Lady Gaga: “I do not intend to speak to anyone for a very long time”

Lady Gaga sat down with BFF Oprah Winfrey for a (pre-taped) Sunday evening interview on “Oprah’s Next Chapter,” which is part of Oprah’s floundering OWN network (that has, interestingly enough, just cancelled Rosie’s talk show after just one season). I’m always stunned to hear Gaga talk because while I realize that she’s completely made of smoke and mirrors, for some reason I’m usually surprised that she sounds so banal. Let’s just say that her vocabulary and manner of word usage is … lacking. Anyway, Gaga has fallen into the usual pop star trap here by discussing how much she wants to become a mother. Because that’s basically the only talking point that she has yet to exploit:

On her desire to spawn: “I want kids. I want a soccer team. And I want a husband. Yeah, I do. I’m being superfluous, but I don’t want to have one kid. I want a few. I want to experience that.”

On encouraging her creative process: “I have a couple of things that I do. The newest thing that I do? I don’t read a damn thing. No press. No television. If my mom calls and says, ‘Did you hear about … ?’ [Makes phone slamming motion] I don’t want to hear nothing about anything that is going on in relation to music. I shut it all off. Other than this interview, Oprah, I don’t intend to speak to anyone for a very long time.”

[From Oprah’s Next Chapter]

Oh promises, promises. Let’s hope that Gaga makes good on her claim that she won’t be talking to “anyone” for quite some time. While it’s true that Gaga has been keeping a lower profile of late, that will only last until she has something new to promote, and then we won’t be able to rid ourselves of her visage (and probably her exposed butt cheeks too) for quite some time. So let’s enjoy the virtual silence while we can.

In the meantime, here’s another clip for Gaga’s “last interview for awhile” where Gaga waxes rhapsodic about her creativity or her craft or whatever she calls it these days.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

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74 Responses to “Lady Gaga: “I do not intend to speak to anyone for a very long time””

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  1. gee says:

    She’s so sloppy.

    • Maguita says:

      Nah, that’s what happens when you are too much into yourself, you overdo everything, and look like a cartoonish version of your true self!

      I really wouldn’t mind it if we only hear from her whenever she has something to promote. That, I could take. Her music is not so bad and catchy. But I’d rather not see her butt cheeks either again.

      Is she still dating that hot werewolf from Vampire Diaries? Because yeah, I believe her wanting to have a soccer team with that hot guy. If he were my boyfriend, I would be practicing for a soccer team with him as often as possible too!

      I however will be using protection. Just to piss Santorum off.

  2. Lily says:

    Finally. My dreams come true. BTW she looks fat.

    • Moirrey says:

      I believe Lily was referring to the oversized red jacket. I initially thought she looked fat too, until I realized how fold-y and huge that thing is (and wpuld be on anyone)!.

    • michelle says:

      she looks chubby , not fat (after Hollywood standards)

    • Sassy says:

      She has put on some weight. Of course, she is not fat, but not nearly as tiny as she once was.

    • Hootysgram says:

      I second that emotion! Who cares what this dimwit has to say any how? Go away.
      Stay gone..and for Gods sake…wear some normal clothes..and get a nose job. If you want to improve on anything…make it your face!

    • lanster says:

      I’m a huge fan of hers, and if we weren’t talking about a pop star I’d say your idea of fat is crazy, but yes, she has plumped up quite a bit, she’s in a relationship and I keep hearing reports about what a foodie she has become plus she drinks a lot, she’ll get back in shape again before her tour watch….. She’ll go on a diet of cocaine and splenda…haha. Love the girl but it’s true.

  3. brin says:

    Thank you.

  4. Assistantrachel says:


  5. Jackie says:

    does anyone care?? not sure this is the bombshell she intended it to be.

    • Tapioca says:

      Well quite. There’s no denying her talent, but sorry Gaga, we’re bored with your antics now!

      I can imagine she was quite put out that she turned up to the Grammys covered in black netting and got zero attention. Nicki Minaj out manoeuvred her in terms of Red Riding Hood/faux Pope f**kery, whilst Adele – a woman with minimal stage show who simply sings beautifully – grabbed the awards.

      • Day says:

        I love how much she was pretty much ignored the whole night.

      • Justinc says:

        She doesnt do the things she does for attention.. Shes not trying to gain fans but she wants to keep the ones she have and we love who she is so she will continue to be that person to make us happy !!

  6. Minky says:

    I have residual Gaga love from 2008-2009, but I’m glad to hear that there is a possibility this lower profile will stick for a while. And I’m also glad to see she’s gained some weight back. 🙂 I think she looks a little less manic in these pictures than she did at the height of her publicity train.

    • DethHammer says:

      If she’s less manic, she’s probably laying off the coke for a little bit. I was a huge Gaga fan from 2008-early 2010; but after I read about her and realized all of her corporate ties, I kind of became disenfranchised with her. Her friends have said that she wasn’t bullied in school, and a few spilled the beans about her ongoing cocaine use.

