Back in March, many of us were surprised when Dennis Quaid’s third wife, Kimberly Buffington, filed for divorce from the actor. She seemed to have all of her proverbial ducks in a row – her divorce filing cited “the discord or conflict of personalities” as a reason for their split, and she and Dennis had already made arrangements for joint custody of their children, as well as joint custody of the Range Rover. A week after the filing, Us Weekly had a sympathetic piece about Kimberly’s struggles with Dennis because, allegedly, he was a “drunk” with a bad temper, and their relationship was always “volatile”. Oh, and Kimberly always suspected that he was fooling around too. Anyway, Kimberly has now withdrawn her divorce petition. Hmm…
It looks like Kimberly Buffington-Quaid is not yet ready to quit her husband — at least not officially.
TMZ learned Friday that Buffington-Quaid withdrew her divorce papers, which she filed in early March, from her husband of seven years Dennis Quaid. The site speculates that her 180 has to do with complications in dividing the couple’s assets.
In the original divorce petition, the actor’s wife of seven years asked for spousal support and for their community assets to be fairly divided. The document also cited that while Buffington-Quaid would temporarily hold onto the family’s residence in Malibu and the Mercedes, the 57-year-old actor would get the Cadillac Escalade and a condo — but they would share the family Range Rover.
The couple shares twins Thomas and Zoe, who almost died as newborns in 2007 when the medical staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical center accidentally gave them a huge overdose of the drug Heparin. After filing a lawsuit with the hospital and the drug manufacturer, the couple was awarded $750,000.
Buffington-Quaid is the actor’s third marriage. He and Meg Ryan divorced in 2001 and share 19-year-old son Jack, who stars in The Hunger Games; he and actress PJ Soles divorced in 1983 after five years together.
[From Us Weekly]
My first thought was about money too – apparently, Kimberly and Dennis didn’t have a prenup, which is the #1 Rule in The Golddigger Code of Conduct. But I wonder if Kimberly thought there was more money than their actually was. Like, Dennis has been a working actor for decades, but his career isn’t going crazy or anything, and I doubt he’s put away that much. Maybe Kimberly thinks that she’ll simply be able to live better WITH Dennis than without him. TMZ also notes that Kimberly was asking for spousal support, but Dennis’s lawyers were fighting it, and that Range Rover was also a contentious issue. So, basically, Dennis refused to give Kimberly any kind of money to live on during the divorce, so magically she doesn’t want to divorce anymore. Something like that.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
All these celeb marriages/divorces sound more like business deals.
I don’t know it’s assumed that everything is about money. Maybe they decided to go into therapy to make sure.
… or maybe it’s about having 2 young kids together and trying to make it work.
Well, whatever the reason I hope that they can work it out. Good luck to them.
When people separate for the first time it isn’t uncommon for it to be a wakeup call from one spouse to another and they get help or they reunite but eventually separate a second time and divorce.
Why is it about money? More like Dennis begged her back promising to stop drinking or cheating or whatever the reason for her leaving was.
She’s really a beautiful woman. I love her clothes style.
That’s what I’m thinking too, maybe she filed as a wake up call to get him to clean himself up.
I agree. My first thought was he offered to go to rehab.
Any reason not to divorce that doesn’t involve something shady is a good one. Let me be clear. If both spouses stop hurtful behaviour, get help, or simply choose to stay committed, they have a chance at enriching their lives in a profound way. Violence of any kind, however, is an automatic run for the hills, get out now card.
I wasn’t aware that meg and dennis’s son was in the hunger games, cool.
I’m sure she’s well aware of his portfolio and what she can/can’t gain from it. She is, as implied in this article, following “The Golddigger Code of Conduct” after all.
she had me to Buffington….LOL
I also tend to believe that he went and dried out somewhere. And she is willing to stay, if he stays away from the alcohol. He just strikes me as a mean drunk.
Whoa! I didn’t know he was married to Riff Randall back in the day.