Did Jennifer Aniston have a ‘Wanderlust’ boob scene pulled for Justin Theroux?

Wanderlust is coming out this Friday. Is anyone else surprised that Jennifer Aniston’s promotion hasn’t been more in-your-face? She seemed more subdued when she was promoting Horrible Bosses last summer too – or maybe I’ve just blocked it all out, like selective amnesia. But… there weren’t a million photo shoots and a million self-help-book interviews last summer, right? And that’s the same situation now too, as she promotes Wanderlust. She’s on the cover of GQ and InStyle. Two major covers, sure, but usually she does way more print interviews.

While Aniston’s obvious PR moves seem to be changing up a bit, she’s still going with some old-faithful moves too. Of course she complains about the paparazzi. Of course she talks about her hair. Of course she talks about her workouts and her diet. Of course she has to have a boyfriend (bought and paid for?) as she promotes her movie. Of course she “doesn’t want to talk about Justin Theroux” and yet she still manages to mention him in interview after interview, making sure each outlet gets fresh quotes. But you know what other move Aniston often employs? The fake-nude scandal. Some outlet gets a report about Aniston dropping trou in the film she’s promoting – the report gets widely disseminated so dudes will be interested in seeing a movie if Jennifer gets undressed. And then quietly, her rep denies the story. This happens all the time, for the love of God!

Jennifer Aniston had her naked boobs pulled from her new movie “Wanderlust,” putting a last-minute kibosh on a frontal topless scene out of consideration for her boyfriend and “Wanderlust” co-star, Justin Theroux, an insider tells TheWrap.

The former “Friends” star demanded that the topless scene from the Judd Apatow-produced film, which hits theaters Feb. 24, be replaced with a tamer version, an individual with knowledge of the movie told TheWrap.

A spokeswoman for Universal, which is releasing the movie, said: “The scene was shot a bunch of different ways, and we have the best possible version.”

Aniston’s publicist, Stephen Huvane, denies that the scene was altered at the actress’ behest. “The scene is how it was always supposed to be,” Huvane told TheWrap.

The scene in question features Aniston going topless in front of TV news cameras. In the version that will be included in the film, Aniston will be seen topless from behind, with her bare breasts shown pixelated on TV screens, as they would appear on a TV news broadcast.

But the movie insider who spoke to TheWrap said that when the film was edited with the frontal nudity in it, Aniston pleaded for an alternate version due to her blossoming relationship with Theroux, whom she met on the set of the film. (The two are now cohabitating.) The 43-year-old actress, it seems, decided it just wouldn’t be right to share her naked breasts with anyone except her new beau.

In the film, Aniston and Paul Rudd play a Manhattan couple who suddenly become unemployed and seek an alternative living situation, ultimately landing on a rural, free-love commune. Theroux, 40, plays commune inhabitant Seth.

Aniston performed a brief, semi-topless scene — though her breasts were concealed by an open lab coat — in her recent comedy “Horrible Bosses.”

The actress has also displayed a penchant for skin-happy photo-shoots on the pages of magazines such as “Rolling Stone” and “GQ.” (Her most recent appearance in the latter, for its March 2012 issue, features Aniston posing in little more than a black bra with her co-star Rudd.)

Perhaps those hoping for a glimpse of Aniston’s flesh would be better off heading to the newsstand instead of the movie theater.

[From The Wrap]

First of all, I don’t believe that Aniston would ever think to herself, “My breasts are for my boyfriend’s eyes only,” which is why I don’t believe this story. But beyond that, I love/hate the way this is framed – like Aniston is an old-timey virgin whose precious, never-seen-before breasts must never polluted by evil eyes. This girl has done so many topless photo shoots, a dozen photographers could draw her boobs from memory. And didn’t she flash her boobs in several earlier films too? The Good Girl is the one I remember – but I think there are a few more.

Anyway, this is such a recycled ploy. Aniston’s PR pulled similar stunts with The Break-Up, Horrible Bosses… maybe even The Bounty Hunter too? See, all of her boob faux-controversies blend together.

Photos courtesy of GQ.

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110 Responses to “Did Jennifer Aniston have a ‘Wanderlust’ boob scene pulled for Justin Theroux?”

