Tom Cruise says Suri refuses to wear pants

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have taken a lot of criticism for not dressing daughter Suri properly. It has been remarkably cold in New York City for this time of year, and while Katie is photographed bundled up, Suri is almost always in just a dress. Generally she doesn’t have tights on her legs (though at least once she’s had leggings) or a coat on. When I left the house yesterday I wore two pairs of socks along with gloves, a scarf, and earmuffs. I also had a pair of backup gloves (and for some reason backup earmuffs – not sure why) just in case. It was 33 degrees in Manhattan and windy. How Suri does it I don’t know. But according to Tom, she is just very committed to wearing dresses.

Suri Cruise knows what she wants, and when it comes to getting dressed in the morning, that doesn’t include pants!

Tom Cruise admits to Entertainment Tonight in an interview airing tonight that his fashionable and adorable daughter is a “girlie girl,” saying, “She won’t wear pants. Kate [Holmes] finally got her in jeans the other day.”

However, daddy’s little girl definitely didn’t take too well to being clothed in something other than a dress.

“We put the pants on and walk away and the pants are off and the dress is on,” Tom reveals.

[From OK! Magazine]

That’s not unusual toddler behavior. I used to do the exact same thing, but with dresses. Katie finally started getting a coat and other expected winter wear on Suri last week, but it seems like anything warmer than freezing temperatures and she’ll let the kid wear whatever she wants. Tom and Katie often tote around a blanket for Suri. At first I thought it was a security blanket, but she’s wrapped up in it, not carrying it under her arm. This is probably their compromise; wear a dress, but get wrapped in a comforter.

Given the way Tom is, I’m genuinely surprised he hasn’t hired someone to follow Suri around with some kind of space heater. It doesn’t seem entirely out of the realm of possibility. Something tells me that after a winter in New York, even a toddler will learn that pants aren’t that bad a thing after all. Same with double earmuffs.

Here’s Katie and Suri (and Suri’s blanket) in Central Park on October 23rd. Images thanks to WENN.

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41 Responses to “Tom Cruise says Suri refuses to wear pants”

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  1. Kate says:

    I can believe it.My nice who is 3 every morning is choosing what she will wear in preschool.Can you believe it?Every morning the same,my sister in law most of the times manages to persuade her but sometimes her opinion prevails,ehheheh.

  2. JaundiceMachine says:

    I get that the kid is headstrong, but she’s a child, not 26-year-old stripper. For the love of Xenu – PUT SOME PANTS ON SURI!

  3. Jessica says:

    When my daughter does this, we tell her to bundle up or we are not leaving. 20 minutes of stubborness is the longest it has ever taken. I’m surprised Tom can’t control her like he does Katie. Xenu RULES!!! 😈

  4. Kaiser says:

    Well, we know who wears the pants in this family… at least, the metaphorical pants.

    That header pic stopped me dead, btw. Suri has such a strange, oddly determined little face. Like she’s just a couple of years away from declaring herself Xenu-proof.

  5. fancyfree says:

    I understand completely. I was (and still am) a girly girl, and I refused to wear pants as a child. My mamma spoiled me and let me have my way, but I grew up in a fairly warm place so it wasnt much of an issue. Now that I am a mamma, I understand what would drive little girl like that, but I also know that my way is best. When it comes to keeping a child warm, safe and healthy there should be no room for compromise. Wear the damn pants!

  6. Susan says:

    So cute. Seriously this little child has such a personality! She really is adorable.

  7. L says:

    It hasn’t been remarkably cold in New York City up until the past two weeks. The attached photos are from October 23rd when it was remarklably mild and beautiful weather for the time of year. The pictures I have seen in the past couple of weeks have shown Suri with pants on under her dress and bundled up.

  8. Hillary says:

    Worst. Parents. Ever.

  9. Baholicious says:

    LOL! My 2 and-a-half year old niece has that same “ooh I want that/want to go there” 1,000 yard stare. She and Suri are both baby Rams so maybe it’s an Aries thing – very headstrong and determined.

