What did Kate Gosselin do to her face: facelift, fillers, and/or nips and tucks?

US Magazine has a photo montage of Kate Gosselin through the years along with some speculation from a plastic surgeon that Kate had a facelift at the ripe old age of 36. Many of you noticed how totally different her face looked in those photos of her “working” at her new job at CouponCabin.com. As an aside, I want to mention that Kate went off to Australia with her paid help boyfriend, the married bodyguard, just a few days after that press release which suggested she got a 9 to 5 job. Can you imagine a mid level employee at a regular office job like that taking off for vacation just a few days after they started? They would get canned pronto. Anyway Kate got a new face to go with that new job she occasionally shows up for.

Has Kate Gosselin gone under the knife — again?

When the former reality star recently reported for her first day as a CouponCabin.com blogger, she revealed a new face to go with her new gig. And it’s not the first time the formerly full-figured brunette has freshened up.

“She’s consumed with her appearance,” a source says of Gosselin, 36, whose TLC reality show Kate Plus 8 was canceled in August.

To keep her youthful appearance, the single mom of eight — who got a tummy tuck in 2007 and breast implants in 2009 — relies on thrice-weekly tanning sessions. Last June, she even gave herself Botox injections! (The result: unnaturally arched eyebrows.)

New York City plastic surgeon Jon Turk tells the new issue of Us Weekly (on sale Monday) that based on recent photos, it looks like Gosselin’s gone more extreme this time: A defined jawline and changed eye shape “suggest a facelift.”

It’s not surprising, the source tells Us: “Kate wants to look 10 years younger.”

[From US Weekly]

I don’t know if this bitch got a whole facelift. I’m thinking she had a “liquid facelift,” or extensive Botox and Restylane. Remember how different Jill Zarin looked after hers? Zarin claimed it was all ‘tox and fillers, although it’s possible she had a ton of work done and lied about it too. Kate could have had a couple of minor procedures to change the shape and look of her face as well, particularly buccal fat pad removal, where the fat is sucked out from the cheeks, and an eye lift. I wouldn’t put it past her to get a total face lift after Kate Plus 8 got canned, though. The sad thing is, she looks a lot better now. I would prefer it if she looked like a plastic freak, to be honest.

In 2009:

In 2010 looking squinty from ‘tox:


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109 Responses to “What did Kate Gosselin do to her face: facelift, fillers, and/or nips and tucks?”

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  1. jc126 says:

    Good GRIEF – what is wrong with people?? Why would anyone do this to themselves?

  2. brin says:

    She should have work done on her annoying personality.

  3. Stephanie says:

    Her face looks squished! Like someone grabbed her chin and top of her head and pressed! Weird.

  4. heatheradair says:

    Whatever she did, I actually think she looks GOOD (better), I’ll admit that much.

    less harsh. less angry. the eye lift (that’s gotta be what she had done) actually softened up her face — she looks less jowl-ee……

    And I’m thinking it’s surgical, not just ‘tox and fillers (my mother gets the ‘tox very regularly to combat a facial spasm, and it doesn’t change the SHAPE or appearance of her face in any way — just makes it less mobile and occasionally a little asymmetrical).

  5. Calli P says:

    Unquestionably, her face has been pulled laterally. Jezuz, look at her eyes & brows.

  6. GirlyGIrl says:

    She is living proof that a person can survive after a total charisma bypass

    Memo to Kate: get a new stylist, preferably one with 20/20 vision

  7. hstl1 says:

    OMG, her new veneers really bother me! She looks exactly like LeAnn Rimes.

  8. mln76 says:

    Great way to spend the money she made from pimping out her kids.

  9. DavidBowie says:

    I want to bleach my eyes out. Ick.

  10. DarkEmpress says:

    Ok. She looks good. I’m not convinced she had any work done on her face other than maybe Botox. At least she works out. She is bound to be insecure about aging since her husband left her for a series of 20somethings.

    • single mom, too says:

      Her husband wouldn’t have left her for “a series of 20somethings” if she’d treated him half-way decently instead of abusing him in public and, undoubtedly , in private.

