Ashton Kutcher was the Academy of Country Music Awards two nights ago. For no real reason, it seems. He presented an award, and he sang a little bit, and he was all dressed up in his country music costume. I didn’t cover it yesterday because… who cares about Ashton Kutcher, really? Here’s some video of his appearance:
His voice is a little bit better than I was expecting. I mean, I don’t think he should cut an album or anything, but it’s fine for what it was – an actor pretending to be interested in country music. As it turns out, though, Ashton offended some of the country music stars at the awards show. Miranda Lambert in particular, but Us Weekly also says that Ashton was acting douchey after the show:
Ashton Kutcher’s no king of country. The recently separated Two and a Half Men star, 34, was one of the unexpected infiltrators at Sunday’s Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas. To present the Female Vocalist of the Year award, the star wore a ten-gallon hat and over-the-top county western garb — and sang some excruciating bars of George Strait’s “I Cross My Heart” before handing over the trophy to Miranda Lambert.
Upon reflection, Labmert herself wasn’t amused by Kutcher’s schtick. The star, 28, tweeted late Monday: “Was Ashton Kutcher making fun of country or is it just me? Watching it back now and I’m kinda wondering?”
Fellow country singer Justin Moore was more direct — and visceral. In the audience at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, he tweeted, “Seen Ashton kutcher at the acms tonight. What a douche! I don’t care for people making a mockery of the way country artists’ dress.”
Indeed, there was no love lost between Kutcher and most of the crowd during the show and at an afterparty, insiders reveal to Us.
“People were just like ‘why is he here?’ – he has nothing to do with country,” one attendee told Us “Nobody laughed at his dumb jokes, in fact he came off as rude. He didn’t mingle.”
A second source adds that Kutcher walked around the bash “with a massive posse” and “stayed in that dumb outfit for the after party.”
At the afterparty, Moore “was so heated over Ashton” and was “bitching about him” with Lambert’s husband and show host Blake Shelton, the source says.
[From Us Weekly]
Some theorize that Ashton is trying to get some good press after everything that happened with Demi Moore. Which… I’m not so sure about. I think that in Ashton’s mind, he always gets good press. In Ashton’s mind, he’s beloved. In Ashton’s mind, everything is just a big joke and he’s a genius and everyone thinks he’s the greatest thing. It wouldn’t occur to him to go on a media blitz to try to win back some fans. Ashton probably thought all of those country music people were absolutely delighted that he deigned to acknowledge them. My point? Ashton is a massive tool.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
Agreed, and also I tried to listen to that “singing” in the video. I couldn’t take it and shut it off. Why wear that kitschy costume and try to sing when you just can’t? I think he *of course* was making fun of country music, its fans and its artists. I’m not much of a country music fan, but I would have been insulted by him too if I were. I think he stole that coat from the set of “Yee Haw” or “Hee Haw” or whatever that old show was called, with Minnie Pearle.
He was on the ACMs because it aired on CBS….home of Two and a Half Men.
His “bit” was scripted. IMO, he was just doing his job for the people that pay him. I think CBS should have had their writers create something better for him to do.
Well, you would think if he was using a country music award show to promote his own crappy TV show, he would at least show a little respect. He is exactly the same as the man he works for, Lee Aronsohn, a d-bag.
I agree that Lee is a total d-bag, but I dont’ think Ashton was really making fun of country. It was just awkward because he has nothing to do with the country music industry…he knows it, the writers know it, etc.
I think country fans are taking this way too seriously. There are uncomfortable/unfunny bits on all award shows. That doesn’t mean you are being attacked.
I don’t know if the network was making a tenuous link between the chauvinism of Three and a Half Men and cowboys who can’t put their gun racks on hybrid cars, but obviously something derailed on the way. Kutcher’s image was much better when he was the sensitive guy who could fall for a beautiful woman rather than a girl. He’s aimless now. Not macho enough for cowboys and definitely not sensitive anymore. I’d take a hiatus in his place.
Greetings from the West Coast – thuastations… I’m still pissed they hired him to pick our state mascot Steve Jobs.
I don’t pay much attention to country but if you are going to be rude, skip it. If you are being forced – fake enjoying it you are an actor.
For some reason I watch then other country awards but not these – guess what? I have no clue who these people are except for 3 or 4 and it’s not music I would listen to on my own BUT it seems like a bunch of really nice people having a lot of fun (and Nicole Kidman dressed funny).
