Is Halle Berry’s plan to move to Paris coming together, or is she delusional about it?

This news came out yesterday, but I wanted to listen to TMZ’s explanation of this complicated story and it took me a little while. They covered this on TMZ live yesterday (it’s in the first part of this video) and I think they did a great job of explaining it clearly, along with all the legal issues. As you know, Halle Berry has been gunning to move to France, against the wishes of her daughter Nahla’s birth father, Gabriel Aubry. TMZ head Harvey Levin explained why Halle is likely to be allowed to move to France by the judge presiding over her custody case, essentially taking Nahla away from her dad. Levin sounded much more balanced in his viewpoint this time around, and he admitted that it was messed up that Halle will probably get to move to France, under the current custody law. It’s all about which custodial parent Nahla is better off with.

A new custody evaluation report supposedly found Halle to be the superior parent. Under the current law in California, a child can move anywhere the custodial parent wants. Now, given Halle’s income she will most likely have to foot the bill for Gabriel to come to Paris to visit Nahla, but she probably doesn’t care. According to TMZ she’s about to get her way.

I’ve transcribed some of TMZ live below. Most of the quotes are from Harvey Levin:

Halle Berry came out the better parent in the custody evaluation report
The custody evaluation report is in. Halle Berry won, the custody evaluator said Halle is the better parent.

Gabriel has “personal issues”
Gabriel has ‘personal issues that prevent him from being the kind of custodial parent that would be secure, and safe and good for Nahla.’ The custody evaluation said it would ‘affect his ability to be responsible for Nahla’ They don’t think he has any problem with how much he loves his daughter, but there’s a couple of personal issues which affect his ability to take responsibility.

The custody evaluation is based on Halle’s allegations!
[The report] is sealed, but it is a long report. The evaluator is addressing a lot of the allegations Halle made. When they went to Europe, Gabriel allegedly neglected the child and the child ended up being in harm’s ways as a result. Not that he wanted to put the child there. According to Halle… and the evaluator, he’s not a great parent in regards to being responsible and ‘on it.’ He loves his kid for sure, and she loves him, but in regards to being a custodial parent, Halle is the better parent.

Why Halle will probably get to move to Paris
The way the law is worded in California, the judge cannot second guess Halle’s [move to France.] The judge cannot say ‘you’re not going to move to France…’ If any parent goes to a custody judge and says ‘I’m moving to Paris [etc]. Whatever they say, the judge has to take it as a fact that that parent is moving. The judge cannot second guess it and say ‘no you can’t.’ She has a right to move, and the judge has to accept it.

Given that, the judge now has to say. ‘Is it in the best interest of Nahla to be with Halle in Paris or Gabriel in Los Angeles.’

Why it doesn’t matter if Halle is out for revenge
Here’s what’s screwed up about this. If Halle did this even out of revenge, and I’m not saying that she did…. she could do it. She could say ‘I’m moving to France,’ and the judge has to accept it.

On how Halle came out in the report
She came out pretty unscathed. They’re looking at her ability to parent the kid. Right now she parents Nahla. It’s not so much whether Halle has issues with relationships, and many people say she does. This is about how she parents the kid. The report, the way it’s been told to me, she is the far superior custodial parent.

Frankly the law is screwed up. That a parent can say “I’m moving somewhere,” even if it’s out of revenge. The judge can’t second guess it [he] has to accept it. All the judge is left with is ‘who’s the better parent.’

On if her paparazzi freakout sealed the deal
This thing with the photographer happened way after the evaluator made his decision. It’s not like Halle has to justify moving. It turns out she doesn’t.

[Transcribed from video on TMZ Live]

Notice how Levin admits that the custody evaluation is sealed, and hedges his comments with “the way it’s been told to me.” This is all Halle’s side of the story, and even Levin now believes that this is unfair and screwed up. Aubry hasn’t said a thing to Radar, his outlet of choice, and he easily could. I’m just hoping that Halle is delusional about her chances, as usual, and that the judge makes some kind of ruling that Nahla will remain under 50/50 custody. Hopefully that would mean that Halle doesn’t have the right to move to France. A ruling is expected in this case at the end of the month.

Photos are from March, April and May. Credit: and FameFlynet

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134 Responses to “Is Halle Berry’s plan to move to Paris coming together, or is she delusional about it?”

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  1. kate says:

    What are the “personal issues” that they are referring to with Gabriel?

    • Celebitchy says:

      I transcribed the important parts of what they said. It’s just about his somehow not being as ‘responsible’ and mindful as Halle is. BS basically.

      • lena80 says:

        Sorry CB, but I have to disagree with you on that. More often than not, the term personal issues is assigned to one with psychological issues. The court evaluator is a psychologist. I think you forgot to mention that part. I’ve said it from the beginning, Gabe is not the white night in armor he appears to be. They both aren’t wrapped too tight in my opinion. Regardless of it being Halle’s claims against Gabe…they still said he’s not the better parent and there are reasons for that. The court acknowledged that he loves his daughter but he is not better suited to care for her, there are reasons for this and it’s sad for Nahla in the end.

      • Dap says:

        @lena: I have a problem with a “psychologist” who “did not question Gabriel’s love for his daughter or her love for him” but have no problem agreeing on a solution that would prevent each other to have a true relationship.

      • lena80 says:


        No agreement was reached yet. People are just assuming. The psychologist submitted their findings and it’s up to judge to rule on her moving and the custody arrangement after that.

      • corny says:

        Looks like Berry met her match..stalemate

    • Jordan says:

      His “personal issues” are not having as much money to line the court system pockets.

      • Violet says:


        His other “personal issues” include Halle’s smear campaign of lies to destroy his reputation. Nannygate was the worst of that, but I’m sure Halle is capable of stooping even lower.

        I also can’t understand how someone who has been in TWO hit and run accidents can possibly be deemed a responsible parent.

        And don’t even get me started on Halle’s belief of the “one drop” theory. It sends a terrible and confusing message to her daughter, who should be encouraged to embrace her ENTIRE heritage.

      • autumndaze says:

        With Violet: How can a narcissistic personality disordered individual like Halle Berry not have “personal issues”?
        I find it incredibly irresponsible toward her daughter’s well-being and mental health, that Berry would contemplate moving her daughter across an ocean from a loving father.