    • Daisy says:

      NO…She told Jon the marriage was over

      • Judy says:

        EXACTLY Daisy. She ended the marriage, NOT Jon. Just amazed that people still don’t have that right.

  11. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    There goes the kids college funds.

  12. Ewwwww says:

    She looks inhuman. Maybe to match her personality?

  13. JoJo says:

    Sad pathetic loser. Still looks like a bitch. You can’t botox that kind of inner ugliness away.

  14. single mom, too says:

    She’s definitely had something done. The turkey neck is gone and the contours of her face have changed. That doesn’t occur with just weight loss, as she claims. Must be nice to have the time and money to have all this work done, while supporting 8 kids ALL ALONE (snark) and worrying about how she’s going to feed them. Because, of course, we all know Jon never sees them and doesn’t pay any child support or anything.

  15. bored says:

    she’s definitely changed the shape her eyebrows are plucked in – for the better – that can make your face look a lot differnet. good makeup, lighting etc too.

  16. I.want.shoes says:

    Next, she should do something about that creepy smile.

  17. Suzy says:

    Gawd she is a miserable cow…

    • I always thought tjadt she was pretty. Until she opened her mouth! She needs to work on that and only God can change a heart. So sad for her children!

  18. Jam says:

    Definitely fillers and botox. She also might have done something to her neck. I think she looks fine. She hasn’t gone too far. . . yet.

    BUT WHAT IS WITH THE FAKE ACRYLIC NAILS?! Don’t people know those are LOW CLASSY? Gross.

  19. Deb says:

    Tanning three times a week to “keep her youthful appearance”? Last time I checked, tanning causes premature aging. She won’t look “youthful” for long. Then I guess it’s back to the surgeon.

  20. Zay says:

    Was out of a job with 8 kids and spend money on nip and tuck says a lot about a mother. Also in the before photo she looked 36 in the after she has less wrinkles but no one buys she is less than 45

  21. bella says:

    Maybe she has had some botox, fillers, or something, but I think her face looks better/softer because she’s lost weight and is in great shape. She’s slender and toned which shows in her face. She’s also using better foundation, so her skin looks flawless. Plus, her hairstyle is softer, contributing to the entire overall look of her face.

  22. Lisa says:

    I see it in the forhead, eyes and nose. Yes, she definitely looks like Leann Rimes.

  23. Dawn says:

    Why is she even relevant? She is just another Kris Jenner willing to pimp out her children to make herself look and feel better. Fortunately Kate is not as smart as Kris Jenner and her kids are too young for a sex tape. As far as Jon goes, he was told to take a hike after their Utah vacation. He was free to do as he wanted as long as he showed up for filming. It was an answered blind at CD&N long ago. TLC just did a spin job to Kate’s favor. Jon is by far the better parent to those children.

  24. laylajane says:

    She looks better, but totally different. I wonder if her kids recognize her or are they running away screaming stranger DANGER!!!lmao

  25. daisydoodle says:

    it’s just botox….it does “relax” the eyebrows somewhat, but I’m sure as she ages she will be doing more.

  26. Mary jones says:

    Ten years younger? So now she looks 26? Yeah right. Shes ugly no matter what ,sorry she was never attractive no amount of surgery can fix that. She looks 50.

  27. Christine says:

    Ugly can be fixed while stupid is forever.

  28. Shannon says:

    Is it just me or does anyone else think she had the bridge of her nose shaved down? It looks really weird. The rest, I think looks good although it’s a bit too much. Anything this noticeable kind of defeats the purpose of plastic surgery in my mind, so if she’d just pulled back a teeny bit it would have been perfect. Aside from the nose, which just bothers me. Maybe it’s because my nose is my only feature that is, how do I put this.. unconventional? I desperately wanted a nose job when I was a teenager, but my mother (who DID have a nose job as a teenager) talked me out of it. I’m so glad she did – now that I’m in my 20’s, I realize that my nose is unique, but not ugly or too big. If I’d had it done, I’d look so bland. Pretty, yes, but true beauty requires something that is different. So I guess I just feel bad when other women change their noses when they weren’t bad in the first place. Not everyone needs the same damn nose. Look at all those bitches in the 90’s who have the exact same ski slope nose. It’s weird and looks so strange now! Can we just appreciate the wide variety of beautiful noses in the world? Please?