ASSton acted like a douche? Here’s my shocked face(!)
LOL…we both got his name spelled right!
I know! For him, he was acting “normal.” He’s always a douche.
That’s not the way to get “good press”, Asston.
Well he is a native Iowan. Everything is a little bit country there, for example, there are more country music stations in almost every market than anything else. Does not excuse him from being a d-bag but its probably more a part of him than you think.
*full disclosure I am an Iowan, and about the same age as Ashton. ALMOST everyone I know growing up went through a country music phase.
He is a jerk!
A douche was a douche? *clutches pearls* Say it isn’t so, Asston!
LOL! I was thinking the same thing!!
Wow. Miranda Lambert is butt sore over everything lately. She is becoming quite the harpy.
Amen. Lambert is a big ass harpy. It has been pretty much non-stop for a couple years.
She is one comment away from having a epic PR issue.
But that does not take away from Kutcher being a jackass. 🙂
Has CBS renewed that awful show yet for him? The last I heard, CBS did not announce at the up fronts, that it would be back in the Fall.
Obviously, her professional career is going very well; but, I always kind of wonder about her marriage . . . .
Not gonna lie, I wonder about their marriage also. I was reading The Dirty for a while and there was a “blind item” thing in there that basically pointed to Blake sleeping around on Miranda right before they got married with a knockout, skinny blonde. He’s too much of a T&A guy – judging by his past comments on Twitter, he’s seemed to clean it up a little bit in the last few months, which isn’t saying much – for me to see him being happy with a semi-pretty, slightly chubby girl.
She’s always stuck me as a bitch.
I’m not really understanding this comment. I’m not a fan of Lambert so I may not be aware of everything she said but there was the Chris Brown comments and this, what else? Chris Brown deserves whatever he gets and since Ass-Stain was presenting to her, she’s not out of line commenting about it. Just wonder if this is a case of a woman with an opinion and not afraid to express it, being automatically labeled a b1tch.
Totally agree. What makes her a bitch? I guess I must be the biggest bitch ever because I’m going to add Mel Gibson to the list of men in the industry who are A*holes and get away with it.
@ Jordan – Good point, I was wondering along those lines.
I agree Jordon.
Wholeheartedly agree. Lambert posed a legitimate question. {And he is the biggest, while dullest, tool in the Hollywood toolbag. (Which is sizeable…)}
Anything for record sales for Miranda.
I don’t know who she is but when it comes to Asston she is right. I never got why Demi went there.
he should tool around with james franco, but maybe two douches wouldn’t get along to well.
Please, Asston isn’t worth comparing to Franco!
I don’t think that’s such a good idea. One of two things could happen:
1) The two epic douches could cancel each other out, or (much, much worse)
2) Create a black-hole of doucheness that could doom the world.
(I’m thinking number 2!)
don’t forget to throw in John Mayer, head dbag
Oh, corny, The Douche Trifecta! We would be ducked with an F if that combo occurred!
Don’t forget Shia- he could make it a quartet.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like Franco.
James Franco may well be a douche, but he is a supremely talented actor. Ashton has made a career out of being douche, which doesn’t make him talented.
I have always imagined him being like his character on That 70’s Show. Kelso was a pretty self centered d-bag, much like him.
And water is wet, grass is green and the sun is hot. What else is new.
new? well I’m still worried about that pink slime in the burger meat ya know?
The costume was ridiculous. As for why he’s there, everytime there’s an awards show network stars always present. Movie stars also attend if they have a movie coming out.
I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!
Hate him on Two and a Half Men too! I want my Charlie back. He’s the better d-bag! Go away Asston.
I have the perfect idea to bring Charlie back…Rose faked his death and has been holding him hostage this entire time.
Is there a stronger word than “hate”? I’ve always hated 2 1/2 Men but while before I channel surfed through and ignored it now I feel a small twinge of nausea when I do.
At least Charlie is a drugged up, likely mentally ill a-hole. I have a bad feeling Asston is just like that no drugs or bipolar disorder.
Justin Moore: “Seen” lol, artists’, lol. Can’t effing spell!! How do these people become famous. What a trashy redneck. Glad you seen it, Justin.
If he really was making fun of them, then this actually makes me like him more than I used to. Sounds kind of hilarious to me. Immature, but funny. But then, I am not a fan of country music. Having to listen to it would be torture for my poor ears.