  7. dahlia noir says:

    I nearly forgot her. Time to retire gaga 🙂

  8. RuddyZooKeeper says:

    I just love when I hear people talk about “experiencing” pregnancy and parenthood as if it’s like visiting a new restaurant or taking a trip to a foreign country. It’s not an experience (a one-shot deal), it’s a commitment (um, lifetime). Stop being so damn self absorbed.

    • capepopsie says:

      Couldn´t agree more! 🙂

    • DethHammer says:


      I hope she does get pregnant and becomes a mother (that way she’ll be out of the limelight for a while) but unfortunately, I think if she has kids, she’s going to relegate them to nannies because she’ll soon find that offspring will interfere with her “art”.

  9. deb says:

    that woman in the background of the last picture… almost out gaga-ing gaga!

  10. WickedSteppMom says:

    She doesn’t intend to speak to anyone for a while? Well, THAT’S a damn shame! Surely she knows we’re all waiting with bated breath for every word that comes out of her mouth…

  11. Dhavy says:

    Poor little ugly thing….people always trash Madonna and she’s worse

  12. JenD says:

    This reminds me of a current cell phone service commercial where the girl calls the boy to say she’s giving him the silent treatment. While that’s funny, why talk about not talking to anyone again? It’s silly and attention-seeking. If she just didn’t talk anymore, people probably wouldn’t notice.

    • Miss Thang says:

      That’s exactly why. She needs us to know that her silence is a statement. Everything she does has to be a statement and she’d just die if no one noticed.

  13. hillbillygirl45 says:

    ‘Not gonna speak, blah, blah, blah’, Ask me if Icare….

  14. Redheadwriter says:

    Pinky swear?

  15. lw says:

    I predict that unless she comes up with a truly inspired next album, Lady Gaga is over. So much hype for so little actual good music. I do think she is talented. But I just don’t hear it in most of her boring, rehashed songs. She should’ve taken her media break about two years ago.

  16. Stella says:

    Wait, *squints* has she gained some weight? Maybe she’s preggo now.. oops.

  17. Jayna says:

    Gaga with that white wig and dark eyebrows and red dress that was too overdone for an interview in her house looked 40. She is only 25, for God’s sake. The interview got so boring after a while.

    • gg says:

      That outfit, hair, makeup and styling was hideous. Bad choice for that interview!

      While she is in hiding or whatever, I really wish she’d start elocution lessons. Listening to her fried-out nasal speaking voice is hard on the ears. And I am a fan.

      • Jayna says:

        Me, too. I thought I was the only one who noticed her voice. It has become kind of grating. She never spoke like that several years ago during the Fame era. I can’t decide if it’s a put upon voice or damage from touring.

    • gg says:

      Maybe part of both. It’s the quintessential nasally New Yorker thing with an added sizzle-pop fried vocal chords growl. Speaking is just like singing in one regard, you can tone yourself upwards to sound less tired and lazy in your voice, or you can just smoke tons of cigarettes and fry it on outta there. Also the nasal-ness has GOT to go!

      I read about it here: and started noticing it everywhere.

      I even do it (unfortunately), but I change it for work when I answer the phone. It’s not hard. Also I’m not on TV giving interviews.

      If you do it for too long, you fry out your vocal chords permanently, making you sound like Lucille Ball did when she was older and people would call her “Sir” on the phone.

  18. lilred says:

    Finally,my prayers have been answered.

  19. TheOriginalVictoria says:

    I can’t believe I’m defending Madge here but the reason why Madge has maintained a lot of relativity is because she knows how and when to take a break and she either knows how to stay ahead of the curve or keep up with it. Well, she used to. i’m afraid he relevance expired in 2006.

    Non of these pop hos know when to disappear.

    • Jayna says:

      Don’t write her off yet. Her new album sounds intriquing and personal about divorce, and wild. Her single doesn’t represent it well. One more week and it drops.

      Falling Free –

      • TheOriginalVictoria says:

        no thank you. i don’t f–k with made past the 06 grammys. That hung up performance was her last amazeballs act and i take it as her curtain call on greatness.

      • Tiffany says:

        Madonna’s new album sounds intriguing? The singles so far are horrible and sound like Avril Lavine rejects. Madonna is trying to get her music to sound young, and it ends up just being immature. I was hoping she would have a “new” sound like Frozen or Ray of Light when they came out. Instead we get crap. Boo!

      • gg says:

        Reminded me of Lavigne too. Disappointed.

  20. DeltaJuliet says:

    No way that will happen. She is waaaay to high maintenance and attention-seeking to go away willingly.