    • Psyren says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing about the bridge of her nose. It’s creepy how her eyes look further apart because of it.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        That must be it. The eye spacing is the first thing I noticed. Frankly, I don’t even think the most recent photo looks like her. Had she stopped in 2010 she would have looked fine.

  29. Laurie M. says:

    At least we know she is not broke…she can afford a facelift/fillers or whatever, she can still pay for the services of her personal bodyguard, etc. I’m thrilled because we should’ve hear her sob story about money running out anytime soon!!

  30. Jane says:

    Well, her whining about money doesn’t seem to mean she will cut back on herself. If she had botox or a face lift, either one is expensive, to me anyway. The botox has to be maintained if she wants to keep looking younger, so it evens out against the cost of a facelift.

    She better not complain and whine about how is she going to support her children in the lifestyle *she* is used to when she is spending it on her face, a face that her audience doesn’t want to see anymore or she would still be on the air.

  31. celebasshat says:

    comments are 35 but i could only view 30 comment. Wats happening CB

  32. Embee says:

    I literally did not recognize her. This photo with the pink shirt was used on an earlier post regarding her new job and it NEVER occurred to me that it was Kate in the photo. I honestly thought the picture was a screen cap from the company’s website.

    She looks softer but she looks totally unlike herself. It’s very strange.

  33. MissVJJ says:

    Dont forget she’s had her teefs done. She looks as if she is trying to be more relatable with moms/average women. Her face doesnt look so psycho and threatening. lol.

  34. Madisyn says:

    I want to know why the ‘bodyguard’ is still around? The show is OVER. There was NEVER a need in the first place, but the show at least gave her an excuse to travel around with a married man.

    Good Lord, what does his wife think? Could Kate be paying her off, even now?

    What happened to our avatars, CB? I put time and energy into my ‘cones’ and ‘bitch, pleases’!

  35. OXA says:

    Kate Go$$elin has more fillers in that face than Home Depot has on its shelves!

  36. Marjalane says:

    Ha! I’d fire anyone who had a desk with as little going on as Kate has. Talk about sterile and staged!

  37. Orange Cone says:

    in the last photo where she’s touching a frame, she looks like Maria Bramford (comedienne, Target commercial) hahaha …sorry, maria!

  38. Redd says:

    Stepford wife! Anger will come back and erase that smurfy smug look!

  39. RocketMerry says:

    In the new pictures, her face does not move. It’s. Scary. Everyday is Halloween minus the candy for those 8 kids, I guess.

  40. Brooke says:

    The spikey hairdo was atrocious, but the color back then was sooooooooo much better than the bleached mess it is now.

    She would look so much softer and natural with darker lowlights. The way it is now is like Playboy white and makes her look cheap.

  41. Bethie says:

    She looked better and more natural in the 2010 picture (top) than she does now. She looks like hell now. I can’t believe she thinks that fried hair and caked on make-up looks good. Then again, this chick thought that fugly reverse mullet looked good.

    Why do people with naturally brown hair choose to go all over blond, and then a few days after getting it colored they have nasty roots? That color on her washes her out. She looks pasty.

  42. Nancy C. says:

    good for her! love her!

  43. dorothy says:

    I thought we were done with her already. Why is she still around?

    • NYC_girl says:

      Seriously. I feel bad for her kids, esp the two older girls. They’re going to end up pole-dancing.

  44. pebbles says:

    but she’s worried about her family’s finances……

    yeah, right……

  45. daisyfly says:

    Ohnoes, my kids are starving! We’re gonna lose our home! What to do, what to do?!?!?!

    Answer: spend even MORE money on plastic surgery!


  46. spaded says:

    looks like she had her teeth done & photoshop of her in the pink .

  47. Falliblehuman says:


  48. theaPie says:

    She got her brow furrows botoxed out and managed to deshine her face. That’s really all the difference I see.

