Dina Lohan offers convoluted, detailed crack-denial for the “dine & dash” story

Earlier this week, Page Six reported that Dina Lohan, Mother Crackhead and Grifter-In-Chief of Clan Crackie, had “dined and dashed” on a bill of more than $2500. What was slightly funny was that Dina was actually invited to the event with the promise that she could have three additional guests (besides herself), all comped. And she ended up bringing eight people, and loading up with expensive food and booze. Did I mention this was a charity event? It was a charity event. When the bill was presented to Dina and her convicted felon brother, they scoffed and simply left the place, without paying the bill and without leaving a tip. Because that’s how Lohans roll, y’all. Anyway, Dina has given her “exclusive” statement to Radar about the incident:

Dina Lohan is furious over accusations that she skipped out on a bill at a charity event in New York, telling RadarOnline.com exclusively that she believes the restaurant where the event was held is dragging her name through the dirt to garner publicity for themselves.

As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Lindsay Lohan’s momager and her brother Paul Anthony Sullivan were accused of not paying the bill or even leaving a tip at the East Hampton restaurant Andrra where they were attending the Great Bonac Fireworks Show, which benefitted the Clamshell Foundation.

“They dined and dashed on a $2,500 check and didn’t leave a dime for the waiters,” a source told the New York Post. “The understanding was they would get four free tickets. Anthony stormed up at the end and said, ‘What is this check for?’ Organizers offered a reduced bill for around $1,100, but then they just upped and left without leaving a tip.”

Dina claims though that there isn’t one iota of truth to the accusations.

“I was asked to come to this charity event at the last minute and it sounded like a great cause,” Lohan tells RadarOnline.com. “My brother was involved so I went. I was never given a bill, so I never ran out on anything. Everyone at the table was meant to be comped. The weirdest thing about it was I was invited for a sit down dinner, I did attend the party but I never even ate. I would never in my wildest dreams walk out on a bill or try to avoid paying a charity.”

And when it comes to the claim that it was agreed Dina would be awarded only four tickets in total, she says: “I have no idea about the number of people I should or shouldn’t bring because I was not at all involved in the promotional aspect of the event, I was invited as a guest and at the last minute and decided to attend.

“I was asked to attend this event with my friend Jill Zarin, there were no contracts involved. Jill and I had no idea this was going to happen. The entire story is an absolute lie and it saddens me that they would use this as a marketing ploy.

“It is horrible anyone would think of me doing something like this. The owner of the the restaurant made no comment, only because he couldn’t. I will continue to support charities, this was not the charity it was the restaurant. They hired an outside publicist and all I can think of was it was spun and they used me, I was a sitting duck. They used me to get publicity — this is ridiculous.”

[From Radar]

Dina was USED!!! She was abused!! They just wanted the LOHAN CACHET!!! They think they can just drop a negative story about the Family Lohan into the tabloids and people will just believe anything. CRACK!! LIES!! DAMN LIES. She was used!! She didn’t even eat! Ask Jill Zarin!! She was invited at the last minute, that’s why she didn’t pay! LIES!! Dina will sue!! Crack!! SHE WILL SUE YOU!!! If you hand her a bill and she doesn’t want to pay it, she will sue!! LIES! Crack!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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48 Responses to “Dina Lohan offers convoluted, detailed crack-denial for the “dine & dash” story”

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  1. brin says:

    Way to go, Dina…blame the charity!

    • tux says:

      Let me get this straight. She was at a charity dinner to get a free lunch.

      Classy. Real classy.

  2. Samigirl says:

    Me, me, me, I, I, I. That’s alllll I see.

  3. cmc says:

    Ugh, that’s always the excuse. Lohan does something wrong, Lohan claims innocence and proclaims the injured party/victim just wants publicity. Sky is blue, water is wet, Lohans crack-lie.

    As an aside, and it pains me to say this, but Dina looks kind of good almost in the header pic. Especially in comparison to her daughter, whose various parts are rotting off her body. *ducks*

    • The.princess.leia says:

      We’ll hide together because I thought the same thing. White Oprah is looking like Linds’ much younger sister.

      • Jano1981 says:

        God. That is what I was thinking. She’s no gorgeous youthful beauty but she looks 10 times better than Lindsay.

    • polk8dot says:

      If only the dress went down to her knees. These bunched up skin rolls DO NOT look pretty! That’s where her age is really showing – I mean, when you do not see her face in a close-up 😉
      But her silhouette is pretty decent – the worst body part at that age is the belly, which is very hard to keep in, and even when you do keep reminding yourself to do it, sometimes you slip (see Heidi Klum bursting out of the green dress at PR10 premiere!), and the belly pops out, and that’s when they snap the most unflattering pics of you. But she is holding the belly in quite nicely – my complements. Though I really can’t stand this waste of space and oxygen, I have to admit this is probably the best she’s looked in a long time.
      Definitely aging better that Blohan! Oh, the IRONY….

  4. Sassy says:

    And Lindsay had another fender bender last night driving into a stopped car- but it wasn’t her fault – no of course not

  5. Nanea says:

    “It is horrible anyone would think of me doing something like this.”

    should read

    “It is agreeable everyone would think of me doing something like this.”

    There, Dina, it wasn’t so difficult now, was it?

  6. dorothy says:

    Come on people….they used her. It’s not her fault. People don’t like her. This sounds familiar. Like her daughter maybe?

  7. marie says:

    such trash.. even if your bill is comped you still tip your waiter/waitress-you gigantic waste of orange puddled space..

