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11 Responses to “Brad and Angelina’s supposed Christmas wedding”

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  1. Lee says:

    In your dreams buddy. If Brad and Angelina ever married it would be the worst mistake of her life!

  2. Solitaire says:

    god she is beautiful, sorry to all you angelina haters but she is stunning.

  3. Mr. T says:

    Well, I do like them both very much and Brad Angie most likely will not stay married even if they do get married. Me-thinks Mr. Pitt doth wonder from his spouse from time to time.

  4. Jeannified says:

    I hope it’s true…we can dream, can’t we?

  5. Poor Boopie says:

    Why bother getting married? They are divorced multiple times and she’ll just end up kicking his ass to the curb when she gets tired of him.

  6. ariane says:

    I hope she gets married causse I think Brad is the hottest man around I truly think hes in love with her cause she has given so much and has his wonderful baby, and they make a great married couple.

  7. kailie2 says:

    I don’t care if they get married or not but I seriously doubt this report — they’re very guarded when it comes to their private affairs and inviting Madonna or Oprah (Jen’s best friend) doesn’t make any sense. Angelina looks gorgeous on this cover, perfect color for her.

  8. Shannon says:

    These two really annoys me.I for one think we’ll never see those two married nor do I care.Leave it up to the good U S Of A to make two people who messed around while one of them were married royality.You just gotta love Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. kailie2 says:

    Gosh, celebitchy, you really get the Moral Majority here.. people for whom morality means sexual behavior only (never mind what kind of person you are or what else you contribute in the world). “Me thinks” Pitt was married once only and separated from his wife before he moved on with Angie. I deal with people who do horrible things to their spouses while maintaining a high moral ground and a position in the community. You think these two are poster children for immorality? Think again.

  10. lyric says:

    This story is a Christmas crapfest. God. Like Angelina is going to listen to anybody especially Oprah. Anyway, the only person Oprah is committed to is herself. Married or not I just hope A & B stay together until the kids are grown.

    Angelina sure looks gorgeous on that cover.

  11. Mr. T says:

    I may be the only male on this planet who does not find Angelina Jolie sexy. I admire her work and her talent and even her Laura Croft films, but I just don’t see it. For me, she is in fine shape but all this attention to her beauty escapes me. Of course, if you want to talk about beautiful, the Monica Bellucci comes to mind as a truly erotic beauty!