  49. Aqua says:

    Some people believe that money and fame changes people,others believe that money and fame bring out who that person really is.I believe that in this case the last part applies.

  50. BerMan says:

    She looks perfect for a Fox News host spot right next to Palin.

  51. the original bellaluna says:

    She’s looking alien-esque to me.

  52. crazycatlady says:

    Most definitely a victim of JFS.

  53. whatevs says:

    lots and lots of botox. it would make another person look angry but since she always seemed angry, the botox seemed to help her. weird

  54. PattyPie says:

    She’s had work done and she deserves it. She worked hard to make enough money to get plastic surgery, you haters are all jelous. I beat Jon sent you here to talk about her. Kate is a lovely woman and good mother. She gave those kids more opportunities than the ever would have had. She’s going to make a comeback, just you wait. HATERS.

    • Turd Ferguson says:

      Some people are just plain STUPID. And you qualify in spades.

      She worked hard? How exactly?
      Being a pampered Diva from HELL isnt a career you know?

      You are so pathetically delisional, it can only be you kHate. Nice try Shrew.

      • PattyPie says:

        She figured out how to make it happen for her. KUDOS to a mom who can find a way to work with her kids playing alongside her. She’s a good mother and she deserves everything she has. She’s making a comeback, you will be seething with jelussy.

    • Original Tiffany says:

      Oh Lord, have you been into Linnocent’s stash? Have you watched the show? She is a horrid shrew and I will bet any amount of money we will get tell alls from those kids when they hit 18. Allow yourself to be filmed ignoring your child’s impacted colon before ordering your husband to take care of it and filming it? Letting your sick, vomiting child lay on the hard laundry room floor so he wouldn’t make a mess throwing up until Jon came home and had a fit and took care of him. She is a child pimp who bones her non-needed “bodyguard”. Hard working? Stealing from churches, FFS. Give me a break. She was a hideous plain jane when this started.
      Yes, we are are all jelous. [sic]

      • PattyPie says:

        I hate to justify your hatred with a response but Kate deserves to be defended. I have been working in the underbelly of the Gosselin blogs, down deep in the trenches, defending Kate for years. She’s a true hero. No matter how much you hate her, she will keep going. She won’t lay down and die. She will keep staying in the limelight where she belongs. Admit that she’s beautiful. She didn’t need surgery but she has every right to have it if she wanted to. Her kids won’t mind that she did what she needed to do so she could be happy.

    • Judy says:

      PattyPie is just a kid who spends all her time on Twitter…go do your homework Patty.

    • kazoo says:

      eh, i will never think of her as a worthy person, mainly because in one of the long articles i read (vanity fair?) she came off as a masssive asshole.

      if you really want children, you of course have the option to do what you please. however, if you’re going to do IVF, you should be able to afford the repercussions, i.e., multiple children. if you cannot, then you go through the process of eliminating the extra fetuses that develop. if you really want to claim that “god” is why you want to have a baby, then why not adopt? i just think it’s extremely irresponsible to have ivf treatments, opt to NOT eliminate the extras, then claim that you cannot support the extra kids unless you whore your family out on television.

      • LLPP says:

        I’m not one to defend Kate, but she didn’t do IVF. She did IUI (big difference). No eggs were fertilized when Kate did fertility treatments.

      • Vesper says:

        “… go through the process of eliminating the extra fetuses that develop.” WTF? I’m pro-choice, but damn that sounds cold.

    • DoMaJoReMc says:

      jelussy? REALLY, KHATE?

  55. orion70 says:

    She looks like she’s had something done with her teeth and jaw to me, along with some tweaks (and maybe some photoshop).

    That first photo in the montage is scary.

  56. donna says:

    eeewwww she looks like kenda the playboy sl***

  57. kazoo says:

    she looks like such a stepford wife, aka an anal crazy bitch.

  58. AJ says:

    Sorry if this has already been said, but is anyone else getting a Leanne Rhimes vibe from Kate’s new face?