  10. Baholicious says:

    oops, a duplicate – my bad.

  11. teresita says:

    Worst parents ever? I’ve never seen Suri bruised or malnourished, she seems to be very loved. There are parents out there that starve, abuse and don’t love their kids. I don’t think that letting her wear what she wants is being a bad parent.

  12. Yourself says:

    Even in the header picture, you can see she is a little spit fire. I always thought she appeared strong willed. Saw a video where Katie put a sweater on her and she took it off. Katie seems so meek, so I think that is Tom’s character. They had better watch out for her as a teen. That strong character can be difficult too tame even for non indulgent parents.

    She is an adorable sweetheart though. I always want to steal her toys from her to rile her.

  13. Jana says:

    As long as she has clothes on, more power. My 3 yr old loves dresses with a passion also. We use leggings tho…

  14. Cletus says:

    My daughter is five and a half. While she would like to think that she is in charge, she has already learned that I am the Wall she will break herself against. We are gonna do what MOMMY wants to do, because Mommy is in charge. Sometimes I will give her a choice, as in, “Do you want to wear this or that?” and then she can pick either one. But it was still MY decision. People lets their kids push them around and then wonder why the kids grow up to be assholes. 🙄

  15. gilly says:

    This is a young child we are talking about here. so what if she is a girly girl, better a tantrum than pnemonia, who is in charge here for gods sake. wrap that child up before she gets ill

  16. Codzilla says:

    Cletus: Amen to that.

  17. Bros says:

    am I the only one who thinks this child looks like a demon?

  18. Cheyenne says:

    Um…who is supposed to be the parent here?

    Sure, Katie, give the kid a choice. Put two pairs of pants in front of her and say “Now Suri, would you like to wear the blue ones or the red ones? It’s up to you.” But don’t even give her the option of wearing a dress when it’s cold outside. She doesn’t know enough to determine what’s appropriate to wear for the weather; you do. Or at least you should. You’re the momma. Act like one.

  19. vdantev says:

    Worst parents ever? I’ve never seen Suri bruised or malnourished, she seems to be very loved.

    Knuckling under 24/7 instead of parenting is just as abusive. Kids need structure, rules and limitations too.

  20. Hillary says:

    Tom is not the real father, it’s Chris Klein. Tom is GAY.

  21. breederina says:

    Knee high Uggs over thick leggings. She get’s to be barefoot and stay warm. I swear these people have no common sense at all. Jackets aren’t optional in NYC in November.

  22. Leandra says:

    Be a parent! If a two year old is calling the shots now, imagine what she’ll be like later. Of course she will probably like pants as she gets a little older.

  23. MSat says:

    With her new haircut she reminds me of Ramona Quimby. Cute!!

  24. caribassett says:

    What if Suri decides she wants to be a Baptist, Catholic, or Lutheran? Jehovahs Witness, or a Hare Krishna? Will Tom still be hip to Suri making up her own mind?

  25. Syko says:

    Bros, you’re not alone. This child has frightening eyes. I get that Children of the Corn feeling from her. Tom has devil eyes too.

  26. ER says:

    My daughter has always loved dresses and she wears them year round. However in the winter she wears tights and long sleeves, and a coat when we go out!

  27. Bodhi says:

    Get over yourself Susan 🙄

    I used to fight like crazy when my parents tried to make me wear dresses when I was little. But there was never any doubt that, at the end of the tantrum, I was gonna wear what I was told too.

    I think one of the main reasons Kat(i)e looks so worn out these days is because she has to bow to the whims of a very small child.

    There is no question that being the parent of a willful child takes a lot out of you, but to know that you HAVE to let your kid get her way all day every day, that’s got to be really tough.

  28. Codzilla says:

    “. . . but to know that you HAVE to let your kid get her way all day every day, that’s got to be really tough.”

