl says:

    Wow she looks terrible in the last two photos. Weightless at her age is bad … a little fat keeps a woman looking younger as she ages. I feel bad for her if hey didn’t have an open relationship and he did cheat on her. That’s a shitty move for anyone to make. You aren’t happy … than leave the relationship … don’t cheat … it makes you a dbag.

  11. ladybert62 says:

    I think this is good news for Demi – if they are not legally married, she does not have to 50/50 split any money she made during their “marriage.”

    Hey, demi, this is a gift from the gods, dump that creep in the gutter he loves and get on with your life – live and learn girl.

  12. Sloane Wyatt says:

    Demi, drink some Ensure!

    It’s how I came back.

  13. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    Demi is not setting a good example for her daughters, hope she gets better and that Ashton makes her a sandwich!

  14. You don't say says:

    Granted, this couple seems to be having serious issues, but whose business is it but theirs if they are or are not legally married? Talk about frivolous lawsuits and what are the expectations anyway? A Bizarre situation just got even stranger.

  15. Kimbob says:

    Who knows if the marriage is legal. All someone has to do is to check California’s court system to see if a marriage license has been filed. I’m wondering why we haven’t heard about this. That could put the rumors to rest for once & for all.

    TMZ had Joan Rivers on tape because she was on the flight to NYC w/Demi & her daughter. Joan apparently was “spying” on her & told the TMZ reporter that all Demi ate was an apple & water during the flight.

    Sorry, but it is quite difficult for me to feel “sympathetic” towards Demi about this whole situation. I remember doing the math about their age difference when it was rumored they got married…& I thought then that a long-term situation between these two was damn near impossible.

    I suspect that this “marriage” was a calculated move on Ashton & Demi’s part for many reasons. Also…her weight loss?! Well, again, Joan saying that’s all Demi ate…again…this all seems a little calculated.

    Again, it’s difficult for me to feel sorry for her…it all seems so planned & calculated. Demi’s OBVIOUSLY playing the sympathy card w/her gaunt appearance. I’m beginning to believe both her & Ashton are hucksters.

    Edit:And YEAH @Mitch Buchanan Rocks (just read your comment)’re EXACTLY RIGHT. Demi has 3 daughters…all impressionable young women…what an example…right?

  16. Lauren says:

    Fake marriage, fake body, fake face. Hopefully Ashton will not have any rights to Demi’s money. This is a terrible, pathetic example for Demi’s three daughters..get rid of this horny hottub Frat Boy ! I honesty believe that Demi is holding on because of her EGO, not because she loves punkboy.

  17. brin says:

    @kimbob…I agree with you, I just feel like this whole relationship is off and everything seems calculated to get attention.

  18. DenG says:

    Not a fan of either Kutcher or Moore, and I dislike most “non-profits”, especially those with creative spiritual-religious fronts.

  19. Bren says:

    I feel for her. I remember during my divorce the weight (whether I ate or not) just fell off me

    Just out of curiousity, who has the most money? I know Demi used to but she hasn’t done that much in recent years, where as Ashton would have been raking it in.

  20. Kimbob says:

    @brin…no doubt! Glad you posted that…it’s somehow reassuring to know I’m not the only one who’s smelling a rat! LOL!

  21. LeeLoo says:

    I’ve always looked at Kabbalah in a similar way that I look at Scientology. The only difference is in Kabbalah there’s no billion year contract. Yet.

    This is probably why Demi is not letting go. It would ruin her reputation. Everything about Demi would be fake. I can’t stand Ashton but I think he wants out and everyone around Demi wants her to get out but she’s proved once again that her ego is more important than doing the right thing. She’s a pathetic and desperate woman who feels it’s more important to pander to the media. It tells me she does not know how to live outside of the spotlight. How sad is that? She is one of those Hollywood robots who can’t survive without everyone paying attention to her.

  22. mln76 says:

    Well I am just in shock that this particular BI was actually true.

  23. theaPie says:

    Not being a good example to her daughters?? The woman cannot eat due to stress, not because she is trying to look like a skeleton. I know, I’ve been there.

    Whatever is happening between them is tearing her apart, and I hope for her and her daughter’s sake it gets resolved soon. And yes, drink some Ensure, Demi.

  24. whitedaisy says:

    She loves the limelight too much to be a sympathetic character.

  25. Ogechi says:

    I feel pity for her. Shame, a bad role model to her daughters!