  2. The Original Mia says:

    How am I supposed to believe a word out of Harvey’s mouth, when it’s obvious he got his one-sided information from Halle? If the report is sealed, would Halle or Gabriel even know the results until they went to court & it was revealed to the judge?

    I feel for Gabriel & Nahla. Halle will one day reap what she sows.

    • brin says:

      I agree. This is the result of someone with too much money and power getting their way.

    • Maguita says:

      This case is really getting tiresome.

      Halle Berry is the most nearsighted ignorant individual I have ever read about.

      If you want to win your daughter’s undivided affection for life, having your personal vindictive and obvious media manipulations aired out so publicly will not win you anyone’s respect, and most practically, your daughter’s. Whom I hope will be learning to read anytime soon, and would know how to use the internet at one time or anther in her life.

      And I agree @ Mia: Imagine her surprise when learning about how “mommy” worked hard on keeping her away from daddy! At least, if Halle wins, little Nahla at one time or another would most likely learn that her dad really loved her, and fought tooth and nails to be constantly in her life!

      • the original bellaluna says:

        No matter how a parent feels about the other parent, if that other parent is a good, loving parent, the child shouldn’t be denied access to them.

        In cases of ACTUAL abuse or neglect, that’s a whole ‘nother story. But this is simply a case of vindictive bitchiness.

        When Nahla gets older and sees all this stuff, she’s gonna have a real hate-on for her mother.

  3. Snowflake says:

    i watched it on tmz live. what i don’t get is, if he has personal issues, why haven’t we heard about them? the only stuff we have heard are halle’s allegations, which have been proven to be groundless. i think this is another case of the person with more money and access to better lawyers winning.

    • lena80 says:

      We have heard about the personal issues, but the court of public opinion ruled the Halle was lying. She claimed he was verbally abusive, used racial slurs, had a bad temper, etc..

    • Emma - the JP lover says:


      But obviously Halle’s allegations haven’t all been ‘groundless’ if the evaluator used her allegations as a point of reference when evaluating Gabriel. That’s what the article said above, isn’t it?

      I’m appalled by the instant opinion here that somehow the leak is all Halle’s fault and that she is ‘as usual?’ delusional. TMZ gets confidential information all the time from sources other than the celebrity in question. Otherwise, so many embarrassing facts celebrities wish we didn’t know about wouldn’t come to light. Andersen Cooper had a “360” show once with photographers where he asked them how they get tips on where celebrities will be so they can get pictures. They said that 95% of their tips come from employees at hotels, airports, and restaurants.

      And can someone please tell me how Halle is any different from any other mother who moves her children with her in a new relationship/marriage after a divorce or termination of a relationship?

      Gabriel is not a pauper, he is an international male model. He travels around the world on work assignments and for his own pleasure. How is his daughter’s move to France in any way harmful to him?

      • ol cranky says:

        the most rationale and grounded of people end up with a siege mentality when they have to fight constant accusations of a custodial parent combined with what appears to be an attempt at parental alienation. You try experiencing that level of constant frustration and then top it off with the fact that the game that’s being played is being played with your child and your relationship with your child and tell me you wouldn’t come off extremely bitter much of the time.

      • MW says:

        You tell it, old cranky.

    • Maguita says:

      Does anyone else remember how TMZ “reported” that the DCFS at the time sealed appraisal was pretty much against Gabriel and had said that he would be losing custody of Nahla, as well as maybe heading to jail for allegedly shoving the nanny?

      Turns out, DCFS gave a glowing report of Gabriel’s paternal behavior, had called him a “loving and attentive father”, resulting in not only having the nanny’s complaints being dropped, but also the JUDGE GIVING GABRIEL MORE ALONE TIME, unsupervised longer visits with his daughter.

      Here is the CB link to the story:

      So yes Halle’s side has been proven in the past to be manipulative and outright liars, getting false information on the father of her daughter out in the media, many times over.

      I would wait this one out too, hoping Nahla will at the end have equal time with both parents, but I am also hoping that Halle would have someone forcefully put a sock in it, once and for all.

      Honestly, enough already!!

      • bluhare says:

        Agree with both your posts today, Maguita. Halle might win this battle, but she’ll lose the war.

      • Maguita says:

        Thank you bluhare! And how are you doing chica? okay considering..?

      • MW says:

        I could be wrong of course, but I don’t entirely believe this. For Harvey to say the custodial parent can move where they want, no questions asked? The Judge has a lot of factors to take into consideration, but especially what is best for the child, not the custodial parent — which is why he hasn’t ruled on it yet. That is why Halle has set up all this “bad dad, stalker, bad paparrazi BS” in the past; as a set up for the final blow — the move. To “prove” it’s in Nahla’s best interest. It’s all about control and winning and hurting Nahla’s dad. Judges do not take lightly being played for the fool. Nor do they take parental alienation lightly. If I can see what she’d doing, I sure hope the Judge can. I will wait till I see the Judge’s ruling in black and white.

  4. Amy says:

    A) Nahla is such an adorable girl. I hope she grows up well adjusted.

    B) Does anyone know how they come to reports like this? I would hope they watch Nahla with both parents, talk to everyone involved, talk to relatives or friends. It has to be based on more than just Halle’s allegations, but TMZ seems to be emphasizing that and it’s making it sound like…like Halle is running the show, which obviously she is. I guess I just wish that with a young child in the middle, the court would be careful and protect her instead of their pockets.

    • lena80 says:

      Amy, the court evaluator is a psychologist and they do have to interview everyone separately including Nahla. That’s why documents are sealed. There is a minor involved and psychological evaluations given.

  5. celine says:

    i just don’t know what to think.

    halle probably wanted gabriel as a sperm-donor. he’s handsome (really handsome) and cacausian (she maintained looks and colour), she must have thought he wouldn’t care about this child anyway and she could just take the kid after they split up.
    not sure if gabriel is only using nahla for money or if he actually cares (i think he cares but money and fame are a factor). really messed up.

    we’ll see how it goes.

    • dana says:

      @celine – I agree…except I think he actually loves this little girl and Halle wasn’t expecting him to want to stick around….now she’s got the money and the scales tipped in her favor…Gabriel has no defense with her purse and deep pockets..she’s really turned out no different than a character depicted in the movies she plays in.