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  1. whatthehell456 says:

    Hell, Jenny! EVERYONE’S seen your boobies! No big shocker there, it’s not like she’s hiding a third one…somewhere…. 🙂

    And if this post is gonna be anything like the last post of JA, I’m gonna pop some popcorn, grab some chocolate, sit back and enjoy the proverbial “flying fists”.

    • Marjalane says:

      Let me be the first to throw a punch- The older J.A. gets, the more boring she is. Boobs or no boobs.

      • Tapioca says:

        She does have great boobs though!

        I wouldn’t say she was “boring” – some people just like to wear neutrals every day, eat the same salad every day and holiday in Cabo every Winter – although you do tend to get more conservative as you get older, and let’s not forget this woman has aged from 25-43 in the media spotlight.

        As a fellow “comfy old sweatshirt”-type girl it’s nice to have people who aren’t trying oh-so-hard to convince you how TOTESzOMGHXC!!! they are!

    • flourpot says:

      Gonna be hard to top the last one! Took me two sittings to get thru it. Brilliant stuff.

      • Maguita says:

        I’m just waiting Christian Girl to show us again how Christian she can get. Just for her, I’m drinking red wine with my popcorn (sorry, no holy bread in my house… Might burst into flames, hehe).

    • Original Chloe says:

      The only part of JA’s body that the world hasn’t seen yet is probably her vagina, which makes the whole story even more amusing, (whether planted by the promoting team or simply fabricated by the tabs).

      • anonymous says:

        And she tried to show us hers. At the time the headlines was constantly about Anglina Jolie filming in Italy with Johnny Depp, and going into a taxi JA showed her crotch to the paps, it was obvious, she was trying to up stage Jolie in the headlines. She is not pretty and she isn’t looking great she is really starting to show her age, looks like Barbara Streisand, Babs have a beautiful voice but face wise ,nah, ah, ah.

  2. Overrated says:

    The thumbnail pic is just awful. She is going down the Madonna route if she has to strip when she’s 50 to sell herself. Gross.

  3. Ailine says:

    Yeah, I don’t find her that interesting. She’s pretty and looks great, but I’m not interested in her boyfriend or her topless photographs. Maybe because we hear about her in the news too much. She should have her PR team pull back and make the public really clamor for some kind of an exclusive interview. She doesn’t really do that much, you know? She acts and goes out with her boyfriend. Nothing exciting.

  4. Agnes says:

    oh, god, more attention-whoring.

  5. postaldog says:

    She never had any intention to go topless. It was always a p.r. move to get people in the theater. Kind of sad that she has to resort to this kind of thing, as its been proven she can’t carry a movie on her acting merits.

    • kira says:

      ^^This. What gets me is that she has the nerve to spout off BS in her interviews about Gloria Steinam as her hero, and how she’s all about girl power. Yes, because the women’s movement is all about showing your tits and ass for attention, and to distract from your piss-poor acting.

      • postaldog says:

        It’s not that she’s a bad actress, just not a “star” actress. Her entire fame comes from the “Friends” phenomenon — the Rachel hair & the perpetually perky nipples. She’s a solid supporting actress but simply can’t carry a movie on her own. Pity that she can’t accept that and be happy with the career she’s better suited for.

      • pwal says:

        That’s part of the current problem. I get the whole ‘girl next door’ appeal; however, I don’t get the whole ‘girl next door gets ditched, therefore let’s remake her into Cleopatra. Of course, that crap doesn’t work and I honestly wish that HW would stop trying it.

        And that goes for Melissa Rycroft, the woman who got a career out of getting ditched on The Bachelor. It’s THE BACHELOR, for heaven sakes. Love rarely blooms on the show and no one should be rewarded for, stupidly, believing that it would.

  6. dorothy says:

    Frankly, I’m just bored with this woman. Honestly, I have no interest in her…I don’t think I’m alone.

  7. Dusty says:

    She is an embarrassment to middle-aged women. She is as of late, coming across to me as silly (as in foolish) for a couple of reasons. She cashed out on her Bev Hills mansion for 35m last year and invested 5m in a NYC pad and now the news wires are reporting today she just bought a huge Belair mansion listed at 24m, sold to her for just over 20m. At that rate she is going to have to be working really hard to pay for taxes, upkeep, etc. Her earning power will be decreasing soon as is the trend(ask Meg Ryan). She isn’t THAT wealthy compared to the Ecclestones! Further proof of her foolish ways…she gave an interview for Good Morning America the other day-you can see it on the web-she was not very complimentary of Justin’s unromantic ways. The Daily Mail is reporting it too. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2103924/Jennifer-Aniston-says-trying-warm-Justin-Theroux-jokes-lack-romance.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

    • MS says:

      Seriously! No, she is the poster child for all that is good, about being middle age.

