Go away now Madonna. Shoo.

I am so sick of Madonna. There’s a chance Madonna might not have adopted little Davie Banda for publicity, but she sure is milking it for all it’s worth. She went on Oprah already, so she should just stay in London, go see her colorist and continue to do Pilates while dressed in furry hoodies. Instead she came over to the states and is doing the talkshow circuit, bitching about how people care about her babysnatching when there are so many other problems in the world. If she really didn’t want people to pay attention, she shouldn’t have announced her visit to Malawi to the press and she should have stayed home in London instead of talking about it to everyone.

There’s this story that another woman wanted to adopt Davie, but it sounds like she just cared for him and it’s not completely clear in the article that she was going to adopt him. Yohan Banda claims she was going to adopt him, but the press puts words in his mouth and I’m not sure.

This other woman was a Canadian grandmother who stayed in Malawi near the orphanage for months at a time. She says that two other Canadian couples adopted babies from there and that it took freaking three years and a ton of stress before they were able take the infants home. Now that seems extreme and I think that it should be easier for people to adopt babies from third world countries – but not so easy that it takes less than a month!

Madonna now claims that she offered Yohane Banda the option to keep Davie and that she asked him if he wanted money. He says the first time he saw her was in court and that he was made to sign a bunch of paperwork right away. It sounds like Madonna is either lying through her gapped teeth or she’s embellishing an incident that was half-assed on her part and that the guy didn’t understand. “Can I give you some money…” “No, No.”

Yohane Banda has been interviewed from now till Sunday, and he hasn’t said anything about Madonna offering him money, so he probably didn’t understand it if she indeed gave him that option.

I am not an adoption expert, but I love my kid and I do my best to follow attachment parenting and to be there for him. Madonna had a nanny fetch David from Malawi and she went to Pilates on his first morning in London.

I would have included excerpts form the stories here, which I read while rolling my eyes and shaking my head this morning, but you can read it for yourself from the links above. The whole thing just annoys me. Maybe the kid will have a great life full of Jewish mysticism and The Wiggles, and his dad is surely making money by giving quotes to the press so maybe his life will turn out ok by extension, but Madonna needs to go away now. I don’t want to see or speak of her again. (But I will, you know I will.)

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15 Responses to “Go away now Madonna. Shoo.”

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  1. sweet-t says:

    I completely agree with your remarks. If Madonna really wanted to be low-key and stay out of the limelight, she could stay home and quietly raise her kids like lots of others manage to do. Of course, looking back at what I just wrote I realize that I used “Madonna” and “low-key” in the same sentence, which is ludicrous. The day she stops getting attention is they day she’ll shrivel up and blow away.

  2. Ima says:

    I agree completely with everything you said about Madonna. She is nothing more than a press whore. And I don’t think the average American needs to be told about the problems in the World from Madonna’s view. I too wish she would go away.

  3. Sorceress says:

    I agree 100%, she should go back to London, and take that ludicrous fake accent with her. She is beyond irritating in her self righteousness and self importance.

  4. At least she’s wearing more clothing than usual lately.

    Hey, I’m trying. 😉

  5. emk says:

    I am sick of Madonna too but the guy evidently had not even gone to visit the kid in the orphanage for at least a year. I am glad that he was adopted and maybe Madonna is just trying to clear the bad press she’s getting around this whole thing bc the dad WHO HAD NOT VISITED THE KID FOR LONG ASS TIME is saying bad things about her. Now that he ‘understands’ who she is, he is just trying to get money. I am sick of Yohane Banda.

  6. Kathleen says:

    No! Don’t send her back to us!

  7. Action says:

    EMK, I think you make a good point about the dad. I haven’t read enough to find out whether or not he’s a good dad, but it sounds like he could be after money and fame (giving interviews). I feel sorry for the boy. He has a bad dad and then he has Madonna… eak, neither are very good options.

  8. lelo says:

    CB..Why do you address the same celebrity’s if you dislike them? I never see really ‘out there’ celeb’s here, it’s always the mainstream…be different.

  9. Action says:

    Those roots! Those roots! I can’t stand them any more. ICK!!!

    Although her skin does look remarkable!

  10. Gigohead says:

    Ok…let me get this straight…A poor as dirt man is offered money so that he can raise his son and…ok..ok..He turns it down!!!

    LOL! I can’t believe Madonna can say she did such a thing with a straight face!!!

    Why couldn’t she adopt an African American boy? The answer is clear…she needed the publicity. It was not fair that Bradangelina gets all the press…Madonna wants a piece of it too.

  11. millie says:

    the roots are killing me too! it must be some kind of statement-“I’m a busy mom” or something. Just get it done already!

  12. coffeegod says:

    Madonna sucks. Pure and simple and not in the good way.

    For the record and in defense of the kid’s natural father, I believe the child was in a orphanage in order to keep him alive. In the orphanage, David got food every day. Had he stayed with his father, he might not have eaten. As to why the father had not seen him…well, maybe Dad was miles away and just couldn’t muster the strength or cash to get him to the orphanage for visits. Maybe another family member was visiting. Maybe he wrote the child letters once a week. I don’t know. All I’m saying is I don’t think the dad has gotten a fair shake on all this.

    We have known for years what a self-serving media whore Madge is. Given her behavior since this story broke, I have to give the benefit of the doubt to the kid’s natural father.

  13. ER says:

    Besides the roots, she needs to shove a Chicklet in that gaping canyon between her teeth. Lord knows she’s got the money to get that thing fixed. Note to Madonna and Lauren Hutton “Tooth gaps are fug. They do not make you more noticeable or more attractive, just more fug.”

  14. Toubrouk says:

    Gigohead, you got it right. There’s surely tons of Africans-Americans orphans in the “Good Old U.S. of A.”, so why celebrities travel to Africa to adopt? Looks like a new form of colonialism to me…

  15. Randi says:

    Kid’s not even an orphan. Wouldn’t it have been better to give his Daddy the means to raise the boy himself? For an encore she’ll crucify Davie on stage. Not for publicity, of course, but to show the plight of black people in the world.