    • Emma - the JP lover says:

      @Celine, who wrote: “halle probably wanted gabriel as a sperm-donor. he’s handsome (really handsome) and cacausian (she maintained looks and colour).”

      What, like Halle has only dated white men in the past? Both of her ex-husbands (David Justice and Eric Benet) were really handsome too, and they were black. Isn’t it possible that it was the man, Gabriel, rather than his color that made him ‘father’ material in Halle’s eyes?

      And Halle’s mother is white. She could have had a child with either of her ex-husbands and that child would have still looked a lot like Nahla. Just look at Zoe Kravitz (the child of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet).

      • amy says:

        Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet are both half white. And Lisa Bonet has relatively fair skin.

        Also, if you look at Halle Berry’s earlier movies/pictures her skin is darker than it is now.

        The whole Halle wanted a white daddy for her baby rumor is not new. It started before she was even pregnant.

        I don’t know if Gabe used the N word to Halle, but she is racist herself. She said Nahla was black because she believed in the one drop theory. If a white person said that they would be crucified. Gabriel has never said that Nahla is white or black. He has always said mixed race.

    • lena80 says:

      @ Amy,

      The rumors of Halle wanting a white man for a baby daddy started when she was dating Gabe and said on Oprah she is ready to get pregnant. Certain blogs, etc.. got upset about it and called her a race traitor etc. but prior to that, HB dated and married Black men.

      As far as your claim of her being racist. That’s not possible. She identifies as black, she is a racial minority and racial minorities are not the primary creators nor beneficiaries of the racism. In the United States, the most powerful racial group is white people. I don’t think anyone can seriously object to that fact, and only white people, IF THEY CHOSE TO BE, can truly be racist because other groups simply aren’t powerful enough to practice racism. HOWEVER, racial minorities can be prejudiced, narrow-minded, hateful, etc., but HB and other racial minorities lack that requisite power to execute racism. Please learn the meaning of racist/racism before you label ANYONE as such. That term is being thrown around way too freely these days.

      Now onto her belief in the one drop rule. Are you familiar with how this belief system started? It was not a creation by black slaves, but by their masters and other racist whites that wanted a system of control for all of the children born to their slaves via rapes or relationships with white men. They wanted monetary control over their investments and this belief system was passed down generation to generation regardless of how “light” or “white” the child appeared. That rule is something that was in play for well over 400 yrs and it’s going to take more than 145 yrs since the abolishment of slavery to reverse that mindset. Halle’s white mother told her that in this country she is seen as black regardless of her mom being white and Halle passed what was taught to her to her daughter. Now I DO NOT believe in that mindset, however I’m not going to condemn Halle for stating a belief that has been firmly ingrained in the US for centuries and is still being practiced today.

  6. Zelda says:

    Berry has a clear history of hooking up with abusive men. She came from an abusive household. Aubry had a very difficult, likely at least somewhat abusive childhood.

    I know everyone hates her, but it’s really within the realm of possibility that the man is abusive, or at least of a volatile temper.

    • The Original Mia says:

      By your logic, every man she hooks up with has abusive tendencies. So that must mean Olivier has abusive tendencies. Why would the judge allow a woman, who seeks out men with abusive tendencies, to have custody of her child over the child’s father? Seems neither parent would be appropriate for custody.

      If Gabriel was indeed violent, then he would have supervised visits. He hasn’t had those since the judge found Halle’s previous allegations were unfounded.

    • Jordan says:

      Since she had an abusive childhood also, it’s also in the realm of possibility that she is an abuser. The judge should deal with facts, and figure out what is best for Nahla and I think having both parents would be best for her unless there’s proof besides Halle’s word (like bruises, police report, etc.).

      • Zelda says:

        I completely agree. I just think people need to do some practical thinking on the subject. There’s just no way people can say Aubrey is maligned and Berry is evil, on this issue.

        “Personal issues” could mean a lot of things, and there could be proof of something genuinely harmful, in this case.

        Or not. But we REALLY can’t know, and can’t decide on the basis of she’s a bitch (seems true) and he’s handsome (also true). We actually know next to nothing.

      • Kim says:

        Well there is some reason why this man has had supervised custody or visits for a year.Btw I dont think a parent should be allowed to leave a country without the others consent

    • bluhare says:

      He voluntarily attended anger management classes, which would indicate (1) he does have a temper, and (2) loves his daughter enough to try to deal with it.

      • LAK says:

        i always thought those would come back to bite him. Irrespective of whether he went voluntarily because a) he has anger issues b) he was coersed in order to strengthen his case

        It is a matter of record that he did. Depending on who has the better lawyer, they can argue this to their advantage.

      • bluhare says:

        I might have got that partially wrong. I think he was mandated initially, but when his report came in well, he agreed to continue when he didn’t have to. And I didn’t think about that, but I can see Halle using something that should be considered a positive to skewer him.

    • RocketMerry says:

      Her behaviour more and more makes me think of what one would expect from a woman who came from multiple abusive situations and relationships.
      But it ALSO makes it very clear that she did not work on her issues (at least, not successfully) and she is NOT a stable, sane person at this point.

      Also, as Jordan stated, people who come from abusive households often have a tendency to reapply behaviours they witnessed or experienced as victims. It takes a LOT of therapy and personal work to overcome these patterns; it is not easy and I simply do not believe that she has put the past in the past.

      While one might feel sorry for Halle, as she went through things that would scar anybody, my sympathy here is only for little Nhala (and her father): after all, Nhala is the one who still has a chance at interrupting the circle.

      • LeeLoo says:

        My sympathy is solely for Nahla. I think both “adults” are fighting solely to fight each other. But you are 100% correct about Halle’s behavior and I bet you are correct about the reasons too.

        I pity Halle in the same way I pity anyone with a mental illness but there is no denying that she has brought on a lot of this herself. I’m really disappointed in the fact that Gabe has played into this and allowed her to get under his skin. I’ve never felt he’s 100% innocent but he deserves the right to be a father to his little girl.