  21. Hayley says:

    So that when she does deign to talk, she can collect $100 million for it? And some silly show will pay it……

  22. MarcieF says:

    You mean no Gaga “for a while”?! Now onto Kim K!

  23. Eve says:

    Lady Gaga: “I do not intend to speak to anyone for a very long time”


  24. Molly says:

    I think people forget how young she is. They get that she’s dramatic, but they don’t attribute it to the immaturity of making it big young. She ought to take herself less seriously. I think she, like most people in their early twenties, think they know everything and they’re doing everything right.

    Her music is fine, but it’s just music. She’s not curing cancer or doing anything other than making millions and millions of dollars. She’s going to end up believing her own hype.

    Not that I feel sorry for her. It’s just that she seems like a sweet kid who has a lot of yes men around her, and that can obstruct your maturation into a healthy and functioning adult with the appropriate priorities.

  25. original kate says:

    does that include singing as well? yay!

  26. Amanda G says:

    Isn’t she going to start a world tour soon? That’s probably why it’s easy for her to lay low. I was just listening to The Fame yesterday and what a difference! There are some great pop songs on there. Then there is Born This Way which has maybe 2 good songs but overall it was a dud. It hasn’t even been out a year and it’s done and over. I think she let her ego and “mother monster” crap ruin what could have been an awesome music career.

  27. Jayna says:

    The announcement is code for:

    I have gone back over my Madonna’s Rulebook for being an iconic popstar and realized people are tired of seeing me and hearing the same old shtick, I was bullied when I was young, etc, and realized Madonna made people miss her in between albums. While on tour (which most popstars are too busy for an interview anyway), I will announce I am not giving any interviews so as to still get attention for announcing it. Im genius. I’m Gaga. LOL

  28. lucy2 says:

    OK, great, bye!

  29. Ari says:


  30. novaraen says:

    Her ship is sinking…thank goodness.

    • gg says:

      It really isn’t. She has a zillion things going on, including the foundations she’s set up. Her ship sails without her these days.

  31. bns says:

    Now if only Oprah would shut up this would be a perfect post.

  32. Ravensdaughter says:

    Her prerogative (I still hate that Bobby Brown ruined that very useful phrase forever with his one hit wonder), but can she do it? My bet is NO!

  33. Mark says:

    Thank god, she has nothing to say even sing anyway.
    She is such a bore.
    I saw her concert and it was all 5 year old theatrics and not much singing.
    She is a complete bore.

  34. Newtsgal says:

    ***Happy Happy Joy Joy***
    I’ma doing my happy dance!!!
    Now if only Lilo and the Kartrashins would follow suit.

  35. corny says:

    Take Kris and Kim and stfu together forever

  36. The Original Mia says:

    Hope she goes away long enough to be missed.

  37. Girl says:

    Lady GaGa you are a disgrace, stealing others ideas for your own…and its not even you its your stylist!! To me you are LADY GRAB GRAB

    • DethHammer says:

      There’s a valid reason why Gaga has acquired the moniker “Lady Xerox”. Just go on YouTube and look up “Gaga copycat” and “Gaga copies” and you’ll be surprised at the number of pop singers and artists she’s copied! I always thought she was rather unoriginal, and even -I- was surprised!

  38. sup says:

    i love that golden/brass coloured ensemble she’s wearing.

  39. DethHammer says:

    I’M BAAAAACK! I missed you guys!

    Ok, I’ll say some nice things about Gagsy first: I personally think she looks better in the red jacket with a little more weight on (she looks healthier and prettier in my opinion), and I LOVE her coat with the green and purple iridescent panels (very in style right now) and her black spiked jacket! Does anyone know which designer did the spiked black leather jacket?

    As far as her verbiage, I give her +5 points for using “superfluous” but -10 points for using a double negative in the phrase “I don’t want to hear nothing”.

    And “a very long time”= 2 weeks tops in Gaga-speak. C’mon, her tour is coming up; she’s going to be plastered EVERWHERE again soon. I just hope for our eyeballs’ sakes, that she lightens up and has a sense of humor about things! And maybe she could hopefully wear underwear under her slit-to there dresses!

    • Medusa says:

      Except she used ‘superfluous’ totally incorrectly and even PRONOUNCED IT WRONG.

      Trying so hard to look smart makes her look really dumb to people who are actually smart.

      • DethHammer says:

        Oh, she mispronounced it? Yikes! I didn’t watch the videos yet; I just read the article and looked at the pics.

  40. cat1 says:

    I write this as someone who grew up in New Jersey and who has great respect for people who come from there plus I think the state gets a bad rep. But … clearly she has not lost a certain average-New Jersey-ness and just dresses it up (yes, out of the Madonna playbook) and people ‘buy’ it.

  41. Flan says:

    Underneath it all she seems insecure, but rather nice. Weird yes, but mean like so many others? No.

  42. Paula says:

    Who cares lady caca! You suck!