      You certainly give her a lot of power!

  8. Lucy says:

    Even her boobs make me yawn….

  9. Overrated says:

    Her whole face has completely changed, that joker- like smile in that old pic of her in the denim shorts and topless? She looks absolutely nothing like that now smile or no smile. How does the plastic surgeon do that???

  10. spinner says:

    These pics are great. She looks wonderful & oh so healthy. She exudes happiness.

  11. Mac says:

    Sounds like a convenient excuse, but more likely an indication of how poorly this film is expected to do at the box office.

    With her upcoming tearjerker “Beaches” remake I suspect that Jennifer will want to put anything having to do with “Wanderlust” well behind her.

  12. Celebasshat says:

    Everyone on this thread complaining that Aniston is same old, same old or boring.Why is Aniston boring to you, yet you are still commenting on her thread. I bet you are kind of curious, that doesn’t equate boringness to me or else you won’t even bother reading/ commenting. Touchè

    • Ailine says:

      Trying to stay awake. I’ve been studying all night. She is boring though.

    • Cerulean says:

      Because we are masochists. We live for the pain.

    • NM6804 says:

      True that, a better actress or and all-round presumed better person will get less comments (30-40 max.) than this “boring” person (200+ on a “good” day”). Instead of supporting the good ones out there, they support the bad ones (KK, Rimes…). It’s a serious disconnect. If you’re really not interested then don’t comment but it’s mostly the Brangapologists and Anistapologists trying to proof they’re RIGHT because of the Triangle. Or repeating the same things over and over on why Aniston is soooo boring which is boring in itself :D. If there would ever be a biography about either one of them, it will probably be a collection of what CB-readers wrote because they know more and did more researching than anybody else can ever do, seriously it’s a skill, they should ask money for it (I would!).

      I will admit that while she isn’t the best actress, I did enjoy a few films with her. It’s light entertainment which is also needed sometimes. What I find hard to fathom is WHY she gets so much money for it, that’s all.

    • Hypocricy says:

      Maybe people are stunned and keep on being shocked about the extent of her borringness and degree of mediocrity as she becomes older.

      They want to express their surprise and debate about those aspects of a woman who keeps on regressing in that regard as she ages.

      I have seen threads about the Kardashian chic or the Lohan druggie going extra long and I am pretty sure they have zero fans in here.

  13. Franny says:

    She has a great body though.

  14. Sherri says:

    she always appears calm & cool – never tries too hard to impress and generally just appears like she’s making the most of each day, like she knows she’s done well for herself and doesn’t forget to be happy about it daily – she’s a laid back kinda girl and I like . . .how she manages to ruffles feathers like she does, I don’t quite understand.

  15. spitfire says:

    Of course we like to comment how utterly boring she is. Miss. Absolutely. Boring! No doubt about that. Maybe she should try full frontal nudity for a change. Not that it’ll be any less of a yawn…..

  16. MS says:

    All the photos are fabulous! In some of these, she has on more clothes than some of the celebs walking the beach or doing the red carpet.

    Say what you want about Aniston. One thing you can’t call her, someone’s “Baby Mama”!!

  17. Susan says:

    Agree with the above poster – if she was boring you guys would not be posting here. I don’t post on people who I think are boring I just skip and don’t even click on the post. Multiple posts saying that someone is boring mean that opposite.

    What makes people crazy is that this woman is happy and healthy and loving her life. she has a great life is in love and she loves her work. Some people on this site can just not handle her success in life. Sad – jealous much?

    • Lucy says:

      I read the posts about boringston, because I am ever the optomist…always keeping my fingers crossed that this time it won’t be about her hair, mascara, or boobs…maybe someday…

      • Susan says:

        I say give up then and don’t click on the posts. Jennifer is never going to disclose her private life like alot of celebrities. She keeps it light and has no intention of ever discussing what is close to her heart – why would she do that? Do we as individuals on a blog really want to know what celebrities family life is like, what is important to them, etc. No that is just for crazy fans who are obsessed with a star. Only celebrities desperate for attention talk about personal life in great detail. Keeping mum about her man, her interests, etc. is a good thing.