    • lena80 says:

      Zelda, you seem to be one of the few with some common sense on this subject. The court evaluator is a psychologist. CB failed to mention that part. The psychologist interviewed all, including Nahla, separately. The evaluator concluded he does indeed love his daughter BUT has “personal issues” and that makes HB the more suitable parent. This was a psychological assessment and I’ve said it from the beginning that something wasn’t right about that man.

      It’s amazing that after his supervised visitation, unsupervised visitation, police report for assualt (can’t remember the outcome), court ordered anger management, on top of HB’s initial claims of verbal abuse and anger issue, slurs, etc..and now a evalutaion of “personl issues” by a psychologist, that people are still pointing the finger solely at HB. Gabe needs to get it together for his daughter and hopefully Halle doesn’t remove him completely out of her life.

      • anon33 says:

        It has nothing to do with common sense. I work in disability law, and I have seen PLENTY of “court-appointed psychological reports” that ended up being overly simplistic, or not actually probative, since they are usually just one-time evaluations. I have had expericene with multiple court appointed psychologists grossly overlooking the presence of certain issues, such as substance abuse or intellectual impairments, when compared against the person’s entire medical history. There have also been verified instances of courts using the same “experts” over and over to reach a specific desired result.
        Basically what I am saying is, just because the court has appointed a psychologist doesn’t guarantee the veracity of any of their findings or conclusions.

      • lena80 says:

        I get that anon,

        BUT Gabe’s “personal issues” have been talked about or I should say speculated on before with regards to HB’s claims in this custody battle. And given the outcome of situations: on and off supervised visitations, court ordered anger management, parenting classes (think HB got that to), police report filed, request for a restraining order (dismissed for lack of evidence, can’t really prove a push without bruises, therfore it speculative and tossed out, but doesn’t mean he didn’t do it) he is not going to look like the fit parent to a court, REGARDLESS of HB’s dating history 10 yrs ago, or her hit and runs, or stupid remarks to the press about one drop rules. They play NO part in this custody situation. Gabe’s CURRENT court issues are all related to his CUSTODY and it does not look good for him with whatever those “personal issues” are. Unlike some of these posters, the court is not going to care about who Halle married/dated 10 years ago that may have been abusive towards her. Is that abusive person(s) around Nahla now? NO, so it’s not relevant. Is Olivier abusive around Nahla? NO (and nothing suggests that is), Did HB hit someone with her car recenlty and drive away with Nahla in the back seat? NO.

  7. Marjalane says:

    I’m not sure Harvey’s sources are that great- he had no doubt, it was a “no brainer” that John Edwards was going down guilty last week. We saw how that worked out. I hate TMZ almost as much as I hate Halle Berry.

    • MW says:

      I’m starting to wonder if Halle and Oliver are even seriously engaged at this point, or if it isn’t more of an ruse between them to make moving to France look like the “obvious solution”, with all these “horrible things” happening to her (and subsequently Nahla, of course) back in the US. Besides, all the other ideas she’s had to slice GA out of Nahla’s life so far have failed miserably. Maybe the “engagement” is an attempt to bring out the big guns and try to push this move through, since her “fiancee” lives there, or did at some point in his life, before there is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that she’s doing this all for only one reason. And didn’t Oliver just open a brand-new restaurant in Miami? Why would he want to take off at this point and move back to France?

  8. Tina says:

    Give it rest with the hatred of black people crap. Every time an issue comes up where the black person is not favored someone like you has to come along and say it racist. BULLSH-T!!
    Halle has been a manipulative witch since her break up with Gabriel. And if you look at her past relationships you’d see she as always been that way. STOP PULLING THE RACE CARD IT MAKES YOU LOOK PATHETIC!

  9. Jayna says:

    The hatred on here of Halle amazes me. Not that you hate her. I don’t care. But that it blinds you to the fact this guy may have serious issues. That doesn’t mean I agree with her moving far away from him, but I certainly take it seriously what the report said about his ability to have the child half the time due to his issues. But keep painting him as a saint all you want so that it fits in with your dislike of Halle. There’s always the middle in truth.

    • Chatcat says:

      Jayna…there are two sides to every story and somewhere inbetween is the truth. We don’t know what his “issues” are, it could be his income is less, it could be his Canadian citizenship, it could be a number of anything this “judge” has decided. The records are not revealed yet so we don’t know.

      What we do know is Halle has put on some pretty unstable antics, out in public for the world to see and scrutinize and most of them aint painting a very pretty or stable picture of her…more Mommy Dearest then Mommy of the Year material which makes for easy hatin!

      • lena80 says:

        Chatcat, his income being less than Halle or his Canadian citizenship would have no bearing in the “personal issue” evaluation. Court evaluators in these situations are psychologists that interview all involved including the child. His “personal issues” are of the psychological kind. That’s why it was made clear that he does indeed love his daughter, he just isn’t better suited to care for her at this time.

    • maemay says:

      People dislike Halle’s antics and blatant disrespect of the father of her child. What she is doing is ugly and I have stood up for her until it became clear that she would do anything to tar the father’s relationship with his child.

  10. KK says:

    Ummm I think Celebitchy is an equal opportunity hater (and I’m a minority too). Bad, vengeful parents come in all colors, Halle Berry fits the bill. And she’s mixed race so which half is Celebitchy hating? Her left side? Coming from someone with a mom that acted very much like Halle after an ugly split, I think I know one when I see one. BTW my father was abusive but I still needed to have a relationship with him, on my terms, not my mother’s.

    • dana says:

      @KK – again, I agree – This will come back to bite Ms Halle in the arse in a few years..Nahla and kids forget nothing…kids need to have both parents involved no matter how mom and dad feel about one another…she may end up resenting Halle for snatching her away from her father time will tell

      • pwal says:

        My thing is that if Halle is that rageful towards Gabriel, I can’t help thinking that if Gabriel is completely removed from the picture, she will turn her rage towards Nahla. After all, Nahla looks just like Gabriel and she will likely have some of his mannerisms too.

        Couple that with the possibility that Nahla will have some of Halle’s characteristics too, and sometimes moms and daughters clash when they are alike, especially when the mom is insecure.

      • LAK says:

        @pwal – i have a mother who treated me exactly as you are describing for exactly the same reasons.