Having said that, I do hope they cancel “Two & a Half Men.” I watched the first episode he was in, just to check it out, and NO. Just no. It is gawdawful.
I wish he’d go away. He tries to come across as funny but it just comes across as an insult.
Absolutely. He’s so childish. I thought he was unbearable on Punk’d, and refuse to watch Two and A Half Men.
Kushton can’t act remember… he’s just a douchebag by nature.
BAH!! Just noticed how I totally skewed dude’s name here. But I kind of like Kushton… think I’ll keep it 😀
HAHA! I don’t think Ashton is *that* bad. He’s a douche, but fairly inoffensive. Miranda Lambert is always whining about something. SMH.
***Anyone who twitters that they are taking a dump, while taking said dump, is the definition of self-centered douchebag. (And YES, he did.)
I don’t get the Ashton hate. He seems ok and is definitely entertaining. Also, as someone pointed out, his bit was most likely scripted for him. Miranda Lambert on the other hand seems like a real pain and always seems to be complaining about something.
***See Above.
The Vancouver country station posted something about Justin Moore’s comments on their FB yesterday too.
Personally I think he probably was told what to wear and what to say.
Besides the point, people are always trying to bring their cowboy/cowgirl on. If you go to the Calgary Stampede it is full of people in costume wearing their cowboy clothes. If you go to Calgary any other time of the year you don’t see many real cowboys. Are they making fun of the country genre? No, they are jumping on the country bandwagon for a reason – the stampede. Ashton is a douche but I do believe he just jumped on for the purpose of the awards show.
Miranda Lambert seems to have a thorn in her side about every thing these days and the more I read about her the more I am disliking her. I just want to tell her to STFU!
That is all 🙂
Most people who dress “country” don’t even live in the country. It’s simply an image. Ashton would’ve been criticized for NOT dressing country, too. He is nice looking and he makes money for entertainment venues. I do not understand all the hate. Millions of people love him.
I’ll say it again: What else has Miranda been complaining about that makes her excessive? I’m not a fan of Lambert so I may not be aware of everything she has said but there was the Chris Brown comments and this, what else? Chris Brown deserves whatever he gets and since Ass-Stain was presenting to her, she’s not out of line commenting about it. Just wonder if this is a case of a woman with an opinion and not afraid to express it, being automatically labeled a b1tch. No wonder Rush can get away with calling us sluts with no big effect to his show and Lee Aronsohn, Ashton’s boss, can talk trash about women in television…many women hate themselves or their own kind.
Miranda is becoming a nuisance pure and simple.
Jordan, I’m guessing a lot of the haters are butthurt Chris Brown fans, judging from their inability to name a specific incident or quote that supports their “Miranda Lambert is a constantly complaining bitch” claim.
What’s pissing them off is her insistence at calling out Chris Brown at every opportunity. I wonder if they’d be as pissed if she was always talking trash about Kim Kardashian instead.
I don’t know anything about Lambert or her music, but if that’s being a complaining bitch, sign me up! I wish we had more complaining bitches who would buck the trend of kissing Roman Polanski’s ass, too.
Ashton is a dbag, shocker.
Miranda Lambert is 28? Really? I thought she was more like mid 30s.
I actually thought the guy had a pretty smooth voice for being such a douchebag, and a cute douchebag to boot. His bit was kind of funny, singing about loving ALL women. I wish I had some sympathy for Demi but she was an idiot for getting involved with the guy to begin with. He was smart to move on from that mess.
Hey Ashton, You not even a pimple on the great George Strait’s arse. (Or Steve Jobs’)
Must have been CBS way of taking Ashton down a notch or two by humilating him. Miranda I think is just a very vocal woman. But as I recall she was having an affair with Blake when he was married and why women dont think it will not happen again, I truly dont understand. Anway, I see him leaving her for Adam Levine.
@ Jordan – She has earned her reputation as a bitch and its not just from speaking her mind. She is flat rude and/or mean to pretty anyone she that can’t help her or she sees as below her. She treats fans horribly, like she can be bothered to do anything but sign her name and say “next.”
All recording artists need their fans to be successful so there is never a reason to be rude at official meet and greets. (Its not like they are interrupting dinner or anything – which can understand that being annoying) But her fans are even more responsible for her success. She got her record deal because people voted for her on Nashville Star. This site likes to paint Carrie Underwood as a bitch but they have the wrong blond. Especially since most country are amazingly gracious to their fans. Taylor Swift spent 15 hours at Fan Fair talking to and hugging the people who wanted to meet her. Garth Brooks spent over 23 hours talking to a signing autographs for fans. Being rude to fans is a major no no in country music.