    • Runs with Scissors says:

      Courtney Stodden and the Duggars get about a million hits, doesn’t mean anyone likes or respects them, or are jealous of them, lol.

      I think in Aniston’s case, at least for me, I was holding out hope that she’d grow out of being vacuous, vindictive, and embarrassing (which she clearly hasn’t) and then I became entertained, not by her inarticulate speech, boob flashing, and hair twirling, but by her fans’ utter blindness to her inanity and insincerity. It’s honestly puzzling to me.

      So it’s her fans’ comments that are most interesting, at least for me.

      It’s the irrational circular arguments, the incredible blind hypocrisy, the moral gymnastics trying to exonerate a woman who has been blatantly playing her fans (myself included years ago) for fools… it’s entertaining. Isn’t that why we’re all here?

    • Hypocricy says:

      That’s assuming that only people who are interesting can trigger debates and expression.

      Newsflash, brains ain’t working like that, otherwise according that site, Lohan and Kardashian Cat face would be about the top 4 interesting people to most of us. as their thread are usually super long.

      For Jenny, people may be stunned and keep on being shocked about the extent of her borringness and degree of mediocrity as she becomes older.

      They want to express their surprise and debate about those aspects of a woman who keeps on regressing in that regard as she ages.

      That’s for me is pretty logical mindset.

  18. Paloma says:

    I have a theory that I am trying to look at objectively. Would there be this much interest in her had she not been the bride and then dumped by Brad Pitt? I do not have an answer as it almost takes on a life itself.

    • pamela says:

      NOPE!! And she and her PR guru has made that fact into a cottage industry. We are NEVER to forget that.

    • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

      Doubt it, I know I found BP/JA very boring together, I always thought they both needed someone who would get them out of their comfort zones. I kind of like this guy Justin for her because he seems to be getting her to do new things, guess we’ll see.

  19. Bite me says:

    Bitches stay hating… She will always be rachael green america sweetheart 😉

    • autumndaze says:

      That’s exactly the problem; you nailed it.
      I am repelled by her movies because she “will always be Rachel Green” and plays Rachel in every role. (The “America’s Sweetheart” thing is old and a stretch, but it is coming from you, so I give it a pass ;0)

  20. mln76 says:

    She looks great from the neck down but shouldn’t Demi Moore and Heather Locklear serve as a cautionary tale for aging women in Hollywood? It’s about time to start developing something upstairs.
    Edit: and no im not talking another string of plastic surgeries.

    • MS says:

      That would work IF, and a big if, they could stay out of rehab and were a bit more relevant!

      • mln76 says:

        Think back 6 or 7 years ago. Both were relevant and the picture of health and everyone was wondering how they look so young just like Ms Aniston. Now I’m not wishing what happened to Heather or Demi on anyone but I do think that its time for Aniston to start concentrating on her substance. Her booby publicity stunts won’t work when she’s 50.

  21. spinner says:

    Well…if the only thing that can be held against this woman is that she is boring & middle aged…As if age is something that should be held against anyone. I think she seems happy & content. She has quite the life & she earned it. I view her as harmless.

    • Overrated says:

      Earned it by marrying and being dumped by Brad Pitt. If it weren’t for him she’d be just as famous as Lisa Kudrow.

      • Reel Wheel says:

        And your point is? So what if she was married and dumped by someone more famous? So what if, being so, it made her more famous than she would have been otherwise? Isn’t ‘being famous’ basically the equivalent of winning big at a lucky hand at poker? Are you saying, if Lisa Kudrow had been married and dumped by Brad Pitt, and she were more famous because of it, you’d think she was ‘overrated’?

        Actually, she probably would be overrated. LOL But, I can’t think of many Hollywood ‘actors’ that aren’t overrated (including Aniston, Pitt and Jolie all together)

    • Runs with Scissors says:

      Hi Spinner,
      I don’t think the only thing that can held against Aniston is that she’s boring and middle aged.

      To a lot of people, she is far from harmless. Jessica Simpson is harmless, Aniston is not harmless.

      Just because someone is shallow and inarticulate and their favorite subjects are their hair and tanning, doesn’t make them harmless.

      I’m not going to go into full detail, I think you know full well why people think she’s done a lot of damage, especially to women.