        Now, we are happily on different continents, and she’s lucky if i call her at Christmas. This was the best solution after tonnes and years of therapy to get over the situation. Sadly my father died before i could re-connect with him so my life is full of many regrets on that front.

  11. Lindy says:

    So, obviously it is impossible for anyone outside of Berry and Aubrey to know what happened with their relationship. But it seems like nothing good can come of denying a little girl ready, frequent access to her father. I seriously doubt he’s a danger to the little girl. In every single picture she seems to adore him and trust him. For Berry to move to another country basically to punish her ex is despicable. And it’s her daughter who will suffer, and that’s just sad.

  12. Kim says:

    Ive been wondering about the overwhelming negative comments about RiRi Halle Jada Halle.Until I read about Latifah, positive comments I was becoming alarmed. I recently discovered this site so I guess I should check archives

    • Jordan says:

      You should check the LiLo comments…they’re racist against orange people too!

    • Obvious says:

      RiRi is fairly recent, we were all on the RiRI bandwagon until recently when she started partying hard and becoming a bit of a witch (seemingly)

      Jada is just a delusional fame monster who has pushed her kids into the spotlight. i could careless what color she is, its the way she comes across.

      Same with Halle. but the girls are right, look at LiLo, Kartrashians, LeeAnn, Giselle. We are equal opportunity haters, it just so happens some of those we hate are more high profile so we get to hate more frequently.

      • Emma - the JP lover says:

        There’s that word ‘delusional’ again. Can you please tell me in what ways Jada and Halle are delusional?

      • kailee says:

        Emma, can you explain why they are not? Its an opinion based on what they have read. It might not be the word you would choose if you agree with the sentiment, but if you disagree that is your choice.

    • Tiffany27 says:

      As a woman of color who comments frequently on this site I can assure you there is no racism. A**holes get called out for the a**hole tendencies whether they are black, white, latina, asian whatever.
      As far as Halle and this mess goes. I just hope Nahla is ok and that she can grow into a beautiful woman in spite of her parents foolishness.

  13. Little Darling says:

    I can’t stand Halle Berry. There. I said it. I went through a monsterous divorce battle, and I think my ex is an ass, can’t stand him, he doesn’t make good decisions etc, BUT he loves out kids and deserves a relationship
    With them even if I don’t like him. I am stuck in California (from NYC) because he moved here first and I followed specifically so they could know him and grow up with him. That’s doing all it takes to ensure the kids have two parents. Especially when both love them. True y ex makes stupid “non dad” decisions (letting them jump off roof into pool) but he tries and he loves them. Aubrey loves Nahla and wants to be there. That’s all it should be about. A father wants his child, Can afford the child, has formed a trusting loving relationship with her. And this is going to be taken away? Shame on you Halle. I’m sure the violent/f
    Delusionsal fits she’s prone to are going to be REALLY helpful to Nahla growin up.

  14. Amy says:

    Does she think moving to France is going to solve all her problems? Johnny Depp raved about France and privacy until he realized he had to pay a tax to the government if he lived there for more than 6 months a year.

    I also hope she is willing to learn French. The French are not going to indulge her with English!

    I still think she’s doing this for revenge. Pure and simple.

    • celine says:

      that is EXACTLY what i thought. french people like foreigners to speak their language because they’re hell sure not going to learn english for u. hahahaha i hope she is already practicing because at the end of the day she isn’t moving somewhere, she is moving to PARIS.

      • dana says:

        and wherever you go..there you are. You are in a new place with the same ol shit.

  15. mel2 says:

    It’s not like she’s a great actress so if she moves to France we can forget about her. At some point Nahla will come back to the U.S. once she realizes her mother is a looney.

  16. bluhare says:

    Here’s my prediction. She won’t like the lack of attention she gets in Paris.

    • Embee says:

      My prediction includes yours, and the inevitable disintegration of her relationship with Olivier, wherein she runs back to the US screaming “That mean Frenchman tried to kill me!” And wants Aubry to step back in and play nice.

      There’s no way…NO way, I tell you, that this man is worse off psychologically than my daughter’s father. And as much as it would be easier ON ME to cut him out (and I could) my daughter loves her dad, and so I ensure they have regular contact, and a relationship. At my cost. It’s what you do for your kid.

  17. OXA says:

    Hmmm, I find it hard to swallow that someone who admitted to twice attempting suicide could be a better parent.

    • lena80 says:

      Wow, really? So someone who attempted to take their own life doesn’t deserve to be a parent or a good one at that?

      • bluhare says:

        I’m not OXA, but I read it to mean “better” parent, not only parent. But I agree with you, that a person who has depressive episodes is not by definition a bad parent. Only if the depression allows them to neglect the child.

      • Kim says:

        Someone who has attempted suicide twice, if they still actively suffer from depression which most likely Halle still does, would not make a stable/good parent.

      • lena80 says:

        But Kim,

        Gabe was the one who was determined to have “personal issues” by the court evaluator…who is a psychologist.

      • autumndaze says:

        The bottom line here, and why Berry receives so much derision on CB, is that she persists in finding avenues to reduce Nahla’s time spent with her father, Aubry.

      • kailee says:

        But Lena, perhaps he won’t play the same game to keep their child away from her……but then again we don’t know what is going on.

  18. Chatcat says:

    Ha! And Sean Penn…douchebag abuse

  19. Dap says:

    Around most of the civilized world, it’s a common knowledge that it’s in the best interest of a child to maintain relationship with both of his parents. I have hard time believing it can be different in California, but if it’s really a contest to know which parents is the “best”, I guess it’s possible.

    • fabgrrl says:

      That’s not what the ruling was about, moving to France specifically. I believe it was a question of who is to be Nahla’s custodial parent. Legally, the custodial parent has every right to move, with the child, where ever s/he wants to.

      • Dap says:

        So what you are saying is that American (Californian?) courts are really looking for who is the best possible parents between the two and give that person all the rights. That’s pretty harsh for the other parent.