  8. Paul Frehley says:

    If a Lohan denies, It must be a lie. I think I’ll make that slogan into a T-Shirt.

  9. Cathy says:

    Whatever Dina. You’re so full of shit that everything that comes out of your mouth smells bad. Like mother, like daughter I suppose.

  10. Talie says:

    OMG…of course, Jill Zarin is involved.

    • dorothy says:

      Amazed that Jill Zarin would want to be associated with her. Zarin is the bottom of the barrel , but Dina is the grit at the bottom. Doesn’t get much worse than Dina.

  11. Blannie says:

    I love the way she pulls Jill Zarin into the whole flap. I doubt Jill will be happy being associated with non-payment of bills! I can’t stand either of them, but I can’t see Jill walking out on a bill.

    • Krock says:

      I was thinking that too! Way to throw Jill under the bus Blowhan!

    • polk8dot says:

      ‘I did not walk out on a bill…’, ‘Nobody presented ME with the bill…’, ‘I never saw a bill…’, ‘I didn’t know anything had to be paid for, I was not involved in setting it up…’
      Oh my, forget a talk show, forget ‘the White Oprah’. Dina – I have an idea for you to finally make money on. Set up an EXCUSE AGENCY, where people can come to and be helped coming up with the most outrageous, impractical, bizarre excuses for their own shitty personality and behavior, yet blame it all on everybody else. You’ll make a fortune. It seems like that’s been your calling in life all along, and it would be a shame to waste such talent…LOL.

  12. jermsmom says:

    Andrra hardly needs the publicity. If anything they would probably prefer not to be associated with any of the cracked out Lohans – it would tarnish their stellar reputation.

  13. lucy2 says:

    She knew it was a charity fundraiser, so why would she expect to show up and get a free dinner? That would COST the charity money! Does she understand basic math? Oh who am I kidding, of course not, unless it’s counting out lines of coke, pills, and ways she can exploit her children.

  14. Dani says:

    If you want publicity and are willing to lie why use Dina Lohan’s name? She is a relative nobody.

  15. SCREEEE says:

    Haha CRACK!! LIES!! CRACK!! I’m pretty sure that’s all you’d hear after 10 minutes with that family, Charlie Brown style.

  16. mewmow says:

    She keeps saying it’s for the charity and she will continue to help charities, blah, blah. How exactly did she help the charity by going and eating and drinking $2500.00 of THE MONEY THAT COULD OF GONE TO THE CHARITY!!!??? Is she seriously that stupid, or does she think we are THAT stupid to believe it?????? 🙁

    • erika says:

      oh my gosh! your reply…it, it just made so much SENSE! seriously!

      shame no one had come up with that one and said to dina…

      it’s just so simple! not the 443 page novel (fiction of course. ALWAYS fiction for the LoFo’s) excuse Dina had!

      plus for real? for real. I think she looks like a geriatric chicken in that pic. wayyyyyyy toooo skinny and she needs plastic surgery on those knees.

      she should call her good friend Kris Jenner, kris will point her out to a good doc

  17. Anne de Vries says:

    Why have people still not learned that if they MUST get involved with this family, to get written proof for EVERYTHING?

  18. Barrett says:

    Ha! Did anyone else notice the fake orange tanner on her legs in the first photo? She forgot her ankles!!! her ankles looks so bad they are white as milk.

    • Byte Me says:

      She’s too old to wear a dress that short and displaying her wrinkled knees. Time to get out the pantyhose. Cover up those nasty legs.

      • Tiffin says:

        The wrinkly knees were the first thing I noticed!! Quickly followed by the varicose veins…..Gross

  19. RHONYC says:


    the ridiculousness of that term has me fuggin’ laughing as i type this. lmmfao.


  20. TXCinderella says:

    No wonder Lindsey is so screwed up, both her parents are criminal wackos.

  21. Izzy says:

    Cracktini, anyone?

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Izzy – Yes, please! *raises hand* It’s been a hellaciously long two days.

      • Izzy says:

        Here you go *passes chilled cracktini over*

        A toast – to the gossip we find more interesting than Sparkles or Tinkerbell.

  22. tooey says:

    You know what? At this point anyone who invites a Lohan or rents a Lohan a car knows what they are going to get. I mean, how many times do these people get to burn someone before everyone takes notice? Why would anyone on the up and up even want a Lohan there?

  23. DANDILION says:

    Of course she shouldn’t pay her way.. you get what she stands for.. the infamous deeds and skills on living by her stellar appearances and on skipping out and not paying at meetings, in fact you pay her appearance fees to her agency.. uncle or brother something or another.. like before.. Alas,those times are changing.. Being Famous for Being Famous Not Paying Like It Used To

    Magazines! Nightclub appearances! Cute judging contests, weddings, opening ceremonies! The once easy-access revenue stream for desperate celebrities is swiftly drying up in the shadow of this New Depression. Only international superstar Phoebe Price can hold her own court, bring in a crowd of admirers and not worry.

  24. bettyrose says:

    I’m excited about so many Lohan and Waity posts today. AND a polyg post. Today rocks!

  25. skuddles says:

    Get a freaking job you lowlife leech!

  26. the original bellaluna says:

    The name Lohan is synonymous with liar. And what kind of skeeze slips out on paying at a CHARITY DINNER?

  27. Rumorhasit says:

    Snookie and Jwow, meet your future…. Ms. Lohan. Grifting, hooking, sucking and blowing just long enough til you can get your kids to do it for you, then you claim your percentage as their momanager. Sad, pathetic excuse of a person, parent.