      • Heine says:

        No please, tell us more. I’m curious to know how a talented, successful actress is somehow more damaging than a reality tv star who is famous, literally, for being an airhead.

      • spinner says:

        Hello to you, Runs With Scissors…

        I guess I don’t have the inside scoop about what Aniston has done that has been so damaging to women. I truly don’t see it. I will wait patiently for your explanation.

      • Runs with Scissors says:

        Hi Spinner, honestly I’m out of patience with repeating it. Please, if you really are interested and not just baiting and playing dumb, and you actually want to know, then look through older Aniston posts and you will see TONS of people spell it out over and over and over. It’s there for the reading…

      • spinner says:

        Hi, Runs With Scissors…I am disappointed in not receiving an explanation & I can assure you that I do not bait. I don’t have the time to go back thru the old posts to gather data. Maybe the info that you speak of will become apparent to me in this thread or other future threads.

      • Googe says:

        “I’m not going to go into full detail, I think you know full well why people think she’s done a lot of damage, especially to women.”

        Jeez, lady, but you sound just as unhinged as the anti-Jolie loons on Female First.

      • Runs with Scissors says:

        Thanks Spinner, maybe I’ll go into it when I have more time/inclination.

        Have a great night.

      • eddie watson says:

        for crying out load, dosen’t anyone get it yet? Jennifer Aniston is a buisness woman, she has something others want, her Boobs, and like any buisness person that has something someone else wants, she is doing everything she can to raise the price of what she has before she sells it. She lets us see JUST enough of her boobies, just enough to keep us interested but never everything, not yet, not until the price hits the high point. She will continue to show us a little here and a little there until she’s ready. Her only problem is knowing when the price has hit that high point. Becuase if she misses it, the only thing that will drop faster than the price on her boobies will be her boobies themselves. She has to make sure she doesn’t teas us too long and hold out for a price that really is a little too high. After all, they are just boobs. And to be honest, her Freinds co-star Courtney Cox has shown hers a few times now and they are friggin awseome looking boobs. I think Jen’s would be a little saggy and Courtney’s are very firm looking, she knew when the high point for her boobs was reached and she hasn’t looked back. Jen, either show them or not, but if you keep this ‘boy that cried wolf’ thing going much longer by the time you do show them, nobody will want to see the saggy little things. You have a great body, so if nudity is not something you are afraid of then let them out. If you really are a little shy, that’s fine too, there’s nothing wrong with that. To be truthful I would have a lot more respect for you if you did just come out and say you don’t want to show them because you’re a little old fashioned. And come to think of it, it would be a way to have everyone wanting them again, to say you don’t want us to see them would make them even more wanted. Anyway, whatever you want Jen, they are your boobs, and i’m not like those that say your boobs are all you have, i think you’re a damn good actor, people seem to forget that you have done drama and you were good. Real good.

    • The Bobster says:

      I have something else I’d like to hold against the chronic tease. 😉

  22. lucy2 says:

    I never believe the “actor demanded the scene be cut” stories.

  23. lisa says:

    She has a great body and likes showing it. I thought she had a topless scene in TBU so I doubt this is true. I think her rep said it was never the case that she was going topless.

    I think it is just WOW that at 43 the main conversation about her is her body, hair, and who she is dating. I would think that would be a sad thing for an actress. Never any talk about her work or her performance in a film.

    She said something like that years ago.
    “If people are talking about my hair, I must be doing something wrong”.. this was just at the height of her Friends thing jumping off.

    Nothing has changed in all these years

  24. kibbles says:

    I really don’t get her appeal at all. There is no mystery surrounding her personality or her boring looks. She is skinny and has a nice body for a middle aged woman. Her boobs were exposed in The Break-Up. Just google terms such as Aniston, boobs, and The Break-Up and you’ll probably find them. I saw them on a gossip site a long time ago before they were pulled down and I wasn’t impressed. Her boobs have been photoshopped in the above pics. Her real boobs are small to medium sized and nothing special.

    Aniston and her rep are the masters of good PR. Does anyone seriously believe that she pulled a topless scene for Theroux? She has exposed herself to millions in the past. She has walked around nude on set and done topless photoshoots. I really don’t know how Aniston and her people continue this charade but they definitely have the media on their side to give her titles such as sexiest woman of all time. All of it is absurd. I wonder how long she plans to keep this up. Into her 50s and 60s?