  20. lover says:

    too many halle haters, chill out yall

  21. lena80 says:

    You know, the rabid hatred this woman is outstanding. Halle is NO saint, I repeat she is NO sain, BUT, she has claimed from the very beginning that he was verbally abusive, had anger problems, used slurs etc…all in front of their daughter and people said she was crazy, why would a white man sleep with a black woman and impregnate her if he was racist(as if that is impossible, ever hear of some white men sleeping with or raping and impregnating black women during that 400 yr period of slavery?), she has history of picking abusive men, etc.. And nearly everytime Gabe was ordered to anger manangement, counseling (well both were) etc.. And now the court evaluator who is a PSYCHOLOGIST, that separately speaks with all involved including Nahla, says that he does love his daughter, but has “personal issues”. “Personal issues” should be a red flag. This isn’t about his income or where he lives, he evidently has something going on on a psychological level people. That is why she was ruled better suited. In my opinion they BOTH aren’t wrapped too tight, but it’s looking more and more likely that her claims were actually true. This situation is truly sad for Nahla.

    • Dap says:

      Of course, he has personnal issue: he slept with her. Duh!
      P.S: let’s not forget that this latest information comes from HB camp. And let’s not forget how last time she had us almost believe that he hit the nanny, claims that were latter to be found false by the court.

      • lena80 says:

        Actually Dap,

        The nanny’s claims were ruled insufficient not a lie. So the matter was dropped. It’s difficult to prove someone pushed you if there are no physical marks on the body or witnesses, hence it becomes a he said she said situation and a Judge can’t issue a restraining based on speculative information, BUT Gabe was ordered to attend anger management which he did. This is someone who HAD to have monitored supervision, anger manangement, and who is now evaluated with having “personal issues”. The man has showed something to make the court uneasy.

      • Dap says:

        He may have management anger problems or he may have been tricked into losing his calm by a manipulativ ex, we can’t know that. What we know is that he is the little girl’s father, he loves her and she loves him. In the interest of the child, everybody involved should make sure that he keeps a good relation with the child and that he becomes the best possible dad. Cutting him off is not the solution. It wouldn’t be the solution if the “new dad” was the best possible dad on earth and it certainly not the solution when the new dad is super-douche Olivier Martinez. How many dads this poor child is going to lose in the course of her childhood?

      • lena80 says:

        @ Dap,

        Exactly how many times is this man going to allow himself to being “tricked”? Come on, he’s an adult and responsible for his behavior. His court record, if accurate, stinks in comparison to Halle’s. I actually haven’t read about anything that she’s been ordered to do other than parenting classes, which is norm in custody battles. If I’ve missed something in relation to custody issues/agreement as far as who was ordered to do what, who lost what, etc.. Please let me know, because all I read on HB threads is that she’s crazy and has dated abusers and was involved in hit and runs and how beautiful Gabe is and those comments do not have anything to do with the current custody issue.

    • MW says:

      Lena, I don’t think Halle was raped. Didn’t she state she took about 35 pregnancy tests before she got pregnant? I think GA obviously loved Halle and wanted to have a baby with her. And he loves his child. The reason people (and even the Court up to this point) have sided with GA is because nowhere that I’ve ever seen, has there been an independent report or testimony (except for Halle’s people) of him doing anything that she’s alleged against him. If I wanted to “prove” my ex was a nut, I wouldn’t have to go any further than walking across the street and asking my neighbors to testify on my behalf. Also — please read @anon33’s response to No. 6 above concerning “psychologists”.

      • lena80 says:

        So now you know who has testified on team Halle and team Gabe? His record of court orders blows in comparison to hers. Are we saying every single claim is false?

      • lena80 says:

        So now you know who has testified on team Halle and team Gabe? His record of court orders blows in comparison to hers. The man wasnt set up to act like an ass in situations and far as I know, Halle never violated any terms of the custody agreement and he supposedly has . Anon’s over generalized opinion on psychologists is just that. Some do their job some don’t. Gabe has had good reports and bad reports Halle has been fine everytime.

    • MW says:

      I don’t know who’s said anything bad about him. I have never heard a word. That is why I asked you.

  22. dorothy says:

    Very sad situation all around.

  23. Kim says:

    The fact that she would move across the country, purposely cutting Nahlas father out of her life, speaks volumes about Halle.

    This in and of itself proves she doesnt have Nahlas best interests in mind and is not a good mother because a good mother puts her issues with her ex aside and does what is best for the child not what is best for herself.

    Her true colors have shown throughout this case.

  24. LeeLoo says:

    You don’t get sources like this to appear out of thin air. So something is up and it is working in Halley’s favor. Besides, I thought Halle had sole physical and legal custody and Gabe just had visitation rights. I never heard anything about joint custody. The judge could put the kibosh on Halley’s move by granting joint custody and I think that’s what Gabe wants.

    That being said, Halle is an a–hole for moving Nahla to another country like that. She should be able to see her father whenever she wishes.

    At the same time, I don’t understand the opposition from Gabriel. He’s a male model for crying out loud! He could easily get a lot of modeling jobs in France and could move there to be with Nahla. I do think he has anger issues but I think as long as he agrees to seek help he should not be hindered in seeing his daughter.

    I think these two are both being douches and fighting each other for the sake of fighting each other at this point. I don’t see why it’s not possible for everyone to get what they want. All it takes is communication and a willingness to be an adult and compromise.

    One thing that has bothered me is people’s attitudes towards Halley’s claims of abuse. Some people who grew up in abusive homes as children tend to pick abusive men and it’s not uncommon for an abused woman to have made the mistake of picking multiple abusive partners. IMO, I think Halle does things that adds to the toxicity of the environment and is not entirely innocent in these situations. However, I think she tells the truth as she sees it. We should pity her. I don’t mean as a sympathetic public figure (she’s not). I mean we should pity her in the same way we pity someone with a mental illness.

  25. ria says:

    Halle is a 1st class B****. I wonder if she will move back to the us when she ends her relationship with OM? As that could imply that her intentions of moving had nothing to do with the paps. My family member was married to a crazy girl, narcissistic, manipulating, cold and always planned ahead her moves like a chess board but in public presented herself as charming, likable. Her superpower was being 1st class psycho. Has anybody gave it the thought that behind closed doors she might be aiming to push one to the extreme to snap. Some women get off on that , then use that leverage later when the person does eventually snap. There is no excuse for any type of violence though, that is weak and pitiful. Men should not hit woman and vice versa. I just don’t believe that its all gab, as it seems all of her relationship end badly, always some type of abuse and she comes off unscathed, angelic, poor Halle. I just don’t trust that. I think she thinks of herself as superior in her relationships, therefore she calls the shots.