  59. Trina says:

    Puhleeze, PattiePie, go back to the flog that spawned you. We know you love Kate, we get it. People who can’t see what is right in front of their eyes is beyond help. Jellus? Of Kate??? hahahahahaha. That’s rich.

  60. Luckylilgem says:

    She looks amazing- anyone know who her dr is? lol

  61. Meanchick says:

    She looks better, but if you expect me to believe she “works,” then you’ve been smoking the pieces of her face that were removed. This woman has had a taste of the good life and she would never slow down to take a job doing online couponing. Really? She craves attention just as much as her loser ex.

  62. Alex says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that it is a BIG improvement. She used to look a trashy and fat middle-aged Southerner… now she is actually very pretty.

  63. Sue says:

    When does she have time for all those surgeries. I can not even get away with a couple of hours away from my 2 little kids.
    The nose could’ve just being fixed with a pair of nosesecret nose reshapers.

  64. BELLA says:

    Cant stand her…..

  65. Sage says:

    Kate is a fantastic mother, beautiful woman and terrific human being. You are ALL jealous that she has devoted fans who will lie down and die to defend her right to raise her children as she sees fit.

    John’s mediocre life and job are not good enough for Kate’s kids. They deserve life on a golden platter and so does she. John’s sperm was all she needed from him and most of us wish he’d just leave her and the kids alone.

    • kenb696 says:

      Maybe you don’t realize it but her bull is all show and bluster and feel sorry for me cause I got to many kids. John left cause she was a controlling mean spirited bitch. And a better option came along. That’s how it happens. I watched one of their first show’s and all she did was complain and gripe. about (CARPET!) I don’t blame the poor guy one bit for leaving her. Hell he was stupid for marrying her to begin with. She is a needy female trying to prolong her 15 minutes by altering her looks. She isn’t a star and she isn’t funny and she sure doesn’t possess any talent beyond birthin some rug rats. If you would die for her cause you are a fan (Bwahahahaha) then please do so before you procreate and produce a brood of idiots like yourself. Some women have an idea that since a man loves her they get extra privilege to treat the man like dirt. We men know that sometimes its better to walk away. Kate’s a harpy and she has a phony ugly personality. and after squirting out Eight brats. Sex is likely blah. It never bounces back all the way Nor is it ever as good as before. (no matter how much she wiggles her hips.) Its hard to fix stupid. and a doctor cant fix a crappy personality. 8 kids… What kind of man wants to take up with a harpy bitch raising another man’s 8 kids. Gross and nasty Kate is gonna need a lot more surgery. Like many confused women in this country Kate seems to have believed that once she married the guy and had the kids that she was empowered to treat him in any fashion she wanted and a lame excuse and apology would make it all ok. Surprise Kate! This should be a lesson to every other American female. We men find our mate because it makes us feel stronger and appreciated. When women take us for granted and think that we no longer deserve respect then we go find one that will. Kate didn’t respect john so she lost john. Make all the excuses for treating your man bad that you want… all a man remembers and cares about is she treated me like schit! Not all women are like that and from my own personal observations those are the best marriages.

  66. misspdx says:

    That smile is as fake as her face

  67. Hakura says:

    There’s simply NO way she could spend the countless hours obsessed on herself (working with trainers, beauty appointments, botox & surgery…) … & yet still manage to be a decent mother to those *8* children. (& that’s not even considering everything we know of her personality & temper from the show). That’s not to say she shouldn’t have help, but she even treated those attempting to *help* like garbage.

    It honestly makes sense, having thrown themselves into the world of tv, that Kate would become self conscious. That’s completely normal, to have cared more about her appearance, or even to have been pressured by the shows’ producers to reach a certain size or shape. It just became an obsession that hurt the relationship & the family.

    She reminds me of the ‘witches’ in children’s movies & fairy tales. Unfortunately, no matter what she does to her outward appearance, the world will probably never be able to find her truly beautiful.

  68. JaneWonderfalls says:

    She reminds me in the second photo of the alien in the movie “Splice” not that I thought the creature was ugly but just unusual looking. To bad you can’t get surgery to give you a better personality.