    • Thelma says:

      Agree with Kibbles. Her real boobs as seen in some topless scenes are not that great. If she did get the scene pulled, it’s probably because they couldn’t be photoshopped on film!

  25. Cathy says:

    To the people who are calling her boring and overrated, she is the one laughing all the way to the bank, not you. She’s harmless, and is having fun. If you don’t like her movies, don’t see them. If you don’t like the magazine articles or the gossip blog posts about her, then don’t read them. Nobodys making you do either.

    • spinner says:

      I know, huh?? It really is that simple. People are not being honest in oh so many ways.

      • cameron says:

        People are being honest they don’t support her movies when she’s the star.
        The movie isn’t tracking well so another lie by her camp to gain some publicity. She’s showing boobs, she’s not showing boobs because of her boyfriend. My goodness is she 18 years old. How much longer do you she has in HW at 43 years old? I believe Med Ryan’s expiration date was 45.

        I agree if she didn’t marry Brad and instead married Tate Donovan. Who would care about her? Same goes with GOOP if she never hooked up with Brad, who would know who she was or care. She would be just the daughter of…

    • Hypocricy says:

      How do you know everyone’s life in here, including the state of their financials ? And explain this to me, how can you assume based on wallet that one life makes you more happy than the other ?

      There are people in here who have never use drug, are in better health living a more peaceful life, happily married, maybe even more beautiful looking than many stars, younger, more intelligent with more interests they develop, with a great partner who challenges them everyday, who have children they love and who love them, siblings and parents and granparents they are close to, a job they love as they enjoy a privacy that Aniston don’t have. They too have reasons to be the happiest in their life and can laugh at those who don’t have that richer or not.

      Maybe they are more or at the very least equally happy than Aniston in their life, maybe they are more lucky to enjoy peacefully their life than Aniston is in hers.

      The thing is, everyone is equal and can face loneliness, unfullfilling accordings personal aims we all hhave, health problems, depression, money or not. And having more money in the bank is BY NO MEANS a happiness index. Its just the simplistic recurrent measure of happiness immature people bring as if it was the ultimate sign of MORE HAPPINESS, guess it didn’t make Whitney more happy and won’t make people who are rich but age alone with no family at their side but just opportunists more happy either.

      • Googe says:

        Shouldn’t you be doing something with all your…besides living vicariously on blogs meant for club kids.

        It’s like Just Jared for but chicks with secretarial “degrees” and “big dreams.”

      • Hypocricy says:

        @ Googe

        Shouldn’t you mind your own life instead of those of perfect strangers you don’t even have a clue about THEIR life nor how many time they stay on A blog…A blog where apparently you are equally present if you have the time to monitore other’s people activity in them ?

        Are you that arrogant and controlling that you feel the need to monitore perfect strangers life on blogs because you feel bottered your idole is not talked as you wish she should ?

        May think your overreaction and blatant attempt to control other people activity in here proves without a doubt that you should practice your own advice and be the one trying to live less vicarously on blogs

        Just sayin…

  26. Schatzi says:

    My God, this woman is so ugly, i realy feel sorry for her to live with THAT FACE. All that money and fame and even plastic surgery cant buy her a pretty womans face.
    Shes so superficial and knows exacly how ugly she realy is. Shes realy Maniston, a guy in a womans body. So sad!

  27. Runs with Scissors says:

    I have no idea what the truth is, but it IS very common for PR agencies to plant stories, let them garner attention and buzz, and then simply issue a denial.

    • Heine says:

      It’s also very common for gossip websites and magazines to sensationalize or outright lie about stories about celebrities in order to get more page views and thus more money.

  28. Heine says:

    ‘Did Jennifer Aniston have a ‘Wanderlust’ topless scene pulled for Justin Theroux?’

    No. Reading the article it seems like it was always meant to be shot that way. You know, gossip sites/magazines make money sensationalizing things. It isn’t just Aniston.

    And it’s amusing that you’ve mentioned that she talks about Theroux in ‘interview after interview’ and then link to the TWO whole interviews she’s done in which she’s directly asked about him. She didn’t ‘mention’ him.

    Your write up seems to indicate that she can’t shut up about him when in fact, she’s talked directly about him for maybe 1 minute total.

    But whatever. She can do no right in some people’s eyes. I just slogged through yesterday’s post and man. It wasn’t even worth commenting. So much just…ick. Why? Why does her success bother so many of you?