  26. Kim says:

    People keep harrping on Halle childhood well he was in foster care Why? Maybe thats why he has personal issues.

  27. the original bellaluna says:

    Family Court records regarding minors are now sealed in the state of California. (It wasn’t always that way, but it changed somewhere along the way between my custody case with my abuser that I escaped and my divorce 10 years later. And that was over a decade ago.)

    So whatever “info” Harvey has, it’s either from someone who works in CFS (which is a GIANTIC “no-no”) or from Halle or her team.

  28. Kim says:

    People keep focusing on Halle childhood well he was in foster care Why? Maybe thats why he has personal issues.

    • lena80 says:


      You are exactly right. A lot, let me repeat, a lot of people who have been in the system have some type of emotional and/or problems in adulthood, especially if they didn’t receive counseling at the time for it. “Personal Issues” means there is something on a psyhological level going on and it convinced the court evaluator/psychologist to deem HB the more suitable parent. HB has her issues and GA has his as well, but most people on this topic tend to just say Halle is the one with problems.

      • Jordan says:

        I think you are defending someone who already has the upper hand. They both have personal issues, but only his were mentioned with this ‘source’, aka Halle’s team. Plus, the courts will always favor the mother in custody battles, unless there are major issues. The sole reason for Halle moving to France is to try to take Nahla away from her father. No accusations she has thrown out there so far have made Gabriel lose custody, so she is going about it another way where technically he is not losing custody, he just won’t be able to see his daughter as much. Nahla is the one that will suffer in all this and is despicable for any mother to put their child in the position of not being able to see her father who she loves.

      • lena80 says:

        But I don’t defend HB Jordan, I just don’t worry about her past abusive relationships and her hit and runs like other posters. Those incidents do not have any bearing on her current custody battle. Gabe has been ordered to take anger management, has supervised visitation on and off, and had a restraining order filing against him saying he pushed the nanny with Nahla in his arms. And yes it was dropped, but the report clearly stated it was speculative and the nanny couldn’t prove he pushed her (no bruises) so it’s hearsay and a judge won’t grant a restraining order on speculative info, BUT he did have to take anger management. Now whatever his “personal issues” are that the psychologist noted are going to hurt him even more. Halle, as far as I know, has only had to take parenting classes ordered by the court. His current court history in relation to custody do not look good compared to Halle’s. I’m not like other posters, I try to remain objective and only discuss what has been reported in relation to the custody…and Gabe’s history, if accurate, looks like sh** compared to HB’s custody record.

      • bluhare says:

        Lena80: I agree that Gabriel was mandated to go to the classes, but my understanding is that he continued to go after he was no longer required due to the glowing report he got after that. Did I miss something?

        You’re really rational on this topic. I personally think she’s running him into the ground with all this, but that’s just me.

      • lena80 says:

        @ Bluehare,

        I try to step out of the old, unrelated topics that runs rampant on HB threads and look at what has been reported about the custody issue, and try to remain objective vs I hate Halle talk. I haven’t heard that, but if he did that of course is showing extra effort to the judge that he cares and wants to be good parent towards Nahla and active in her life. My view is that the “personal issues”, whatever it is, has the court concerned and his overall custody record looks like sh** compared to Halle’s. She was never stripped of visitation, ordered on and off supervised visitation, ordered anger management, noted to have “personal issues” by court evaluators, etc..She just had parenting class and that’s standard in custody issues. At the end of day, Nahla is the one that truly suffers because BOTH of her parents could not work around their issues with one another to make it work for her.

      • Jordan says:

        For me, trying to take a child away from her father out of spite trumps any accusations she has thrown at him as far as being a bad parent goes. Just because one parent is not perfect, for instance Gabriel taking anger mgt classes, does not mean they should not be able to see their child or have it be harder on him to have a relationship with her. And after he didn’t have to take the classes anymore, he continued anyway to become a better parent, speaks volumes as far as seeming to care more for taking care of his child than his public perception. We all have our opinions of these people, and neither of them are perfect, but taking all the steps she has to undermine his relationship with his daughter is unforgivable in my opinion because it does nothing but hurt Nahla.

  29. rlh says:

    Anyone think Halle will stay in France once she and Olivier break up?

    • dorothy says:

      No. And if she does marry, it won’t last long. Her marriages are short lived and when the men wise up and leave she attacks their character, etc….. It’s a pattern with her.

    • Hautie says:

      I am sitting here thinking the same thing. The relationship with Oliver will not last. And when she catches him shagging his other jump-off’s… Halle is going to go berserk.

      And why the move to Paris?

      Didn’t Halle just give up a large chunk of cash, to pay for a restaurant for Oliver in Florida?

      Why not move to Florida instead?

      And I love how Halle is claiming harassment of the paparazzi in California, as her reason to leave the US.

      Yet, she wants to move to another paparazzi infested town. Only this one is in Europe.

      • skuddles says:

        Ah this must be the restaurant where it’s rumored that Oliver has not one but two side pieces.

    • Dap says:

      I don’t think she has any real intention to stay in France (like others have said: does she even speak French? The French film industry is nothing like Hollywood and the number of parts for non-French-speaking actress are close to zero). She will just pretend to be there as an excuse not to let the child see her father and be elsewhere most of the time. Johnny Deep has been doing that for twelve years, she surely can play that game long enough to discourage GA to be in his daughter’s life.

  30. The Original Mia says:

    I thought he was in foster care because his parents had issues and he was taken from them. Other members of his family got him out and he’s extremely close to them.

    • Kim says:

      I mentioned his stay in foster care to point out he had a troubled background too.We DK he could be more troubled than she is.

  31. Maguita says:

    Ten years from now, Halle Berry might be begging any lowly paparazzo to take her picture with her daughter.

    She really shouldn’t spit and spite at those horrid paps whom she personally calls to follow her everywhere.

    Hope many other paps are subpoenaed by Aubry’s lawyer, and explain under oath how Halle, or her people, call and give details on her outings for pictures. Heck, I am quite sure she pays a few to take pictures of her and Nahla’s “new daddy” at the beach.