    As the mother of two willful toddlers, I can’t even imagine this scenario. Especially as the years pass and the child gets bigger and more demanding. 😯

  29. Bodhi says:

    I know, right? I can’t begin to imagine what its like to live with a 2 1/2 year old tyrant

  30. frewt says:

    I keep waiting to see the resemblence to Cruise but it could just as easily be a resemblence to Josh Hartnett…… I only recognise her mother in her.

  31. whatevs says:

    Susan, I can kinda see where you’re coming from, RE-the commenting on a 2 year old thing. I think if anything like that was said about little “Zee” or another Brangie child all hell would break loose.

    Still yet, they’re not really being rude to anyone, just posting their opinions. And we’re all entitled to our own, so why not give it a rest for today. Sorry to butt in, just…yeah.

    @Cletus, good job, that’s how it should be!

  32. Lisa says:

    I love that Tom is the only one to call her “Kate”. Didn’t he make some bizarre statement that since she is a child-bearing woman now that she should be called Kate? Doesn’t look like anyone else followed suit.

    I must be in the minority because I think Suri is a very cute little girl. So what if she only wears dresses. My daughter has been the same way and mine is definitely nowhere near being a tyrant. Thankfully my daughter will wear tights with her dresses so maybe Katie can invest in a few pairs for Suri.

  33. Aspen says:

    This is a very common battle with little girls. My daughter loves wearing dresses and I’ve actually been able to use dresses as a reward in parenting tools.

    There’s no issue with girls wearing dresses all the time IF they wear thick tights and coats and the appropriate accessory garments to protect the child from the weather.

    Suri never has on tights. She’s always without a coat and/or cover sweater.

    her parents carry around blankets, but the child is rarely under it in any of the pictures.

    They’re not bad parents for letting her wear dresses. They’re bad parents IF they let her “win” when the issue is not fashion…but health and safety.

    Obviously, we cannot accurately assess that from pap pictures. But from the pictures, we can certainly become curious had elevate our right eyebrows in wonder at it.

    That, after all, is the point of this site…is it not?

  34. Barb says:

    Next up: Suri refuses to say “please”, Suri refuses to use utensils, Suri refuses to wear her seat belt… it’s going to be a never ending list with parents like this. They need to learn (as all $cientology parents do) that there is a difference between letting your kids make decisions and have a say *when it’s appropriate*, and just letting them do whatever they please, anytime they feel like it. The first produces kids who grow up being able to choose wisely for themselves. The latter grow up brats.

  35. Kim says:

    Webmistress, my comment was deleted again. I apologise if I broke any rules, never meant to. I was just trying to stand up for the poor kid. No child deserves to be called names because of their parents.

  36. geronimo says:

    Kaiser – agree. Suri looks like she’s biding her time and plotting her escape. I think she holds all the brains in that family.

  37. Rosebudd says:

    Suri is on beautiful little girl. It seems as if Suri has only been put in dresses since her birth. Now, she doesn’t want to wear pants. A nice, thick long sleeved dress over pants or leggings wld. be great. Sometimes, parents just have to say “do it” or “put that on”. I have a feisty, strong willed son (22 yrs.) & I did the whole enpowering thing. Explain everything. I wish I could go back & do it over. Kids get bigger, louder and exhausting. We still have to discuss everything, over stupid little things. JUST DO IT is my new motto. Good luck to Katie….

  38. Erine says:

    Suri is a beautiful little girl, but come on it is winter now and get that little girl in some type of leggings or jacket. Tom and Kate are not bad parents, but a child should not be led to think they can make their own decisions when obviously she needs to be in something that won’t cause her to get pneumonia.

    Wasn’t this this the same little girl that was still using a bottle just a few months ago?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Wear Pants, is BOY

  40. excellent publish, very informative. I’m wondering why the other experts of this sector don’t notice this. You must proceed your writing. I’m sure, you have a great readers’ base already!

  41. deanna says:

    are we shock no Tom and his wife thought they where going to have it easy with this little girl. Lets face she is the boss in that house and they did it to them selfs. Tom had No balls and Mommie is a joke. The word NO is a poerful word when you use it over and over grow some balls Tom