    • LAK says:

      Heine – Every celebrity/actor and especially if they are at Jennifer Aniston Level ALWAYS keep the right to veto subjects under discussion for every interview they give. They all insist on knowing not just topics but also questions that will be asked. It is all pre-arranged. No journalist/hack who wants to have access or continue to have access ever breaks that rule.

      So all this stuff about her being asked directly, is because she agreed to it before hand. It may look natural within the context of the interview, but it is not.

      Of course the journalists sometimes get pissed off and write around the subject, but they pretty much know they are burning their access not to the one client but also to the other clients the publicist represents.

  29. ladybert62 says:

    I am tired of Ms. Aniston and her soft porn pictures.

  30. Raised Brow says:

    No one seems to like this woman, and I’ve never understood why she garners so much hate. She looks AMAZING for her age and she seems genuinely happy. The press is ALWAYS baiting her with questions about the most infamous celebrity triangle since Liz Taylor, Eddie Fischer and Debbie Reynolds. When she addresses the media, everyone bashes her for playing the victim. I don’t get it. What exactly, has this woman done, besides get dumped by Brad Pitt, that has everyone so riled up?

    FYI: she did not show the Girls in The Break Up. Rock Star, with Mark Walberg is where she went topless for a tattoo scene, if I recall correctly.

    Fall back, people. Cut the girl a break.

  31. Bite me says:

    Well well people online have a new article up about how ms. Aniston finds going nude in wanderlust liberating 😉

  32. The Bobster says:

    “A spokeswoman for Universal, which is releasing the movie, said: “The scene was shot a bunch of different ways, and we have the best possible version.”


    No, the best possible version shows her boobies, dammit!

    I guess I’ll have to settle for my “The Breakup” shot that I downloaded before it was pulled from the internet.

  33. BELLA says:


  34. sullivan says:

    She has a decent body and doesn’t mind using it for attention. I can’t even imagine how dull this woman must be. To have a nice figure for her age plus all that money and yet she still manages to bore men away in droves.

    • pamela says:

      OH, OH, calling her body “decent” is blasphemy to her fans. Don’t you know her body is “sick”, “the best body in Hollywood”, “fabulous”? LOL

  35. Runs with Scissors says:

    Remember when CNN actually called Aniston out on her bullsh*t?


    • LAK says:

      i remember seeing that on CNN. It was pretty funny, and so true.

      And even though people think she’s changed her game for this press tour, it is still the same, just that the signature moves are laid out slightly differently.

  36. JustThinkin' says:

    What a whiny-ass titty baby.

    There Jen is on GMA this morning talking about “liberating” nude scenes. She pulled this same **** with “The Break Up”.

    I am sure this steaming pile will make huge bucks at the BO as it was dumped in the no-man’s land of February with other massive stinking piles so it actually looks the best of the bunch.

  37. Imelda says:

    My better half just said to me are you on that site again when I said yes he obviously snuck a read and said “do they just constantly give out about Jennifer Aniston” when I said yeah he said – Why? He’s genuinely perplexed.
    As am I – there are soo many others far more deserving.
    Sure she has her public persona that she puts out there but if y’all think with these celebrities that is their real persona I think you are all very misguided.

    • Becky1 says:

      My husband and I have had similar conversations(: I can see how JA can be a little annoying sometimes but I find it interesting that so many people have such strong opinions about her. She’s attractive, gives off a pleasant vibe and is a mediocre actress. Nothing about her really “stands out” but yet she’s a famous millionaire. This is a lady who has really lucked out, IMO. I think people are jealous because many wonder why someone that seems relatively ordinary has had such success.

      • Karma says:

        Nah, after reading all of these posts it’s the hypocrisy. She has just as much smoke floating around with her relationship transitions as her fans claim with AJ and BP.

        I remember the news/gossip that Tate Donovan heard he was dumped by JA in the press. And previous to that, there was all that gossip that Jennifer stole Tate from Sandra Bullock. Which left Sandra not trusting men and having a late start at marriage. See how well that turned out but she didn’t spend years blaming Jennifer in the press.

        And now we have a smoke filled transition to this new guy and his 14 year relationship.