  32. Dawn says:

    The bottom line is that the kid loses. No one else and really Halle doesn’t seem to give a crap about that. And that is why this is so wrong. Gabe should have a say about his daughter and where she lives, what school she attends and who she is living with. End of story. And that shame falls on every adult involved in this circus. But especially Halle because she should always put her daughter’s welfare above her own whims and moving to France is not necessarily it. I give Halle a good three years with this guy and then he too will have fallen from her grace. You wait.

  33. boo says:

    This is just sad, if Halle thinks that by moving Nahla away from her father, this will somehow “fix” something in her warped mind, she is sadly mistaken. Nahla needs her father, more so than he needs her. I know of what I speak, my daughter grew up without her father, through no wishes of my own, but through his irresponsibility. How I would have loved to have someone like Nahla’s father who is so deeply committed to her and wants to be in her life. I think Halle, if she gets to go to France, is making a big mistake, this will come back to haunt her when Nahla grows up. Nahla will not forgive her for this, girls need a father, it is their role model for their later relationships. My daughter has gone through a lot of issues because of her absent father and we talk about it all the time, but this is a hole in her heart that I cannot fix for her. I hope that she is able to come to terms with this absence as her life progresses.

  34. Heidi says:

    I’m afraid this will go in Halle’s favor. The astro points in her direction. Where’s my friend “Jupiter”?

  35. foozy says:

    poor gabriel. obviously this woman is rotten to the core!!!!!!

  36. LucyOriginal says:

    I think the reason Harvey “changed” his opinion is because pretty much all guys on tmz who have kids are super upset about this idea of her moving her daughter away from the dad. The other day, when Harvey was puzzled by the fact she is followed so much by paparazzi, Max joked it’s probably because everybody is expecting another ‘hit and run’.

  37. I Choose Me says:

    @lena80 you’ve been trying to make your point over and over about the court evaluator being a PSYCHOLOGIST and Gabriel’s “personal issues”. It’s clear you feel as strongly about the issue as do most of the posters here but you seem awfully hung up on those few points as if they validate your opinion, which like everyone else here (including me) is just that, an opinion.

    Edit: Feel free to delete my comment if it’s deemed too bitchy. I should know better than to comment when I’m really annoyed.

    • lena80 says:

      @ I chose me,

      Do you mean awfully hungup like the posters who talk about Halle’s abusive exes or hit and runs over and over again as if it relevant to the current custody issue? I’m looking at what has been reported about the custody issue not Halle’s past abusive relationships, her hit and runs, or whatever else that doesn’t relate to the case. If there is evidence or any stories that she’s abusive to Nahla or Olivier being abusive to Halle or Nahla, or Halle being abusive to Olivier, please do tell.

      I gave my opinion solely based on info about the custody issue and who has been ordered to do what, and unfortunately for Gabe, if accurate, his record of court ordered this and that and evaluated “personal issues” outweighs Halle’s past abusive relationships and her hit and runs in relation to the case. The psychologist interviewed all three separately and Gabe didn’t do to well. I never said Halle should take Nahla away from Gabe, but his court ordered this and that gets the major side eye from me.

      • MW says:

        With all due respect, you seem to have a really strong opinion when you really do not have all of the facts. You did not know that GA was ordered initially to go to parenting classes and when he was vindicated from any wrongdoing, decided to keep going anyway. I think Halle’s hit and runs do pertain here. I.e., what goes on in her head to make her feel so special she could leave the scene of an accident, twice? What if GA had done that? As far as GA’ s personal issues, maybe his parents abandoned him or did not have the money to care for the kids, and that is why he was in foster care? Maybe it has nothing to do with anything he did. That is the thing here. Not one person in his past history, except Halle or her people, has anything bad to say about the guy. From what I have ever seen, anyway.

  38. Milena says:

    Gabriel is THE most beautiful man ever to hold a child! Father and daughter are just stunning…

  39. guest says:

    That is why a lot of women do not talk when there is something wrong in a relationship…they were gushing about a person and then the person turn out to be very different from what they thought.
    People tend to say ‘oh no, not him, he is so handsome, and gentle and sweet’
    but under the queit he was just a real devil.
    Some women do not talk because they are ashamed…so when Halle talk, she is the one that gets labeled…because he is so handsome and sweet (how do you know this???)

  40. Kim says:

    Radaronline Gabriel mouthpiece for months has a story about following lady into bathroom to get her# but that s ok because he’s HOT and Halle is evil, right?

  41. Kim says:

    Radaronline Gabriel mouthpiece for months has a story about following lady into bathroom to get number thats ok because he’s HOT and Halle is evil, right?

  42. Kim says:

    Gabriel mouthpiece for months has a story about following lady into bathroom to get number thats ok because he’s HOT and Halle is evil, right?

  43. Kim says:

    Gabriel mouthpiece for months has a story about following lady into bathroom to get number thats ok because he’s HO

    • Jordan says:

      Um, I just looked at that story and it said she gave him her number so I don’t think she felt threatened. He is no longer with Halle (she is with someone else) so he is allowed to date. And I’ve been at concerts where women run into the men’s restroom b/c the ladies room line is too long – with men inside -, so let’s not use that double standard. I just don’t know what your point is here.

      • Maguita says:

        I agree with Jordon. It wasn’t even newsworthy… let alone gossip worthy!

        I mean, there are certain parts of LA were casual hook-ups in bathrooms are not even frowned upon, so getting a girl’s number you are attracted to, is just nothing at all. It is rather sweet, like the article says, there were many pretty girls at the pool, but Gabe was set on meeting that one in particular. Good for him, time to let the poor guy move on.

        His crazy ex certainly has. And not to her advantage, at all. A known philanderer is not particularly a good father figure to one’s young and impressionable daughter!

      • Kim says:

        So its ok for a man to follow a woman into a restroom rather than waiting for to exit.? Well Im biased sin ce my sister was raped by a guy that did that.sorry sensitive issue for me

  44. SmartGirlsAlwaysWinInTheEnd says:

    She’s not even married to Oliver Martinez and he’s ALREADY sleeping with other women.

    Halle, take a break from these men, read “Chicken Soup For The Soul” or “Eat Pray Love,” borrow one of your friend Oprah’s gurus, go to India and find yourself.