Look up her name and rude and you will find lots of stories. Things she has overreacted to recently: Throwing a drink in the lead singer of Nickleback’s face, carrying razor on stage to pop any beach balls that land on the stage while yelling and threatening the crowd, the way she handled herself in the press when the homewrecker story finally caught up to her, her reaction to Gwyneth Paltrow signing “Country Strong” on an award show… on and on.
Her album Revolution was amazing. She is a talented girl but by no means a nice one.
I googled Miranda Lambert rude and the first 3 pages there was nothing significant, just randoms on the web making accusations. I don’t believe everything on twitter because you never know if it was a crazed fan that was mad b/c the celebrity didn’t show the right amount of enthusiasm, etc. So, again, there’s no real proof except her actual comments about Chris Brown and now, about Ashton. She may be a bitch, who knows, but not for the public comments she has made about her opinions.
Ashton cannot act. I think he was basically playing himself on That 70’s Show and the same with Two and a Half Men. Ever see him on a talk show? He’s an idiot.
Asston “ACTED” like a douche?
Isn’t Asston/acting an oxy-moron?
sounds like Ashton got Punk’d.
There were other “non-country” people on the show like Marc Anthony and the blond girl from “Two Broke Girls”. They didn’t show up in “country costume” and patronize country music fans/performers. I think Ashton thinks country fans are stupid and wouldn’t pick up on what he thought was a joke.
ever the annoying try-hard. it’s a shame that we even talk about him, giving him the attention he constantly seeks. i’m done commenting or acknowledging his unnecessary and useless existence for good.
While Ashton isnt exactly ‘country’, he’s a hick!
Are any of you really surprised….”trucker hat” “Punk’d” That is all folks.
while I don’t like ashton and think he is acting challenged…none of us know what went down with him and Demi…who knows how long she has had these mental and drug issues. He may have stayed and put up with a lot of things for a long time and finally couldn’t take it anymore. So I won’t call him a douche for that. I just don’t think he is very talented. And I agree with some of you who said that he was given lines to say. The producers of the show don’t just let presenters get up there and say anything they want.
I agree with you. Demi is loved by the public and it hurt his image to leave her, but there’s no telling what truly went down.
Demi is loved by who? She was a joke before she got with Ashton & is trying to parley their brake up into a career opportunity. Not saying that other celebs don’t do the same…
zomg. Yes, Ashton is a massive tool, but not for this stunt. I didn’t watch the awards, but just from the video, it was a cute little joke. They need to calm down. And this is coming from someone who loves country music.
How could he stand there and sing those words? “You’ll never find a love as true as mine?” I wonder if Demi agrees.
He is such a complete asshole. He’s terrible on 2 1/2 Men. Atrocious actor. Bruce Willis should give him a little whoopass.
As I the only 1 to like him on Two and a Half Men?
I don’t blame his actions when it comes to Demi, she is cray cray.
Yes. You are.
I’m reading all the Ashton hate and not understanding it. I like him.
I can’t stand Ashton. His acting sucks. He has a perma smile when he acts like Beyonce. He sucks. Miranda Lambert is another whiney @ss b*tch but usually she is right about what she is saying
I can’t stand Ashton. His acting sucks. He has a perma smile when he acts like Beyonce. He sucks. Miranda Lambert is another whiney @ss b*t ch but usually she is right about what she is saying
Nashville, country music is a ‘small’ town in its nature. It’s a sub-culture and needs to be respected for what it is, even if you hate country music. He was trying to be relevant and funny. The problem is, country music, has always been used as the punchline in comedic circles and openly mocked. The musicians are probably a little sensitive to people mocking them and especially Kutcher projecting a stereotype on stage. Good for them calling him out, he deserves it.
Why do only 42 comments show…where did the other comments go?
You know, I really started to feel sorry for him during the whole Demi thing. I seriously believe she is just as bad. It’s good that we once again get reminded that Ashton himself is also a massive douchebag.
Probably because he is a new age hippie sort who no doubt looks down his nose at country western types with a sense of moral superiority, and thatcombined with his extreme political viewpoints, probably typecasts them all as talentless rednecks beneath him (in his head at least) enough to poke fun of. Well he is prime douche isn’t he – King of the douchebags!