  26. Sue says:

    I am not a fan of either one of them but I feel badly for Demi. He doesn’t seem to care at all about whether or not he is hurting her. This sounds like he is really not to committed to keeping this farce going. One of them needs to end this. I don’t understand why she is hanging around. waiting for yet more humiliation?

  27. Heather M (Heather) says:

    Whoa. When I look at those photos it is striking how stressed she is–then: with Ashton, looking hot (& plump comparatively speaking!)…now: ashen and gaunt with hollows everywhere…she looks grey & yet yellow, somehow…I bet her hair is going gray (is it grey or gray?)…

    Wonder if she uses henna on her hair…

    Oh, regarding the marriage: wow, smart move to do that, if it’s true! Saves her a lot of hassle. Also could explain why there is no divorce news, although it does seem they are trying to work it out.

  28. anne_000 says:

    Now, I can understand if she had nothing, nobody, and no future without Ashton. But she’s got kids, money, fame, looks, a career, & plenty of opportunities to get a new man. She can get on without Ashton. Instead, she’s making herself look weak & inane by continuing with this self-centered, self-pitying, self-destruction. She’s not doing her kids nor herself any favors by doing this to herself. She needs to either let go or accept the situation & adapt to it in a healthy way. What she’s doing is probably hurting her kids more than she’s hurting herself and Ashton.

  29. Lllllll says:

    I can only imagine that she’s not thinking clearly, and is operating on that plane of existence where shame has gone out the window.

    I’ve been that person before, and it’s amazing how much pain you will accept before you realize it’s not going to work. :S I was a teenager at the time, and I’d like to think that I wouldn’t do that now… poor Demi has like, 20-30 years on me (How old is she? 45-50’ish?)

    I understand where she is coming from, and I feel for her because I do think she really loved him, but I would be trying so, so hard to keep a happy face on even if I collapsed into tears once I got into my house. I thought that sort of strength was acquired through experience, but maybe I was wrong?

    Or… the whole marriage could be an elaborate sham. If it is, I give her props for the scary weight loss, that is dedication to one’s art.

  30. glyrics says:

    YEA DEMI!!!!!!!! DUMP THE DOUCHE. KEEP YOUR $$$$$$$$$$$$

    Sorry for shouting, but this is hilarious!

  31. the original bellaluna says:

    CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!

    I knew way back when I read the blind item this was true, as I’d heard rumours to that affect shortly after the “wedding.”

    As far as Demi’s weight loss, I lost a lot of weight too when I was in the process of divorcing cheating ex-spouse. (Food – even the thought of – made me nauseous.)

    It happens.

  32. Lantana says:

    She looks so different in the pic w/Ashton than she does in the red dress. Like she’s aged 10 years in the red dress and it’s only 9 months later.

  33. Victoria says:

    Do do we have confirmation that Ashton cheated. And not just by going on with what the ho bag said, like do we have actual proof?

    Meanwhile, though I ow it’s more than likely true, I do not feel sorry for Demi at all, she has money, her children, and she can still bag a guy. She’s not ugy even if she isn’t Demi of yesteryears. She is still Demi and can move on with her life if the Ashton Doucher is a slutbag. It always hurts, when someone close to your betrays you. But she’ll be alright.

  34. Jenn says:

    There’s a blind item that also says that Ashton Kutcher may well be the father of January Jones’ baby son. I think it was on Amy Grindhouse and it sure sounds plausible. I understand pain and anger and fear over a relationship gone south, but this is Tiger Woods territory and Demi needs some of Elin’s strength. Elin had two little kids with Tiger; Demi has her daughters and her career. Does she really think she needs this guy!?

  35. Mary Stevens says:

    Are Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise legally married? Not in Italy, where their Scientology wedding was not recognized, and they did not do the obligatory civil ceremony for the Italians, needed to establish its legality. At the time it was said they would later get a courthouse wedding in California to make their match a legitimate one. Did they ever do so? —we never heard, or at least I never did!

  36. Birdy says:

    Didn’t her marriage to Bruce Willis end because she was screwing around on him whilst he was off filming? If so, karma is a bitch.

  37. Dorothy Palmer says:

    The both of them are way overpaid, and became “stars” only because of man’s need to fall for something “well proportioned,” whether it be in the face or the body. Neither can act, and the OWS goons ought to chowder around the Hollywood stars’ homes instead of the banks. It is these H’wood fools who helped put Obama in power, and it is Obama who is out to smash the cracker for “enslaving” his people. Even tho Obama is only half-black. The whole culture disgusts those who are right thinking and sane. Neither Moore nor Kutcher is.