        Never mind her ‘uncool’ comment about how AJ & BP’s children can see the movie where they first met and feel in love. Geez…why are Jennifer’s feelings more important than actual children and their parents? Can you be more self-centered than to not just let that moment pass? Babies and their parents’ relationship is more important than a self-absorbed, pot-smoking couch potato. And JA just hurled some ‘uncool’ type quotes towards Heidi’s life as well. So once again a hypocrite.

        And sorry, but I haven’t forgotten how many times she stated that if their marriage wasn’t forever that would almost be expected because ‘for life’ is long time. Paraphrasing there, but something along those and then sets up a whole victim career based on it. So apparently she is only magnanimous when it really doesn’t count, like in self-serving interviews.

        And after BP, every time she is photographed with a man on a movie set she is hanging on them during the down times, hoping to create some gossip buzz about it.

        While giving interviews for that movie Horrible Bosses, with the undercurrent that she was pretending to be AJ. She had that stupid smirk on her face discussing being a brunette for her tramp role. How passive-aggressive can you get?

        Anyway, the whole thing is weird and desperate and hugely hypocritical on her part with her past and now current history.

        AJ kicks ass, flies planes, helps the disadvantaged, loves sex, has global adventures/interests, etc, etc.

        JA, was a needy, scared to fly, homebody, who didn’t want to ruin her body with a baby. And she wonders why AJ was more interesting to Brad.

  38. xploxite says:

    Beautiful Pictures & she’s so sexy, going to see her movie.

  39. Tara says:

    Fascinating wall of beige.

  40. Sunlily says:

    So who’s the chick in between the first picture of her with the hat on and the second? :/ It’s like they took some younger chick’s face and just pasted it on her body.

  41. skuddles says:

    Okay Jen, enough with the boobies. Nudity doesn’t make you any less booooorrrring!

  42. barbie says:

    I remember Jennifer before she dated brad & hate to say it but people would say that girl on “friends” reminds me of you. I didn’t know who Rachel was because I didn’t have a TV but then I had to have major surgery & a friend brought a TV over while I recouped & I watched “friends” & saw who I was being likened to personality wise not looks I don’t look like JA I guess what I’m saying is I was compared to a fictional character I didn’t become this fictional character.
    I liked JA in friends but I don’t know other than The Good Girl & Derailed (which I just didn’t like the movie) has she really stepped out of that Rachel shadow?
    I want to say something positive-she has a nice body but….I will shut up now except for one more thing I love my boobs!

  43. barbie says:

    I remember Jennifer before she dated brad & hate to say it but people would say that girl on “friends” reminds me of you. I didn’t know who Rachel was because I didn’t have a TV but then I had to have major surgery & a friend brought a TV over while I recouped & I watched “friends” & saw who I was being likened to personality wise not looks I don’t look like JA I guess what I’m saying is I was compared to a fictional character I didn’t become this fictional character.
    I liked JA in friends but I don’t know other than The Good Girl & Derailed (which I just didn’t like the movie) has she really stepped out of that Rachel shadow?
    I want to say something positive-she has a nice body ugh i cant help myself but she knows that & that is what she wants to be known for -ok I will shut up now except for one. more. thing. I love my boobs sign me off relatively ordinary:)

  44. VML says:

    Not a JA fan, but I would not want to be her or live her life, especially with all of her 30’s being lived out in the tabloids. It continues to be so, for her and even Pitt and Jolie. It’s terrifying! I know people get used to it eventually, but I doubt I would ever make that transition. I would definitely have a bullet in my head before I made the transition if I saw more of my life in the press. Must hand it to these three for going on, rather making use of all the tabloid attention to their advantage. Sucks to be them, imo, except perhaps for the money.

  45. bette says:

    I’m betting there isn’t a female poster here who wouldn’t want her incredibly beautiful, healthy body. girl has an awesome body, don’t care if you all find her boring or not. She has a beautiful smile, sparkling eyes and a rockin body.
    Her hair is pretty great too.

  46. kelly says:

    There were some beautiful pictures from the Wanderlust premier and, of course, this site picks an awful one. Imagine that.

    • Karma says:

      At least they didn’t pick the picture of her man-handling her co-star’s face. Who does that to another actress standing there for photo-ops? I’ve rarely seen child actors handled in such a way at movie premiers or on a set. And that is the only age range such a face grab might be appropriate for.

      Jennifer probably ruined Malin’s make-up grabbing her face in that way. And treated her co-star like less than a child.

      Weird move….yet again with her.